o ?Og @sjdZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlZddl Z ddl m Z ddl Z ddlmZzddlZWn eyCdZYnwddZd ejdd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZd ZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"Gddde#Z$Gddde$Z%Gddde$Z&Gddde$Z'e(Z)Z*edddZ+d d!Z,e,d"rd#d$Z-n e,d%rd&d$Z-nd'd$Z-[+[,d(d)Z.Gd*d+d+Z/d,d-Z0d.d/Z1Gd0d1d1Z2d2d3Z3e/e2fZ4Gd4d5d5Z5Gd6d7d7Z6Gd8d9d9Z7Gd:d;d;Z8Gdd?d?Z:dZ;Z  @d[dCdDZ?dZdEdFZ@dGdHZAd\dJdKZBGdLdMdMer*ejCneDZEGdNdOdOZFGdPdQdQZGGdRdSdSeGZHGdTdUdUZIeIZJeKdVkreIdWZLz eMeLjNOWne$yvZPz eMdXePWYdZP[PndZP[Pwwe:eLZQeQReQSd dYeQTdd zeQD]ZUeMeUqWdSe$yZPz eMdXePWYdZP[PdSdZP[PwwdS)]a An XML-RPC client interface for Python. The marshalling and response parser code can also be used to implement XML-RPC servers. Exported exceptions: Error Base class for client errors ProtocolError Indicates an HTTP protocol error ResponseError Indicates a broken response package Fault Indicates an XML-RPC fault package Exported classes: ServerProxy Represents a logical connection to an XML-RPC server MultiCall Executor of boxcared xmlrpc requests DateTime dateTime wrapper for an ISO 8601 string or time tuple or localtime integer value to generate a "dateTime.iso8601" XML-RPC value Binary binary data wrapper Marshaller Generate an XML-RPC params chunk from a Python data structure Unmarshaller Unmarshal an XML-RPC response from incoming XML event message Transport Handles an HTTP transaction to an XML-RPC server SafeTransport Handles an HTTPS transaction to an XML-RPC server Exported constants: (none) Exported functions: getparser Create instance of the fastest available parser & attach to an unmarshalling object dumps Convert an argument tuple or a Fault instance to an XML-RPC request (or response, if the methodresponse option is used). loads Convert an XML-RPC packet to unmarshalled data plus a method name (None if not present). N)datetime)Decimal)expat)BytesIOcCs$|dd}|dd}|ddS)N&z&z>)replace)sr 4/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/xmlrpc/client.pyescapes   r z%d.%diiiDii ipiԁiCiBiiic@seZdZdZejZdS)ErrorzBase class for client errors.N)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__object__str__r r r r rs rc@ eZdZdZddZddZdS) ProtocolErrorz!Indicates an HTTP protocol error.cCs&t|||_||_||_||_dSN)r__init__urlerrcodeerrmsgheaders)selfrrrrr r r rs  zProtocolError.__init__cCsd|jj|j|j|jfS)Nz<%s for %s: %s %s>) __class__rrrrrr r r __repr__szProtocolError.__repr__Nrrrrrr!r r r r rs rc@seZdZdZdS) ResponseErrorz$Indicates a broken response package.N)rrrrr r r r r#sr#c@r)Faultz#Indicates an XML-RPC fault package.cKst|||_||_dSr)rr faultCode faultString)rr%r&Zextrar r r r  zFault.__init__cCd|jj|j|jfS)Nz <%s %s: %r>)rrr%r&r r r r r!szFault.