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nonnegativeiii;y,x,ni;nlineswinsdellnwdeletelnwinsertlnidlokii(ii)weraseencloseattrsetechocharclearokborderOO:boxbkgdsetl;attril;n,attriil;int,int,attriiil;int,int,n,attrchgat_curses._C_APIint doesn't fit in longunget_wchungetchy:putpiiOi:vlineiiOil:vlineiiii:subwini:scrolliiiiii:refreshprefreshO!:overwriteO!iiiiii:overwritecopywinO!:overlayO!iiiiii:overlayiiiiii:noutrefreshpnoutrefreshwnoutrefreshiiO:inschiiOl:inschii:inchiiOi:hlineiiOil:hlineii:get_wchno inputii:getchii:getkeyinvalid key numberiiii:derwinii:delchmvwdelchattronattrofftypeaheady|iiiiiiiii:tparmtparm() returned NULLargumenttigetstrembedded null charactertigetnumtigetflagCOLORSCOLOR_PAIRSstart_color() returned ERRsetupterm: unknown errorstr or Noneargument 'term'setuptermlost sys.stdoutsize must be > 0set_tabsizems must be > 0set_escdelaysavettyresize_termresizetermresettyreset_shell_modereset_prog_modenorawextended_pair_contentnonlnoechonocbreakiiii:newwinnewpadintmousemask(kk)mouseintervalmetais_term_resizedintrflushACS_ULCORNERACS_LLCORNERACS_URCORNERACS_LRCORNERACS_LTEEACS_RTEEACS_BTEEACS_TTEEACS_HLINEACS_VLINEACS_PLUSACS_S1ACS_S9ACS_DIAMONDACS_CKBOARDACS_DEGREEACS_PLMINUSACS_BULLETACS_LARROWACS_RARROWACS_DARROWACS_UARROWACS_BOARDACS_LANTERNACS_BLOCKACS_BSSBACS_SSBBACS_BBSSACS_SBBSACS_SBSSACS_SSSBACS_SSBSACS_BSSSACS_BSBSACS_SBSBACS_SSSSACS_S3ACS_S7ACS_LEQUALACS_GEQUALACS_PIACS_NEQUALACS_STERLINGLINESCOLSinit_pairinit_extended_pairgetmouse() returned ERR(hiiik)flashdoupdatedelay_outputdef_shell_modedef_prog_modecurs_setextended_color_content(iii)beepadd_wchiiO:addchiiOl:addchexpect bytes or str, got %saddnwstriiOi:addnstriiOil:addnstraddwstriiO:addstriiOl:addstrinsn_wstriiOi:insnstriiOil:insnstrinswstriiO:insstriiOl:insstrungetmouseargument 5halfdelayinit_colorinit_extended_color_curses.error__version__OKA_ATTRIBUTESA_NORMALA_STANDOUTA_UNDERLINEA_REVERSEA_BLINKA_DIMA_BOLDA_ALTCHARSETA_INVISA_PROTECTA_CHARTEXTA_COLORA_HORIZONTALA_LEFTA_LOWA_RIGHTA_TOPA_VERTICALA_ITALICCOLOR_BLACKCOLOR_REDCOLOR_GREENCOLOR_YELLOWCOLOR_BLUECOLOR_MAGENTACOLOR_CYANCOLOR_WHITEBUTTON1_PRESSEDBUTTON1_RELEASEDBUTTON1_CLICKEDBUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKEDBUTTON1_TRIPLE_CLICKEDBUTTON2_PRESSEDBUTTON2_RELEASEDBUTTON2_CLICKEDBUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKEDBUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKEDBUTTON3_PRESSEDBUTTON3_RELEASEDBUTTON3_CLICKEDBUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKEDBUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKEDBUTTON4_PRESSEDBUTTON4_RELEASEDBUTTON4_CLICKEDBUTTON4_DOUBLE_CLICKEDBUTTON4_TRIPLE_CLICKEDBUTTON5_PRESSEDBUTTON5_RELEASEDBUTTON5_CLICKEDBUTTON5_DOUBLE_CLICKEDBUTTON5_TRIPLE_CLICKEDBUTTON_SHIFTBUTTON_CTRLBUTTON_ALTALL_MOUSE_EVENTSREPORT_MOUSE_POSITIONUNKNOWN KEYKEY_F(KEY_MINKEY_MAXclearclrtobotclrtoeolcursyncupgetbegyxgetbkgdgetmaxyxgetparyxgetyxidcokimmedokinstris_linetouchedis_wintouchedstandendstandoutsubpadsyncdownencodingmajorMajor release numberminorMinor release numberpatchPatch release numberbaudratecan_change_colorcolor_pairerasecharfilterflushinpgetsyxgetwinhas_colorshas_extended_color_supporthas_ichas_ilhas_keyinitscrisendwinkeynamekillcharlongnamenapmsnoqiflushpair_numberget_escdelayget_tabsizestart_colortermattrstermnameunctrlupdate_lines_colsuse_envuse_default_colorsfdcurses.ncurses_version_cursesread_curses.windowmust call (at least) setupterm() firstsetting encoding to a non-stringexpect bytes or str of length 1, or int, got a str of length %ziexpect bytes or str of length 1, or int, got %s_curses.window.touchline requires 2 to 3 argumentsColor component is greater than 1000Color component is less than 0Color pair is greater than maximum (%d).Color number is greater than COLORS-1 (%d).instr requires 0 or 3 argumentsgetstr requires 0 to 3 arguments_curses.window.box requires 0 to 2 argumentschgat requires 1 to 4 argumentsexpect str of length 1 or int, got a str of length %zicharacter doesn't fit in wchar_texpect str of length 1 or int, got %s_curses.window.vline requires 2 to 5 arguments_curses.window.subwin requires 2 to 4 arguments_curses.window.scroll requires 0 to 1 arguments_curses.window.refresh requires 0 to 6 argumentsrefresh() for a pad requires 