B ^u_šã@sZdZddlmZmZmZddlmZddlmZdd„Z dd „Z d d „Z d d „Z e ƒZdS)z% Commonly used hooks for on_setattr. é)Úabsolute_importÚdivisionÚprint_functioné)Ú_config)ÚFrozenAttributeErrorcs‡fdd„}|S)zf Run all *setters* and return the return value of the last one. .. versionadded:: 20.1.0 cs"|}xˆD]}||||ƒ}q W|S)N©)ÚinstanceÚattribÚ new_valueÚrvÚsetter)Úsettersrú=/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/attr/setters.pyÚ wrapped_pipes zpipe..wrapped_piper)rrr)rrÚpipe s rcCs tƒ‚dS)zL Prevent an attribute to be modified. .. versionadded:: 20.1.0 N)r)Ú_Ú__Z___rrrÚfrozensrcCs,tjdkr|S|j}|s|S||||ƒ|S)z^ Run *attrib*'s validator on *new_value* if it has one. .. versionadded:: 20.1.0 F)rZ_run_validatorsZ validator)r r r ÚvrrrÚvalidate&s  rcCs|j}|r||ƒS|S)z Run *attrib*'s converter -- if it has one -- on *new_value* and return the result. .. versionadded:: 20.1.0 )Z converter)r r r ÚcrrrÚconvert8srN)Ú__doc__Z __future__rrrÚrÚ exceptionsrrrrrÚobjectZNO_OPrrrrÚs