__repr__Nr"r r r r r$s r$cCs&zt|dkWStyYdSw)NZ0001F)_day0strftime ValueError)Zfmtr r r _try s  r-z%YcC |dSN%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%Sr+valuer r r _iso8601_format r4z%4YcCr.)Nz%4Y%m%dT%H:%M:%Sr1r2r r r r4r5cCs|ddS)Nr0)r+zfillr2r r r r4cCsLt|tr t|St|ttjfs|dkrt}t|}d|ddS)Nrz%04d%02d%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d) isinstancerr4tupletime struct_time localtimer2r r r _strftimes  r?c@sreZdZdZdddZddZddZd d Zd d Zd dZ ddZ ddZ ddZ ddZ ddZddZdS)DateTimezDateTime wrapper for an ISO 8601 string or time tuple or localtime integer value to generate 'dateTime.iso8601' XML-RPC value. rcCs"t|tr ||_dSt||_dSr)r:strr3r?)rr3r r r r.s  zDateTime.__init__cCst|tr|j}|j}||fSt|tr|j}t|}||fSt|tr-|j}|}||fSt|dr>|}|}||fS|}t}||fS)N timetuple) r:r@r3rr4rAhasattrrBNotImplementedrotherr or r r make_comparable4s&    zDateTime.make_comparablecCs"||\}}|tur tS||kSrrHrDrEr r r __lt__FzDateTime.__lt__cCs"||\}}|tur tS||kSrrIrEr r r __le__LrKzDateTime.__le__cCs"||\}}|tur tS||kSrrIrEr r r __gt__RrKzDateTime.__gt__cCs"||\}}|tur tS||kSrrIrEr r r __ge__XrKzDateTime.__ge__cCs"||\}}|tur tS||kSrrIrEr r r __eq__^rKzDateTime.__eq__cCst|jdSr/)r<strptimer3r r r r rBdzDateTime.timetuplecC|jSrr2r r r r rlzDateTime.__str__cCsd|jj|jt|fS)Nz<%s %r at %#x>)rrr3idr r r r r!oszDateTime.__repr__cCst||_dSr)rAstripr3rdatar r r decoderzDateTime.decodecCs$|d||j|ddSNzz )writer3)routr r r encodeus  zDateTime.encodeN)r)rrrrrrHrJrLrMrNrOrBrr!rXr]r r r r r@(s  r@cCt}|||Sr)r@rXrWr3r r r _datetimez r`cCs t|dSr/)rrP)rWr r r _datetime_type rbc@s:eZdZdZd ddZddZddZd d Zd d ZdS)BinaryzWrapper for binary data.NcCs>|durd}nt|ttfstd|jjt|}||_dS)Nz#expected bytes or bytearray, not %s)r:bytes bytearray TypeErrorrrrWrVr r r rs zBinary.__init__cCs t|jdS)Nzlatin-1)rArWr r r r rrczBinary.__str__cCst|tr|j}|j|kSr)r:rdrW)rrFr r r rOr'z Binary.__eq__cCst||_dSr)base64 decodebytesrWrVr r r rXr8z Binary.decodecCs4|dt|j}||d|ddSNz asciiz )r[ri encodebytesrWrX)rr\encodedr r r r]s  z Binary.encoder) rrrrrrrOrXr]r r r r rds  rdcCr^r)rdrXr_r r r _binaryraroc@$eZdZddZddZddZdS) ExpatParsercCsDtdd|_}||_|j|_|j|_|j|_ d}| |ddSr) rZ ParserCreate_parser_targetstartZStartElementHandlerendZEndElementHandlerrWZCharacterDataHandlerxml)rtargetparserencodingr r r rszExpatParser.__init__cCs|j|ddSNF)rrParserVr r r feedrYzExpatParser.feedcCs8z|j}Wn tyYdSw|`|`|dddS)NreT)rrAttributeErrorrsr{)rrxr r r closes  zExpatParser.closeN)rrrrr|r~r r r r rqs rqc@seZdZdZdddZiZddZdd Zd d Zeee d<d d Z e ee <ddZ e ee <e ZddZeee<efddZeee<ddZeee<eee<ddZeee<eee<efddZeee<ddZeee<ddZeee<eee <eed<dS) MarshalleravGenerate an XML-RPC params chunk from a Python data structure. Create a Marshaller instance for each set of parameters, and use the "dumps" method to convert your data (represented as a tuple) to an XML-RPC params chunk. To write a fault response, pass a Fault instance instead. You may prefer to use the "dumps" module function for this purpose. NFcCsi|_d|_||_||_dSr)memorWry allow_none)rryrr r r rs zMarshaller.__init__cCsg}|j}|j}t|tr |d||j|jd||dn|d|D]}|d||||dq&|dd|}|S) Nz )r%r&z z z z z )append_Marshaller__dumpr:r$r%r&join)rvaluesr\r[dumpvresultr r r dumpss&     zMarshaller.dumpscCsz |jt|}Wn2ty;t|dstdt|t|jD]}||jvr3tdt|q"|jd}Ynw||||dS)N__dict__zcannot marshal %s objects_arbitrary_instance)dispatchtypeKeyErrorrCrh__mro__keys)rr3r[fZtype_r r r Z__dumps   zMarshaller.