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arguments_register_task_register_eager_task_unregister_task_unregister_eager_task_enter_task_leave_task_swap_current_taskset_resultset_exceptionmsgadd_done_callbackremove_done_callbacklimitfileeager_startget_event_loop_get_running_loop_set_running_loop_asyncio.Task_state_asyncio_future_blocking_callbacks_log_traceback_source_traceback_cancel_message_log_destroy_pending_must_cancel_fut_waiter__weaklistoffset____dictoffset__cancelleddonecancellinguncancel_make_cancelled_errorget_nameset_nameget_coroget_context__class_getitem__See PEP 585task_wakeup_asyncio.TaskStepMethWrapper__self___asyncio.FutureItersendclose_asyncio.Futureget_loop_asyncio%s exception was never retrievedTask was destroyed but it is pending!Task does not support set_exception operationTask does not support set_result operationFuture object is not initialized._log_traceback can only be set to Falsethread-local storage is not availableStopIteration interacts badly with generators and cannot be raised into a FutureCannot enter into task %R while another task %R is being executed.Leaving task %R does not match the current task %R.the (type, exc, tb) signature of throw() is deprecated, use the single-arg signature instead.throw() third argument must be a tracebackinstance exception may not have a separate valueexceptions must be classes deriving BaseException or instances of such a classTask cannot await on itself: %Ryield was used instead of yield from for generator in task %R with %Ryield was used instead of yield from in task %R with %RTask %R got Future %R attached to a different loopa coroutine was expected, got %Rfunction takes no keyword argumentsfunction takes no positional argumentsexception() takes no argumentsAccelerator module for asynciocurrent_task($module, /, loop=None) -- Return a currently executed task._swap_current_task($module, /, loop, task) -- Temporarily swap in the supplied task and return the original one (or None). This is intended for use during eager coroutine execution._leave_task($module, /, loop, task) -- Leave task execution or suspend a task. Task belongs to loop. Returns None._enter_task($module, /, loop, task) -- Enter into task execution or resume suspended task. Task belongs to loop. Returns None._unregister_eager_task($module, /, task) -- Unregister a task. Returns None._unregister_task($module, /, task) -- Unregister a task. Returns None._register_eager_task($module, /, task) -- Register a new task in asyncio as executed by loop. Returns None._register_task($module, /, task) -- Register a new task in asyncio as executed by loop. Returns None.get_running_loop($module, /) -- Return the running event loop. Raise a RuntimeError if there is none. This function is thread-specific.get_event_loop($module, /) -- Return an asyncio event loop. When called from a coroutine or a callback (e.g. scheduled with call_soon or similar API), this function will always return the running event loop. If there is no running event loop set, the function will return the result of `get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop()` call._set_running_loop($module, loop, /) -- Set the running event loop. This is a low-level function intended to be used by event loops. This function is thread-specific._get_running_loop($module, /) -- Return the running event loop or None. This is a low-level function intended to be used by event loops. This function is thread-specific.set_name($self, value, /) -- get_name($self, /) -- get_context($self, /) -- get_coro($self, /) -- set_exception($self, exception, /) -- set_result($self, result, /) -- print_stack($self, /, *, limit=None, file=None) -- Print the stack or traceback for this task's coroutine. This produces output similar to that of the traceback module, for