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RuH11H=$HHHH8tHHHHH5HHvHHfield_size_limitlimit must be an integerunknown dialectdialect name must be a stringiterable expected, not %.200s'%c' expected after '%c'unexpected end of dataline contains NULL byteQUOTE_ALL|OOOOOOOOOdelimiterdoublequoteescapecharlineterminatorquotecharquotingskipinitialspacestrict "%s" must be a string"%s" must be an integerinteger out of range for "%s"bad "quoting" valuelineterminator must be setQUOTE_MINIMAL1.0__version___csv.Errorwritelist_dialectsunregister_dialectget_dialectwriterowwriterowsline_num_csv.writer_csv.reader_csv.DialectQUOTE_NONNUMERICQUOTE_NONE_csvneed to escape, but no escapechar setargument 1 must have a "write" methodsingle empty field record must be quotedwriterows() argument must be iterablefield larger than field limit (%ld)new-line character seen in unquoted field - do you need to open the file in universal-newline mode?iterator should return strings, not %.200s (did you open the file in text mode?)"%s" must be string, not %.200s"%s" must be a 1-character stringargument 1 must be an iterator"delimiter" must be a 1-character stringquotechar must be set if quoting enabledXX ;8&DTt|TtD D|<dXx$@Tttd,DDP4|L`4tdTzRx $0FJ w?:*3$"D \p9EZ Q EK H J F 4TEFDD a GBH AAB lYEt G J F 4 EAG O CAH N CAF D 0X9FHA G0  AABI  )H\HBKE B(A0A8D`< 8D0A(B BBBE aEx K  EG L 8@tBAD { ABK M ABA 4|UFDD s GBF AAB4 gFDD z KBK CABXiAs D  fEs H \<ED g E T(\(DEPL@ AAC 0LMFKD D@  AABK 4hlOKE v ABH FCBX!BBB A(A0G@ 0F(A BBBD L 0C(A BBBB dPt:FBB E(A0A8G@  8D0A(B BBBB  8C0A(B BBBE \LFHA A(D0 (D ABBA V (D ABBA T (C DBBA (BAC } ABJ HDOHG0x AAH  AAE b CAJ H$FBB B(D0A8D@, 8D0A(B BBBB 4.VDD ZABEP %(%<%0P[FKD D@  AABF HEHTxgFFFFFFUpl AAA (DEHD  DAE GNU"P"[ LKLL(` p LJp[ x[ o`  ^   oo oo oW[  0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`pSets an upper limit on parsed fields. csv.field_size_limit([limit]) Returns old limit. If limit is not given, no new limit is set and the old limit is returnedDelete the name/dialect mapping associated with a string name. csv.unregister_dialect(name)Create a mapping from a string name to a dialect class. dialect = csv.register_dialect(name[, dialect[, **fmtparams]])Return the dialect instance associated with name. dialect = csv.get_dialect(name)Return a list of all know dialect names. names = csv.list_dialects() csv_writer = csv.writer(fileobj [, dialect='excel'] [optional keyword args]) for row in sequence: csv_writer.writerow(row) [or] csv_writer = csv.writer(fileobj [, dialect='excel'] [optional keyword args]) csv_writer.writerows(rows) The "fileobj" argument can be any object that supports the file API. csv_reader = reader(iterable [, dialect='excel'] [optional keyword args]) for row in csv_reader: process(row) The "iterable" argument can be any object that returns a line of input for each iteration, such as a file object or a list. The optional "dialect" parameter is discussed below. The function also accepts optional keyword arguments which override settings provided by the dialect. The returned object is an iterator. Each iteration returns a row of the CSV file (which can span multiple input lines). CSV parsing and writing. This module provides classes that assist in the reading and writing of Comma Separated Value (CSV) files, and implements the interface described by PEP 305. Although many CSV files are simple to parse, the format is not formally defined by a stable specification and is subtle enough that parsing lines of a CSV file with something like line.split(",") is bound to fail. The module supports three basic APIs: reading, writing, and registration of dialects. DIALECT REGISTRATION: Readers and writers support a dialect argument, which is a convenient handle on a group of settings. When the dialect argument is a string, it identifies one of the dialects previously registered with the module. If it is a class or instance, the attributes of the argument are used as the settings for the reader or writer: class excel: delimiter = ',' quotechar = '"' escapechar = None doublequote = True skipinitialspace = False lineterminator = '\r\n' quoting = QUOTE_MINIMAL SETTINGS: * quotechar - specifies a one-character string to use as the quoting character. It defaults to '"'. * delimiter - specifies a one-character string to use as the field separator. It defaults to ','. * skipinitialspace - specifies how to interpret whitespace which immediately follows a delimiter. It defaults to False, which means that whitespace immediately following a delimiter is part of the following field. * lineterminator - specifies the character sequence which should terminate rows. * quoting - controls when quotes should be generated by the writer. It can take on any of the following module constants: csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL means only when required, for example, when a field contains either the quotechar or the delimiter csv.QUOTE_ALL means that quotes are always placed around fields. csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC means that quotes are always placed around fields which do not parse as integers or floating point numbers. csv.QUOTE_NONE means that quotes are never placed around fields. * escapechar - specifies a one-character string used to escape the delimiter when quoting is set to QUOTE_NONE. * doublequote - controls the handling of quotes inside fields. When True, two consecutive quotes are interpreted as one during read, and when writing, each quote character embedded in the data is written as two quotes CSV writer Writer objects are responsible for generating tabular data in CSV format from sequence input. writerows(iterable of iterables) Construct and write a series of iterables to a csv file. Non-string elements will be converted to string.writerow(iterable) Construct and write a CSV record from an iterable of fields. Non-string elements will be converted to string.CSV reader Reader objects are responsible for reading and parsing tabular data in CSV format. CSV dialect The Dialect type records CSV parsing and generation options. 4LL>d L`.`b :L0&b JL- a HLP,` [L@,a `J$` JgLP1q pL4p JzL PJ3K=KIKTKcKmKuKK3K>IK >TK"cKP>mK &uK =KK4L@@)D`p ##`t t L8"r v u @L@f s `+@$$LX)D r +#@:| t GA$3a1pYJ GA$3p1113"LJGA*GA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$plugin name: annobinGA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA*GA! 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