__dumpcCs|jstd|ddS)Nz0cannot marshal None unless allow_none is enabledz)rrhrr3r[r r r dump_nils zMarshaller.dump_nilcCs$|d||r dp d|ddS)Nz10z r rr r r dump_bool s zMarshaller.dump_boolcCs<|tks|tkr td|d|tt||ddS)Nzint exceeds XML-RPC limitsz z )MAXINTMININT OverflowErrorrAintrr r r dump_long&s  zMarshaller.dump_longcC |d|t||ddS)Nzz )reprrr r r dump_double1  zMarshaller.dump_doublecCs |d||||ddS)Nzz r )rr3r[r r r r dump_unicode7rzMarshaller.dump_unicodecCs,|dt|}||d|ddSrk)rirmrX)rr3r[rnr r r dump_bytes=s  zMarshaller.dump_bytescCsZt|}||jvr tdd|j|<|j}|d|D]}|||q|d|j|=dS)Nz"cannot marshal recursive sequencesz z )rTrrhr)rr3r[irrr r r dump_arrayEs    zMarshaller.dump_arraycCst|}||jvr tdd|j|<|j}|d|D]"\}}|dt|ts.td|d||||||dq|d|j|=dS)Nz%cannot marshal recursive dictionariesz z zdictionary key must be stringz%s z z )rTrrhritemsr:rA)rr3r[r rrkrr r r dump_structSs      zMarshaller.dump_structcCrrZ)r?rr r r dump_datetimeerzMarshaller.dump_datetimecCs4|jtvr||_|||`dS||j|dSr)rWRAPPERSr[r]rrrr r r dump_instanceks  zMarshaller.dump_instancerrz)!rrrrrrrrrrrboolrrZdump_intrfloatr rrArrfrgrr;listrdictrrrr@rdr r r r rs>       rc@sneZdZdZdEddZddZddZd d Zd d Zd dZ ddZ ddZ iZ ddZ e e d<ddZee d<ddZee d<ee d<ee d<ee d<ee d<ee d <d!d"Zee d#<ee d$<d%d&Zee d'<d(d)Zee d*<ee d+<d,d-Zee d.<d/d0Zee d1<d2d3Zee d4<d5d6Zee d7<d8d9Zee d:<d;d<Zee d=<d>d?Zee d@<dAdBZee dC<dDS)F UnmarshalleraUnmarshal an XML-RPC response, based on incoming XML event messages (start, data, end). Call close() to get the resulting data structure. Note that this reader is fairly tolerant, and gladly accepts bogus XML-RPC data without complaining (but not bogus XML). FcCsHd|_g|_g|_g|_d|_d|_d|_|jj|_|p||_||_ dS)NFutf-8) _type_stack_marks_data_value _methodname _encodingr _use_datetime _use_bytes)r use_datetimeuse_builtin_typesr r r rs   zUnmarshaller.__init__cCs>|jdus|jr t|jdkrtdi|jdt|jS)Nfaultrr )rrr#r$rr;r r r r r~s   zUnmarshaller.closecCrRr)rr r r r getmethodnamerSzUnmarshaller.getmethodnamecC ||_dSr)r)rryZ standaloner r r rvr5zUnmarshaller.xmlcCshd|vr |dd}|dks|dkr|jt|jg|_|jr-||jvr-td||dk|_dS)N:arraystructzunknown tag %rr3) splitrrlenrrrrr#)rtagZattrsr r r rts zUnmarshaller.startcCs|j|dSr)rr)rtextr r r rWr8zUnmarshaller.datac Csrz|j|}Wn(ty/d|vrYdSz |j|dd}Wn ty,YYdSwYnw||d|jS)Nrrr)rrrrr)rrrr r r rus  zUnmarshaller.endc Csjz|j|}Wn(ty/d|vrYdSz |j|dd}Wn ty,YYdSwYnw|||S)Nrr)rrr)rrrWrr r r end_dispatchs   zUnmarshaller.end_dispatchcCs|dd|_dSNr)rrrVr r r end_nils  zUnmarshaller.end_nilZnilcCs:|dkr |dn|dkr|dntdd|_dS)NrFrTzbad boolean valuer)rrhrrVr r r end_booleans    zUnmarshaller.end_booleanbooleancC|t|d|_dSr)rrrrVr r r end_int zUnmarshaller.end_intZi1Zi2Zi4Zi8rZ bigintegercCrr)rrrrVr r r end_doublerzUnmarshaller.end_doubleZdoublercCrr)rrrrVr r r end_bigdecimalrzUnmarshaller.end_bigdecimalZ bigdecimalcCs&|jr ||j}||d|_dSr)rrXrrrVr r r end_strings   zUnmarshaller.end_stringstringnamecCs.