o ?Og3@s4dZddlmZmZddlZddlZddlmZddl m Z dZ gdZ de Z e d ejdZe d eZGd d d eZGd ddeZGdddeZddZeefddZedkredde'ZejZededdeddddlZedeWddS1swYdSdS)a!BaseHTTPServer that implements the Python WSGI protocol (PEP 3333) This is both an example of how WSGI can be implemented, and a basis for running simple web applications on a local machine, such as might be done when testing or debugging an application. It has not been reviewed for security issues, however, and we strongly recommend that you use a "real" web server for production use. For example usage, see the 'if __name__=="__main__"' block at the end of the module. See also the BaseHTTPServer module docs for other API information. )BaseHTTPRequestHandler HTTPServerN) SimpleHandler)python_implementationz0.2) WSGIServerWSGIRequestHandlerdemo_app make_server WSGIServer// c@seZdZeZddZdS) ServerHandlerc Cs<z|j|jddd|jWt|dSt|w)Nr r)request_handlerZ log_requestZstatussplitZ bytes_sentrcloseselfrZ urllib.parser3Zwsgiref.handlersrplatformrrE__all__r0versionr sys_versionrr rrrr rZhttpdZsocketZ getsocknameZsarJZ webbrowseropenZhandle_requestrrrrs4    C     "