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With pyparsing, you don't need to learn a new syntax for defining grammars or matching expressions - the parsing module provides a library of classes that you use to construct the grammar directly in Python. Here is a program to parse "Hello, World!" (or any greeting of the form ``", !"``), built up using :class:`Word`, :class:`Literal`, and :class:`And` elements (the :class:`'+'` operators create :class:`And` expressions, and the strings are auto-converted to :class:`Literal` expressions):: from pip._vendor.pyparsing import Word, alphas # define grammar of a greeting greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!" hello = "Hello, World!" print (hello, "->", greet.parseString(hello)) The program outputs the following:: Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!'] The Python representation of the grammar is quite readable, owing to the self-explanatory class names, and the use of '+', '|' and '^' operators. The :class:`ParseResults` object returned from :class:`ParserElement.parseString` can be accessed as a nested list, a dictionary, or an object with named attributes. The pyparsing module handles some of the problems that are typically vexing when writing text parsers: - extra or missing whitespace (the above program will also handle "Hello,World!", "Hello , World !", etc.) - quoted strings - embedded comments Getting Started - ----------------- Visit the classes :class:`ParserElement` and :class:`ParseResults` to see the base classes that most other pyparsing classes inherit from. Use the docstrings for examples of how to: - construct literal match expressions from :class:`Literal` and :class:`CaselessLiteral` classes - construct character word-group expressions using the :class:`Word` class - see how to create repetitive expressions using :class:`ZeroOrMore` and :class:`OneOrMore` classes - use :class:`'+'`, :class:`'|'`, :class:`'^'`, and :class:`'&'` operators to combine simple expressions into more complex ones - associate names with your parsed results using :class:`ParserElement.setResultsName` - access the parsed data, which is returned as a :class:`ParseResults` object - find some helpful expression short-cuts like :class:`delimitedList` and :class:`oneOf` - find more useful common expressions in the :class:`pyparsing_common` namespace class z2.4.7z30 Mar 2020 00:43 UTCz*Paul McGuire N)ref)datetime) itemgetter)wraps)contextmanager) filterfalse) ifilterfalse)RLock)Iterable)MutableMappingMapping) OrderedDict)SimpleNamespacec@s eZdZdS)rN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__rr/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python37-pip-20.2.4-6.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing.pyrsraA A cross-version compatibility configuration for pyparsing features that will be released in a future version. By setting values in this configuration to True, those features can be enabled in prior versions for compatibility development and testing. - collect_all_And_tokens - flag to enable fix for Issue #63 that fixes erroneous grouping of results names when an And expression is nested within an Or or MatchFirst; set to True to enable bugfix released in pyparsing 2.3.0, or False to preserve pre-2.3.0 handling of named results Ta Diagnostic configuration (all default to False) - warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation - flag to enable warnings when a results name is defined on a MatchFirst or Or expression with one or more And subexpressions (only warns if __compat__.collect_all_And_tokens is False) - warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection - flag to enable warnings when a results name is defined on a containing expression with ungrouped subexpressions that also have results names - warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward - flag to enable warnings whan a Forward is defined with a results name, but has no contents defined - warn_on_multiple_string_args_to_oneof - flag to enable warnings whan oneOf is incorrectly called with multiple str arguments - enable_debug_on_named_expressions - flag to auto-enable debug on all subsequent calls to ParserElement.setName() FcCs$g|]}|ds|dr|qS)Zenable_Zwarn_) startswith).0nmrrr srcCsdt_dt_dt_dt_dS)NT)__diag__)warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation)warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collectionwarn_name_set_on_empty_Forward%warn_on_multiple_string_args_to_oneofrrrr_enable_all_warningssr __version____versionTime__ __author__ __compat__rAndCaselessKeywordCaselessLiteral CharsNotInCombineDictEachEmpty FollowedByForward GoToColumnGroupKeywordLineEnd LineStartLiteral PrecededBy MatchFirstNoMatchNotAny OneOrMoreOnlyOnceOptionalOrParseBaseExceptionParseElementEnhanceParseExceptionParseExpressionParseFatalException ParseResultsParseSyntaxException ParserElement QuotedStringRecursiveGrammarExceptionRegexSkipTo StringEnd StringStartSuppressTokenTokenConverterWhiteWordWordEnd WordStart ZeroOrMoreChar alphanumsalphas alphas8bit anyCloseTag anyOpenTag cStyleCommentcolcommaSeparatedListcommonHTMLEntity countedArraycppStyleCommentdblQuotedStringdblSlashComment delimitedListdictOfdowncaseTokensemptyhexnums htmlCommentjavaStyleCommentlinelineEnd lineStartlineno makeHTMLTags makeXMLTagsmatchOnlyAtColmatchPreviousExprmatchPreviousLiteral nestedExprnullDebugActionnumsoneOfopAssocoperatorPrecedence printablespunc8bitpythonStyleComment quotedString removeQuotesreplaceHTMLEntity replaceWith restOfLinesglQuotedStringsrange stringEnd stringStarttraceParseAction unicodeString upcaseTokens withAttribute indentedBlockoriginalTextForungroup infixNotation locatedExpr withClass CloseMatchtokenMappyparsing_commonpyparsing_unicode unicode_setconditionAsParseActionrecCs`t|tr|Syt|Stk rZt|td}td}|dd| |SXdS)aDrop-in replacement for str(obj) that tries to be Unicode friendly. It first tries str(obj). If that fails with a UnicodeEncodeError, then it tries unicode(obj). It then < returns the unicode object | encodes it with the default encoding | ... >. xmlcharrefreplacez&#\d+;cSs$dtt|dddddS)Nz\ur)hexint)trrrz_ustr..N) isinstanceunicodestrUnicodeEncodeErrorencodesysgetdefaultencodingrDsetParseActiontransformString)objretZ xmlcharrefrrr_ustrs rz6sum len sorted reversed list tuple set any all min maxccs|] }|VqdS)Nr)ryrrr srcCs>d}dddD}x"t||D]\}}|||}q"W|S)z/Escape &, <, >, ", ', etc. in a string of data.z&><"'css|]}d|dVqdS)&;Nr)rsrrrrsz_xml_escape..zamp gt lt quot apos)splitzipreplace)data from_symbols to_symbolsfrom_to_rrr _xml_escapes r 0123456789Z ABCDEFabcdef\ccs|]}|tjkr|VqdS)N)string whitespace)rcrrrrscs@|dk r |nd|rtntttfdd}|S)Nzfailed user-defined conditioncs t|||s||dS)N)bool)rlr)exc_typefnmsgrrpa%sz"conditionAsParseAction..pa)r>r< _trim_arityr)rmessagefatalrr)rrrrr s  c@sPeZdZdZdddZeddZdd Zd d Zd d Z dddZ ddZ dS)r:z7base exception class for all parsing runtime exceptionsrNcCs>||_|dkr||_d|_n ||_||_||_|||f|_dS)Nr)locrpstr parserElementargs)selfrrrelemrrr__init__0szParseBaseException.__init__cCs||j|j|j|jS)z internal factory method to simplify creating one type of ParseException from another - avoids having __init__ signature conflicts among subclasses )rrrr)clsperrr_from_exception;sz"ParseBaseException._from_exceptioncCsN|dkrt|j|jS|dkr,t|j|jS|dkrBt|j|jSt|dS)zsupported attributes by name are: - lineno - returns the line number of the exception text - col - returns the column number of the exception text - line - returns the line containing the exception text rh)rWcolumnreN)rhrrrWreAttributeError)ranamerrr __getattr__CszParseBaseException.__getattr__cCs^|jr@|jt|jkrd}qDd|j|j|jddd}nd}d|j||j|j|jfS)Nz, found end of textz , found %rrz\\\rz%%s%s (at char %d), (line:%d, col:%d))rrlenrrrhr)rfoundstrrrr__str__Rs$zParseBaseException.__str__cCst|S)N)r)rrrr__repr__\szParseBaseException.__repr__>!z{0} )inspectrgetrecursionlimitrr:appendrerWformatrrgetinnerframes __traceback__set enumeratef_localsgetrAf_codeco_nameaddrr) excdepthrrcallersseenifffrmf_self self_typecoderrrexplainsH            zParseException.explainN)r)rrrr staticmethodrrrrrr<ksc@seZdZdZdS)r>znuser-throwable exception thrown when inconsistent parse content is found; stops all parsing immediatelyN)rrrrrrrrr>sc@seZdZdZdS)r@zjust like :class:`ParseFatalException`, but thrown internally when an :class:`ErrorStop` ('-' operator) indicates that parsing is to stop immediately because an unbacktrackable syntax error has been found. N)rrrrrrrrr@sc@s eZdZdZddZddZdS)rCziexception thrown by :class:`ParserElement.validate` if the grammar could be improperly recursive cCs ||_dS)N)parseElementTrace)rparseElementListrrrrsz"RecursiveGrammarException.__init__cCs d|jS)NzRecursiveGrammarException: %s)r)rrrrrsz!RecursiveGrammarException.__str__N)rrrrrrrrrrrCsc@s,eZdZddZddZddZddZd S) _ParseResultsWithOffsetcCs||f|_dS)N)tup)rp1p2rrrrsz _ParseResultsWithOffset.__init__cCs |j|S)N)r)rrrrr __getitem__sz#_ParseResultsWithOffset.__getitem__cCst|jdS)Nr)reprr)rrrrrsz _ParseResultsWithOffset.__repr__cCs|jd|f|_dS)Nr)r)rrrrr setOffsetsz!_ParseResultsWithOffset.setOffsetN)rrrrr rr rrrrrsrc@seZdZdZd]ddZddddefddZdd Zefd d Zd d Z ddZ ddZ ddZ e Z ddZddZddZddZddZereZeZeZn$eZeZeZddZd d!Zd"d#Zd$d%Zd&d'Zd^d(d)Zd*d+Zd,d-Zd.d/Zd0d1Z d2d3Z!d4d5Z"d6d7Z#d8d9Z$d:d;Z%d`` - see :class:`ParserElement.setResultsName`) Example:: integer = Word(nums) date_str = (integer.setResultsName("year") + '/' + integer.setResultsName("month") + '/' + integer.setResultsName("day")) # equivalent form: # date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") # parseString returns a ParseResults object result = date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") def test(s, fn=repr): print("%s -> %s" % (s, fn(eval(s)))) test("list(result)") test("result[0]") test("result['month']") test("result.day") test("'month' in result") test("'minutes' in result") test("result.dump()", str) prints:: list(result) -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] result[0] -> '1999' result['month'] -> '12' result.day -> '31' 'month' in result -> True 'minutes' in result -> False result.dump() -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] - day: 31 - month: 12 - year: 1999 NTcCs"t||r|St|}d|_|S)NT)robject__new___ParseResults__doinit)rtoklistnameasListmodalretobjrrrr!s   zParseResults.__new__c Csd|jrvd|_d|_d|_i|_||_||_|dkr6g}||trP|dd|_n||trft||_n|g|_t |_ |dk r`|r`|sd|j|<||t rt |}||_||t dttfr|ddgfks`||tr|g}|r*||trtt|jd||<ntt|dd||<|||_n6y|d||<Wn$tttfk r^|||<YnXdS)NFrr)r_ParseResults__name_ParseResults__parent_ParseResults__accumNames_ParseResults__asList_ParseResults__modallist_ParseResults__toklist_generatorTypedict_ParseResults__tokdictrrr basestringr?rKeyError TypeError IndexError)rrrrrrrrrr*sB     $   zParseResults.__init__cCsPt|ttfr|j|S||jkr4|j|ddStdd|j|DSdS)NrrcSsg|] }|dqS)rr)rvrrrrXsz,ParseResults.__getitem__..)rrslicerrrr?)rrrrrr Qs   zParseResults.__getitem__cCs||tr0|j|t|g|j|<|d}nD||ttfrN||j|<|}n&|j|tt|dg|j|<|}||trt||_ dS)Nr) rrrrrr$rr?wkrefr)rkr#rsubrrr __setitem__Zs   " zParseResults.__setitem__c Cst|ttfrt|j}|j|=t|trH|dkr:||7}t||d}tt||}|x^|j D]F\}}x<|D]4}x.t |D]"\}\}} t || | |k||<qWq|WqnWn|j |=dS)Nrr) rrr$rrrrangeindicesreverseritemsrr) rrmylenremovedr occurrencesjr&valuepositionrrr __delitem__gs   $zParseResults.__delitem__cCs ||jkS)N)r)rr&rrr __contains__|szParseResults.__contains__cCs t|jS)N)rr)rrrr__len__szParseResults.__len__cCs |j S)N)r)rrrr__bool__szParseResults.__bool__cCs t|jS)N)iterr)rrrr__iter__szParseResults.__iter__cCst|jdddS)Nr)r7r)rrrr __reversed__szParseResults.__reversed__cCs$t|jdr|jSt|jSdS)Niterkeys)hasattrrr:r7)rrrr _iterkeyss  zParseResults._iterkeyscsfddDS)Nc3s|]}|VqdS)Nr)rr&)rrrrsz+ParseResults._itervalues..)r<)rr)rr _itervaluesszParseResults._itervaluescsfddDS)Nc3s|]}||fVqdS)Nr)rr&)rrrrsz*ParseResults._iteritems..)r<)rr)rr _iteritemsszParseResults._iteritemscCs t|S)zVReturns all named result keys (as a list in Python 2.x, as an iterator in Python 3.x).)rr:)rrrrkeysszParseResults.keyscCs t|S)zXReturns all named result values (as a list in Python 2.x, as an iterator in Python 3.x).)r itervalues)rrrrvaluesszParseResults.valuescCs t|S)zfReturns all named result key-values (as a list of tuples in Python 2.x, as an iterator in Python 3.x).)r iteritems)rrrrr,szParseResults.itemscCs t|jS)zSince keys() returns an iterator, this method is helpful in bypassing code that looks for the existence of any defined results names.)rr)rrrrhaskeysszParseResults.haskeyscOs|s dg}x6|D]*\}}|dkr2|d|f}qtd|qWt|dtsht|dksh|d|kr|d}||}||=|S|d}|SdS)a Removes and returns item at specified index (default= ``last``). Supports both ``list`` and ``dict`` semantics for ``pop()``. If passed no argument or an integer argument, it will use ``list`` semantics and pop tokens from the list of parsed tokens. If passed a non-integer argument (most likely a string), it will use ``dict`` semantics and pop the corresponding value from any defined results names. A second default return value argument is supported, just as in ``dict.pop()``. Example:: def remove_first(tokens): tokens.pop(0) print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).addParseAction(remove_first).