6 argumentsrefresh() takes no arguments (6 given)_curses.window.overwrite requires 1 to 7 arguments_curses.window.overlay requires 1 to 7 arguments_curses.window.noutrefresh requires 0 to 6 argumentsnoutrefresh() called for a pad requires 6 argumentsnoutrefresh() takes no arguments (6 given)is_linetouched: line number outside of boundaries_curses.window.insch requires 1 to 4 arguments_curses.window.inch requires 0 to 2 arguments_curses.window.hline requires 2 to 5 arguments_curses.window.get_wch requires 0 to 2 arguments_curses.window.getch requires 0 to 2 arguments_curses.window.getkey requires 0 to 2 arguments_curses.window.derwin requires 2 to 4 arguments_curses.window.delch requires 0 to 2 argumentsuse_default_colors() returned ERRsetupterm: could not find terminalsetupterm: could not find terminfo databaseColor pair is greater than COLOR_PAIRS-1 (%d)._curses.newwin requires 2 to 4 arguments_curses.window.addch requires 1 to 4 arguments_curses.window.addnstr requires 2 to 5 arguments_curses.window.addstr requires 1 to 4 arguments_curses.window.insnstr requires 2 to 5 arguments_curses.window.insstr requires 1 to 4 argumentssigned short integer is less than minimumsigned short integer is greater than maximumf.read() returned %.100s instead of bytesunsigned byte integer is less than minimumunsigned byte integer is greater than maximumthe typecode character used to create the arrayvline([y, x,] ch, n, [attr=_curses.A_NORMAL]) Display a vertical line. y Starting Y-coordinate. x Starting X-coordinate. ch Character to draw. n Line length. attr Attributes for the character.touchline(start, count, [changed=True]) Pretend count lines have been changed, starting with line start. If changed is supplied, it specifies whether the affected lines are marked as having been changed (changed=True) or unchanged (changed=False).subwin([nlines=0, ncols=0,] begin_y, begin_x) Create a sub-window (screen-relative coordinates). nlines Height. ncols Width. begin_y Top side y-coordinate. begin_x Left side x-coordinate. By default, the sub-window will extend from the specified position to the lower right corner of the window.setscrreg($self, top, bottom, /) -- Define a software scrolling region. top First line number. bottom Last line number. All scrolling actions will take place in this region.scroll([lines=1]) Scroll the screen or scrolling region. lines Number of lines to scroll. Scroll upward if the argument is positive and downward if it is negative.refresh([pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol]) Update the display immediately. Synchronize actual screen with previous drawing/deleting methods. The 6 optional arguments can only be specified when the window is a pad created with newpad(). The additional parameters are needed to indicate what part of the pad and screen are involved. pminrow and pmincol specify the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle to be displayed in the pad. sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, and smaxcol specify the edges of the rectangle to be displayed on the screen. The lower right-hand corner of the rectangle to be displayed in the pad is calculated from the screen coordinates, since the rectangles must be the same size. Both rectangles must be entirely contained within their respective structures. Negative values of pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, or smincol are treated as if they were zero.redrawln($self, beg, num, /) -- Mark the specified lines corrupted. beg Starting line number. num The number of lines. They should be completely redrawn on the next refresh() call.putwin($self, file, /) -- Write all data associated with the window into the provided file object. This information can be later retrieved using the getwin() function.overwrite(destwin, [sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol]) Overwrite the window on top of destwin. The windows need not be the same size, in which case only the overlapping region is copied. This copy is destructive, which means that the current background character overwrites the old contents of destwin. To get fine-grained control over the copied region, the second form of overwrite() can be used. sminrow and smincol are the upper-left