|j}|j|dg|j|d<d|_dSr)rpoprr)rrWmarkr r r end_arrays  zUnmarshaller.end_arrayrcCs`|j}i}|j|d}tdt|dD] }||d|||<q|g|j|d<d|_dS)Nrrr))rrrrangerr)rrWrrrrr r r end_struct s  zUnmarshaller.end_structrcCs6t}||d|jr|j}||d|_dS)Nrlr)rdrXr]rrWrrrrWr3r r r end_base64s   zUnmarshaller.end_base64ricCs,t}|||jrt|}||dSr)r@rXrrbrrr r r end_dateTime s  zUnmarshaller.end_dateTimezdateTime.iso8601cCs|jr ||dSdSr)rrrVr r r end_value(szUnmarshaller.end_valuer3cC d|_dS)NparamsrrVr r r end_params/r5zUnmarshaller.end_paramsrcCr)NrrrVr r r end_fault3r5zUnmarshaller.end_faultrcCs"|jr ||j}||_d|_dS)N methodName)rrXrrrVr r r end_methodName7s  zUnmarshaller.end_methodNamerNFF)rrrrrr~rrvrtrWrurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r r r rs\     rc@rp)_MultiCallMethodcC||_||_dSr)_MultiCallMethod__call_list_MultiCallMethod__name)rZ call_listrr r r rD z_MultiCallMethod.__init__cCt|jd|j|fSNz%s.%s)rrrrrr r r __getattr__Gz_MultiCallMethod.__getattr__cGs|j|j|fdSr)rrrrargsr r r __call__Irz_MultiCallMethod.__call__Nrrrrrrr r r r rA rc@r)MultiCallIteratorzaIterates over the results of a multicall. Exceptions are raised in response to xmlrpc faults.cCrr)results)rrr r r rPr5zMultiCallIterator.__init__cCsL|j|}t|tikrt|d|dt|tgkr"|dStd)Nr%r&rz#unexpected type in multicall result)rrr$r,)rritemr r r __getitem__Ss zMultiCallIterator.__getitem__N)rrrrrrr r r r rLs rc@s0eZdZdZddZddZddZdd Zd S) MultiCalla~server -> an object used to boxcar method calls server should be a ServerProxy object. Methods can be added to the MultiCall using normal method call syntax e.g.: multicall = MultiCall(server_proxy) multicall.add(2,3) multicall.get_address("Guido") To execute the multicall, call the MultiCall object e.g.: add_result, address = multicall() cCs||_g|_dSr)_MultiCall__server_MultiCall__call_list)rserverr r r rmrzMultiCall.__init__cCsd|jjt|fS)Nz <%s at %#x>)rrrTr r r r r!qszMultiCall.__repr__cC t|j|Sr)rrrr r r rtrczMultiCall.__getattr__cCs6g}|jD] \}}|||dqt|jj|S)N)rr)rrrrsystemZ multicall)rZmarshalled_listrrr r r rwszMultiCall.__call__N)rrrrrr!rrr r r r r\s  rFcCs~tr'tr'|r t}tj}n |rt}t}nt}t}tdd||t}t|}||fSt||d}tr7t|}||fSt |}||fS)zgetparser() -> parser, unmarshaller Create an instance of the fastest available parser, and attach it to an unmarshalling object. Return both objects. TFrr) FastParserFastUnmarshallerrbrirjror`r$rrq)rrZ mkdatetimeZmkbytesrwrxr r r getparsers$ rcCst|trd}n|rt|tr|sd}trt|}nt||}||}|dkr/dt|}nd}|r<|d|d|df}n |rE|d|d f}n|Sd |S) adata [,options] -> marshalled data Convert an argument tuple or a Fault instance to an XML-RPC request (or response, if the methodresponse option is used). In addition to the data object, the following options can be given as keyword arguments: methodname: the method name for a methodCall packet methodresponse: true to create a methodResponse packet. If this option is used with a tuple, the tuple must be a singleton (i.e. it can contain only one element). encoding: the packet encoding (default is UTF-8) All byte strings in the data structure are assumed to use the packet encoding. Unicode strings