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['123', '321'] label = Word(alphas) patt = label("LABEL") + OneOrMore(Word(nums)) print(patt.parseString("AAB 123 321").dump()) # Use pop() in a parse action to remove named result (note that corresponding value is not # removed from list form of results) def remove_LABEL(tokens): tokens.pop("LABEL") return tokens patt.addParseAction(remove_LABEL) print(patt.parseString("AAB 123 321").dump()) prints:: ['AAB', '123', '321'] - LABEL: AAB ['AAB', '123', '321'] rdefaultrz-pop() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'rN)r,r!rrr)rrkwargsr&r#indexr defaultvaluerrrpops%  zParseResults.popcCs||kr||S|SdS)a[ Returns named result matching the given key, or if there is no such name, then returns the given ``defaultValue`` or ``None`` if no ``defaultValue`` is specified. Similar to ``dict.get()``. Example:: integer = Word(nums) date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") result = date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") print(result.get("year")) # -> '1999' print(result.get("hour", "not specified")) # -> 'not specified' print(result.get("hour")) # -> None Nr)rkey defaultValuerrrrszParseResults.getcCsZ|j||xF|jD]8\}}x.t|D]"\}\}}t||||k||<q,WqWdS)a Inserts new element at location index in the list of parsed tokens. Similar to ``list.insert()``. Example:: print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] # use a parse action to insert the parse location in the front of the parsed results def insert_locn(locn, tokens): tokens.insert(0, locn) print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).addParseAction(insert_locn).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> [0, '0', '123', '321'] N)rinsertrr,rr)rrFinsStrrr/r&r1r2rrrrK szParseResults.insertcCs|j|dS)a Add single element to end of ParseResults list of elements. Example:: print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] # use a parse action to compute the sum of the parsed integers, and add it to the end def append_sum(tokens): tokens.append(sum(map(int, tokens))) print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).addParseAction(append_sum).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321', 444] N)rr)ritemrrrr s zParseResults.appendcCs&t|tr||n |j|dS)a  Add sequence of elements to end of ParseResults list of elements. Example:: patt = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) # use a parse action to append the reverse of the matched strings, to make a palindrome def make_palindrome(tokens): tokens.extend(reversed([t[::-1] for t in tokens])) return ''.join(tokens) print(patt.addParseAction(make_palindrome).parseString("lskdj sdlkjf lksd")) # -> 'lskdjsdlkjflksddsklfjkldsjdksl' N)rr?__iadd__rextend)ritemseqrrrrO/s  zParseResults.extendcCs|jdd=|jdS)z7 Clear all elements and results names. N)rrclear)rrrrrQBs zParseResults.clearcCs"y||Stk rdSXdS)Nr)r )rrrrrrIszParseResults.__getattr__cCs|}||7}|S)N)copy)rotherrrrr__add__OszParseResults.__add__cs|jrnt|jfdd|j}fdd|D}x4|D],\}}|||<t|dtr>t||d_q>W|j|j7_|j |j|S)Ncs|dkr S|S)Nrr)a)offsetrrrWrz'ParseResults.__iadd__..c s4g|],\}}|D]}|t|d|dfqqS)rr)r)rr&vlistr#) addoffsetrrrYsz)ParseResults.__iadd__..r) rrrr,rr?r%rrupdate)rrS otheritemsotherdictitemsr&r#r)rXrVrrNTs    zParseResults.__iadd__cCs&t|tr|dkr|S||SdS)Nr)rrrR)rrSrrr__radd__dszParseResults.__radd__cCsdt|jt|jfS)Nz(%s, %s))r rr)rrrrrlszParseResults.__repr__cCsdddd|jDdS)N[z, css(|] }t|trt|nt|VqdS)N)rr?rr )rrrrrrpsz'ParseResults.__str__..])rr)rrrrroszParseResults.__str__rcCsPg}xF|jD]<}|r"|r"||t|tr:||7}q |t|q W|S)N)rrrr? _asStringListr)rsepoutrMrrrr_rs   zParseResults._asStringListcCsdd|jDS)ax Returns the parse results as a nested list of matching tokens, all converted to strings. Example:: patt = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) result = patt.parseString("sldkj lsdkj sldkj") # even though the result prints in string-like form, it is actually a pyparsing ParseResults print(type(result), result) # -> ['sldkj', 'lsdkj', 'sldkj'] # Use asList() to create an actual list result_list = result.asList() print(type(result_list), result_list) # -> ['sldkj', 'lsdkj', 'sldkj'] cSs"g|]}t|tr|n|qSr)rr?r)rresrrrrsz'ParseResults.asList..)r)rrrrr}szParseResults.asListcs6tr |j}n|j}fddtfdd|DS)a Returns the named parse results as a nested dictionary. Example:: integer = Word(nums) date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") result = date_str.parseString('12/31/1999') print(type(result), repr(result)) # -> (['12', '/', '31', '/', '1999'], {'day': [('1999', 4)], 'year': [('12', 0)], 'month': [('31', 2)]}) result_dict = result.asDict() print(type(result_dict), repr(result_dict)) # -> {'day': '1999', 'year': '12', 'month': '31'} # even though a ParseResults supports dict-like access, sometime you just need to have a dict import json print(json.dumps(result)) # -> Exception: TypeError: ... is not JSON serializable print(json.dumps(result.asDict())) # -> {"month": "31", "day": "1999", "year": "12"} cs6t|tr.|r|Sfdd|DSn|SdS)Ncsg|] }|qSrr)rr#)toItemrrrsz7ParseResults.asDict..toItem..)rr?rCasDict)r)rcrrrcs  z#ParseResults.asDict..toItemc3s|]\}}||fVqdS)Nr)rr&r#)rcrrrsz&ParseResults.asDict..)PY_3r,rBr)ritem_fnr)rcrrds  zParseResults.asDictcCs<t|j}t|j|_|j|_|j|j|j|_|S)zG Returns a new copy of a :class:`ParseResults` object. ) r?rrrr,rrrYr)rrrrrrRs  zParseResults.copyFc CsPd}g}tdd|jD}|d}|s8d}d}d}d} |dk rJ|} n |jrV|j} | sf|rbdSd} |||d| d g7}xt|jD]\} } t| tr| |kr|| || |o|dk||g7}n|| d|o|dk||g7}qd} | |kr|| } | s |rqnd} t t | } |||d| d | d | d g 7}qW|||d | d g7}d |S) z (Deprecated) Returns the parse results as XML. Tags are created for tokens and lists that have defined results names. rcss(|] \}}|D]}|d|fVqqdS)rNr)rr&rWr#rrrrsz%ParseResults.asXML..z rNITEM<>z.z %s%s- %s: z r)rmfull include_list_depthcss|]}t|tVqdS)N)rr?)rvvrrrrSsz %s%s[%d]: %s%s%s) rrrrCsortedr,rr?dumpr anyrr) rrmrzr{r|raNLr,r&r#rr}rrrr)sJ      zParseResults.dumpcOstj|f||dS)a# Pretty-printer for parsed results as a list, using the `pprint `_ module. Accepts additional positional or keyword args as defined for `pprint.pprint `_ . Example:: ident = Word(alphas, alphanums) num = Word(nums) func = Forward() term = ident | num | Group('(' + func + ')') func <<= ident + Group(Optional(delimitedList(term))) result = func.parseString("fna a,b,(fnb c,d,200),100") result.pprint(width=40) prints:: ['fna', ['a', 'b', ['(', 'fnb', ['c', 'd', '200'], ')'], '100']] N)pprintr)rrrErrrrjszParseResults.pprintcCs.|j|j|jdk r|p d|j|jffS)N)rrrRrrr)rrrr __getstate__s zParseResults.__getstate__cCsN|d|_|d\|_}}|_i|_|j||dk rDt||_nd|_dS)Nrr)rrrrrYr%r)rstaterx inAccumNamesrrr __setstate__s   zParseResults.__setstate__cCs|j|j|j|jfS)N)rrrr)rrrr__getnewargs__szParseResults.__getnewargs__cCstt|t|S)N)rrrr?)rrrrrszParseResults.__dir__cCsvdd}|g}xJ|D]>\}}t|tr@||j||d7}q|||g|||d7}qW|dk rr||g|d}|S)z Helper classmethod to construct a ParseResults from a dict, preserving the name-value relations as results names. If an optional 'name' argument is given, a nested ParseResults will be returned cSsFy t|Wntk r dSXtr6t|ttf St|t SdS)NF)r7 Exceptionrerrbytesr)rrrr is_iterables z+ParseResults.from_dict..is_iterable)r)rrN)r,rr from_dict)rrSrrrr&r#rrrrs  zParseResults.from_dict)NNTT)N)r)NFrT)rTTr)N)6rrrrrrrr r(r3r4r5r6 __nonzero__r8r9r<r=r>rer?rAr,r:r@rBrCrHrrKrrOrQrrTrNr\rrr_rrdrRrjrvryrrrrrrrrrrrrr?sl* ' 7  $ =( A cCsF|}d|krt|kr4nn||ddkr4dS||dd|S)aReturns current column within a string, counting newlines as line separators. The first column is number 1. Note: the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string before starting the parsing process. See :class:`ParserElement.parseString` for more information on parsing strings containing ```` s, and suggested methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the parse location, and line and column positions within the parsed string. rrr)rrfind)rstrgrrrrrWs cCs|dd|dS)aReturns current line number within a string, counting newlines as line separators. The first line is number 1. Note - the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string before starting the parsing process. See :class:`ParserElement.parseString` for more information on parsing strings containing ```` s, and suggested methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the parse location, and line and column positions within the parsed string. rrr)count)rrrrrrhs cCsF|dd|}|d|}|dkr2||d|S||ddSdS)zfReturns the line of text containing loc within a string, counting newlines as line separators. rrrN)rfind)rrlastCRnextCRrrrres  cCs8tdt|dt|dt||t||fdS)NzMatch z at loc z(%d,%d))printrrhrW)instringrexprrrr_defaultStartDebugActionsrcCs$tdt|dt|dS)NzMatched z -> )rrrr)rstartlocendlocrtoksrrr_defaultSuccessDebugActionsrcCstdt|dS)NzException raised:)rr)rrrrrrr_defaultExceptionDebugActionsrcGsdS)zG'Do-nothing' debug action, to suppress debugging output during parsing.Nr)rrrrrosrcstkrfddSdgdgtdddkrFddd}dd d n tj}tjd }|dd d }|d|d|ffdd}d}ytdtdj}Wntk rt}YnX||_|S)Ncs|S)Nr)rrr)funcrrrrz_trim_arity..rFr)rcSs8tdkr dnd}tj| |dd|}|ddgS)N)rrrr)limitr)system_version traceback extract_stack)rrV frame_summaryrrrr sz"_trim_arity..extract_stackcSs$tj||d}|d}|ddgS)N)rrr)r extract_tb)tbrframesrrrrrsz_trim_arity..extract_tb)rrrcsxy |dd}dd<|Stk rdr>nNz.td}|dddddksjWdy~Wntk rYnXXdkrdd7<wYqXqWdS)NrTrr)rr)r!rexc_info NameError)rrr)r foundArityrrmaxargspa_call_line_synthrrr!s(  z_trim_arity..wrapperzr __class__)r)r) singleArgBuiltinsrrrrgetattrrrr)rrr LINE_DIFF this_liner func_namer)rrrrrrrrs*   rc@seZdZdZdZdZeddZeddZe dd Z dd d Z d d Z ddZ dddZdddZdddZddZddZddZddZdd Zd!d"Zdd#d$Zd%d&Zdd'd(Zd)d*Zd+d,ZGd-d.d.eZed/k rGd0d1d1eZnGd2d1d1eZiZ e!Z"d3d3gZ#dd4d5Z$eZ%ed6d7Z&dZ'edd9d:Z(dd;d<Z)e*dfd=d>Z+d?d@Z,e*fdAdBZ-e*dfdCdDZ.dEdFZ/dGdHZ0dIdJZ1dKdLZ2dMdNZ3dOdPZ4dQdRZ5dSdTZ6dUdVZ7dWdXZ8dYdZZ9d[d\Z:d]d^Z;d_d`ZdedfZ?dgdhZ@didjZAdkdlZBdmdnZCdodpZDddqdrZEdsdtZFdudvZGdwdxZHdydzZIdd{d|ZJdd}d~ZKddZLddZMddZNddZOddZPdddZQdddZRd/S)rAz)Abstract base level parser element class.z FcCs |t_dS)a Overrides the default whitespace chars Example:: # default whitespace chars are space, and newline OneOrMore(Word(alphas)).parseString("abc def\nghi jkl") # -> ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] # change to just treat newline as significant ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t") OneOrMore(Word(alphas)).parseString("abc def\nghi jkl") # -> ['abc', 'def'] N)rADEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS)charsrrrsetDefaultWhitespaceCharsLsz'ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceCharscCs |t_dS)ah Set class to be used for inclusion of string literals into a parser. Example:: # default literal class used is Literal integer = Word(nums) date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] # change to Suppress ParserElement.inlineLiteralsUsing(Suppress) date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '12', '31'] N)rA_literalStringClass)rrrrinlineLiteralsUsing\sz!ParserElement.inlineLiteralsUsingcCsx|jr|j}qW|S)N)tb_next)rrrrr_trim_tracebackrs zParserElement._trim_tracebackcCst|_d|_d|_d|_||_d|_ttj |_ d|_ d|_ d|_ t|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_dS)NTFr)NNN)r parseAction failActionstrRepr resultsName saveAsListskipWhitespacerrAr whiteCharscopyDefaultWhiteCharsmayReturnEmptykeepTabs ignoreExprsdebug streamlined mayIndexErrorerrmsg modalResults debugActionsr callPreparse callDuringTry)rsavelistrrrrxs( zParserElement.__init__cCs<t|}|jdd|_|jdd|_|jr8tj|_|S)a/ Make a copy of this :class:`ParserElement`. Useful for defining different parse actions for the same parsing pattern, using copies of the original parse element. Example:: integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) integerK = integer.copy().