coordinates of the source window, the other variables mark a rectangle in the destination window.overlay(destwin, [sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol]) Overlay the window on top of destwin. The windows need not be the same size, only the overlapping region is copied. This copy is non-destructive, which means that the current background character does not overwrite the old contents of destwin. To get fine-grained control over the copied region, the second form of overlay() can be used. sminrow and smincol are the upper-left coordinates of the source window, and the other variables mark a rectangle in the destination window.noutrefresh([pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol]) Mark for refresh but wait. This function updates the data structure representing the desired state of the window, but does not force an update of the physical screen. To accomplish that, call doupdate().is_linetouched($self, line, /) -- Return True if the specified line was modified, otherwise return False. line Line number. Raise a curses.error exception if line is not valid for the given window.insstr([y, x,] str, [attr]) Insert the string before the current or specified position. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate. str String to insert. attr Attributes for characters. Insert a character string (as many characters as will fit on the line) before the character under the cursor. All characters to the right of the cursor are shifted right, with the rightmost characters on the line being lost. The cursor position does not change (after moving to y, x, if specified).insnstr([y, x,] str, n, [attr]) Insert at most n characters of the string. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate. str String to insert. n Maximal number of characters. attr Attributes for characters. Insert a character string (as many characters as will fit on the line) before the character under the cursor, up to n characters. If n is zero or negative, the entire string is inserted. All characters to the right of the cursor are shifted right, with the rightmost characters on the line being lost. The cursor position does not change (after moving to y, x, if specified).insch([y, x,] ch, [attr=_curses.A_NORMAL]) Insert a character before the current or specified position. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate. ch Character to insert. attr Attributes for the character. All characters to the right of the cursor are shifted one position right, with the rightmost characters on the line being lost.inch([y, x]) Return the character at the given position in the window. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate. The bottom 8 bits are the character proper, and upper bits are the attributes.hline([y, x,] ch, n, [attr=_curses.A_NORMAL]) Display a horizontal line. y Starting Y-coordinate. x Starting X-coordinate. ch Character to draw. n Line length. attr Attributes for the characters.get_wch([y, x]) Get a wide character from terminal keyboard. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate. Return a character for most keys, or an integer for function keys, keypad keys, and other special keys.getkey([y, x]) Get a character (string) from terminal keyboard. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate. Returning a string instead of an integer, as getch() does. Function keys, keypad keys and other special keys return a multibyte string containing the key name. In no-delay mode, an exception is raised if there is no input.getch([y, x]) Get a character code from terminal keyboard. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate. The integer returned does not have to be in ASCII range: function keys, keypad keys and so on return numbers higher than 256. In no-delay mode, -1 is returned if there is no input, else getch() waits until a key is pressed.getbkgd($self, /) -- Return the window's current background character/attribute pair.enclose($self, y, x, /) -- Return True if the screen-relative coordinates are enclosed by the window. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate.echochar($self, ch, attr=_curses.A_NORMAL, /) -- Add character ch with attribute attr, and refresh. ch Character to add. attr Attributes for the character.derwin([nlines=0, ncols=0,] begin_y, begin_x) Create a sub-window (window-relative coordinates). nlines Height. ncols Width. begin_y Top side y-coordinate. begin_x Left side x-coordinate. derwin() is the same as calling subwin(), except that begin_y and begin_x are relative to the origin of the window, rather than relative to the entire screen.delch([y, x]) Delete any character at (y, x). y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate.box([verch=0, horch=0]) Draw a border around the edges of the window. verch Left and right side. horch Top and bottom side. Similar to border(), but both ls and rs are verch and both ts and bs are horch. The default corner characters are always used by this function.border($self, ls=_curses.ACS_VLINE, rs=_curses.ACS_VLINE, ts=_curses.ACS_HLINE, bs=_curses.ACS_HLINE, tl=_curses.ACS_ULCORNER, tr=_curses.ACS_URCORNER, bl=_curses.ACS_LLCORNER, br=_curses.ACS_LRCORNER, /) -- Draw a border around the edges of the window. ls Left side. rs Right side. ts Top side. bs Bottom side. tl Upper-left corner. tr Upper-right corner. bl Bottom-left corner. br Bottom-right corner. Each parameter specifies the character to use for a specific part of the border. The characters can be specified as integers or as one-character strings. A 0 value for any parameter will cause the default character to be used for that parameter.bkgdset($self, ch, attr=_curses.A_NORMAL, /) -- Set the window's background. ch Background character. attr Background attributes.bkgd($self, ch, attr=_curses.A_NORMAL, /) -- Set the background property of the window. ch Background character. attr Background attributes.attrset($self, attr, /) -- Set the "background" set of attributes.attron($self, attr, /) -- Add attribute attr from the "background" set.attroff($self, attr, /) -- Remove attribute attr from the "background" set.addstr([y, x,] str, [attr]) Paint the string. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate. str String to add. attr Attributes for characters. Paint the string str at (y, x) with attributes attr, overwriting anything previously on the display. By default, the character position and attributes are the current settings for the window object.addnstr([y, x,] str, n, [attr]) Paint at most n characters of the string. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate. str String to add. n Maximal number of characters. attr Attributes for characters. Paint at most n characters of the string str at (y, x) with attributes attr, overwriting anything previously on the display. By default, the character position and attributes are the current settings for the window object.addch([y, x,] ch, [attr=_curses.A_NORMAL]) Paint the character. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate. ch Character to add. attr Attributes for the character. Paint character ch at (y, x) with attributes attr, overwriting any character previously painted at that location. By default, the character position and attributes are the current settings for the window object.curses.ncurses_version Ncurses version information as a named tuple.use_default_colors($module, /) -- Allow use of default values for colors on terminals supporting this feature. Use this to support transparency in your application. The default color is assigned to the color number -1.use_env($module, flag, /) -- Use environment variables LINES and COLUMNS. If used, this function should be called before initscr() or newterm() are called. When flag is False, the values of lines and columns specified in the terminfo database will be used, even if environment variables LINES and COLUMNS (used by default) are set, or if curses is running in a window (in which case default behavior would be to use the window size if LINES and COLUMNS are not set).unget_wch($module, ch, /) -- Push ch so the next get_wch() will return it.update_lines_cols($module, /) -- ungetch($module, ch, /) -- Push ch so the next getch() will return it.unctrl($module, ch, /) -- Return a string which is a printable representation of the character ch. Control characters are displayed as a caret followed by the character, for example as ^C. Printing characters are left as they are.typeahead($module, fd, /) -- Specify that the file descriptor fd