are automatically converted, where necessary. r)rz$ z z z z z z r)r:r$r;FastMarshallerrrrAr)r methodnameZmethodresponseryrmrWZ xmlheaderr r r rs6     rcCs2t||d\}}|||||fS)zdata -> unmarshalled data, method name Convert an XML-RPC packet to unmarshalled data plus a method name (None if not present). If the XML-RPC packet represents a fault condition, this function raises a Fault exception. r)rr|r~r)rWrrpur r r loadss rcCsVtstt}tjd|dd}||Wd|S1s"wY|S)zhdata -> gzip encoded data Encode data using the gzip content encoding as described in RFC 1952 wbr))modefileobjZ compresslevelN)gzipNotImplementedErrorrGzipFiler[getvalue)rWrgzfr r r gzip_encodes  r@c Cststtjdt|d&}z|dkr|}n||d}Wn ty+tdwWdn1s6wY|dkrIt||krItd|S)zrgzip encoded data -> unencoded data Decode data using the gzip content encoding as described in RFC 1952 rbr r rr)z invalid dataNz#max gzipped payload length exceeded)r r r rreadOSErrorr,r)rWZ max_decoderZdecodedr r r gzip_decode)s   rc@r)GzipDecodedResponsezha file-like object to decode a response encoded with the gzip method, as described in RFC 1952. cCs.tstt||_tjj|d|jddS)Nrr)r r rrior r)rresponser r r rGszGzipDecodedResponse.__init__cCs*ztj|W|jdS|jwr)r r r~rr r r r r~OszGzipDecodedResponse.closeN)rrrrrr~r r r r rCs rc@rp)_MethodcCrr _Method__send _Method__name)rsendrr r r r\rz_Method.__init__cCrr)rrrrr r r r_rz_Method.__getattr__cGs||j|Srrrr r r rarQz_Method.__call__Nrr r r r rYrrc@seZdZdZdeZdZdZddddd Zdd d Z dd d Z ddZ ddZ ddZ ddZddZddZddZddZdS) Transportz1Handles an HTTP transaction to an XML-RPC server.zPython-xmlrpc/%sTNFr )rcCs&||_||_d|_t||_g|_dSN)NN)r_use_builtin_types _connectionr_headers_extra_headers)rrrrr r r rxs   zTransport.__init__c Cs~dD]:}z |||||WStjjy|rYqty<}z|s1|jtjtjtjfvr2WYd}~qd}~wwdS)N)rr)) single_requesthttpclientZRemoteDisconnectedrerrnoZ ECONNRESETZ ECONNABORTEDZEPIPE)rhosthandler request_bodyverboserer r r requests  zTransport.requestcCsz|||||}|}|jdkr||_||WSWnty$ty/|w|ddr:| t |||j|j t | )Nzcontent-lengthr) send_requestZ getresponseZstatusr,parse_responser$ Exceptionr~ getheaderrrreasonrZ getheaders)rr)r*r+r,Z http_connZrespr r r r%s(      zTransport.single_requestcCst|j|jdS)Nr)rrr!r r r r rszTransport.getparsercCsri}t|tr |\}}tj|\}}|r2tj|}t|d}d | }dd|fg}ng}|||fS)NrrZ AuthorizationzBasic ) r:r;urllibparseZ _splituserZunquote_to_bytesrirmrXrr)rr)x509ZauthZ extra_headersr r r get_host_infos    zTransport.get_host_infocCsL|jr||jdkr|jdS||\}|_}|tj|f|_|jdS)Nrr))r"r8r$r&r'ZHTTPConnectionrr)Zchostr7r r r make_connections   zTransport.make_connectioncCs$|j\}}|rd|_|dSdSr )r"r~)rr) connectionr r r r~s  zTransport.closecCs||}|j|j}|r|d|jr%tr%|jd|dd|dn|d||d|d|jf| ||| |||S)Nr)ZPOSTT)Zskip_accept_encoding)zAccept-Encodingr )z Content-Typeztext/xmlz User-Agent) r:r#r$Zset_debuglevelaccept_gzip_encodingr Z putrequestr user_agent send_headers send_content)rr)r*r+debugr;rr r r r0s         zTransport.send_requestcCs|D] \}}|||qdSr) putheader)rr;rkeyvalr r r r>s zTransport.send_headerscCsR|jdur|jt|krtr|ddt|}|dtt|||dS)NContent-Encodingr