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0] * 1024) + Suppress("K") integerM = integer.copy().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0] * 1024 * 1024) + Suppress("M") print(OneOrMore(integerK | integerM | integer).parseString("5K 100 640K 256M")) prints:: [5120, 100, 655360, 268435456] Equivalent form of ``expr.copy()`` is just ``expr()``:: integerM = integer().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0] * 1024 * 1024) + Suppress("M") N)rRrrrrArr)rcpyrrrrRs  zParserElement.copycCs$||_d|j|_tjr ||S)a_ Define name for this expression, makes debugging and exception messages clearer. Example:: Word(nums).parseString("ABC") # -> Exception: Expected W:(0123...) (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) Word(nums).setName("integer").parseString("ABC") # -> Exception: Expected integer (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) z Expected )rrr!enable_debug_on_named_expressionssetDebug)rrrrrsetNames  zParserElement.setNamecCs |||S)aO Define name for referencing matching tokens as a nested attribute of the returned parse results. NOTE: this returns a *copy* of the original :class:`ParserElement` object; this is so that the client can define a basic element, such as an integer, and reference it in multiple places with different names. You can also set results names using the abbreviated syntax, ``expr("name")`` in place of ``expr.setResultsName("name")`` - see :class:`__call__`. Example:: date_str = (integer.setResultsName("year") + '/' + integer.setResultsName("month") + '/' + integer.setResultsName("day")) # equivalent form: date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") )_setResultsName)rrlistAllMatchesrrrsetResultsNameszParserElement.setResultsNamecCs4|}|dr"|dd}d}||_| |_|S)N*rT)rRendswithrr)rrrnewselfrrrrs  zParserElement._setResultsNameTcs@|r&|jdfdd }|_||_nt|jdr<|jj|_|S)zMethod to invoke the Python pdb debugger when this element is about to be parsed. Set ``breakFlag`` to True to enable, False to disable. Tcsddl}|||||S)Nr)pdb set_trace)rr doActions callPreParser) _parseMethodrrbreakersz'ParserElement.setBreak..breaker_originalParseMethod)TT)_parserr;)r breakFlagrr)rrsetBreaks  zParserElement.setBreakcOsVt|dgkrg|_n`` s, and suggested methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the parse location, and line and column positions within the parsed string. Example:: integer = Word(nums) date_str = integer + '/' + integer + '/' + integer date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] # use parse action to convert to ints at parse time integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) date_str = integer + '/' + integer + '/' + integer # note that integer fields are now ints, not strings date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> [1999, '/', 12, '/', 31] Ncss|]}t|VqdS)N)callable)rrrrrrsz/ParserElement.setParseAction..zparse actions must be callablerF)rrallr!maprrr)rfnsrErrrrs(zParserElement.setParseActioncOs4|jtttt|7_|jp,|dd|_|S)z Add one or more parse actions to expression's list of parse actions. See :class:`setParseAction`. See examples in :class:`copy`. rF)rrrrrr)rrrErrraddParseActionszParserElement.addParseActionc OsJx0|D](}|jt||d|dddqW|jpB|dd|_|S)aAdd a boolean predicate function to expression's list of parse actions. See :class:`setParseAction` for function call signatures. Unlike ``setParseAction``, functions passed to ``addCondition`` need to return boolean success/fail of the condition. Optional keyword arguments: - message = define a custom message to be used in the raised exception - fatal = if True, will raise ParseFatalException to stop parsing immediately; otherwise will raise ParseException Example:: integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) year_int = integer.copy() year_int.addCondition(lambda toks: toks[0] >= 2000, message="Only support years 2000 and later") date_str = year_int + '/' + integer + '/' + integer result = date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> Exception: Only support years 2000 and later (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) rrF)rrr)rrrrr)rrrErrrr addCondition)s  zParserElement.addConditioncCs ||_|S)aDefine action to perform if parsing fails at this expression. Fail acton fn is a callable function that takes the arguments ``fn(s, loc, expr, err)`` where: - s = string being parsed - loc = location where expression match was attempted and failed - expr = the parse expression that failed - err = the exception thrown The function returns no value. It may throw :class:`ParseFatalException` if it is desired to stop parsing immediately.)r)rrrrr setFailActionBs zParserElement.setFailActionc CsZd}xP|rTd}xB|jD]8}yx|||\}}d}qWWqtk rLYqXqWqW|S)NTF)rrr<)rrr exprsFoundedummyrrr_skipIgnorablesOs  zParserElement._skipIgnorablescCsL|jr|||}|jrH|j}t|}x ||krF|||krF|d7}q(W|S)Nr)rrrrr)rrrwtinstrlenrrrpreParse\s  zParserElement.preParsecCs|gfS)Nr)rrrrrrrrhszParserElement.parseImplcCs|S)Nr)rrr tokenlistrrr postParsekszParserElement.postParsec Csd\}}}|j}|s|jr"|j|r8|j||||y|rR|jrR|||} n|} | } |jsl| t|kry||| |\}} Wqtk rt |t||j |YqXn||| |\}} Wn\t k r} z<|j|r|j||| || |jr ||| || Wdd} ~ XYnXn|r>|jr>|||} n|} | } |js\| t|kry||| |\}} Wn*tk rt |t||j |YnXn||| |\}} | ||| } t | |j|j|jd} |jrh|s|jrh|ryx|jD]}y||| | } Wn6tk rF}zt d}||_|Wdd}~XYnX| dk r| | k rt | |j|joxt| t tf|jd} qWWnFt k r} z&|j|r|j||| || Wdd} ~ XYnXnx|jD]}y||| | } Wn6tk r&}zt d}||_|Wdd}~XYnX| dk r| | k rt | |j|joXt| t tf|jd} qW|r|j|r|j||| ||| || fS)N)rrr)rrz exception raised in parse action)rrrrrrrrr"r<rrrr?rrrrr __cause__rr)rrrrrTRYMATCHFAIL debuggingpreloc tokensStarttokenserr retTokensrparse_action_excrrrrros         zParserElement._parseNoCachecCs>y|j||dddStk r8t|||j|YnXdS)NF)rr)rr>r<r)rrrrrrtryParseszParserElement.tryParsec Cs2y|||Wnttfk r(dSXdSdS)NFT)rr<r")rrrrrr canParseNexts zParserElement.canParseNextc@seZdZddZdS)zParserElement._UnboundedCachecs~it|_fdd}fdd}fdd}fdd}t|||_t|||_t|||_t|||_dS) Ncs |S)N)r)rrI)cache not_in_cacherrrsz3ParserElement._UnboundedCache.__init__..getcs ||<dS)Nr)rrIr1)rrrrsz3ParserElement._UnboundedCache.__init__..setcs dS)N)rQ)r)rrrrQsz5ParserElement._UnboundedCache.__init__..clearcstS)N)r)r)rrr cache_lensz9ParserElement._UnboundedCache.__init__..cache_len)r rtypes MethodTyperrrQr5)rrrrQrr)rrrrs    z&ParserElement._UnboundedCache.__init__N)rrrrrrrr_UnboundedCachesrNc@seZdZddZdS)zParserElement._FifoCachecst|_tfdd}fdd}fdd}fdd}t|||_t|||_t|||_t|||_dS) Ncs |S)N)r)rrI)rrrrrsz.ParserElement._FifoCache.__init__..getcsB||<x4tkr.setcs dS)N)rQ)r)rrrrQsz0ParserElement._FifoCache.__init__..clearcstS)N)r)r)rrrrsz4ParserElement._FifoCache.__init__..cache_len) r r _OrderedDictrrrrrQr5)rrrrrQrr)rrrrrs   z!ParserElement._FifoCache.__init__N)rrrrrrrr _FifoCachesr c@seZdZddZdS)zParserElement._FifoCachecst|_itgfdd}fdd}fdd}fdd}t|||_t|||_t|||_t|||_ dS) Ncs |S)N)r)rrI)rrrrrsz.ParserElement._FifoCache.__init__..getcs8||<x tkr(dq W|dS)N)rrHpopleftr)rrIr1)rkey_fiforrrrsz.ParserElement._FifoCache.__init__..setcsdS)N)rQ)r)rr rrrQsz0ParserElement._FifoCache.__init__..clearcstS)N)r)r)rrrrsz4ParserElement._FifoCache.__init__..cache_len) r r collectionsdequerrrrrQr5)rrrrrQrr)rr rrrr s   z!ParserElement._FifoCache.__init__N)rrrrrrrrr src Csd\}}|||||f}tjtj}||} | |jkrtj|d7<y|||||} Wn8tk r} z||| j | j Wdd} ~ XYqX||| d| d f| Sn4tj|d7<t | t r| | d| d fSWdQRXdS)N)rrrr)rApackrat_cache_lock packrat_cacherrpackrat_cache_statsrr:rrrrRrr) rrrrrHITMISSlookuprr1rrrr _parseCache+s$   zParserElement._parseCachecCs(tjdgttjtjdd<dS)Nr)rArrQrrrrrr resetCacheDs zParserElement.resetCachecCs8tjs4dt_|dkr tt_n t|t_tjt_dS)aEnables "packrat" parsing, which adds memoizing to the parsing logic. Repeated parse attempts at the same string location (which happens often in many complex grammars) can immediately return a cached value, instead of re-executing parsing/validating code. Memoizing is done of both valid results and parsing exceptions. Parameters: - cache_size_limit - (default= ``128``) - if an integer value is provided will limit the size of the packrat cache; if None is passed, then the cache size will be unbounded; if 0 is passed, the cache will be effectively disabled. This speedup may break existing programs that use parse actions that have side-effects. For this reason, packrat parsing is disabled when you first import pyparsing. To activate the packrat feature, your program must call the class method :class:`ParserElement.enablePackrat`. For best results, call ``enablePackrat()`` immediately after importing pyparsing. Example:: from pip._vendor import pyparsing pyparsing.ParserElement.enablePackrat() TN)rA_packratEnabledrrr rr)cache_size_limitrrr enablePackratJs   zParserElement.enablePackratc Cst|js|x|jD] }|qW|js<|}y<||d\}}|rv|||}t t }|||WnNt k r}z0tj rn"t |dddk r||j|_|Wdd}~XYnX|SdS)a Execute the parse expression with the given string. This is the main interface to the client code, once the complete expression has been built. Returns the parsed data as a :class:`ParseResults` object, which may be accessed as a list, or as a dict or object with attributes if the given parser includes results names. If you want the grammar to require that the entire input string be successfully parsed, then set ``parseAll`` to True (equivalent to ending the grammar with ``StringEnd()``). Note: ``parseString`` implicitly calls ``expandtabs()`` on the input string, in order to report proper column numbers in parse actions. If the input string contains tabs and the grammar uses parse actions that use the ``loc`` argument to index into the string being parsed, you can ensure you have a consistent view of the input string by: - calling ``parseWithTabs`` on your grammar before calling ``parseString`` (see :class:`parseWithTabs`) - define your parse action using the full ``(s, loc, toks)`` signature, and reference the input string using the parse action's ``s`` argument - explictly expand the tabs in your input string before calling ``parseString`` Example:: Word('a').parseString('aaaaabaaa') # -> ['aaaaa'] Word('a').parseString('aaaaabaaa', parseAll=True) # -> Exception: Expected end of text rrN)rArr streamlinerr expandtabsrrr)rFr:verbose_stacktracerrr)rrparseAllrrrserrrr parseStringms(!    zParserElement.parseStringc csb|js|x|jD] }|qW|js8t|}t|}d}|j}|j}t d} yx||kr| |kry |||} ||| dd\} } Wnt k r| d}Yq`X| |kr| d7} | | | fV|r|||} | |kr| }q|d7}n| }q`| d}q`WWnTt k r\}z4t j r(n$t|dddk rH||j|_|Wdd}~XYnXdS)aq Scan the input string for expression matches. Each match will return the matching tokens, start location, and end location. May be called with optional ``maxMatches`` argument, to clip scanning after 'n' matches are found. If ``overlap`` is specified, then overlapping matches will be reported. Note that the start and end locations are reported relative to the string being parsed. See :class:`parseString` for more information on parsing strings with embedded tabs. Example:: source = "sldjf123lsdjjkf345sldkjf879lkjsfd987" print(source) for tokens, start, end in Word(alphas).scanString(source): print(' '*start + '^'*(end-start)) print(' '*start + tokens[0]) prints:: sldjf123lsdjjkf345sldkjf879lkjsfd987 ^^^^^ sldjf ^^^^^^^ lsdjjkf ^^^^^^ sldkjf ^^^^^^ lkjsfd rF)rrrN)rrrrrrrrrrArr<r:rrrr)rr maxMatchesoverlaprrr preparseFnparseFnmatchesrnextLocrnextlocrrrr scanStringsF       zParserElement.scanStringc Csg}d}d|_yxh||D]Z\}}}|||||rrt|trT||7}nt|trh||7}n |||}qW|||ddd|D}dtt t |St k r}z0t j rȂn"t|dddk r||j|_|Wdd}~XYnXdS)a[ Extension to :class:`scanString`, to modify matching text with modified tokens that may be returned from a parse action. To use ``transformString``, define a grammar and attach a parse action to it that modifies the returned token list. Invoking ``transformString()`` on a target string will then scan for matches, and replace the matched text patterns according to the logic in the parse action. ``transformString()`` returns the resulting transformed string. Example:: wd = Word(alphas) wd.setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0].title()) print(wd.transformString("now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york.")) prints:: Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Sun Of York. rTNcSsg|] }|r|qSrr)rorrrrsz1ParserElement.transformString..rr)rr'rrr?rrrrr_flattenr:rArrrr)rrralastErrrrrrrrs,    zParserElement.transformStringc Csnytdd|||DStk rh}z0tjr6n"t|dddk rT||j|_|Wdd}~XYnXdS)a Another extension to :class:`scanString`, simplifying the access to the tokens found to match the given parse expression. May be called with optional ``maxMatches`` argument, to clip searching after 'n' matches are found. Example:: # a capitalized word starts with an uppercase letter, followed by zero or more lowercase letters cap_word = Word(alphas.upper(), alphas.lower()) print(cap_word.searchString("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity")) # the sum() builtin can be used to merge results into a single ParseResults object print(sum(cap_word.searchString("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity"))) prints:: [['More'], ['Iron'], ['Lead'], ['Gold'], ['I'], ['Electricity']] ['More', 'Iron', 'Lead', 'Gold', 'I', 'Electricity'] cSsg|]\}}}|qSrr)rrrrrrrr7sz.ParserElement.searchString..rN)r?r'r:rArrrr)rrr rrrr searchString!szParserElement.searchStringc csXd}d}x<|j||dD]*\}}}|||V|r>|dV|}qW||dVdS)aR Generator method to split a string using the given expression as a separator. May be called with optional ``maxsplit`` argument, to limit the number of splits; and the optional ``includeSeparators`` argument (default= ``False``), if the separating matching text should be included in the split results. Example:: punc = oneOf(list(".,;:/-!?")) print(list(punc.split("This, this?, this sentence, is badly punctuated!"))) prints:: ['This', ' this', '', ' this sentence', ' is badly punctuated', ''] r)r N)r') rrmaxsplitincludeSeparatorssplitslastrrrrrrrAs zParserElement.splitcCsV|tkrt|St|tr$||}t|tsJtjdt|t dddSt ||gS)a[ Implementation of + operator - returns :class:`And`. Adding strings to a ParserElement converts them to :class:`Literal`s by default. Example:: greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!" hello = "Hello, World!" print (hello, "->", greet.parseString(hello)) prints:: Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!'] ``...