o ?Og-r@sdZddgZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl mZddlZdZGdddZd d Zd d ZGd ddZddZddZdddZddZGdddZddZedkryedSdS)aprogram/module to trace Python program or function execution Sample use, command line: trace.py -c -f counts --ignore-dir '$prefix' spam.py eggs trace.py -t --ignore-dir '$prefix' spam.py eggs trace.py --trackcalls spam.py eggs Sample use, programmatically import sys # create a Trace object, telling it what to ignore, and whether to # do tracing or line-counting or both. tracer = trace.Trace(ignoredirs=[sys.base_prefix, sys.base_exec_prefix,], trace=0, count=1) # run the new command using the given tracer tracer.run('main()') # make a report, placing output in /tmp r = tracer.results() r.write_results(show_missing=True, coverdir="/tmp") TraceCoverageResultsN) monotonicz#pragma NO COVERc@seZdZdddZddZdS)_IgnoreNcCs:|stnt||_|sgndd|D|_ddi|_dS)NcSsg|]}tj|qS)ospathnormpath.0drr,/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/trace.py Hsz$_Ignore.__init__..z)set_mods_dirs_ignore)selfmodulesdirsrrr __init__Fs z_Ignore.__init__cCs||jvr |j|S||jvrd|j|<dS|jD]}||dr*d|j|<dSq|dur6d|j|<dS|jD]}||tjrKd|j|<dSq9d|j|<dS)Nr.r)rr startswithrrsep)rfilename modulenamemodr rrr namesLs(          z _Ignore.namesNN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__rrrrrr rEs  rcCs tj|}tj|\}}|S),Return a plausible module name for the path.)rrbasenamesplitext)rbaserextrrr _modnamews r(cCstj|}d}tjD] }tj|}||r+|t|tjkr+t|t|kr+|}q |r9|t|dd}n|}tj|\}}|tjd}tj rT|tj d}tj |\}}| dS)r#rNr) rrnormcasesysrlenr splitdrivereplacealtsepr%lstrip)rZ comparepathZlongestdirr&Zdriverr'rrr _fullmodname~s"    r2c@s>eZdZ  dddZddZddZdd d Zdd d ZdS)rNc Cs||_|jdur i|_|j|_||_|jduri|_|j|_||_|jdur-i|_|j|_||_||_|jrz,t|jd}t |\}}}Wdn1sVwY| |j |||dWdSt t tfy}ztd|j|ftjdWYd}~dSd}~wwdS)Nrb)callerszSkipping counts file %r: %sfile)countscopyZcounter calledfuncsr4infileoutfileopenpickleloadupdate __class__OSErrorEOFError ValueErrorprintr+stderr)rr7r9r:r4r;ferrrrr rs:      zCoverageResults.__init__cCs|do |dS)z_Return True if the filename does not refer to a file we want to have reported. <>)rendswith)rrrrr is_ignored_filenamesz#CoverageResults.is_ignored_filenamec Csn|j}|j}|j}|j}|j}|j}|D]}||d||||<q|D]}d||<q%|D]}d||<q.dS)z.Merge in the data from another CoverageResultsrrN)r7r9r4get) rotherr7r9r4Z other_countsZother_calledfuncsZ other_callerskeyrrr r?s  zCoverageResults.updateTFc" Cs|jr ttd|j}t|D]\}}}td|||fq|jrhttdd}} t|jD]4\\} } } \} }}| |krNttd| d| }d} | | kr]| | kr]td| | } td| | ||fq3i}|jD]\}}||i}||<|j||f||<qmi}|D]\}}||rq|dr|d d }|d urt j t j |}t |}n|}t j |st |t|}|rt|}ni}t|}t j ||d }t|d }t|j\}}Wd n1swY||||||\}}|r|rtd ||}||||f||<q|r<|rz %s.%s -> %s.