o ?Og@svdZddlZGdddejZGdddejZGdddejZGd d d eejZGd d d eejZd dZdS)a5 Python 'undefined' Codec This codec will always raise a ValueError exception when being used. It is intended for use by the site.py file to switch off automatic string to Unicode coercion. Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal@lemburg.com). (c) Copyright CNRI, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTY. Nc@s eZdZdddZdddZdS)CodecstrictcCtdNzundefined encoding UnicodeErrorselfinputerrorsr :/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/encodings/undefined.pyencodez Codec.encodecCrrrrr r r decoderz Codec.decodeN)r)__name__ __module__ __qualname__rrr r r r rs rc@eZdZdddZdS)IncrementalEncoderFcCrrrr r finalr r r rrzIncrementalEncoder.encodeNF)rrrrr r r r rrc@r)IncrementalDecoderFcCrrrrr r r rrzIncrementalDecoder.decodeNr)rrrrr r r r rrrc@ eZdZdS) StreamWriterNrrrr r r r r rc@r) StreamReaderNrr r r r r#rrc Cs tjdtjtjttttdS)NZ undefined)namerrincrementalencoderincrementaldecoder streamwriter streamreader) codecs CodecInforrrrrrrr r r r getregentry(sr')__doc__r%rrrrrr'r r r r s