the frames retrieved by get_stack(). The limit argument is passed to get_stack(). The file argument is an I/O stream to which the output is written; by default output is written to sys.stderr.get_stack($self, /, *, limit=None) -- Return the list of stack frames for this task's coroutine. If the coroutine is not done, this returns the stack where it is suspended. If the coroutine has completed successfully or was cancelled, this returns an empty list. If the coroutine was terminated by an exception, this returns the list of traceback frames. The frames are always ordered from oldest to newest. The optional limit gives the maximum number of frames to return; by default all available frames are returned. Its meaning differs depending on whether a stack or a traceback is returned: the newest frames of a stack are returned, but the oldest frames of a traceback are returned. (This matches the behavior of the traceback module.) For reasons beyond our control, only one stack frame is returned for a suspended coroutine.uncancel($self, /) -- Decrement the task's count of cancellation requests. This should be used by tasks that catch CancelledError and wish to continue indefinitely until they are cancelled again. Returns the remaining number of cancellation requests.cancelling($self, /) -- Return the count of the task's cancellation requests. This count is incremented when .cancel() is called and may be decremented using .uncancel().cancel($self, /, msg=None) -- Request that this task cancel itself. This arranges for a CancelledError to be thrown into the wrapped coroutine on the next cycle through the event loop. The coroutine then has a chance to clean up or even deny the request using try/except/finally. Unlike Future.cancel, this does not guarantee that the task will be cancelled: the exception might be caught and acted upon, delaying cancellation of the task or preventing cancellation completely. The task may also return a value or raise a different exception. Immediately after this method is called, Task.cancelled() will not return True (unless the task was already cancelled). A task will be marked as cancelled when the wrapped coroutine terminates with a CancelledError exception (even if cancel() was not called). This also increases the task's count of cancellation requests._make_cancelled_error($self, /) -- Create the CancelledError to raise if the Task is cancelled. This should only be called once when handling a cancellation since it erases the context exception value.Task(coro, *, loop=None, name=None, context=None, eager_start=False) -- A coroutine wrapped in a Future._make_cancelled_error($self, /) -- Create the CancelledError to raise if the Future is cancelled. This should only be called once when handling a cancellation since it erases the context exception value.get_loop($self, /) -- Return the event loop the Future is bound to.done($self, /) -- Return True if the future is done. Done means either that a result / exception are available, or that the future was cancelled.cancelled($self, /) -- Return True if the future was cancelled.cancel($self, /, msg=None) -- Cancel the future and schedule callbacks. If the future is already done or cancelled, return False. Otherwise, change the future's state to cancelled, schedule the callbacks and return True.remove_done_callback($self, fn, /) -- Remove all instances of a callback from the "call when done" list. Returns the number of callbacks removed.add_done_callback($self, fn, /, *, context=) -- Add a callback to be run when the future becomes done. The callback is called with a single argument - the future object. If the future is already done when this is called, the callback is scheduled with call_soon.set_exception($self, exception, /) -- Mark the future done and set an exception. If the