3 ¦ fæã@sNdZddddddddd d d d d ddddgZdd „Zdd „Zdd „Zdd „ZdS)z?A package for parsing, handling, and generating email messages.Z base64mimeÚcharsetZencodersÚerrorsZ feedparserÚ generatorÚheaderZ iteratorsÚmessageÚmessage_from_fileÚmessage_from_binary_fileÚmessage_from_stringÚmessage_from_bytesZmimeÚparserZ quoprimimeZutilscOsddlm}|||Žj|ƒS)zvParse a string into a Message object model. Optional _class and strict are passed to the Parser constructor. é)ÚParser)Ú email.parserr Zparsestr)ÚsÚargsÚkwsr ©rú3/opt/alt/python36/lib64/python3.6/email/__init__.pyr s cOsddlm}|||Žj|ƒS)z|Parse a bytes string into a Message object model. Optional _class and strict are passed to the Parser constructor. r )Ú BytesParser)r rZ parsebytes)rrrrrrrr (s cOsddlm}|||Žj|ƒS)zŠRead a file and parse its contents into a Message object model. Optional _class and strict are passed to the Parser constructor. r )r )r r Úparse)Úfprrr rrrr0s cOsddlm}|||Žj|ƒS)z‘Read a binary file and parse its contents into a Message object model. Optional _class and strict are passed to the Parser constructor. r )r)r rr)rrrrrrrr8s N)Ú__doc__Ú__all__rr rrrrrrÚs*