be used for typeahead checking. fd File descriptor. If fd is -1, then no typeahead checking is done.tparm($module, str, i1=0, i2=0, i3=0, i4=0, i5=0, i6=0, i7=0, i8=0, i9=0, /) -- Instantiate the specified byte string with the supplied parameters. str Parameterized byte string obtained from the terminfo database.tigetstr($module, capname, /) -- Return the value of the string capability. capname The terminfo capability name. None is returned if capname is not a string capability, or is canceled or absent from the terminal description.tigetnum($module, capname, /) -- Return the value of the numeric capability. capname The terminfo capability name. The value -2 is returned if capname is not a numeric capability, or -1 if it is canceled or absent from the terminal description.tigetflag($module, capname, /) -- Return the value of the Boolean capability. capname The terminfo capability name. The value -1 is returned if capname is not a Boolean capability, or 0 if it is canceled or absent from the terminal description.termname($module, /) -- Return the value of the environment variable TERM, truncated to 14 characters.termattrs($module, /) -- Return a logical OR of all video attributes supported by the terminal.start_color($module, /) -- Initializes eight basic colors and global variables COLORS and COLOR_PAIRS. Must be called if the programmer wants to use colors, and before any other color manipulation routine is called. It is good practice to call this routine right after initscr(). It also restores the colors on the terminal to the values they had when the terminal was just turned on.setupterm($module, /, term=None, fd=-1) -- Initialize the terminal. term Terminal name. If omitted, the value of the TERM environment variable will be used. fd File descriptor to which any initialization sequences will be sent. If not supplied, the file descriptor for sys.stdout will be used.setsyx($module, y, x, /) -- Set the virtual screen cursor. y Y-coordinate. x X-coordinate. If y and x are both -1, then leaveok is set.set_tabsize($module, size, /) -- Sets the curses TABSIZE setting. size rendered cell width of a tab character. Sets the number of columns used by the curses library when converting a tab character to spaces as it adds the tab to a window.get_tabsize($module, /) -- Gets the curses TABSIZE setting. Gets the number of columns used by the curses library when converting a tab character to spaces as it adds the tab to a window.set_escdelay($module, ms, /) -- Sets the curses ESCDELAY setting. ms length of the delay in milliseconds. Sets the number of milliseconds to wait after reading an escape character, to distinguish between an individual escape character entered on the keyboard from escape sequences sent by cursor and function keys.get_escdelay($module, /) -- Gets the curses ESCDELAY setting. Gets the number of milliseconds to wait after reading an escape character, to distinguish between an individual escape character entered on the keyboard from escape sequences sent by cursor and function keys.savetty($module, /) -- Save terminal mode.resize_term($module, nlines, ncols, /) -- Backend function used by resizeterm(), performing most of the work. nlines Height. ncols Width. When resizing the windows, resize_term() blank-fills the areas that are extended. The calling application should fill in these areas with appropriate data. The resize_term() function attempts to resize all windows. However, due to the calling convention of pads, it is not possible to resize these without additional interaction with the application.resizeterm($module, nlines, ncols, /) -- Resize the standard and current windows to the specified dimensions. nlines Height. ncols Width. Adjusts other bookkeeping data used by the curses library that record the window dimensions (in particular the SIGWINCH handler).resetty($module, /) -- Restore terminal mode.reset_shell_mode($module, /) -- Restore the terminal to "shell" mode, as previously saved by def_shell_mode().reset_prog_mode($module, /) -- Restore the terminal to "program" mode, as previously saved by def_prog_mode().raw($module, flag=True, /) -- Enter raw mode. flag If false, the effect is the same as calling noraw(). In raw mode, normal line buffering and