B ÍAÒ[ ã@sädZddlmZddlmZmZmZmZmZerNddl m Z m Z m ZmZmZnddlm Z m Z mZmZmZddlmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZddlmZejrÜdd d d d d dddddddddddddgZngZdS)a¹ A resurrection of some old functions from Python 2 for use in Python 3. These should be used sparingly, to help with porting efforts, since code using them is no longer standard Python 3 code. This module provides the following: 1. Implementations of these builtin functions which have no equivalent on Py3: - apply - chr - cmp - execfile 2. Aliases: - intern <- sys.intern - raw_input <- input - reduce <- functools.reduce - reload <- imp.reload - unichr <- chr - unicode <- str - xrange <- range 3. List-producing versions of the corresponding Python 3 iterator-producing functions: - filter - map - range - zip 4. Forward-ported Py2 types: - basestring - dict - str - long - unicode é)ÚPY3)ÚfilterÚmapÚrangeÚreduceÚzip)Ú basestringÚolddictÚoldstrÚlongÚunicode)rÚdictÚstrr r ) ÚapplyÚchrÚcmpÚexecfileÚinternÚoctÚ raw_inputÚreloadÚunichrr Úxrange)Úutilsrrrrrrr rr r rrrrrrrrrN) Ú__doc__Z future.utilsrZpast.builtins.noniteratorsrrrrrZ past.typesrr r r rr r Z __builtin__Zpast.builtins.miscrrrrrrrrrrÚpastrÚ__all__©rrúG/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/past/builtins/__init__.pyÚ(s 4