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Returns a list containing any descriptors that have events or errors to report, as a list of (fd, event) 2-tuples.unregister($self, fd, /) -- Remove a file descriptor being tracked by the polling object.modify($self, fd, eventmask, /) -- Modify an already registered file descriptor. fd either an integer, or an object with a fileno() method returning an int eventmask a bitmask describing the type of events to check forregister($self, fd, eventmask=select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI | select.POLLOUT, /) -- Register a file descriptor with the polling object. fd either an integer, or an object with a fileno() method returning an int eventmask an optional bitmask describing the type of events to check for__exit__($self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, exc_tb=None, /) -- __enter__($self, /) -- poll($self, /, timeout=None, maxevents=-1) -- Wait for events on the epoll file descriptor. timeout the maximum time to wait in seconds (as float); a timeout of None or -1 makes poll wait indefinitely maxevents the maximum number of events returned; -1 means no limit Returns a list containing any descriptors that have events to report, as a list of (fd, events) 2-tuples.unregister($self, /, fd) -- Remove a registered file descriptor from the epoll object. fd the target file descriptor of the operationregister($self, /, fd, eventmask=select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLPRI | select.EPOLLOUT) -- Registers a new fd or raises an OSError if the fd is already registered. fd the target file descriptor of the operation eventmask a bit set composed of the various EPOLL constants The epoll interface supports all file descriptors that support poll.modify($self, /, fd, eventmask) -- Modify event mask for a registered file descriptor. fd the target file descriptor of the operation eventmask a bit set composed of the various EPOLL constantsfileno($self, /) -- Return the epoll control file descriptor.close($self, /) -- Close the epoll control file descriptor. Further operations on the epoll object will raise an exception.fromfd($type, fd, /) -- Create an epoll object from a given control fd.select.epoll(sizehint=-1, flags=0) Returns an epolling object sizehint must be a positive integer or -1 for the default size. The sizehint is used to optimize internal data structures. It doesn't limit the maximum number of monitored events.poll($module, /) -- Returns a polling object. This object supports registering and unregistering file descriptors, and then polling them for I/O events.select($module, rlist, wlist, xlist, timeout=None, /) -- Wait until one or more file descriptors are ready for some kind of I/O. The first three arguments are iterables of file descriptors to be waited for: rlist -- wait until ready for reading wlist -- wait until ready for writing xlist -- wait for an "exceptional condition" If only one kind of condition is required, pass [] for the other lists. A file descriptor is either a socket or file object, or a small integer gotten from a fileno() method call on one of those. The optional 4th argument specifies a timeout in seconds; it may be a floating point number to specify fractions of seconds. If it is absent or None, the call will never time out. The return value is a tuple of three lists corresponding to the first three arguments; each contains the subset of the corresponding file descriptors that are ready. *** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** On Windows, only sockets are supported; on Unix, all file descriptors can be used.This module supports asynchronous I/O on multiple file descriptors. *** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** On Windows, only sockets are supported; on Unix, all file descriptors.;t-> T| 0Y,NZb0`P(<h\i  , 88@xHDXx8 Hd(P zRx $`FJ w?;*3$"DX(GY$pBACD wAAD*BBB B(A0A8DP8A0A(B BBB,}AM W(U0B8B@I tA4AGG@WHXPBXB`I@TAADHZBBD D(GPbX[`BhBpIP_(A ABB(NYHBBE B(A0D8Gp 8D0A(B BBBA zRx p(u'8,)BBA D(G@(D ABB,hTBMD G@ AABzRx @$%(VBAG } ABA zRx   ADB(0ADA AAzRx   f@D zRx  *,BAD u ABA zRx  $V|Q ABB TKBHzRx  zH}PBJB B(D0A8D@,8A0A(B BBBDBQB B(A0F8D@8D0A(B BBBX4BBK B(A0A8FpbxRBBIp8D0A(B BBB(<BBD oBBzRx  $\ $1AAD hAA-$,6BAH gAB` ADB$pmAAJ0^AAzRx 0 <IA` J ]HBBB E(D0A8G8D0A(B BBB04^EDE { CAA IAA(h^BDA SAB005BGB L FBE KCB4JBBD E(D@r(A ABBzRx @$| HHXPBXB`I@Th BAjR{RRRRRRRRUe2 Co``  e H ooXoooY6 F V f v !!&!6!F!V!f!v!!!!!!!!!""&"6"F"V"f"v"""""""""##&#6#F#V#f#v#######R`;UjQX)TR@ TR`7R4@<@R6\qQpB \R '[jQ%[RF&YR'%XR.@WR#W4RG2VR#QZR5^R@^<ZRb0@p?@ R@RRR0pRjQ`R4B8]:I @APCGA$3a1 Cselect.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so-3.10.16-1.el8.x86_64.debug_r7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ2N~"//t''W愝=E \?y IQ`^RCI6ԠJqMdM?d6M?*,8PΎW|ymn}z*jLqxO~G{41ZS}Kd$pKi*n&"]ɰ{qwOiGH7g^Z˝jDv{| ϣ:_qc#&qK ͸ѿ([l؝DP[mô|np^j5]@EvQ\IXbͪ[Sw<(jXgwbnWYi;SAoǕk@7w4&e*VĀ6rkoIh'޻^5V4yf[=#;^HCj!(f4\6B-i P8^a^KDwd\12+Tq NᲝԈ ^ V̡uuޱ{yO!Xķ^ʀRS̩&"HKGOM]f.-5= PUZRAdm7tb0z~U B _cfR:@XsN:^(և1Q`ɇEO qVJ!sRM-TB Cd1: ګ0da _b/Ǟ%79:QiCM=act(Z^߹$+.ʧ QE^tt&yύtq0$74U,ߺCa8qح;fSwT?h [%Xd}z5 {8_LB=w)/2ϸהí[Mf_i@$e&pŜX|$e 0dlrVR쇜ENdl] nP7hJ[) e7?9v(R80t+g# 51"R/DtpC-6r=Ň\3IcxuE|XvU% ( "gYZ.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.gnu.build.attributes.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata 88$o``$( 0` ` e8oEoXX`T ^BHHh c n##tCC zPP% (c(ctddh{{{{}Pp ppxp$H܅Ċ