3  f&@s|dZddlmZddlmZmZddlmZmZeZ eZ ej Z eZ dZdZdZGdddeZdd d Zd d ZddZd S)z0Utility functions used by the btm_matcher module)pytree)grammartoken)pattern_symbolspython_symbolsc@s:eZdZdZd ddZddZddZd d Zd d ZdS)MinNodezThis class serves as an intermediate representation of the pattern tree during the conversion to sets of leaf-to-root subpatternsNcCs.||_||_g|_d|_d|_g|_g|_dS)NF)typenamechildrenleafparent alternativesgroup)selfr r r6/opt/alt/python36/lib64/python3.6/lib2to3/btm_utils.py__init__szMinNode.__init__cCst|jdt|jS)N )strr r )rrrr__repr__szMinNode.__repr__cCs|}g}x|r|jtkr`|jj|t|jt|jkrTt|jg}g|_|j}q n |j}d}P|jtkr|j j|t|j t|jkrt |j }g|_ |j}q n |j}d}P|jt j kr|j r|j|j n |j|j|j}q W|S)zInternal method. Returns a characteristic path of the pattern tree. This method must be run for all leaves until the linear subpatterns are merged into a singleN)r TYPE_ALTERNATIVESrappendlenr tupler TYPE_GROUPrget_characteristic_subpattern token_labelsNAMEr )rnodesubprrr leaf_to_root!s8        zMinNode.leaf_to_rootcCs&x |jD]}|j}|r |Sq WdS)aDrives the leaf_to_root method. The reason that leaf_to_root must be run multiple times is because we need to reject 'group' matches; for example the alternative form (a | b c) creates a group [b c] that needs to be matched. Since matching multiple linear patterns overcomes the automaton's capabilities, leaf_to_root merges each group into a single choice based on 'characteristic'ity, i.e. (a|b c) -> (a|b) if b more characteristic than c Returns: The most 'characteristic'(as defined by get_characteristic_subpattern) path for the compiled pattern tree. N)leavesr")rlr!rrrget_linear_subpatternKszMinNode.get_linear_subpatternccs.x|jD]}|jEdHqW|js*|VdS)z-Generator that returns the leaves of the treeN)r r#)rchildrrrr#`s zMinNode.leaves)NN) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrr"r%r#rrrrr s  *r Nc Csd}|jtjkr|jd}|jtjkrt|jdkrFt|jd|}nJttd}x>|jD]4}|jj |drnqXt||}|dk rX|jj |qXWn|jtj krt|jdkrtt d}x(|jD]}t||}|r|jj |qW|jsd}nt|jd|}n|jtj krt|jdtjrH|jdjdkrHt|jd|St|jdtjrn|jdjdkst|jdkrt|jddr|jdjdkrdSd }d}d}d }d} d } xn|jD]d}|jtjkrd }|}n*|jtjkrd }|} n|jtjkr |}t|dr|jd krd } qW| rb|jd} t| drl| jdkrl|jd } n |jd} | jtjkr| jd krttd}n4tt| jrttt| jd}nttt| jd}n\| jtjkr | jjd} | tkrtt| d}nttj| d}n| jtjkr$t||}|rZ| jdjdkrBd}n| jdjdkrVnt|r|dk rx8|jddD]&}t||}|dk rz|jj |qzW|r||_|S)z Internal function. Reduces a compiled pattern tree to an intermediate representation suitable for feeding the automaton. This also trims off any optional pattern elements(like [a], a*). Nr)r r([valueTF=rany')r r *+)r symsZMatcherr Z Alternativesr reduce_treer rindexrZ AlternativerZUnit isinstancerZLeafr.hasattrZDetailsZRepeaterrrTYPE_ANYgetattrpysymsSTRINGstriptokensNotImplementedErrorr) r rZnew_noder&Zreducedr Z details_nodeZalternatives_nodeZ has_repeaterZ repeater_nodeZhas_variable_nameZ name_leafr rrrr6gs                     r6cst|ts|St|dkr"|dSg}g}dddddgg}dxl|D]d}tt|d d rFtt|fd d r~|j|qFtt|fd d r|j|qF|j|qFW|r|}n|r|}n|r|}t|td S)zPicks the most characteristic from a list of linear patterns Current order used is: names > common_names > common_chars rr+inforifnotNonez[]().,:cSs t|tkS)N)r r)xrrrsz/get_characteristic_subpattern..cst|to|kS)N)r8r)rF) common_charsrrrGscst|to|kS)N)r8r)rF) common_namesrrrGs)key)r8listrr0rec_testrmax)Z subpatternsZsubpatterns_with_namesZsubpatterns_with_common_namesZsubpatterns_with_common_chars subpatternr)rHrIrrs2     rccs<x6|D].}t|ttfr*t||EdHq||VqWdS)zPTests test_func on all items of sequence and items of included sub-iterablesN)r8rKrrL)ZsequenceZ test_funcrFrrrrLs rLr4)N)r*rZpgen2rrZpygramrrr5r<Zopmapr?rr:rrobjectr r6rrLrrrrs W %