o ?Og@sxdZgdZddlmZmZddlmZmZddlm Z GdddZ Gdd d e Z Gd d d Z Gd d d e Z dS)z-A parser of RFC 2822 and MIME email messages.)Parser HeaderParser BytesParserBytesHeaderParser FeedParserBytesFeedParser)StringIO TextIOWrapper)rr)compat32c@s0eZdZd edddZd ddZd dd ZdS) rNpolicycCs||_||_dS)aParser of RFC 2822 and MIME email messages. Creates an in-memory object tree representing the email message, which can then be manipulated and turned over to a Generator to return the textual representation of the message. The string must be formatted as a block of RFC 2822 headers and header continuation lines, optionally preceded by a `Unix-from' header. The header block is terminated either by the end of the string or by a blank line. _class is the class to instantiate for new message objects when they must be created. This class must have a constructor that can take zero arguments. Default is Message.Message. The policy keyword specifies a policy object that controls a number of aspects of the parser's operation. The default policy maintains backward compatibility. N)_classr )selfr r r3/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/email/parser.py__init__s zParser.__init__FcCsBt|j|jd}|r| |d}|s |S||q)a\Create a message structure from the data in a file. Reads all the data from the file and returns the root of the message structure. Optional headersonly is a flag specifying whether to stop parsing after reading the headers or not. The default is False, meaning it parses the entire contents of the file. r Ti )rr r Z_set_headersonlyreadZfeedclose)rfp headersonlyZ feedparserdatarrrparse)s  z Parser.parsecCs|jt||dS)a-Create a message structure from a string. Returns the root of the message structure. Optional headersonly is a flag specifying whether to stop parsing after reading the headers or not. The default is False, meaning it parses the entire contents of the file. r)rrrtextrrrrparsestr;szParser.parsestr)NF)__name__ __module__ __qualname__r rrrrrrrrs rc@ eZdZdddZdddZdS)rTcCt||dSNT)rrrrrrrrrHzHeaderParser.parsecCr!r")rrrrrrrKr$zHeaderParser.parsestrNT)rrrrrrrrrrG rc@s(eZdZddZd ddZd ddZdS) rcOst|i||_dS)aParser of binary RFC 2822 and MIME email messages. Creates an in-memory object tree representing the email message, which can then be manipulated and turned over to a Generator to return the textual representation of the message. The input must be formatted as a block of RFC 2822 headers and header continuation lines, optionally preceded by a `Unix-from' header. The header block is terminated either by the end of the input or by a blank line. _class is the class to instantiate for new message objects when they must be created. This class must have a constructor that can take zero arguments. Default is Message.Message. N)rparser)rargskwrrrrQszBytesParser.__init__FcCs2t|ddd}z |j||W|S|w)acCreate a message structure from the data in a binary file. Reads all the data from the file and returns the root of the message structure. Optional headersonly is a flag specifying whether to stop parsing after reading the headers or not. The default is False, meaning it parses the entire contents of the file. asciisurrogateescape)encodingerrors)r r'rdetachr#rrrrcszBytesParser.parsecCs|jddd}|j||S)a2Create a message structure from a byte string. Returns the root of the message structure. Optional headersonly is a flag specifying whether to stop parsing after reading the headers or not. The default is False, meaning it parses the entire contents of the file. ASCIIr+)r-)decoder'rrrrr parsebytesrszBytesParser.parsebytesNr)rrrrrr1rrrrrOs rc@r )rTcCtj||ddSNTr)rrr#rrrrzBytesHeaderParser.parsecCr2r3)rr1rrrrr1r4zBytesHeaderParser.parsebytesNr%)rrrrr1rrrrr~r&rN)__doc____all__iorr Zemail.feedparserrrZemail._policybaser rrrrrrrrs 7/