`` may be used as a parse expression as a short form of :class:`SkipTo`. Literal('start') + ... + Literal('end') is equivalent to: Literal('start') + SkipTo('end')("_skipped*") + Literal('end') Note that the skipped text is returned with '_skipped' as a results name, and to support having multiple skips in the same parser, the value returned is a list of all skipped text. z4Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElementr) stacklevelN) Ellipsis _PendingSkiprrrrAwarningswarnr SyntaxWarningr")rrSrrrrTZs    zParserElement.__add__cCsZ|tkrt|d|St|tr,||}t|tsRtjdt|t dddS||S)z` Implementation of + operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` z _skipped*z4Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElementr)r0N) r1rErrrrAr3r4rr5)rrSrrrr\s    zParserElement.__radd__cCsJt|tr||}t|ts:tjdt|tdddS|t |S)zT Implementation of - operator, returns :class:`And` with error stop z4Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElementr)r0N) rrrrAr3r4rr5r" _ErrorStop)rrSrrr__sub__s    zParserElement.__sub__cCsBt|tr||}t|ts:tjdt|tdddS||S)z` Implementation of - operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` z4Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElementr)r0N)rrrrAr3r4rr5)rrSrrr__rsub__s    zParserElement.__rsub__cs|tkrd}n8t|trF|ddtfkrFd|ddddd}t|tr\|d}}nt|trJtdd |D}|d dd}|ddkrd|df}t|dtr|ddkr|ddkrtS|ddkrtS|dtSnNt|dtr,t|dtr,|\}}||8}ntd t|dt|dntd t||dkrjtd |dkr|td||krdkrnntd|rfdd|r|dkr҈|}nt g||}n|}n|dkr}nt g|}|S)a Implementation of * operator, allows use of ``expr * 3`` in place of ``expr + expr + expr``. Expressions may also me multiplied by a 2-integer tuple, similar to ``{min, max}`` multipliers in regular expressions. Tuples may also include ``None`` as in: - ``expr*(n, None)`` or ``expr*(n, )`` is equivalent to ``expr*n + ZeroOrMore(expr)`` (read as "at least n instances of ``expr``") - ``expr*(None, n)`` is equivalent to ``expr*(0, n)`` (read as "0 to n instances of ``expr``") - ``expr*(None, None)`` is equivalent to ``ZeroOrMore(expr)`` - ``expr*(1, None)`` is equivalent to ``OneOrMore(expr)`` Note that ``expr*(None, n)`` does not raise an exception if more than n exprs exist in the input stream; that is, ``expr*(None, n)`` does not enforce a maximum number of expr occurrences. If this behavior is desired, then write ``expr*(None, n) + ~expr`` )rNNr)r)Nrrcss|]}|tk r|ndVqdS)N)r1)rr(rrrrsz(ParserElement.__mul__..)NNz8cannot multiply 'ParserElement' and ('%s', '%s') objectsz0cannot multiply 'ParserElement' and '%s' objectsz/cannot multiply ParserElement by negative valuez@second tuple value must be greater or equal to first tuple valuez,cannot multiply ParserElement by 0 or (0, 0)cs(|dkrt|dStSdS)Nr)r8)n)makeOptionalListrrrr:sz/ParserElement.__mul__..makeOptionalList) r1rtuplerrOr6r!r ValueErrorr")rrS minElements optElementsrr)r:rr__mul__sN              zParserElement.__mul__cCs ||S)N)r?)rrSrrr__rmul__szParserElement.__rmul__cCsZ|tkrt|ddSt|tr(||}t|tsNtjdt|t dddSt ||gS)zL Implementation of | operator - returns :class:`MatchFirst` T) must_skipz4Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElementr)r0N) r1r2rrrrAr3r4rr5r3)rrSrrr__or__s     zParserElement.__or__cCsBt|tr||}t|ts:tjdt|tdddS||BS)z` Implementation of | operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` z4Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElementr)r0N)rrrrAr3r4rr5)rrSrrr__ror__ s    zParserElement.__ror__cCsFt|tr||}t|ts:tjdt|tdddSt||gS)zD Implementation of ^ operator - returns :class:`Or` z4Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElementr)r0N) rrrrAr3r4rr5r9)rrSrrr__xor__ s    zParserElement.__xor__cCsBt|tr||}t|ts:tjdt|tdddS||AS)z` Implementation of ^ operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` z4Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElementr)r0N)rrrrAr3r4rr5)rrSrrr__rxor__ s    zParserElement.__rxor__cCsFt|tr||}t|ts:tjdt|tdddSt||gS)zF Implementation of & operator - returns :class:`Each` z4Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElementr)r0N) rrrrAr3r4rr5r()rrSrrr__and__' s    zParserElement.__and__cCsBt|tr||}t|ts:tjdt|tdddS||@S)z` Implementation of & operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` z4Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElementr)r0N)rrrrAr3r4rr5)rrSrrr__rand__3 s    zParserElement.__rand__cCst|S)zH Implementation of ~ operator - returns :class:`NotAny` )r5)rrrr __invert__? szParserElement.__invert__cCstd|jjdS)Nz%r object is not iterable)r!rr)rrrrr8E szParserElement.__iter__c Csyt|tr|f}t|Wntk r8||f}YnXt|dkrztd|ddt|dkrrdt|nd|t|dd}|S)a use ``[]`` indexing notation as a short form for expression repetition: - ``expr[n]`` is equivalent to ``expr*n`` - ``expr[m, n]`` is equivalent to ``expr*(m, n)`` - ``expr[n, ...]`` or ``expr[n,]`` is equivalent to ``expr*n + ZeroOrMore(expr)`` (read as "at least n instances of ``expr``") - ``expr[..., n]`` is equivalent to ``expr*(0, n)`` (read as "0 to n instances of ``expr``") - ``expr[...]`` and ``expr[0, ...]`` are equivalent to ``ZeroOrMore(expr)`` - ``expr[1, ...]`` is equivalent to ``OneOrMore(expr)`` ``None`` may be used in place of ``...``. Note that ``expr[..., n]`` and ``expr[m, n]``do not raise an exception if more than ``n`` ``expr``s exist in the input stream. If this behavior is desired, then write ``expr[..., n] + ~expr``. rz.only 1 or 2 index arguments supported ({0}{1})Nrz ... [{0}]r) rrr7r!rr3r4rr;)rrIrrrrr J s   "zParserElement.__getitem__cCs|dk r||S|SdS)a Shortcut for :class:`setResultsName`, with ``listAllMatches=False``. If ``name`` is given with a trailing ``'*'`` character, then ``listAllMatches`` will be passed as ``True``. If ``name` is omitted, same as calling :class:`copy`. Example:: # these are equivalent userdata = Word(alphas).setResultsName("name") + Word(nums + "-").setResultsName("socsecno") userdata = Word(alphas)("name") + Word(nums + "-")("socsecno") N)rrR)rrrrr__call__n s zParserElement.__call__cCst|S)z Suppresses the output of this :class:`ParserElement`; useful to keep punctuation from cluttering up returned output. )rH)rrrrsuppress szParserElement.suppresscCs d|_|S)a Disables the skipping of whitespace before matching the characters in the :class:`ParserElement`'s defined pattern. This is normally only used internally by the pyparsing module, but may be needed in some whitespace-sensitive grammars. F)r)rrrrleaveWhitespace szParserElement.leaveWhitespacecCsd|_||_d|_|S)z8 Overrides the default whitespace chars TF)rrr)rrrrrsetWhitespaceChars sz ParserElement.setWhitespaceCharscCs d|_|S)z Overrides default behavior to expand ````s to spaces before parsing the input string. Must be called before ``parseString`` when the input grammar contains elements that match ```` characters. T)r)rrrr parseWithTabs szParserElement.parseWithTabscCsLt|trt|}t|tr4||jkrH|j|n|jt||S)a Define expression to be ignored (e.g., comments) while doing pattern matching; may be called repeatedly, to define multiple comment or other ignorable patterns. Example:: patt = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) patt.parseString('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') # -> ['ablaj'] patt.ignore(cStyleComment) patt.parseString('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') # -> ['ablaj', 'lskjd'] )rrrHrrrR)rrSrrrignore s   zParserElement.ignorecCs"|pt|p t|ptf|_d|_|S)zT Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching. T)rrrrr)r startAction successActionexceptionActionrrrsetDebugActions s  zParserElement.setDebugActionscCs|r|tttnd|_|S)a Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching. Set ``flag`` to True to enable, False to disable. Example:: wd = Word(alphas).setName("alphaword") integer = Word(nums).setName("numword") term = wd | integer # turn on debugging for wd wd.setDebug() OneOrMore(term).parseString("abc 123 xyz 890") prints:: Match alphaword at loc 0(1,1) Matched alphaword -> ['abc'] Match alphaword at loc 3(1,4) Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) Match alphaword at loc 7(1,8) Matched alphaword -> ['xyz'] Match alphaword at loc 11(1,12) Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 12), (line:1, col:13) Match alphaword at loc 15(1,16) Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 15), (line:1, col:16) The output shown is that produced by the default debug actions - custom debug actions can be specified using :class:`setDebugActions`. Prior to attempting to match the ``wd`` expression, the debugging message ``"Match at loc (,)"`` is shown. Then if the parse succeeds, a ``"Matched"`` message is shown, or an ``"Exception raised"`` message is shown. Also note the use of :class:`setName` to assign a human-readable name to the expression, which makes debugging and exception messages easier to understand - for instance, the default name created for the :class:`Word` expression without calling ``setName`` is ``"W:(ABCD...)"``. F)rRrrrr)rflagrrrr s%zParserElement.setDebugcCs|jS)N)r)rrrrr szParserElement.__str__cCst|S)N)r)rrrrr szParserElement.__repr__cCsd|_d|_|S)NT)rr)rrrrr szParserElement.streamlinecCsdS)Nr)rrrrrcheckRecursion szParserElement.checkRecursioncCs|gdS)zj Check defined expressions for valid structure, check for infinite recursive definitions. N)rT)r validateTracerrrvalidate szParserElement.validatec Csy |}Wn2tk r>t|d}|}WdQRXYnXy |||Stk r}z0tjrhn"t|dddk r||j |_ |Wdd}~XYnXdS)z Execute the parse expression on the given file or filename. If a filename is specified (instead of a file object), the entire file is opened, read, and closed before parsing. rNr) readropenrr:rArrrr)rfile_or_filenamer file_contentsfrrrr parseFile s   zParserElement.parseFilecCs>||kr dSt|tr ||St|tr:t|t|kSdS)NTF)rrr$rAvars)rrSrrr__eq__ s   zParserElement.__eq__cCs ||k S)Nr)rrSrrr__ne__$ szParserElement.__ne__cCst|S)N)id)rrrr__hash__' szParserElement.__hash__cCs||kS)Nr)rrSrrr__req__* szParserElement.__req__cCs ||k S)Nr)rrSrrr__rne__- szParserElement.