o ?Og4@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlZgdZdZdZdZej Z e Z dZ dd ZGd d d Zd d e edfd dZd d e eedfddZdddddZedkrWeedSdS)a9Tool for measuring execution time of small code snippets. This module avoids a number of common traps for measuring execution times. See also Tim Peters' introduction to the Algorithms chapter in the Python Cookbook, published by O'Reilly. Library usage: see the Timer class. Command line usage: python timeit.py [-n N] [-r N] [-s S] [-p] [-h] [--] [statement] Options: -n/--number N: how many times to execute 'statement' (default: see below) -r/--repeat N: how many times to repeat the timer (default 5) -s/--setup S: statement to be executed once initially (default 'pass'). Execution time of this setup statement is NOT timed. -p/--process: use time.process_time() (default is time.perf_counter()) -v/--verbose: print raw timing results; repeat for more digits precision -u/--unit: set the output time unit (nsec, usec, msec, or sec) -h/--help: print this usage message and exit --: separate options from statement, use when statement starts with - statement: statement to be timed (default 'pass') A multi-line statement may be given by specifying each line as a separate argument; indented lines are possible by enclosing an argument in quotes and using leading spaces. Multiple -s options are treated similarly. If -n is not given, a suitable number of loops is calculated by trying increasing numbers from the sequence 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, ... until the total time is at least 0.2 seconds. Note: there is a certain baseline overhead associated with executing a pass statement. It differs between versions. The code here doesn't try to hide it, but you should be aware of it. The baseline overhead can be measured by invoking the program without arguments. Classes: Timer Functions: timeit(string, string) -> float repeat(string, string) -> list default_timer() -> float N)Timertimeitrepeat default_timerz i@Bz def inner(_it, _timer{init}): {setup} _t0 = _timer() for _i in _it: {stmt} pass _t1 = _timer() return _t1 - _t0 cCs|ddd|S)z*Helper to reindent a multi-line statement.  )replace)srcindentr -/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/timeit.pyreindentPsrc@sPeZdZdZddedfddZdddZefdd Ze efd d Z dd d Z dS)raClass for timing execution speed of small code snippets. The constructor takes a statement to be timed, an additional statement used for setup, and a timer function. Both statements default to 'pass'; the timer function is platform-dependent (see module doc string). If 'globals' is specified, the code will be executed within that namespace (as opposed to inside timeit's namespace). To measure the execution time of the first statement, use the timeit() method. The repeat() method is a convenience to call timeit() multiple times and return a list of results. The statements may contain newlines, as long as they don't contain multi-line string literals. passNc Cs||_i}|dur tn|}d}t|tr%t|td|d}t|d}nt|r6||d<|d7}d}d}ntd t|trMt||tdt|d }nt|r\||d <|d 7}d }ntdt j |||d} | |_ t| td} t | |||d|_ dS)z#Constructor. See class doc string.Nexecr_setupz, _setup=_setupz_setup()z&setup is neither a string nor callableZ_stmtz , _stmt=_stmtz_stmt()z%stmt is neither a string nor callable)stmtsetupinitinner)timer_globals isinstancestrcompiledummy_src_namercallable ValueErrortemplateformatr rr) selfrrrglobalsZlocal_nsZ global_nsrZ stmtprefixr coder r r __init__fs6       zTimer.__init__cCsJddl}ddl}|jdurt|jd|jdtf|jt<|j|ddS)aHelper to print a traceback from the timed code. Typical use: t = Timer(...) # outside the try/except try: t.timeit(...) # or t.repeat(...) except: t.print_exc() The advantage over the standard traceback is that source lines in the compiled template will be displayed. The optional file argument directs where the traceback is sent; it defaults to sys.stderr. rNrfile) linecache tracebackr lensplitrcache print_exc)r#r(r)r*r r r r.s   zTimer.print_exccCsNtd|}t}tz|||j}W|rt|S|r&tww)aTime 'number' executions of the main statement. To be precise, this executes the setup statement once, and then returns the time it takes to execute the main statement a number of