o ?OgW@sJdZgdZddlZddlmZddZddd Zdd d Zdd dZdS)z1Various types of useful iterators and generators.)body_line_iteratortyped_subpart_iteratorwalkN)StringIOccs4|V|r|D] }|EdHq dSdS)zWalk over the message tree, yielding each subpart. The walk is performed in depth-first order. This method is a generator. N) is_multipart get_payloadr)selfsubpartr 6/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/email/iterators.pyrs rFccs8|D]}|j|d}t|trt|EdHqdS)zIterate over the parts, returning string payloads line-by-line. Optional decode (default False) is passed through to .get_payload(). )decodeN)rr isinstancestrr)msgr r Zpayloadr r r r"s   rtextccs:|D]}||kr|dus||kr|VqdS)zIterate over the subparts with a given MIME type. Use `maintype' as the main MIME type to match against; this defaults to "text". Optional `subtype' is the MIME subtype to match against; if omitted, only the main type is matched. N)rZget_content_maintypeZget_content_subtype)rZmaintypeZsubtyper r r r r-s  rcCs|durtj}d|d}t||d|d|r%td||dnt|d|r>|D] }t|||d|q2dSdS) zA handy debugging aidN )endfilez [%s])r)sysstdoutprintZget_content_typeZget_default_typerr _structure)rfplevelZinclude_defaultZtabr r r r r;s   r)F)rN)NrF) __doc____all__riorrrrrr r r r s