processing of interrupt, quit, suspend, and flow control keys are turned off; characters are presented to curses input functions one by one.qiflush($module, flag=True, /) -- Enable queue flushing. flag If false, the effect is the same as calling noqiflush(). If queue flushing is enabled, all output in the display driver queue will be flushed when the INTR, QUIT and SUSP characters are read.putp($module, string, /) -- Emit the value of a specified terminfo capability for the current terminal. Note that the output of putp() always goes to standard output.pair_number($module, attr, /) -- Return the number of the color-pair set by the specified attribute value. color_pair() is the counterpart to this function.pair_content($module, pair_number, /) -- Return a tuple (fg, bg) containing the colors for the requested color pair. pair_number The number of the color pair (0 - (COLOR_PAIRS-1)).noraw($module, /) -- Leave raw mode. Return to normal "cooked" mode with line buffering.noqiflush($module, /) -- Disable queue flushing. When queue flushing is disabled, normal flush of input and output queues associated with the INTR, QUIT and SUSP characters will not be done.nonl($module, /) -- Leave newline mode. Disable translation of return into newline on input, and disable low-level translation of newline into newline/return on output.noecho($module, /) -- Leave echo mode. Echoing of input characters is turned off.nocbreak($module, /) -- Leave cbreak mode. Return to normal "cooked" mode with line buffering.nl($module, flag=True, /) -- Enter newline mode. flag If false, the effect is the same as calling nonl(). This mode translates the return key into newline on input, and translates newline into return and line-feed on output. Newline mode is initially on.newwin(nlines, ncols, [begin_y=0, begin_x=0]) Return a new window. nlines Height. ncols Width. begin_y Top side y-coordinate. begin_x Left side x-coordinate. By default, the window will extend from the specified position to the lower right corner of the screen.newpad($module, nlines, ncols, /) -- Create and return a pointer to a new pad data structure. nlines Height. ncols Width.napms($module, ms, /) -- Sleep for specified time. ms Duration in milliseconds.mousemask($module, newmask, /) -- Set the mouse events to be reported, and return a tuple (availmask, oldmask). Return a tuple (availmask, oldmask). availmask indicates which of the specified mouse events can be reported; on complete failure it returns 0. oldmask is the previous value of the given window's mouse event mask. If this function is never called, no mouse events are ever reported.mouseinterval($module, interval, /) -- Set and retrieve the maximum time between press and release in a click. interval Time in milliseconds. Set the maximum time that can elapse between press and release events in order for them to be recognized as a click, and return the previous interval value.meta($module, yes, /) -- Enable/disable meta keys. If yes is True, allow 8-bit characters to be input. If yes is False, allow only 7-bit characters.longname($module, /) -- Return the terminfo long name field describing the current terminal. The maximum length of a verbose description is 128 characters. It is defined only after the call to initscr().killchar($module, /) -- Return the user's current line kill character.keyname($module, key, /) -- Return the name of specified key. key Key number.is_term_resized($module, nlines, ncols, /) -- Return True if resize_term() would modify the window structure, False otherwise. nlines Height. ncols Width.isendwin($module, /) -- Return True if endwin() has been called.intrflush($module, flag, /) -- initscr($module, /) -- Initialize the library. Return a WindowObject which represents the whole screen.init_pair($module, pair_number, fg, bg, /) -- Change the definition of a color-pair. pair_number The number of the color-pair to be changed (1 - (COLOR_PAIRS-1)). fg Foreground color number (-1 - (COLORS-1)). bg Background color number (-1 - (COLORS-1)). If the color-pair was previously initialized, the screen is refreshed and all occurrences of that color-pair are changed to the new definition.init_color($module, color_number, r, g, b, /) -- Change the definition of a color. color_number