__rne__cCs0y|jt||ddStk r*dSXdS)a Method for quick testing of a parser against a test string. Good for simple inline microtests of sub expressions while building up larger parser. Parameters: - testString - to test against this expression for a match - parseAll - (default= ``True``) - flag to pass to :class:`parseString` when running tests Example:: expr = Word(nums) assert expr.matches("100") )rTFN)rrr:)r testStringrrrrr$0 s zParserElement.matches#c  Cst|tr"tttj|}t|tr4t|}|dkrBt j }|j } g} g} d} td t dt} d}xt|D]j}|dk r||ds| r|s| |qx|sqx| rdd| nd|g}g} y"| ||}|j||d}Wntk r}zt|trd nd}d|krT|t|j||d t|j|d d |n|d |jd ||d t|| o|} |}Wdd}~XYntk r}z$|dt|| o|} |}Wdd}~XYnX| o| } |dk ryR|||}|dk r:t|tr*||n|t|n||WnRtk r}z2||j|d|d|jt |j|Wdd}~XYnXn||j|d|r|r|d| d|| ||fqxW| | fS)as Execute the parse expression on a series of test strings, showing each test, the parsed results or where the parse failed. Quick and easy way to run a parse expression against a list of sample strings. Parameters: - tests - a list of separate test strings, or a multiline string of test strings - parseAll - (default= ``True``) - flag to pass to :class:`parseString` when running tests - comment - (default= ``'#'``) - expression for indicating embedded comments in the test string; pass None to disable comment filtering - fullDump - (default= ``True``) - dump results as list followed by results names in nested outline; if False, only dump nested list - printResults - (default= ``True``) prints test output to stdout - failureTests - (default= ``False``) indicates if these tests are expected to fail parsing - postParse - (default= ``None``) optional callback for successful parse results; called as `fn(test_string, parse_results)` and returns a string to be added to the test output - file - (default=``None``) optional file-like object to which test output will be written; if None, will default to ``sys.stdout`` Returns: a (success, results) tuple, where success indicates that all tests succeeded (or failed if ``failureTests`` is True), and the results contain a list of lines of each test's output Example:: number_expr = pyparsing_common.number.copy() result = number_expr.runTests(''' # unsigned integer 100 # negative integer -100 # float with scientific notation 6.02e23 # integer with scientific notation 1e-12 ''') print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!") result = number_expr.runTests(''' # stray character 100Z # missing leading digit before '.' -.100 # too many '.' 3.14.159 ''', failureTests=True) print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!") prints:: # unsigned integer 100 [100] # negative integer -100 [-100] # float with scientific notation 6.02e23 [6.02e+23] # integer with scientific notation 1e-12 [1e-12] Success # stray character 100Z ^ FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 3), (line:1, col:4) # missing leading digit before '.' -.100 ^ FAIL: Expected {real number with scientific notation | real number | signed integer} (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) # too many '.' 3.14.159 ^ FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) Success Each test string must be on a single line. If you want to test a string that spans multiple lines, create a test like this:: expr.runTest(r"this is a test\n of strings that spans \n 3 lines") (Note that this is a raw string literal, you must include the leading 'r'.) NTz\nruFr)rz(FATAL)rrrzFAIL: zFAIL-EXCEPTION: )rzz{0} failed: {1}: {2})!rrrrrrrstrip splitlinesr1rstdoutwriterrzrNrwr$rrrlstriprr:r>rerrWrr?rrrr)rtestsrcommentfullDump printResults failureTestsrfileprint_ allResultscommentssuccessrBOMrraresultrrrpp_valuerrrrrunTestsD sn`    $       0 zParserElement.runTests)F)F)F)T)T)TT)TT)r)F)N)T)N)F)T)TrfTTFNN)SrrrrrrrrrrrrrRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrr rr rrrrrrrr_MAX_INTr'rr+rrTr\r7r8r?r@rBrCrDrErFrGrHr8r rIrJrKrLrMrNrRrrrrrTrVr]r_r`rbrcrdr$ryrrrrrAGs      1     W    " :J0 &  J     $     +    cs6eZdZd fdd ZddZddZdd ZZS) r2Fcs>tt|t|tdd|_|j|_||_||_ dS)Nr)z...) superr2rrr)rrranchorrA)rrrA)rrrr s z_PendingSkip.__init__cs\t|dd}jrNdd}fdd}j||||B|Sj||S)Nz...z _skipped*cSs,|jr|jdgkr(|d=|dddS)Nrr_skipped)r}rrH)rrrrrA sz'_PendingSkip.__add__..must_skipcs<|jdddgkr8|d}dtjd|d<dS)Nrrr}z missing .show_skip)rErrAr|r)rrSskipperrArr)rrrT s z_PendingSkip.__add__cCs|jS)N)r)rrrrr sz_PendingSkip.__repr__cGs tddS)NzBuse of `...` expression without following SkipTo target expression)r)rrrrrr sz_PendingSkip.parseImpl)F)rrrrrTrr __classcell__rr)rrr2 sr2cs eZdZdZfddZZS)rIzYAbstract :class:`ParserElement` subclass, for defining atomic matching patterns. cstt|jdddS)NF)r)r{rIr)r)rrrr szToken.__init__)rrrrrrrr)rrrI scs eZdZdZfddZZS)r)z'An empty token, will always match. cs$tt|d|_d|_d|_dS)Nr)TF)r{r)rrrr)r)rrrr szEmpty.__init__)rrrrrrrr)rrr) scs*eZdZdZfddZdddZZS)r4z#A token that will never match. cs*tt|d|_d|_d|_d|_dS)Nr4TFzUnmatchable token)r{r4rrrrr)r)rrrr s zNoMatch.__init__TcCst|||j|dS)N)r<r)rrrrrrrr$ szNoMatch.parseImpl)T)rrrrrrrrr)rrr4 s cs*eZdZdZfddZdddZZS)r1aToken to exactly match a specified string. Example:: Literal('blah').parseString('blah') # -> ['blah'] Literal('blah').parseString('blahfooblah') # -> ['blah'] Literal('blah').parseString('bla') # -> Exception: Expected "blah" For case-insensitive matching, use :class:`CaselessLiteral`. For keyword matching (force word break before and after the matched string), use :class:`Keyword` or :class:`CaselessKeyword`. cstt|||_t||_y|d|_Wn*tk rVtj dt ddt |_ YnXdt |j|_d|j|_d|_d|_|jdkrt|tkrt|_ dS) Nrz2null string passed to Literal; use Empty() insteadr)r0z"%s"z Expected Fr)r{r1rmatchrmatchLenfirstMatchCharr"r3r4r5r)rrrrrrr_SingleCharLiteral)r matchString)rrrr6 s    zLiteral.__init__TcCs@|||jkr,||j|r,||j|jfSt|||j|dS)N)rrrrr<r)rrrrrrrrJ szLiteral.parseImpl)T)rrrrrrrrr)rrr1( s  c@seZdZdddZdS)rTcCs0|||jkr|d|jfSt|||j|dS)Nr)rrr<r)rrrrrrrrP sz_SingleCharLiteral.parseImplN)T)rrrrrrrrrO srcsLeZdZdZedZdfdd Zddd Zfd d Ze d d Z Z S)r.aToken to exactly match a specified string as a keyword, that is, it must be immediately followed by a non-keyword character. Compare with :class:`Literal`: - ``Literal("if")`` will match the leading ``'if'`` in ``'ifAndOnlyIf'``. - ``Keyword("if")`` will not; it will only match the leading ``'if'`` in ``'if x=1'``, or ``'if(y==2)'`` Accepts two optional constructor arguments in addition to the keyword string: - ``identChars`` is a string of characters that would be valid identifier characters, defaulting to all alphanumerics + "_" and "$" - ``caseless`` allows case-insensitive matching, default is ``False``. Example:: Keyword("start").parseString("start") # -> ['start'] Keyword("start").parseString("starting") # -> Exception For case-insensitive matching, use :class:`CaselessKeyword`. z_$NFcstt||dkrtj}||_t||_y|d|_Wn$tk r^t j dt ddYnXd|j|_ d|j |_ d|_d|_||_|r||_|}t||_dS)Nrz2null string passed to Keyword; use Empty() insteadr)r0z"%s"z Expected F)r{r.rDEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARSrrrrr"r3r4r5rrrrcaselessupper caselessmatchr identChars)rrrr)rrrrs s&    zKeyword.__init__TcCs|jr|||||j|jkr|t||jksL|||j|jkr|dksj||d|jkr||j|jfSnv|||jkr|jdks||j|r|t||jks|||j|jkr|dks||d|jkr||j|jfSt |||j |dS)Nrr) rrrrrrrrrr<r)rrrrrrrr szKeyword.parseImplcstt|}tj|_|S)N)r{r.rRrr)rr)rrrrR sz Keyword.copycCs |t_dS)z,Overrides the default Keyword chars N)r.r)rrrrsetDefaultKeywordChars szKeyword.setDefaultKeywordChars)NF)T) rrrrrQrrrrRrrrrr)rrr.X s   cs*eZdZdZfddZdddZZS)r$afToken to match a specified string, ignoring case of letters. Note: the matched results will always be in the case of the given match string, NOT the case of the input text. Example:: OneOrMore(CaselessLiteral("CMD")).parseString("cmd CMD Cmd10") # -> ['CMD', 'CMD', 'CMD'] (Contrast with example for :class:`CaselessKeyword`.) cs6tt||||_d|j|_d|j|_dS)Nz'%s'z Expected )r{r$rr returnStringrr)rr)rrrr s zCaselessLiteral.__init__TcCs@||||j|jkr,||j|jfSt|||j|dS)N)rrrrr<r)rrrrrrrr szCaselessLiteral.parseImpl)T)rrrrrrrrr)rrr$ s  cs"eZdZdZdfdd ZZS)r#z Caseless version of :class:`Keyword`. Example:: OneOrMore(CaselessKeyword("CMD")).parseString("cmd CMD Cmd10") # -> ['CMD', 'CMD'] (Contrast with example for :class:`CaselessLiteral`.) Ncstt|j||dddS)NT)r)r{r#r)rrr)rrrr szCaselessKeyword.__init__)N)rrrrrrrr)rrr# s cs,eZdZdZdfdd Zd ddZZS) raA variation on :class:`Literal` which matches "close" matches, that is, strings with at most 'n' mismatching characters. :class:`CloseMatch` takes parameters: - ``match_string`` - string to be matched - ``maxMismatches`` - (``default=1``) maximum number of mismatches allowed to count as a match The results from a successful parse will contain the matched text from the input string and the following named results: - ``mismatches`` - a list of the positions within the match_string where mismatches were found - ``original`` - the original match_string used to compare against the input string If ``mismatches`` is an empty list, then the match was an exact match. Example:: patt = CloseMatch("ATCATCGAATGGA") patt.parseString("ATCATCGAAXGGA") # -> (['ATCATCGAAXGGA'], {'mismatches': [[9]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) patt.parseString("ATCAXCGAAXGGA") # -> Exception: Expected 'ATCATCGAATGGA' (with up to 1 mismatches) (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) # exact match patt.parseString("ATCATCGAATGGA") # -> (['ATCATCGAATGGA'], {'mismatches': [[]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) # close match allowing up to 2 mismatches patt = CloseMatch("ATCATCGAATGGA", maxMismatches=2) patt.parseString("ATCAXCGAAXGGA") # -> (['ATCAXCGAAXGGA'], {'mismatches': [[4, 9]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) rcsBtt|||_||_||_d|j|jf|_d|_d|_dS)Nz&Expected %r (with up to %d mismatches)F) r{rrr match_string maxMismatchesrrr)rrr)rrrr szCloseMatch.__init__TcCs|}t|}|t|j}||kr|j}d}g} |j} x|tt||||D]0\}} | \} } | | krN| |t| | krNPqNW|d}t|||g}||d<| |d<||fSt|||j|dS)Nrroriginal mismatches) rrrrrrr?r<r)rrrrstartrmaxlocrmatch_stringlocrrs_msrcmatresultsrrrr s(   zCloseMatch.parseImpl)r)T)rrrrrrrrr)rrr s  cs8eZdZdZd fdd Zdd d Zfd d ZZS)rLaX Token for matching words composed of allowed character sets. Defined with string containing all allowed initial characters, an optional string containing allowed body characters (if omitted, defaults to the initial character set), and an optional minimum, maximum, and/or exact length. The default value for ``min`` is 1 (a minimum value < 1 is not valid); the default values for ``max`` and ``exact`` are 0, meaning no maximum or exact length restriction. An optional ``excludeChars`` parameter can list characters that might be found in the input ``bodyChars`` string; useful to define a word of all printables except for one or two characters, for instance. :class:`srange` is useful for defining custom character set strings for defining ``Word`` expressions, using range notation from regular expression character sets. A common mistake is to use :class:`Word` to match a specific literal string, as in ``Word("Address")``. Remember that :class:`Word` uses the string argument to define *sets* of matchable characters. This expression would match "Add", "AAA", "dAred", or any other word made up of the characters 'A', 'd', 'r', 'e', and 's'. To match an exact literal string, use :class:`Literal` or :class:`Keyword`. pyparsing includes helper strings for building Words: - :class:`alphas` - :class:`nums` - :class:`alphanums` - :class:`hexnums` - :class:`alphas8bit` (alphabetic characters in ASCII range 128-255 - accented, tilded, umlauted, etc.) - :class:`punc8bit` (non-alphabetic characters in ASCII range 128-255 - currency, symbols, superscripts, diacriticals, etc.) - :class:`printables` (any non-whitespace character) Example:: # a word composed of digits integer = Word(nums) # equivalent to Word("0123456789") or Word(srange("0-9")) # a word with a leading capital, and zero or more lowercase capital_word = Word(alphas.upper(), alphas.lower()) # hostnames are alphanumeric, with leading alpha, and '-' hostname = Word(alphas, alphanums + '-') # roman numeral (not a strict parser, accepts invalid mix of characters) roman = Word("IVXLCDM") # any string of non-whitespace characters, except for ',' csv_value = Word(printables, excludeChars=",") NrrFcstt|rNtdfdd|D}|rNdfdd|D}||_t||_|rt||_t||_n||_t||_|dk|_ |dkrt d||_ |dkr||_ nt |_ |dkr||_ ||_ t||_d|j|_d |_||_d |j|jkr|dkr|dkr|dkr|j|jkr@d t|j|_nHt|jdkrnd t|jt|jf|_nd t|jt|jf|_|jrd|jd|_yt|j|_Wntk rd|_YnX|jj|_t|_dS)Nrc3s|]}|kr|VqdS)Nr)rr) excludeCharsrrrH sz Word.__init__..c3s|]}|kr|VqdS)Nr)rr)rrrrJ srrzZcannot specify a minimum length < 1; use Optional(Word()) if zero-length word is permittedz Expected Frz[%s]+z%s[%s]*z [%s][%s]*z\b)r{rLrrr initCharsOrig initChars bodyCharsOrig bodyChars maxSpecifiedr<minLenmaxLenrzrrrr asKeyword_escapeRegexRangeCharsreStringrrescapecompilerrre_match _WordRegexr)rrrminmaxexactrr)r)rrrD sV      0    z Word.__init__Tc Cs|||jkrt|||j||}|d7}t|}|j}||j}t||}x ||krl|||krl|d7}qNWd}|||jkrd}nV|jr||kr|||krd}n6|j r|dkr||d|ks||kr|||krd}|rt|||j|||||fS)NrFTr) rr<rrrrrrrr) rrrrrr bodycharsrthrowExceptionrrrr} s,   zWord.parseImplcstytt|Stk r"YnX|jdkrndd}|j|jkr^d||j||jf|_nd||j|_|jS)NcSs$t|dkr|dddS|SdS)Nz...)r)rrrr charsAsStr s z Word.