times, as a float measured in seconds. The argument is the number of times through the loop, defaulting to one million. The main statement, the setup statement and the timer function to be used are passed to the constructor. N) itertoolsrgcZ isenabledZdisablerrZenable)r#numberitZgcoldZtimingr r r rs  z Timer.timeitcCs*g}t|D] }||}||q|S)aCall timeit() a few times. This is a convenience function that calls the timeit() repeatedly, returning a list of results. The first argument specifies how many times to call timeit(), defaulting to 5; the second argument specifies the timer argument, defaulting to one million. Note: it's tempting to calculate mean and standard deviation from the result vector and report these. However, this is not very useful. In a typical case, the lowest value gives a lower bound for how fast your machine can run the given code snippet; higher values in the result vector are typically not caused by variability in Python's speed, but by other processes interfering with your timing accuracy. So the min() of the result is probably the only number you should be interested in. After that, you should look at the entire vector and apply common sense rather than statistics. )rangerappend)r#rr1ritr r r rs    z Timer.repeatcCsNd} dD]}||}||}|r||||dkr!||fSq|d9}q)aReturn the number of loops and time taken so that total time >= 0.2. Calls the timeit method with increasing numbers from the sequence 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, ... until the time taken is at least 0.2 second. Returns (number, time_taken). If *callback* is given and is not None, it will be called after each trial with two arguments: ``callback(number, time_taken)``. T)r8rg? )r)r#callbackr6jr1 time_takenr r r autoranges    zTimer.autorangeN) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rr&r.default_numberrdefault_repeatrr>r r r r rTs # rrcCst|||||S)zCConvenience function to create Timer object and call timeit method.)rr)rrrr1r$r r r rsrcCst||||||S)zCConvenience function to create Timer object and call repeat method.)rr)rrrrr1r$r r r rsr) _wrap_timerc s|dur tjdd}ddl}z ||dgd\}}Wn|jy8}zt|tdWYd}~dSd}~wwt}d|pAd }dg}t}d} dd d d d dd|D]Z\} } | dvrct| | dvrl| | | dvr| vrw| n tdtj ddS| dvrt| }|dkrd}| dvrt j }| dvr| rd7| d7} | dvrtt dddSqWd|pd }ddl} tjd| j|dur||}t|||} dkrd}| rfdd}z | |\}Wn | YdS| rtz| |}Wn | YdSfdd}| r'tdd t||tfd!d"|D}t|}td#dkr>d$nd%|||ft|}t|}||d&krjddl}|d'||||ftd%ddS)(aMain program, used when run as a script. The optional 'args' argument specifies the command line to be parsed, defaulting to sys.argv[1:]. The return value is an exit code to be passed to sys.exit(); it may be None to indicate success. When an exception happens during timing, a traceback is printed to stderr and the return value is 1. Exceptions at other times (including the template compilation) are not caught. '_wrap_timer' is an internal interface used for unit testing. If it is not None, it must be a callable that accepts a timer function and returns another timer function (used for unit testing). Nr8rz n:u:s:r:tcpvh) znumber=zsetup=zrepeat=timeZclockZprocessverbosezunit=helpz#use -h/--help for command line helpr9rrg& .>gư>gMbP?g?)ZnsecZusecZmsecZsec)z-nz--number)z-sz--setup)z-uz--unitz:Unrecognized unit. Please select nsec, usec, msec, or sec.r')z-rz--repeat)z-pz --process)z-vz --verbose)z-hz--helpr)endcs.d}|dk}t|j||rdnd|ddS)Nz%{num} loop{s} -> {secs:.{prec}g} secsr8sr)ZnumrLZsecsZprec)printr")r1r=msgZplural) precisionr r r;@s  zmain..callbackcs`}|dur |}nddD}|jdd|D] \}}||kr&nqd|||fS)NcSsg|]\}}||fqSr r ).0unitscaler r r Zsz-main..format_time..T)reversez%.*g %s)itemssort)dtrQrRZscales)rO time_unitunitsr r format_timeTs   zmain..format_timez raw times: %sz, csg|]}|qSr r )rPrW)r1r r rSeszmain..z"%d loop%s, best of %d: %s per looprLrrztThe test results are likely unreliable. The worst time (%s) was more than four times slower than the best time (%s).)sysargvgetopterrorrMrjoinrEintr4stderrrG process_timerCospathinsertcurdirrr>r.rmapminmaxwarnings warn_explicit UserWarning)argsrFr]ZoptserrrrrrrHoarcr7r;_Z raw_timingsrZZtimingsZbestZworstrjr )r1rOrXrYr mains      rr__main__r?)rCr0r[rGr/__all__rrDrE perf_counterrr$rr!rrrrrrr@exitr r r r s41