The number of the color to be changed (0 - (COLORS-1)). r Red component (0 - 1000). g Green component (0 - 1000). b Blue component (0 - 1000). When init_color() is used, all occurrences of that color on the screen immediately change to the new definition. This function is a no-op on most terminals; it is active only if can_change_color() returns true.halfdelay($module, tenths, /) -- Enter half-delay mode. tenths Maximal blocking delay in tenths of seconds (1 - 255). Use nocbreak() to leave half-delay mode.has_key($module, key, /) -- Return True if the current terminal type recognizes a key with that value. key Key number.has_il($module, /) -- Return True if the terminal has insert- and delete-line capabilities.has_ic($module, /) -- Return True if the terminal has insert- and delete-character capabilities.has_extended_color_support($module, /) -- Return True if the module supports extended colors; otherwise, return False. Extended color support allows more than 256 color-pairs for terminals that support more than 16 colors (e.g. xterm-256color).has_colors($module, /) -- Return True if the terminal can display colors; otherwise, return False.getwin($module, file, /) -- Read window related data stored in the file by an earlier putwin() call. The routine then creates and initializes a new window using that data, returning the new window object.getsyx($module, /) -- Return the current coordinates of the virtual screen cursor. Return a (y, x) tuple. If leaveok is currently true, return (-1, -1).ungetmouse($module, id, x, y, z, bstate, /) -- Push a KEY_MOUSE event onto the input queue. The following getmouse() will return the given state data.getmouse($module, /) -- Retrieve the queued mouse event. After getch() returns KEY_MOUSE to signal a mouse event, this function returns a 5-tuple (id, x, y, z, bstate).flushinp($module, /) -- Flush all input buffers. This throws away any typeahead that has been typed by the user and has not yet been processed by the program.flash($module, /) -- Flash the screen. That is, change it to reverse-video and then change it back in a short interval.filter($module, /) -- erasechar($module, /) -- Return the user's current erase character.endwin($module, /) -- De-initialize the library, and return terminal to normal status.echo($module, flag=True, /) -- Enter echo mode. flag If false, the effect is the same as calling noecho(). In echo mode, each character input is echoed to the screen as it is entered.doupdate($module, /) -- Update the physical screen to match the virtual screen.delay_output($module, ms, /) -- Insert a pause in output. ms Duration in milliseconds.def_shell_mode($module, /) -- Save the current terminal mode as the "shell" mode. The "shell" mode is the mode when the running program is not using curses. Subsequent calls to reset_shell_mode() will restore this mode.def_prog_mode($module, /) -- Save the current terminal mode as the "program" mode. The "program" mode is the mode when the running program is using curses. Subsequent calls to reset_prog_mode() will restore this mode.curs_set($module, visibility, /) -- Set the cursor state. visibility 0 for invisible, 1 for normal visible, or 2 for very visible. If the terminal supports the visibility requested, the previous cursor state is returned; otherwise, an exception is raised. On many terminals, the "visible" mode is an underline cursor and the "very visible" mode is a block cursor.color_pair($module, pair_number, /) -- Return the attribute value for displaying text in the specified color. pair_number The number of the color pair. This attribute value can be combined with A_STANDOUT, A_REVERSE, and the other A_* attributes. pair_number() is the counterpart to this function.color_content($module, color_number, /) -- Return the red, green, and blue (RGB) components of the specified color. color_number The number of the color (0 - (COLORS-1)). A 3-tuple is returned, containing the R, G, B values for the given color, which will be between 0 (no component) and 1000 (maximum amount of component).cbreak($module, flag=True, /) -- Enter cbreak mode. flag If false, the effect is the same as calling nocbreak(). In cbreak mode (sometimes called "rare" mode) normal tty line buffering is turned