__str__..charsAsStrz W:(%s, %s)zW:(%s))r{rLrrrrr)rr)rrrr s  z Word.__str__)NrrrFN)T)rrrrrrrrrr)rrrL s49 c@seZdZdddZdS)rTcCs4|||}|s t|||j||}||fS)N)rr<rendgroup)rrrrrwrrrr s  z_WordRegex.parseImplN)T)rrrrrrrrr srcs"eZdZdZdfdd ZZS)rPzA short-cut class for defining ``Word(characters, exact=1)``, when defining a match of any single character in a string of characters. FNcsZtt|j|d||ddtd|j|_|r>d|j|_t|j|_|jj |_ dS)Nr)rrrz[%s]rz\b%s\b) r{rPrrrrrrrrr)rcharsetrr)rrrr s  z Char.__init__)FN)rrrrrrrr)rrrP scsTeZdZdZdfdd ZdddZdd d Zdd d Zfd dZddZ Z S)rDahToken for matching strings that match a given regular expression. Defined with string specifying the regular expression in a form recognized by the stdlib Python `re module `_. If the given regex contains named groups (defined using ``(?P...)``), these will be preserved as named parse results. If instead of the Python stdlib re module you wish to use a different RE module (such as the `regex` module), you can replace it by either building your Regex object with a compiled RE that was compiled using regex: Example:: realnum = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.\d*") date = Regex(r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d\d?)-(?P\d\d?)') # ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/267399/how-do-you-match-only-valid-roman-numerals-with-a-regular-expression roman = Regex(r"M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})") # use regex module instead of stdlib re module to construct a Regex using # a compiled regular expression import regex parser = pp.Regex(regex.compile(r'[0-9]')) rFcs$tt|t|tr|s,tjdtdd||_||_ yt |j|j |_ |j|_ Wqt jk rtjd|tddYqXn8t|drt|dr||_ |j|_|_ ||_ ntd|j j|_t||_d|j|_d |_|d d k |_||_||_|jr|j|_|jr |j|_d S) aThe parameters ``pattern`` and ``flags`` are passed to the ``re.compile()`` function as-is. See the Python `re module `_ module for an explanation of the acceptable patterns and flags. z0null string passed to Regex; use Empty() insteadr)r0z$invalid pattern (%s) passed to RegexpatternrzCRegex may only be constructed with a string or a compiled RE objectz Expected FrN)r{rDrrrr3r4r5rflagsrrr sre_constantserrorr;r!rrrrrrr asGroupListasMatchparseImplAsGroupListrparseImplAsMatch)rrrrr)rrrr s<         zRegex.__init__Tc Csf|||}|s t|||j||}t|}|}|r^x|D]\}}|||<qJW||fS)N)rr<rrr?r groupdictr,) rrrrrwrdr&r#rrrr s   zRegex.parseImplcCs8|||}|s t|||j||}|}||fS)N)rr<rrgroups)rrrrrwrrrrr s  zRegex.parseImplAsGroupListcCs4|||}|s t|||j||}|}||fS)N)rr<rr)rrrrrwrrrrr! s  zRegex.parseImplAsMatchcsDytt|Stk r"YnX|jdkr>dt|j|_|jS)NzRe:(%s))r{rDrrrr r)r)rrrr* s z Regex.__str__csljrtjdtddtjr@tr@tjdtddtjrTfdd}nfdd}|S)a Return Regex with an attached parse action to transform the parsed result as if called using `re.sub(expr, repl, string) `_. Example:: make_html = Regex(r"(\w+):(.*?):").sub(r"<\1>\2") print(make_html.transformString("h1:main title:")) # prints "

main title

" z-cannot use sub() with Regex(asGroupList=True)r)r0z9cannot use sub() with a callable with Regex(asMatch=True)cs|dS)Nr)expand)r)replrrrK szRegex.sub..pacsj|dS)Nr)rr')r)rrrrrN s)rr3r4r5 SyntaxErrorrrr)rrrr)rrrr'5 s   z Regex.sub)rFF)T)T)T) rrrrrrrrrr'rrr)rrrD s- cs8eZdZdZd fdd Zd ddZfd d ZZS) rBa& Token for matching strings that are delimited by quoting characters. Defined with the following parameters: - quoteChar - string of one or more characters defining the quote delimiting string - escChar - character to escape quotes, typically backslash (default= ``None``) - escQuote - special quote sequence to escape an embedded quote string (such as SQL's ``""`` to escape an embedded ``"``) (default= ``None``) - multiline - boolean indicating whether quotes can span multiple lines (default= ``False``) - unquoteResults - boolean indicating whether the matched text should be unquoted (default= ``True``) - endQuoteChar - string of one or more characters defining the end of the quote delimited string (default= ``None`` => same as quoteChar) - convertWhitespaceEscapes - convert escaped whitespace (``'\t'``, ``'\n'``, etc.) to actual whitespace (default= ``True``) Example:: qs = QuotedString('"') print(qs.searchString('lsjdf "This is the quote" sldjf')) complex_qs = QuotedString('{{', endQuoteChar='}}') print(complex_qs.searchString('lsjdf {{This is the "quote"}} sldjf')) sql_qs = QuotedString('"', escQuote='""') print(sql_qs.searchString('lsjdf "This is the quote with ""embedded"" quotes" sldjf')) prints:: [['This is the quote']] [['This is the "quote"']] [['This is the quote with "embedded" quotes']] NFTc sXtt|}|s0tjdtddt|dkr>|}n"|}|s`tjdtddt|_t |_ |d_ |_ t |_ |_|_|_|_|rtjtjB_dtjtj d|dk rt|pdf_n.r)z|(?:%s)z|(?:%s.)z(.)z)*%sz$invalid pattern (%s) passed to Regexz Expected FT)'r{rBrrr3r4r5r quoteCharr quoteCharLenfirstQuoteCharrendQuoteCharLenescCharescQuoteunquoteResultsconvertWhitespaceEscapesr MULTILINEDOTALLrrrrrr)escCharReplacePatternrrrrrrrrrrr)rrrr multilinerrr)r)rrry sd       6    zQuotedString.__init__c Cs|||jkr|||pd}|s2t|||j||}|}|jr||j|j }t |t rd|kr|j rddddd}x | D]\}}| ||}qW|jrt|jd|}|jr| |j|j}||fS)Nr r  )z\tz\nz\fz\rz\g<1>)rrr<rrrrrrrrrr,rrrr'rrr) rrrrrwrws_mapwslitwscharrrrr s( zQuotedString.parseImplcsFytt|Stk r"YnX|jdkr@d|j|jf|_|jS)Nz.quoted string, starting with %s ending with %s)r{rBrrrrr)r)rrrr s zQuotedString.__str__)NNFTNT)T)rrrrrrrrrr)rrrBR s &@ #cs8eZdZdZd fdd Zd ddZfd d ZZS) r%aToken for matching words composed of characters *not* in a given set (will include whitespace in matched characters if not listed in the provided exclusion set - see example). Defined with string containing all disallowed characters, and an optional minimum, maximum, and/or exact length. The default value for ``min`` is 1 (a minimum value < 1 is not valid); the default values for ``max`` and ``exact`` are 0, meaning no maximum or exact length restriction. Example:: # define a comma-separated-value as anything that is not a ',' csv_value = CharsNotIn(',') print(delimitedList(csv_value).parseString("dkls,lsdkjf,s12 34,@!#,213")) prints:: ['dkls', 'lsdkjf', 's12 34', '@!#', '213'] rrcstt|d|_||_|dkr*td||_|dkr@||_nt|_|dkrZ||_||_t ||_ d|j |_ |jdk|_ d|_ dS)NFrzfcannot specify a minimum length < 1; use Optional(CharsNotIn()) if zero-length char group is permittedrz Expected )r{r%rrnotCharsr<rrrzrrrrr)rrrrr)rrrr s    zCharsNotIn.__init__TcCs|||jkrt|||j||}|d7}|j}t||jt|}x ||krd|||krd|d7}qFW|||jkrt|||j|||||fS)Nr)rr<rrrrr)rrrrrnotcharsmaxlenrrrrs zCharsNotIn.parseImplcsdytt|Stk r"YnX|jdkr^t|jdkrRd|jdd|_n d|j|_|jS)Nrz !W:(%s...)z!W:(%s))r{r%rrrrr)r)rrrr&s  zCharsNotIn.__str__)rrr)T)rrrrrrrrrr)rrr% s cs`eZdZdZdddddddd d d d d ddddddddddddZd"fdd Zd#d d!ZZS)$rKaSpecial matching class for matching whitespace. Normally, whitespace is ignored by pyparsing grammars. This class is included when some whitespace structures are significant. Define with a string containing the whitespace characters to be matched; default is ``" \t\r\n"``. Also takes optional ``min``, ``max``, and ``exact`` arguments, as defined for the :class:`Word` class. zzzzzzzzz z z z zzzzzz z zzzz)rrrrr u u᠎u u u u u u u u u u u u​u u u  rrcstt|_dfddjDdddjD_d_dj_ |_ |dkrt|_ nt _ |dkr|_ |_ dS)Nrc3s|]}|jkr|VqdS)N) matchWhite)rr)rrrrYsz!White.__init__..css|]}tj|VqdS)N)rK whiteStrs)rrrrrr[sTz Expected r) r{rKrrrLrrrrrrrrz)rwsrrr)r)rrrVs  zWhite.__init__TcCs|||jkrt|||j||}|d7}||j}t|t|}x"||krd|||jkrd|d7}qDW|||jkrt|||j|||||fS)Nr)rr<rrrrr)rrrrrrrrrrjs  zWhite.parseImpl)rrrr)T)rrrrrrrrrr)rrrK4s4cseZdZfddZZS)_PositionTokencs(tt||jj|_d|_d|_dS)NTF)r{rrrrrrr)r)rrrr{s z_PositionToken.__init__)rrrrrrr)rrrzsrcs2eZdZdZfddZddZd ddZZS) r,zaToken to advance to a specific column of input text; useful for tabular report scraping. cstt|||_dS)N)r{r,rrW)rcolno)rrrrszGoToColumn.__init__cCs`t|||jkr\t|}|jr*|||}x0||krZ||rZt|||jkrZ|d7}q,W|S)Nr)rWrrrisspace)rrrrrrrrs & zGoToColumn.preParseTcCsDt||}||jkr"t||d|||j|}|||}||fS)NzText not in expected column)rWr<)rrrrthiscolnewlocrrrrrs    zGoToColumn.parseImpl)T)rrrrrrrrrr)rrr,s  cs*eZdZdZfddZdddZZS)r0aMatches if current position is at the beginning of a line within the parse string Example:: test = '''\ AAA this line AAA and this line AAA but not this one B AAA and definitely not this one ''' for t in (LineStart() + 'AAA' + restOfLine).searchString(test): print(t) prints:: ['AAA', ' this line'] ['AAA', ' and this line'] cstt|d|_dS)NzExpected start of line)r{r0rr)r)rrrrszLineStart.__init__TcCs*t||dkr|gfSt|||j|dS)Nr)rWr<r)rrrrrrrrszLineStart.parseImpl)T)rrrrrrrrr)rrr0s cs*eZdZdZfddZdddZZS)r/zTMatches if current position is at the end of a line within the parse string cs,tt||tjddd|_dS)NrrzExpected end of line)r{r/rrLrArrr)r)rrrrszLineEnd.__init__TcCsb|t|kr6||dkr$|ddfSt|||j|n(|t|krN|dgfSt|||j|dS)Nrr)rr<r)rrrrrrrrs     zLineEnd.parseImpl)T)rrrrrrrrr)rrr/s cs*eZdZdZfddZdddZZS)rGzLMatches if current position is at the beginning of the parse string cstt|d|_dS)NzExpected start of text)r{rGrr)r)rrrrszStringStart.__init__TcCs0|dkr(|||dkr(t|||j||gfS)Nr)rr<r)rrrrrrrrszStringStart.parseImpl)T)rrrrrrrrr)rrrGs cs*eZdZdZfddZdddZZS)rFzBMatches if current position is at the end of the parse string cstt|d|_dS)NzExpected end of text)r{rFrr)r)rrrrszStringEnd.__init__TcCs^|t|krt|||j|n<|t|kr6|dgfS|t|krJ|gfSt|||j|dS)Nr)rr<r)rrrrrrrrs    zStringEnd.parseImpl)T)rrrrrrrrr)rrrFs cs.eZdZdZeffdd ZdddZZS)rNayMatches if the current position is at the beginning of a Word, and is not preceded by any character in a given set of ``wordChars`` (default= ``printables``). To emulate the ```` behavior of regular expressions, use ``WordStart(alphanums)``. ``WordStart`` will also match at the beginning of the string being parsed, or at the beginning of a line. cs"tt|t||_d|_dS)NzNot at the start of a word)r{rNrr wordCharsr)rr)rrrrs zWordStart.__init__TcCs@|dkr8||d|jks(|||jkr8t|||j||gfS)Nrr)rr<r)rrrrrrrrs zWordStart.parseImpl)T)rrrrrtrrrrr)rrrNscs.eZdZdZeffdd ZdddZZS)rMa_Matches if the current position is at the end of a Word, and is not followed by any character in a given set of ``wordChars`` (default= ``printables``). To emulate the ```` behavior of regular expressions, use ``WordEnd(alphanums)``. ``WordEnd`` will also match at the end of the string being parsed, or at the end of a line. cs(tt|t||_d|_d|_dS)NFzNot at the end of a word)r{rMrrrrr)rr)rrrr s zWordEnd.__init__TcCsPt|}|dkrH||krH|||jks8||d|jkrHt|||j||gfS)Nrr)rrr<r)rrrrrrrrrs zWordEnd.parseImpl)T)rrrrrtrrrrr)rrrMscszeZdZdZdfdd ZddZddZfd d Zfd d Zfd dZ dddZ fddZ dfdd Z Z S)r=z]Abstract subclass of ParserElement, for combining and post-processing parsed tokens. Fcstt|t|tr"t|}t|tr<|g_nt|t rP|g_nnt|t rt|}t dd|Drfdd|D}t|_n,yt|_Wnt k r|g_YnXd_ dS)Ncss|]}t|tVqdS)N)rr)rrrrrr*sz+ParseExpression.__init__..c3s&|]}t|tr|n|VqdS)N)rrr)rr)rrrr+sF)r{r=rrrrrrexprsrAr rr!r)rrr)r)rrrs"      zParseExpression.__init__cCs|j|d|_|S)N)rrr)rrSrrrr4s zParseExpression.appendcCs4d|_dd|jD|_x|jD] }|q W|S)zExtends ``leaveWhitespace`` defined in base class, and also invokes ``leaveWhitespace`` on all contained expressions.FcSsg|] }|qSr)rR)rrrrrr=sz3ParseExpression.leaveWhitespace..)rrrK)rrrrrrK9s   zParseExpression.leaveWhitespacecszt|trF||jkrvtt||xP|jD]}||jdq,Wn0tt||x|jD]}||jdq^W|S)Nr)rrHrr{r=rNr)rrSr)rrrrNBs    zParseExpression.ignorecsLytt|Stk r"YnX|jdkrFd|jjt|jf|_|jS)Nz%s:(%s)) r{r=rrrrrrr)r)rrrrNs zParseExpression.__str__cs.tt|x|jD] }|qWt|jdkr|jd}t||jr|js|jdkr|j s|jdd|jdg|_d|_ |j |j O_ |j |j O_ |jd}t||jr|js|jdkr|j s|jdd|jdd|_d|_ |j |j O_ |j |j O_ dt ||_|S)Nrrrrz Expected )r{r=rrrrrrrrrrrrr)rrrS)rrrrXs0       zParseExpression.streamlineNcCsF|dk r |ngdd|g}x|jD]}||q&W|gdS)N)rrVrT)rrUtmprrrrrVzs zParseExpression.validatecs$tt|}dd|jD|_|S)NcSsg|] }|qSr)rR)rrrrrrsz(ParseExpression.copy..)r{r=rRr)rr)rrrrRszParseExpression.copycsZtjrHx@|jD]6}t|tr|jrtjdd|t |j |jddqWt t | ||S)Nz]{0}: setting results name {1!r} on {2} expression collides with {3!r} on contained expressionrr)r0)rrrrrArr3r4rrrr{r=r)rrrr)rrrrs  zParseExpression._setResultsName)F)N)F)rrrrrrrKrNrrrVrRrrrr)rrr=s "  cs`eZdZdZGdddeZdfdd ZfddZdd d Zd d Z d dZ ddZ Z S)r"a Requires all given :class:`ParseExpression` s to be found in the given order. Expressions may be separated by whitespace. May be constructed using the ``'+'`` operator. May also be constructed using the ``'-'`` operator, which will suppress backtracking. Example:: integer = Word(nums) name_expr = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) expr = And([integer("id"), name_expr("name"), integer("age")]) # more easily written as: expr = integer("id") + name_expr("name") + integer("age") cseZdZfddZZS)zAnd._ErrorStopcs&ttj|j||d|_|dS)N-)r{r"r6rrrK)rrrE)rrrrszAnd._ErrorStop.