zContent-Length)encode_thresholdrr rArrAZ endheaders)rr;r+r r r r? s  zTransport.send_contentcCst|dr|dddkrt|}n|}n|}|\}} |d}|s&n|jr0tdt|||q||ur>| | | S)Nr3rDrr r)izbody:) rCr3rrrr,printrr|r~)rrstreamrrrWr r r r11s$     zTransport.parse_responser)F)rrrr __version__r=r<rErr.r%rr8r:r~r0r>r?r1r r r r rjs$  ! rcs2eZdZdZd dddfdd Zdd ZZS) SafeTransportz2Handles an HTTPS transaction to an XML-RPC server.Fr Nrcontextcstj|||d||_dS)Nrrr)superrrK)rrrrrKrr r rRs  zSafeTransport.__init__cCst|jr||jdkr|jdSttjdstd||\}|_}|tjj|dfd|ji|p0if|_|jdS)Nrr)HTTPSConnectionz1your version of http.client doesn't support HTTPSrK) r"rCr&r'r r8r$rOrKr9r r r r:[s    zSafeTransport.make_connectionr)rrrrrr: __classcell__r r rNr rIOs  rIc@s^eZdZdZ  ddddddZdd Zd d Zd d ZddZddZ ddZ ddZ dS) ServerProxyauri [,options] -> a logical connection to an XML-RPC server uri is the connection point on the server, given as scheme://host/target. The standard implementation always supports the "http" scheme. If SSL socket support is available (Python 2.0), it also supports "https". If the target part and the slash preceding it are both omitted, "/RPC2" is assumed. The following options can be given as keyword arguments: transport: a transport factory encoding: the request encoding (default is UTF-8) All 8-bit strings passed to the server proxy are assumed to use the given encoding. NFr rJc Cstj|} | jdvrtd| j|_tjddg| dd|_|js(d|_|durG| jdkr8t } d| i} nt } i} | d |||d| }||_ |pMd |_ ||_ ||_dS) N)r&httpszunsupported XML-RPC protocolrrz/RPC2rRrKrLrr )r5r6ZurlsplitZschemerZnetloc_ServerProxy__hostZ urlunsplit_ServerProxy__handlerrIr_ServerProxy__transport_ServerProxy__encoding_ServerProxy__verbose_ServerProxy__allow_none) rZuri transportryr,rrrrrKrr*Z extra_kwargsr r r rs.      zServerProxy.__init__cCs|jdSr)rUr~r r r r Z__closerQzServerProxy.__closecCsPt|||j|jd|jd}|jj|j|j||jd}t |dkr&|d}|S)N)ryrxmlcharrefreplace)r,r)r) rrVrXr]rUr.rSrTrWr)rrrr.rr r r Z __requests   zServerProxy.__requestcCr()Nz <%s for %s%s>)rrrSrTr r r r r!szServerProxy.__repr__cCrr)r_ServerProxy__requestrr r r rs zServerProxy.__getattr__cCs*|dkr|jS|dkr|jStd|f)z|A workaround to get special attributes on the ServerProxy without interfering with the magic __getattr__ r~rYzAttribute %r not found)_ServerProxy__closerUr})rattrr r r rs zServerProxy.__call__cCs|Srr r r r r __enter__szServerProxy.__enter__cGs |dSr)r\rr r r __exit__rczServerProxy.__exit__)NNFFFF) rrrrrr\r[r!rrr^r_r r r r rQzs  rQ__main__zhttp://localhost:8000ZERROR r)NNNF)r)Vrrisysr<rdecimalrZ http.clientr&Z urllib.parser5Z xml.parsersrr(rrr  ImportErrorr version_inforHrrZ PARSE_ERRORZ SERVER_ERRORZAPPLICATION_ERRORZ SYSTEM_ERRORZTRANSPORT_ERRORZNOT_WELLFORMED_ERRORZUNSUPPORTED_ENCODINGZINVALID_ENCODING_CHARZINVALID_XMLRPCZMETHOD_NOT_FOUNDZINVALID_METHOD_PARAMSZINTERNAL_ERRORr2rrr#r$rrZBooleanr*r-r4r?r@r`rbrdrorrqrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrIrQZServerrrrFZ currentTimeZgetCurrentTimerZmultiZgetDatapowaddrr r r r sX*           R #!(C  % ' K f+i