future is already done when this method is called, raises InvalidStateError.set_result($self, result, /) -- Mark the future done and set its result. If the future is already done when this method is called, raises InvalidStateError.exception($self, /) -- Return the exception that was set on this future. The exception (or None if no exception was set) is returned only if the future is done. If the future has been cancelled, raises CancelledError. If the future isn't done yet, raises InvalidStateError.result($self, /) -- Return the result this future represents. If the future has been cancelled, raises CancelledError. If the future's result isn't yet available, raises InvalidStateError. If the future is done and has an exception set, this exception is raised.Future(*, loop=None) -- This class is *almost* compatible with concurrent.futures.Future. Differences: - result() and exception() do not take a timeout argument and raise an exception when the future isn't done yet. - Callbacks registered with add_done_callback() are always called via the event loop's call_soon_threadsafe(). - This class is not compatible with the wait() and as_completed() methods in the concurrent.futures package.;px4}<}7~20ODlXl̀!]@xʁC\y01H@`|#zLh݊w ،L | ߍ M a L Bl < E  yL ~` x = ˖  h4 ȗ\ #x y ט  `   @'xٟK0^`VmäDާDXl4Jh!@\ӺEkmo,H>p\  4NPPzRx $Xt0FJ w?;*3$"D 8XBLD A(A0(A ABBzRx 0$x8,MBAD   ABB 3ABzRx  $yp(8 AAD CAzRx   'yyz zz4zBDD  ABB AAB0zDzXz!l {4{<BDD _ ABB JAB4{SBDD  ABB AAB0{46{yBDD e ABB AAB<w|P||d|x||RAP|0dH|AM|A_~A~ $mMVHA<HKWLBB A(A05(D BBB8b:BBB B(A0$(B BBB`GAE4BBA D(D0(A ABB2D m0(AW,L)rAM R(U0B8B@I nAD|kaBDA A(MP^XP`DhBpIP(A ABB,AM0Q8U@BHBPI0kAYN J, CnAM R(U0B8B@I jA<N08TzBBA D(D0c(D ABB0A_ODD tH HABlAG xA0Ά}BAD G0j AAB4}AGF0b8S@DHBPI0hAAP\ dQDD D|}BDJ A(D@^HPPDXB`I@(D ABB%AYAYCAA$CFAf E Y$DiBHD |ABlϊ=A{$`BHD NAB$,`BHD NABd[AY$VBHD DAB ы^A\D4 BDD D(M@^HSPDXB`I@U(D ABB| lBi< ՌBDD M0Q8X@BHBPI0G DAB( 1BAA ~AB8 BEB A(A0(D BBB<@ EBDD M0Q8X@BHBPI0G DAB4 AJI`_hSpDxBI`vAA4 7AFMP`XO`IhBpIPNAAH BEB D(A0 (D EBBE A(D BBB,< rAM R(U0B8B@I nA8l OBEB A(D0(D BBB, Ǒ_AM Q(V0D8B@I YAH BEA D(H0Y (D ABBE A(D ABB,$ 0rAM R(U0B8B@I nA(T rBHD AB8 ]VBBB A(A0C(D BBBL wBBB G(C0M@^HUPBXB`I@z0D(A BBB, rAM R(U0B8B@I nA8< LBEF D(A0(D BBB@x #BEH A(D0G0A(A BBB  $ BHD AB0 GBAD p DBE AAB4@$BAD  DBE AAB0x`BAD I DBE AAB0`BAD I DBE AAB0ڗ;BHD G@ CAB,H(pBEB E(A0D8DK8D0A(B BBB\tBBB B(A0D8DpVDBI8D0A(B BBB4ܦBBE G(D0t(D BBB 7rAh E C,&A\H\0poGAED o DAE AAAB$2ADA AA,ƨBLA G0 DBB$BHG0pDB(@BAA ABlPD KҪaB^X*BHB B(A0A8J`QhUpBxBI`8A0A(B BBBpBBBBBriBWr!) @ o`  u 5 ooooo56@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@AA&A6AFAVAfAvAAAAAAAAABB&B6BFBVBfBvBBBBBBBBBCC&C6CFCVCfCvCCCCCCCCCDD&D6DFDVDfDvDDDDDDDDDEE&E6EFE Ţ0[@jP`pҢݢ0@P`iВŢ\-X\`=]<RNb[U@j!ST`mg`ji `EnY^uH`HHrjբ_$_?`_I#I^ʣ_K]ߣKhxKKp hZ AIʤA`ޤfrMLEnY^uH`HHrjբ_$_?`_I#I^p h4qBR8@GI3M>$p@`H I<=}APPM$p֢ ҃ljNG$kGҢ]ݢ]S)p 4o fe@=`SNP\Q0eGnGpzI 4p2:GyI3K4q:G=I3L>?@@ Q4rB^8@GG3\L>$p@HI <[AP?OM$p֢ ҃Ңb`ݢ1elj`NG$kG =zGA$3a1@_asyncio.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so-3.12.6-1.el8.x86_64.debugl&7zXZִF!t/ oh]?Eh=ڊ2Naը_aQ?ZNW6Dd=;e0ᣢv N]>K'-10#84}DwJM"MՔI9SC„(..~U{fU{KYXʎ@&.:VLOK AK$'?"Y {( ^fipĔK$"ǝ=Uv[3R4)ݻ^my%4Y,LS;8w-֕B(  1GBt{rZlr+NϘu9zm1θin51$6+W~Xga JZiv ”]%)ס7z=#W.؍I4\5P;&e.iŹ>p󞸕\5 :oM{n6(=`+"eԥt02E,NpvOjsoT%0{B\wU0$R 3CI#)eMxq4vDS[V?{[PJbD~5<#{%J8Ք/;8l&,x;1|߭<%0*V|OwM aGtlqsqY=g4Qr:;_*Pm;Tm6Wpkݳ/Y/ooZ\NPΫttE)Z肈7Hj9Un6vE`Ou!7iեAҔVwE_T|s'sH;]o`njk̒\u=ͦE& HޕY1醯DcI8}F9 UۮnػE`΢m܌[B!E\:K|κhK.ʍgc [q ^$wON~9{ %melg3md) FrkP̭)58>+ovn X{cR]x"&RSa8$ښ4v.ёsZxG|5a f23bWa߂x0Yo==u` dnN/ X灖#dnRE2@"5:d҈S{y~v({ɮR^A/#RKw@ F+1h̞N Igy%T2UZ!&[uc]J_)&2Sv2 'IBn %xy Rxe뿝lf` e0 )Sjd: gO{&7;Ny֎2GKzas_h4[$YP8%sX]E%x@[o?Y:?$ӠI-9/@kVZwS"^L9aQ,SWT/8܁F]}25*S5n_0T(֪)sHΌsϧ0d]q{BT:c:={= K1Wܬ @>2?ٗ ]Cyx'@Q;|l Z(Ӵ睁v7b ~o2,Xd^Ɋ&Jya kw]HJ^;^J q1.. ۽=WD=J#zZ ?4bGMD(Bu)fpq`