__init__)rrrrrrr)rrr6sr6Tcst|}|rt|krg}xlt|D]`\}}|tkrx|t|dkrnt||djd}|t|dqtdq"||q"W||dd<t t | ||t dd|jD|_ ||jdj|jdj|_d|_dS) Nrrz _skipped*z0cannot construct And with sequence ending in ...css|] }|jVqdS)N)r)rrrrrrszAnd.__init__..rT)rr1rrr)rrrErr{r"rrrrLrrr)rrrrrr skipto_arg)rrrrs    z And.__init__cs|jrtdd|jddDrxtt|jddD]^\}}|dkrHq6t|tr6|jr6t|jdtr6|jd|j|d|jd<d|j|d<q6Wdd|jD|_tt|t dd|jD|_ |S)Ncss.|]&}t|to$|jo$t|jdtVqdS)rN)rr=rr2)rrrrrrsz!And.streamline..rrcSsg|]}|dk r|qS)Nr)rrrrrrsz"And.streamline..css|] }|jVqdS)N)r)rrrrrrs) rrrrr=r2r{r"rrr)rrr)rrrrs zAnd.streamlinec Cs|jdj|||dd\}}d}x|jddD]}t|tjrFd}q0|ry||||\}}Wqtk rvYqtk r}zd|_t|Wdd}~XYqt k rt|t ||j |YqXn||||\}}|s| r0||7}q0W||fS)NrF)rrT) rrrr"r6r@r:rrr"rrrC) rrrr resultlist errorStopr exprtokensrrrrrs(   z And.parseImplcCst|tr||}||S)N)rrrr)rrSrrrrNs  z And.__iadd__cCs8|dd|g}x |jD]}|||jsPqWdS)N)rrTr)rrsubRecCheckListrrrrrTs   zAnd.checkRecursioncCs@t|dr|jS|jdkr:dddd|jDd|_|jS)Nr{rcss|]}t|VqdS)N)r)rrrrrrszAnd.__str__..})r;rrrr)rrrrrs    z And.__str__)T)T) rrrrr)r6rrrrNrTrrrr)rrr"s  cs^eZdZdZdfdd ZfddZddd Zd d Zd d ZddZ dfdd Z Z S)r9aRequires that at least one :class:`ParseExpression` is found. If two expressions match, the expression that matches the longest string will be used. May be constructed using the ``'^'`` operator. Example:: # construct Or using '^' operator number = Word(nums) ^ Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) print(number.searchString("123 3.1416 789")) prints:: [['123'], ['3.1416'], ['789']] Fcs:tt||||jr0tdd|jD|_nd|_dS)Ncss|] }|jVqdS)N)r)rrrrrrszOr.__init__..T)r{r9rrrr)rrr)rrrrsz Or.__init__cs.tt|tjr*tdd|jD|_|S)Ncss|] }|jVqdS)N)r)rrrrrrsz Or.streamline..)r{r9rr!collect_all_And_tokensrrr)r)rrrrsz Or.streamlineTc Csd}d}g}x|jD]}y|||}Wnvtk rd} zd| _| j|krT| }| j}Wdd} ~ XYqtk rt||krt|t||j|}t|}YqX|||fqW|r|j t ddd|s|dd} | |||Sd} x|D]\} } | | dkr | Sy| |||\}}Wn@tk rb} z d| _| j|krR| }| j}Wdd} ~ XYqX|| krv||fS|| dkr||f} qW| dkr| S|dk r|j|_ |nt||d|dS)NrrT)rIr+r)rNz no defined alternatives to match) rrr<rrr"rrrsortrrr)rrrr maxExcLoc maxExceptionr$rloc2r best_exprlongestloc1expr1rrrrrsT          z Or.parseImplcCst|tr||}||S)N)rrrr)rrSrrr__ixor__[s  z Or.__ixor__cCs@t|dr|jS|jdkr:dddd|jDd|_|jS)Nrrz ^ css|]}t|VqdS)N)r)rrrrrreszOr.__str__..r)r;rrrr)rrrrr`s    z Or.__str__cCs0|dd|g}x|jD]}||qWdS)N)rrT)rrrrrrrrTis zOr.checkRecursioncsPtjs>tjr>tdd|jDr>tjdd|t |j ddt t | ||S)Ncss|]}t|tVqdS)N)rr")rrrrrrqsz%Or._setResultsName..z{0}: setting results name {1!r} on {2} expression may only return a single token for an And alternative, in future will return the full list of tokensrr)r0)r!rrrrrr3r4rrrr{r9r)rrr)rrrrnszOr._setResultsName)F)T)F) rrrrrrrrrrTrrrr)rrr9s  = cs^eZdZdZdfdd ZfddZddd Zd d Zd d ZddZ dfdd Z Z S)r3aRequires that at least one :class:`ParseExpression` is found. If two expressions match, the first one listed is the one that will match. May be constructed using the ``'|'`` operator. Example:: # construct MatchFirst using '|' operator # watch the order of expressions to match number = Word(nums) | Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) print(number.searchString("123 3.1416 789")) # Fail! -> [['123'], ['3'], ['1416'], ['789']] # put more selective expression first number = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) | Word(nums) print(number.searchString("123 3.1416 789")) # Better -> [['123'], ['3.1416'], ['789']] Fcs:tt||||jr0tdd|jD|_nd|_dS)Ncss|] }|jVqdS)N)r)rrrrrrsz&MatchFirst.__init__..T)r{r3rrrr)rrr)rrrrszMatchFirst.__init__cs.tt|tjr*tdd|jD|_|S)Ncss|] }|jVqdS)N)r)rrrrrrsz(MatchFirst.streamline..)r{r3rr!rrrr)r)rrrrszMatchFirst.streamlineTc Csd}d}x|jD]}y||||}|Stk r\}z|j|krL|}|j}Wdd}~XYqtk rt||krt|t||j|}t|}YqXqW|dk r|j|_|nt||d|dS)Nrz no defined alternatives to match)rrr<rr"rrr) rrrrrrrrrrrrrs$   zMatchFirst.parseImplcCst|tr||}||S)N)rrrr)rrSrrr__ior__s  zMatchFirst.__ior__cCs@t|dr|jS|jdkr:dddd|jDd|_|jS)Nrrz | css|]}t|VqdS)N)r)rrrrrrsz%MatchFirst.__str__..r)r;rrrr)rrrrrs    zMatchFirst.__str__cCs0|dd|g}x|jD]}||qWdS)N)rrT)rrrrrrrrTs zMatchFirst.checkRecursioncsPtjs>tjr>tdd|jDr>tjdd|t |j ddt t | ||S)Ncss|]}t|tVqdS)N)rr")rrrrrrsz-MatchFirst._setResultsName..z{0}: setting results name {1!r} on {2} expression may only return a single token for an And alternative, in future will return the full list of tokensrr)r0)r!rrrrrr3r4rrrr{r3r)rrr)rrrrszMatchFirst._setResultsName)F)T)F) rrrrrrrrrrTrrrr)rrr3{s   csHeZdZdZd fdd ZfddZdddZd d Zd d ZZ S)r(asRequires all given :class:`ParseExpression` s to be found, but in any order. Expressions may be separated by whitespace. May be constructed using the ``'&'`` operator. Example:: color = oneOf("RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE PURPLE BLACK WHITE BROWN") shape_type = oneOf("SQUARE CIRCLE TRIANGLE STAR HEXAGON OCTAGON") integer = Word(nums) shape_attr = "shape:" + shape_type("shape") posn_attr = "posn:" + Group(integer("x") + ',' + integer("y"))("posn") color_attr = "color:" + color("color") size_attr = "size:" + integer("size") # use Each (using operator '&') to accept attributes in any order # (shape and posn are required, color and size are optional) shape_spec = shape_attr & posn_attr & Optional(color_attr) & Optional(size_attr) shape_spec.runTests(''' shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: 100, 120 shape: CIRCLE size: 50 color: BLUE posn: 50,80 color:GREEN size:20 shape:TRIANGLE posn:20,40 ''' ) prints:: shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: 100, 120 ['shape:', 'SQUARE', 'color:', 'BLACK', 'posn:', ['100', ',', '120']] - color: BLACK - posn: ['100', ',', '120'] - x: 100 - y: 120 - shape: SQUARE shape: CIRCLE size: 50 color: BLUE posn: 50,80 ['shape:', 'CIRCLE', 'size:', '50', 'color:', 'BLUE', 'posn:', ['50', ',', '80']] - color: BLUE - posn: ['50', ',', '80'] - x: 50 - y: 80 - shape: CIRCLE - size: 50 color: GREEN size: 20 shape: TRIANGLE posn: 20,40 ['color:', 'GREEN', 'size:', '20', 'shape:', 'TRIANGLE', 'posn:', ['20', ',', '40']] - color: GREEN - posn: ['20', ',', '40'] - x: 20 - y: 40 - shape: TRIANGLE - size: 20 Tcs>tt|||tdd|jD|_d|_d|_d|_dS)Ncss|] }|jVqdS)N)r)rrrrrr sz Each.__init__..T) r{r(rrrrrinitExprGroupsr)rrr)rrrr s z Each.__init__cs(tt|tdd|jD|_|S)Ncss|] }|jVqdS)N)r)rrrrrrsz"Each.streamline..)r{r(rrrr)r)rrrrszEach.streamlinec s|jrtdd|jD|_dd|jD}dd|jD}|||_dd|jD|_dd|jD|_dd|jD|_|j|j7_d |_|}|jdd}|jddg}d } x| rp||j|j} g} x~| D]v} y| ||}Wn t k r| | YqX| |j t | | | |krD| | q| kr | qWt| t| krd } qW|rd d d|D} t ||d | |fdd|jD7}g}x*|D]"} | |||\}}| |qWt|tg}||fS)Ncss&|]}t|trt|j|fVqdS)N)rr8rar)rrrrrrsz!Each.parseImpl..cSsg|]}t|tr|jqSr)rr8r)rrrrrrsz"Each.parseImpl..cSs$g|]}|jrt|ttfs|qSr)rrr8rD)rrrrrrscSsg|]}t|tr|jqSr)rrOr)rrrrrrscSsg|]}t|tr|jqSr)rr6r)rrrrrrscSs g|]}t|tttfs|qSr)rr8rOr6)rrrrrrsFTz, css|]}t|VqdS)N)r)rrrrrr9sz*Missing one or more required elements (%s)cs$g|]}t|tr|jkr|qSr)rr8r)rr)tmpOptrrr=s)rrropt1map optionalsmultioptionals multirequiredrequiredrr<rrraremoverrrsumr?)rrrropt1opt2tmpLoctmpReqd matchOrder keepMatchingtmpExprsfailedrmissingrr finalResultsr)rrrsP     zEach.parseImplcCs@t|dr|jS|jdkr:dddd|jDd|_|jS)Nrrz & css|]}t|VqdS)N)r)rrrrrrLszEach.__str__..r)r;rrrr)rrrrrGs    z Each.__str__cCs0|dd|g}x|jD]}||qWdS)N)rrT)rrrrrrrrTPs zEach.checkRecursion)T)T) rrrrrrrrrTrrr)rrr(s 8  1 csjeZdZdZdfdd ZdddZdd Zfd d Zfd d ZddZ dddZ fddZ Z S)r;zfAbstract subclass of :class:`ParserElement`, for combining and post-processing parsed tokens. Fcstt||t|tr@t|jtr2||}n|t|}||_ d|_ |dk r|j |_ |j |_ | |j|j|_|j|_|j|_|j|jdS)N)r{r;rrr issubclassrrIr1rrrrrLrrrrrrO)rrr)rrrrZs    zParseElementEnhance.__init__TcCs2|jdk r|jj|||ddStd||j|dS)NF)rr)rrr<r)rrrrrrrrls zParseElementEnhance.parseImplcCs*d|_|j|_|jdk r&|j|S)NF)rrrRrK)rrrrrKrs    z#ParseElementEnhance.leaveWhitespacecsrt|trB||jkrntt|||jdk rn|j|jdn,tt|||jdk rn|j|jd|S)Nr)rrHrr{r;rNr)rrS)rrrrNys    zParseElementEnhance.ignorecs&tt||jdk r"|j|S)N)r{r;rr)r)rrrrs  zParseElementEnhance.streamlinecCsB||krt||g|dd|g}|jdk r>|j|dS)N)rCrrT)rrrrrrrTs  z"ParseElementEnhance.checkRecursionNcCsB|dkr g}|dd|g}|jdk r4|j||gdS)N)rrVrT)rrUrrrrrVs   zParseElementEnhance.validatecsVytt|Stk r"YnX|jdkrP|jdk rPd|jjt|jf|_|jS)Nz%s:(%s)) r{r;rrrrrrr)r)rrrrszParseElementEnhance.__str__)F)T)N) rrrrrrrKrNrrTrVrrrr)rrr;Vs   cs*eZdZdZfddZdddZZS)r*abLookahead matching of the given parse expression. ``FollowedBy`` does *not* advance the parsing position within the input string, it only verifies that the specified parse expression matches at the current position. ``FollowedBy`` always returns a null token list. If any results names are defined in the lookahead expression, those *will* be returned for access by name. Example:: # use FollowedBy to match a label only if it is followed by a ':' data_word = Word(alphas) label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString("shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: upper left").pprint() prints:: [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['color', 'BLACK'], ['posn', 'upper left']] cstt||d|_dS)NT)r{r*rr)rr)rrrrszFollowedBy.__init__TcCs(|jj|||d\}}|dd=||fS)N)r)rr)rrrr_rrrrrs zFollowedBy.parseImpl)T)rrrrrrrrr)rrr*s cs,eZdZdZd fdd Zd ddZZS) r2apLookbehind matching of the given parse expression. ``PrecededBy`` does not advance the parsing position within the input string, it only verifies that the specified parse expression matches prior to the current position. ``PrecededBy`` always returns a null token list, but if a results name is defined on the given expression, it is returned. Parameters: - expr - expression that must match prior to the current parse location - retreat - (default= ``None``) - (int) maximum number of characters to lookbehind prior to the current parse location If the lookbehind expression is a string, Literal, Keyword, or a Word or CharsNotIn with a specified exact or maximum length, then the retreat parameter is not required. Otherwise, retreat must be specified to give a maximum number of characters to look back from the current parse position for a lookbehind match. Example:: # VB-style variable names with type prefixes int_var = PrecededBy("#") + pyparsing_common.identifier str_var = PrecededBy("$") + pyparsing_common.identifier Ncstt||||_d|_d|_d|_t|t rJt |}d|_nVt|t t frf|j }d|_n:t|ttfr|jtkr|j}d|_nt|trd}d|_||_dt ||_d|_|jdddS)NTFrznot preceded by cSs|tddS)N)r3r$)rrrrrrrrz%PrecededBy.__init__..)r{r2rrrKrrrrrrr1r.rrLr%rrzrretreatrrrr)rrr )rrrrs*  zPrecededBy.__init__rTc Cs|jr<||jkrt|||j||j}|j||\}}n|jt}|td||j|}t|||j} xltdt ||jddD]J} y||t || \}}Wn&t k r} z| } Wdd} ~ XYqXPqW| ||fS)Nrr) rr r<rrrrFrr)rrr:) rrrrrr r test_exprinstring_slice last_exprrVpberrrrs     zPrecededBy.parseImpl)N)rT)rrrrrrrrr)rrr2scs2eZdZdZfddZd ddZddZZS) r5aLookahead to disallow matching with the given parse expression. ``NotAny`` does *not* advance the parsing position within the input string, it only verifies that the specified parse expression does *not* match at the current position. Also, ``NotAny`` does *not* skip over leading whitespace. ``NotAny`` always returns a null token list. May be constructed using the '~' operator. Example:: AND, OR, NOT = map(CaselessKeyword, "AND OR NOT".split()) # take care not to mistake keywords for identifiers ident = ~(AND | OR | NOT) + Word(alphas) boolean_term = Optional(NOT) + ident # very crude boolean expression - to support parenthesis groups and # operation hierarchy, use infixNotation boolean_expr = boolean_term + ZeroOrMore((AND | OR) + boolean_term) # integers that are followed by "." are actually floats integer = Word(nums) + ~Char(".") cs0tt||d|_d|_dt|j|_dS)NFTzFound unwanted token, )r{r5rrrrrr)rr)rrrr*szNotAny.__init__TcCs&|j||rt|||j||gfS)N)rrr<r)rrrrrrrr1szNotAny.parseImplcCs4t|dr|jS|jdkr.dt|jd|_|jS)Nrz~{r)r;rrrr)rrrrr6s   zNotAny.__str__)T)rrrrrrrrrr)rrr5s  cs>eZdZd fdd ZddZd ddZdfd d ZZS)_MultipleMatchNcs<tt||d|_|}t|tr.||}||dS)NT)r{rrrrrrstopOn)rrrender)rrrr@s   z_MultipleMatch.