%sz.pycNz.coverr3dzlines cov% module (path)z%5d %3d%% %s (%s)wbrz"Can't save counts files because %sr5)!r9rDsortedr4r7rLitemsrKrJrrdirnameabspathr(existsmakedirsr2_find_executable_linenos linecachegetlinesjoinr<tokenizedetect_encodingreadlinewrite_results_fileintr;r=dumprAr+rE)"rZ show_missingsummarycoverdirZcallsrrfuncnameZlastfileZ lastcfileZpfileZpmodZpfunccfileZcmodZcfuncZper_filelineno lines_hitZsumscountr1lnotabsourceZ coverpathfpencoding_n_hitsn_linesZpercentmrFrGrrr write_resultss               ( zCoverageResults.write_resultsc Csz t|d|d}Wnty'}ztd||ftjdWYd}~dSd}~wwd}d} |Jt|dD]9\} } | |vrN|d || | d7} |d7}n| |vr`t| vr`|d |d7}n|d || d q4Wd| |fS1s{wY| |fS) z'Return a coverage results file in path.wrlz3trace: Could not open %r for writing: %s - skippingr5N)rrrrz%5d: z>>>>>> z ) r<rArDr+rE enumeratewritePRAGMA_NOCOVER expandtabs) rrlinesrirgrlr;rGrornrflinerrr r_)s:     z"CoverageResults.write_results_file)NNNNN)TFNN)r r!r"rrKr?rqr_rrrr rs  \cCs,i}t|D] \}}||vrd||<q|S)z:Return dict where keys are lines in the line number table.r)disZfindlinestarts)codestrslinenosrmrfrrr _find_lines_from_codeIs rcCs4t||}|jD]}t|r|t||q|S)z.rcSsg|] }t|tr|qSr) isinstancerr rrr rrrcSsg|] }t|dr|qS) __bases__)hasattr)r rrrr rrz%s.%s) f_code co_filenamer(co_namergcZ get_referrersr,r ) rframer}rrrdZclsnameZfuncsZdictsZclassesrrr file_module_function_ofs.           zTrace.file_module_function_ofcCs4|dkr||}||j}d|j||f<dSdS)zkHandler for call events. Adds information about who called who to the self._callers dict. callrN)rf_backr)rrwhyarg this_funcZ parent_funcrrr rs   zTrace.globaltrace_trackcallerscCs$|dkr||}d|j|<dSdS)zoHandler for call events. Adds (filename, modulename, funcname) to the self._calledfuncs dict. rrN)rr)rrrrrrrr rs zTrace.globaltrace_countfuncscCsp|dkr6|j}|jdd}|r4t|}|dur0|j||}|s2|jr-td||jf|j SdSdSdSdS)zHandler for call events. If the code block being entered is to be ignored, returns `None', else returns self.localtrace. r__file__Nz! --- modulename: %s, funcname: %s) r f_globalsrLr(rrrrDrr)rrrrr}rrZ ignore_itrrr rs"zTrace.globaltrace_ltcCs|dkr?|jj}|j}||f}|j|dd|j|<|jr*tdt|jddtj |}td||t ||fdd|j S) Nrzrr%.2f r %s(%d): %sr))rrf_linenor7rLrrDrrrr$rYgetliner)rrrrrrfrNbnamerrr r(s  z Trace.localtrace_trace_and_countcCsd|dkr/|jj}|j}|jrtdt|jddtj|}td||t ||fdd|j S)Nrzrrrrr)) rrrrrDrrrr$rYrr)rrrrrrfrrrr r7s  zTrace.localtrace_tracecCs<|dkr|jj}|j}||f}|j|dd|j|<|jS)Nrzrr)rrrr7rLr)rrrrrrfrNrrr rDs zTrace.localtrace_countcCst|j|j|j|j|jdS)N)r:r;r9r4)rr7r:r;rr)rrrr resultsLs z Trace.results) rrrrrrNNFr)r r!r"rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rs  2   )   c sddl}|}|jdddd|dd}|jdd d d d |jd dd dd |jddd dd |jddd dd |d}|}|jddd dd |jddd dd |jdddd |jd!d"d#d |jd$d%d d&d |jd'd(d d)d |jd*d+d d,d |d-d.