off and characters are available to be read one by one. However, unlike raw mode, special characters (interrupt, quit, suspend, and flow control) retain their effects on the tty driver and calling program. Calling first raw() then cbreak() leaves the terminal in cbreak mode.can_change_color($module, /) -- Return True if the programmer can change the colors displayed by the terminal.beep($module, /) -- Emit a short attention sound.baudrate($module, /) -- Return the output speed of the terminal in bits per second.2.2curses function returned NULLcurses function returned ERR;l(L$8:Tt+YR 8XpGZD`iI r( gl  Y 8 X l 3  , J @ 2` Wt (  $ #8 X x 4 L d | 7 M LY7LA`w|  X   , D  /HI,a`{'G`A$EDx<0 HP!`"x6"d"g#2%%4%T&t&'''.($c(D(x-))** +@+8+l,--Z../8?/X`/p/.00;<@<`#=R===#>X>>(>Hf?|??#@X@@$qA< Bp8BmBByE FDHKMHPQ-S S,TXL0mzRx $0 FJ w?;*3$"D($LV\4$LVt@$LV(LBAA AB FCBRAS |A8BED D(D@(A ABBDs.Ah\+AetAJ AJEAS oAoATmPAS zAAT(uBAD jAB0AYHAV$`ADD0AA$KADD0AA$ADD0uAA1Ao4#BDA o HDE ACB,yPAS zALRAS |A4lBDA o HDE ACB1)Ac@BBBE A(A0J@0D(A BBBPAS zA #PAS zA@SRAS |A`RAS |APAS zA(BDA ABPAS zA AJ(ADMAADIAS sAd8AT|<AVBLAS vAnPAS zALAS vA%+'0&DYBV0\XBDG G AABdAZ E C'lA\ K C sAQ4$tBDA o AEE ACB0\CAGB Y HCE KCA4BFD D(G@(A ABBiATgATeATcPAS zA0AT\HBBB E(A0D8GSIEEfG8A0A(B BBB4AAG@HBPGXB`P@tAA4BFD D(G@(A ABB8 :BBA A(J`|(A ABB4T BFD D(G@(A ABB 0Hc ^&A`zRx   6At  AD A(4 cBIA RBB` AZx VD Q TPD K AD | APT BBB B(A0A8J`hHpWhA`8A0A(B BBB$0 BAJ0DBX AG A`x CBBB B(A0A8GpTxMPxApxLcxApO8A0A(B BBB< 5AJ0n8M@NHGPS0w8B@EHEP[0gA< 5AJ0n8M@NHGPS0w8B@EHEP[0gA`\ yBBB B(A0A8GpTxMPxApxLcxApO8A0A(B BBB0 hAAH x ADE WCA@ BBB A(A0JPg0A(A BBB8 7AG ATX BBB B(A0A8J`hHpWhA`8A0A(B BBB@  BBB A(D0D@0D(A BBB< BBB A(D0D@0A(A BBB@4v#BBB B(D0D@0D(B BBBxUuAk E CBJ EcAG A0EAGB [ HCE KCA0  EAGB [ HCE KCA@ mAkXp SAG G CHx :BJ@NHFPHXN`GhGpGxGV@kHEPEXE`f@lE D I D  D   /AO H V, .AO G VL H<h BGA F@bHUPBXB`I@r AABNAB G CDNAB G Cr5AV G V$BAD AB$0%BAD ABX5AV G Vx5AV G V5AV G V5AV G V0ADD y JAE ACA {2Ap$$ADD AALAG Al5AV G V5AV G V5AV G V0ADD y JAE ACAdBG E0 6BDA  CBE ACBTUAG I CtD {ZSAG G CcAW G C/AO H V!D \0BDA  AEE ACB8S/AO H VXb[AO G C4x IAA W CBE  AB \!'AG A_"MA@ H C"/AO H V"/AO H V4"/AO H VT"pD0kl#2Ap+#5AV G V@#AD |i#5AV G V0~#ADD y JAE ACA#5AV G V0#SAG G CP*$5AV G Vp?$5AV G V$T$bAO E D E C$D 0-%ADD y JAE ACA%/AO H V$%5AV G VD%/AO H VHd%BBB B(A0A8J8A0A(B BBB$U(ADG0AAX(BBB B(A0A8JHWA8A0A(B BBBH4+gBBB B(A0A8JH8A0A(B BBBX-BBB B(A0A8JHWA8A0A(B BBBH`/gBBB B(A0A8JH8A0A(B BBB@({1BBB A(A0GPq0A(A BBB0l2BAA D0} DAB4A G C4AG AH9BIB B(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBJ zRx P(47@p$Uft) p `ho`p \ Q%(, oo%oo#o6pFpVpfpvpppppppppqq&q6qFqVqfqvqqqqqqqqqrr&r6rFrVrfrvrrrrrrrrrss&s6sFsVsfsvssssssssstt&t6tFtVtftvtttttttttuu&u6uFuVufuvuuuuuuuuuvv&v6vFvVvfvvvvvvvvvvvww&w6wFwVwfwvwwwwwwwwwxx&x6xFxVxfxvxxxxxxxxxyy&y6yFyVyfyvyyyyyyyyyzz&z6zFzVzfzvzzzzzzzzz{{&{6{F{V{f{v{{{{{{{{{||&|6|F|V|f|v|||||||||}}&}6}HQkP N NM`MLZ&| L@Ib HG1Gp@F7ElDSpD C~A@- w۩?F mC?Y='q@;@9Y`8(&u n~lfg^TLJ/@7t5?2J҆27 1@-0Ʌ,y  ,6?H**O] V)[(XK~}(ag|7i#`N `.E I Q`w/` v%,T 3~@|;{{C_ {`zLzTy]px  xv:@uft*@t8 s{rkq~6 qy`pl[o] ol`nvmmnk_ûjMY j<$i4`i))@hc@f.fadcRba}[ aǶ_ĵ@^]g@]U@\L@[+)@Z@YXWb WFVךVT/S`S g`GA$3a1p_curses.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so-3.10.16-1.el8.x86_64.debugYoqr7zXZִF!t/* ]?Eh=ڊ2NE)ڈϯk\[Se*Kx1e^M>#>u/ŅXSY6 r?ls$I>Ct{ؐ^2wI4d$ibP6ȟgXC[il+6c&@7S/gfKy:wWsE,< o&ęRwvvP(~q_Fu-vmH߁hͶ lG?V߂I}~ 7V*oFףvS$*:Q+jT;эR e7VJgIMct6Jaq ӪjG+/Ay]-*H@%6]Y!ڠ2Ru܄c%(?2Ke+͇ۣ?`GU DpGa -ڨ 6MPM $=`* ?Cv嵟0x2&>R %Ԏ>u7$Cm" )+mkg(V&m5鶆5|myDEϦ-yK7M$0iq](&֥5>È|` :ͩ-aH (In-擷4Z 5h"D--wڅ<JCCj_蜝r[@C5_$1<پdLFg&1/%uF+܁JAs -Y2إ|z58BlIצ;WV~3gNEЭwdJ|6YUܫNpS*@{OM($H8b(*&q:C[q/u cO eMvc<* ҖtA mn+ݸM44yt̢<_AȻ#>ItŪy 'oeꘆjCmLsޟq+[( w Bf~)z(`5sZxפͼ- * wLa!Q}1QSeKU 1Rgӌ_'m I h+,#Łk"S/@ZI_37:KS7ȳw#RF k@IW5}gn9h Z=!`TrmnqkŜ |RWIӯx`iޚUِDŽ?ɋ{w/ znb8xJ{Kw/]6w4B0X~>I4\EV`!]JN 0qbaF]i=t)Zh.(5lG/ইp3c,+20ؗ *_b-!ipFz|\} E̍DS+6a>>`D' ;֌g.BH!| qc\ %soŻr&0214IEp[ߘnsOsNVFCw|vr_GDO3u:IuV!%xɇ`d";~*5K߹?Y]ˆ{#i1$ߍP%r ? *(V\h=*3GR ܧղZj^,@Eh"B6\zV1+9$wIvx}iPG"P"n]5HSgzo엊5hLVW Z YP% |C[OQ~5xs]P90VÞ% "j8sJ 9vA$@5K<زIn;ƪr]OtsƵ0r wUhűgYZ.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.gnu.build.attributes.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata 88$o``4( 0pp\ 8o##Eo%% T%%(,^BQQhppc p p n@}@}vt z] ``lИИd``hhpp( @  $H$