}|jd/d0gd1d2|jd3d0gd4d2|jd5d d6d7d2|jd8d9d:d;|jd<|jd=d;|}|jrt d>t d?fd@dAdBdC|j D|_ fdDdC|jD|_|j r|j s| dEt|j |j dF}||j|j|jSt|j|j|j|jgs | dG|jr|js|jr| dH|jr+|js+| dI|jdur6| dJt|j|j|j|j|j |j|j |j |jdK }zk|jruddl}|j}||\} } } | jg|jt _!dL| j| j"| j#| ddM} n:|jg|jt _!t$j%&|jt j%d<t'(|j} t)| *|jdN} Wdn 1swY|jdLdddO} |+| | | Wn(t,y}zt -dPt j!d|fWYd}~nd}~wt.yYnw|/}|j0s||j|j|jdSdS)QNrz --versionversionz trace 2.0)actionrz Main optionsz(One of these (or --report) must be givenz-cz--count store_truezCount the number of times each line is executed and write the counts to .cover for each module executed, in the module's directory. See also --coverdir, --file, --no-report below.)rhelpz-tz--tracez3Print each line to sys.stdout before it is executedz-lz --listfuncszKeep track of which functions are executed at least once and write the results to sys.stdout after the program exits. Cannot be specified alongside --trace or --count.z-Tz --trackcallsz^Keep track of caller/called pairs and write the results to sys.stdout after the program exits.Z Modifiersz-rz--reportzGenerate a report from a counts file; does not execute any code. --file must specify the results file to read, which must have been created in a previous run with --count --file=FILEz-Rz --no-reportz^Do not generate the coverage report files. Useful if you want to accumulate over several runs.z-fz--filez+File to accumulate counts over several runs)rz-Cz --coverdirzDirectory where the report files go. The coverage report for . will be written to file //.coverz-mz --missingz?Annotate executable lines that were not executed with ">>>>>> "z-sz --summaryz\Write a brief summary for each file to sys.stdout. Can only be used with --count or --reportz-gz--timingzQPrefix each line with the time since the program started. Only used while tracingZFilterszCan be specified multiple timesz--ignore-moduleappendzqIgnore the given module(s) and its submodules (if it is a package). Accepts comma separated list of module names.)rdefaultrz --ignore-dirzWIgnore files in the given directory (multiple directories can be joined by os.pathsep).z--moduleFzTrace a module. progname?zfile to run as main program)nargsr argumentszarguments to the programZstdlibZ platstdlibcs4tjtj|}|dd}tj|S)Nz$prefixz $exec_prefix)rr expanduser expandvarsr.r )s) _exec_prefix_prefixrr parse_ignore_dirs zmain..parse_ignore_dircSs$g|]}|dD]}|q qS),)splitstrip)r rrrrr rs  zmain..cs&g|]}|tjD]}|q qSr)rrpathsep)r rr)rrr rs  z-r/--report requires -f/--file)r:r;zLmust specify one of --trace, --count, --report, --listfuncs, or --trackcallsz8cannot specify both --listfuncs and (--trace or --count)z3--summary can only be used with --count or --reportz3progname is missing: required with the main options)rrrrr:r;rr)r r __package__ __loader____spec__ __cached__r)rr rrzCannot run file %r because: %s)1argparseArgumentParser add_argumentZadd_argument_groupZadd_mutually_exclusive_groupZ REMAINDER parse_argsZ ignore_dir sysconfigZget_pathZ ignore_moduleZreportr6errorrrqZmissingrbrcanyrrhZ listfuncsZ trackcallsrrrmodulerunpyZ_get_module_detailsrrr+argvparentloaderrrrTio open_coderrrrAexit SystemExitrZ no_report)rparserZgrpZ_grpZoptsrtrZ module_nameZmod_nameZmod_specr}ZglobsrkrGr)rrrr mainRs                        $rrr{)__doc____all__rrYrr+rrr\rrr|r=timerrrrwrr(r2rrrrrXrrr rrrr s@ 20 O