__init__cCs,t|tr||}|dk r"|nd|_|S)N)rrr not_ender)rrrrrrHs  z_MultipleMatch.stopOnTc Cs|jj}|j}|jdk }|r$|jj}|r2|||||||dd\}}yZ|j } xJ|rb|||| rr|||} n|} ||| |\}} | s| rT|| 7}qTWWnttfk rYnX||fS)NF)r) rrrrrrrCr<r") rrrrself_expr_parseself_skip_ignorables check_ender try_not_enderrhasIgnoreExprsr tmptokensrrrrNs,      z_MultipleMatch.parseImplFcsjtjrXxP|jgt|jdgD]6}t|tr|jrtjd d|t |j |jddqWt t |||S)Nrz]{0}: setting results name {1!r} on {2} expression collides with {3!r} on contained expressionrr)r0)rrrrrrArr3r4rrrr{rr)rrrr)rrrrks z_MultipleMatch._setResultsName)N)T)F)rrrrrrrrrr)rrr?s rc@seZdZdZddZdS)r6ajRepetition of one or more of the given expression. Parameters: - expr - expression that must match one or more times - stopOn - (default= ``None``) - expression for a terminating sentinel (only required if the sentinel would ordinarily match the repetition expression) Example:: data_word = Word(alphas) label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word).setParseAction(' '.join)) text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: BLACK" OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).pprint() # Fail! read 'color' as data instead of next label -> [['shape', 'SQUARE color']] # use stopOn attribute for OneOrMore to avoid reading label string as part of the data attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).pprint() # Better -> [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'BLACK']] # could also be written as (attr_expr * (1,)).parseString(text).pprint() cCs4t|dr|jS|jdkr.dt|jd|_|jS)Nrrz}...)r;rrrr)rrrrrs   zOneOrMore.__str__N)rrrrrrrrrr6yscs8eZdZdZd fdd Zd fdd Zdd ZZS) rOakOptional repetition of zero or more of the given expression. Parameters: - expr - expression that must match zero or more times - stopOn - (default= ``None``) - expression for a terminating sentinel (only required if the sentinel would ordinarily match the repetition expression) Example: similar to :class:`OneOrMore` Ncstt|j||dd|_dS)N)rT)r{rOrr)rrr)rrrrszZeroOrMore.__init__Tc s6ytt||||Sttfk r0|gfSXdS)N)r{rOrr<r")rrrr)rrrrszZeroOrMore.parseImplcCs4t|dr|jS|jdkr.dt|jd|_|jS)Nrr]z]...)r;rrrr)rrrrrs   zZeroOrMore.__str__)N)T)rrrrrrrrrr)rrrOs c@s eZdZddZeZddZdS) _NullTokencCsdS)NFr)rrrrr6sz_NullToken.__bool__cCsdS)Nrr)rrrrrsz_NullToken.__str__N)rrrr6rrrrrrrsrcs<eZdZdZeZeffdd Zd ddZddZZ S) r8aGOptional matching of the given expression. Parameters: - expr - expression that must match zero or more times - default (optional) - value to be returned if the optional expression is not found. Example:: # US postal code can be a 5-digit zip, plus optional 4-digit qualifier zip = Combine(Word(nums, exact=5) + Optional('-' + Word(nums, exact=4))) zip.runTests(''' # traditional ZIP code 12345 # ZIP+4 form 12101-0001 # invalid ZIP 98765- ''') prints:: # traditional ZIP code 12345 ['12345'] # ZIP+4 form 12101-0001 ['12101-0001'] # invalid ZIP 98765- ^ FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 5), (line:1, col:6) cs.tt|j|dd|jj|_||_d|_dS)NF)rT)r{r8rrrrJr)rrrD)rrrrs zOptional.__init__Tc Cs|y|jj|||dd\}}WnVttfk rr|j|jk rj|jjr`t|jg}|j||jj<qn|jg}ng}YnX||fS)NF)r)rrr<r"rJ_Optional__optionalNotMatchedrr?)rrrrrrrrrs    zOptional.parseImplcCs4t|dr|jS|jdkr.dt|jd|_|jS)Nrr]r^)r;rrrr)rrrrrs   zOptional.__str__)T) rrrrrrrrrrrr)rrr8s $ cs,eZdZdZd fdd Zd ddZZS) rEa Token for skipping over all undefined text until the matched expression is found. Parameters: - expr - target expression marking the end of the data to be skipped - include - (default= ``False``) if True, the target expression is also parsed (the skipped text and target expression are returned as a 2-element list). - ignore - (default= ``None``) used to define grammars (typically quoted strings and comments) that might contain false matches to the target expression - failOn - (default= ``None``) define expressions that are not allowed to be included in the skipped test; if found before the target expression is found, the SkipTo is not a match Example:: report = ''' Outstanding Issues Report - 1 Jan 2000 # | Severity | Description | Days Open -----+----------+-------------------------------------------+----------- 101 | Critical | Intermittent system crash | 6 94 | Cosmetic | Spelling error on Login ('log|n') | 14 79 | Minor | System slow when running too many reports | 47 ''' integer = Word(nums) SEP = Suppress('|') # use SkipTo to simply match everything up until the next SEP # - ignore quoted strings, so that a '|' character inside a quoted string does not match # - parse action will call token.strip() for each matched token, i.e., the description body string_data = SkipTo(SEP, ignore=quotedString) string_data.setParseAction(tokenMap(str.strip)) ticket_expr = (integer("issue_num") + SEP + string_data("sev") + SEP + string_data("desc") + SEP + integer("days_open")) for tkt in ticket_expr.searchString(report): print tkt.dump() prints:: ['101', 'Critical', 'Intermittent system crash', '6'] - days_open: 6 - desc: Intermittent system crash - issue_num: 101 - sev: Critical ['94', 'Cosmetic', "Spelling error on Login ('log|n')", '14'] - days_open: 14 - desc: Spelling error on Login ('log|n') - issue_num: 94 - sev: Cosmetic ['79', 'Minor', 'System slow when running too many reports', '47'] - days_open: 47 - desc: System slow when running too many reports - issue_num: 79 - sev: Minor FNcs`tt||||_d|_d|_||_d|_t|t rF| ||_ n||_ dt |j |_dS)NTFzNo match found for )r{rEr ignoreExprrr includeMatchrrrrfailOnrrr)rrSincluderNr)rrrr@s zSkipTo.__init__Tc Cs,|}t|}|j}|jj}|jdk r,|jjnd}|jdk rB|jjnd} |} x| |kr|dk rh||| rhP| dk rx*y| || } Wqrtk rPYqrXqrWy||| dddWn tt fk r| d7} YqLXPqLWt|||j || }|||} t | } |j r$||||dd\}} | | 7} || fS)NF)rrr)r) rrrrrrrr:r<r"rr?r)rrrrrrr expr_parseself_failOn_canParseNextself_ignoreExpr_tryParsetmplocskiptext skipresultrrrrrMs<    zSkipTo.parseImpl)FNN)T)rrrrrrrrr)rrrEs9 csneZdZdZdfdd ZddZddZd d Zd d Zdd dZ ddZ fddZ dfdd Z Z S)r+a_Forward declaration of an expression to be defined later - used for recursive grammars, such as algebraic infix notation. When the expression is known, it is assigned to the ``Forward`` variable using the '<<' operator. Note: take care when assigning to ``Forward`` not to overlook precedence of operators. Specifically, '|' has a lower precedence than '<<', so that:: fwdExpr << a | b | c will actually be evaluated as:: (fwdExpr << a) | b | c thereby leaving b and c out as parseable alternatives. It is recommended that you explicitly group the values inserted into the ``Forward``:: fwdExpr << (a | b | c) Converting to use the '<<=' operator instead will avoid this problem. See :class:`ParseResults.pprint` for an example of a recursive parser created using ``Forward``. Ncstt|j|dddS)NF)r)r{r+r)rrS)rrrrszForward.__init__cCsjt|tr||}||_d|_|jj|_|jj|_||jj|jj |_ |jj |_ |j |jj |S)N) rrrrrrrrLrrrrrO)rrSrrr __lshift__s      zForward.__lshift__cCs||>S)Nr)rrSrrr __ilshift__szForward.__ilshift__cCs d|_|S)NF)r)rrrrrKszForward.leaveWhitespacecCs$|js d|_|jdk r |j|S)NT)rrr)rrrrrs   zForward.streamlinecCsJ|dkr g}||kr<|dd|g}|jdk r<|j||gdS)N)rrVrT)rrUrrrrrVs  zForward.validatecCslt|dr|jS|jdk r |jSd|_d}z&|jdk rJt|jdd}nd}Wd|jjd||_X|jS)Nrz: ...z...iNonez: )r;rrrrrr)r retStringrrrrs   zForward.__str__cs.|jdk rtt|St}||K}|SdS)N)rr{r+rR)rr)rrrrRs  z Forward.copyFcs@tjr.|jdkr.tjdd|t|jddtt | ||S)NzR{0}: setting results name {0!r} on {1} expression that has no contained expressionrr)r0) rrrr3r4rrrr{r+r)rrr)rrrrs  zForward._setResultsName)N)N)F)rrrrrr'r(rKrrVrrRrrrr)rrr+|s   cs"eZdZdZdfdd ZZS)rJzW Abstract subclass of :class:`ParseExpression`, for converting parsed results. Fcstt||d|_dS)NF)r{rJrr)rrr)rrrrszTokenConverter.__init__)F)rrrrrrrr)rrrJscs6eZdZdZd fdd ZfddZdd ZZS) r&aConverter to concatenate all matching tokens to a single string. By default, the matching patterns must also be contiguous in the input string; this can be disabled by specifying ``'adjacent=False'`` in the constructor. Example:: real = Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums) print(real.parseString('3.1416')) # -> ['3', '.', '1416'] # will also erroneously match the following print(real.parseString('3. 1416')) # -> ['3', '.', '1416'] real = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) print(real.parseString('3.1416')) # -> ['3.1416'] # no match when there are internal spaces print(real.parseString('3. 1416')) # -> Exception: Expected W:(0123...) rTcs8tt|||r|||_d|_||_d|_dS)NT)r{r&rrKadjacentr joinStringr)rrr,r+)rrrrszCombine.__init__cs(|jrt||ntt|||S)N)r+rArNr{r&)rrS)rrrrN szCombine.ignorecCsP|}|dd=|td||jg|jd7}|jrH|rH|gS|SdS)Nr)r)rRr?rr_r,rrrC)rrrrretToksrrrrs  "zCombine.postParse)rT)rrrrrrNrrrr)rrr&s cs(eZdZdZfddZddZZS)r-aConverter to return the matched tokens as a list - useful for returning tokens of :class:`ZeroOrMore` and :class:`OneOrMore` expressions. Example:: ident = Word(alphas) num = Word(nums) term = ident | num func = ident + Optional(delimitedList(term)) print(func.parseString("fn a, b, 100")) # -> ['fn', 'a', 'b', '100'] func = ident + Group(Optional(delimitedList(term))) print(func.parseString("fn a, b, 100")) # -> ['fn', ['a', 'b', '100']] cstt||d|_dS)NT)r{r-rr)rr)rrrr*szGroup.__init__cCs|gS)Nr)rrrrrrrr.szGroup.postParse)rrrrrrrrr)rrr-s cs(eZdZdZfddZddZZS)r'a?Converter to return a repetitive expression as a list, but also as a dictionary. Each element can also be referenced using the first token in the expression as its key. Useful for tabular report scraping when the first column can be used as a item key. Example:: data_word = Word(alphas) label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word).setParseAction(' '.join)) text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: light blue texture: burlap" attr_expr = (label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) # print attributes as plain groups print(OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).dump()) # instead of OneOrMore(expr), parse using Dict(OneOrMore(Group(expr))) - Dict will auto-assign names result = Dict(OneOrMore(Group(attr_expr))).parseString(text) print(result.dump()) # access named fields as dict entries, or output as dict print(result['shape']) print(result.asDict()) prints:: ['shape', 'SQUARE', 'posn', 'upper left', 'color', 'light blue', 'texture', 'burlap'] [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'light blue'], ['texture', 'burlap']] - color: light blue - posn: upper left - shape: SQUARE - texture: burlap SQUARE {'color': 'light blue', 'posn': 'upper left', 'texture': 'burlap', 'shape': 'SQUARE'} See more examples at :class:`ParseResults` of accessing fields by results name. cstt||d|_dS)NT)r{r'rr)rr)rrrrXsz Dict.__init__cCsxt|D]\}}t|dkr q |d}t|trBt|d}t|dkr^td|||<q t|dkrt|dtst|d|||<q |}|d=t|dkst|tr| rt||||<q t|d|||<q W|j r|gS|SdS)Nrrrr) rrrrrrrr?rRrCr)rrrrrtokikey dictvaluerrrr\s$   zDict.postParse)rrrrrrrrr)rrr'1s& c@s eZdZdZddZddZdS)rHa[Converter for ignoring the results of a parsed expression. Example:: source = "a, b, c,d" wd = Word(alphas) wd_list1 = wd + ZeroOrMore(',' + wd) print(wd_list1.parseString(source)) # often, delimiters that are useful during parsing are just in the # way afterward - use Suppress to keep them out of the parsed output wd_list2 = wd + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(',') + wd) print(wd_list2.parseString(source)) prints:: ['a', ',', 'b', ',', 'c', ',', 'd'] ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] (See also :class:`delimitedList`.) cCsgS)Nr)rrrrrrrrszSuppress.postParsecCs|S)Nr)rrrrrJszSuppress.suppressN)rrrrrrJrrrrrHusc@s(eZdZdZddZddZddZdS) r7zDWrapper for parse actions, to ensure they are only called once. cCst||_d|_dS)NF)rrcalled)r methodCallrrrrs zOnlyOnce.__init__cCs.|js||||}d|_|St||ddS)NTr)r1rr<)rrrrrrrrrIs zOnlyOnce.__call__cCs d|_dS)NF)r1)rrrrresetszOnlyOnce.resetN)rrrrrrIr3rrrrr7scs:tfdd}y j|_Wntk r4YnX|S)aqDecorator for debugging parse actions. When the parse action is called, this decorator will print ``">> entering method-name(line:, , )"``. When the parse action completes, the decorator will print ``"<<"`` followed by the returned value, or any exception that the parse action raised. Example:: wd = Word(alphas) @traceParseAction def remove_duplicate_chars(tokens): return ''.join(sorted(set(''.join(tokens)))) wds = OneOrMore(wd).setParseAction(remove_duplicate_chars) print(wds.parseString("slkdjs sld sldd sdlf sdljf")) prints:: >>entering remove_duplicate_chars(line: 'slkdjs sld sldd sdlf sdljf', 0, (['slkdjs', 'sld', 'sldd', 'sdlf', 'sdljf'], {})) <>entering %s(line: '%s', %d, %r) z<.z)rrr)r\r8r)r\rrs  ,cCs`t|dt|dt|d}|rBt|t|||S|tt|||SdS)aHelper to define a delimited list of expressions - the delimiter defaults to ','. By default, the list elements and delimiters can have intervening whitespace, and comments, but this can be overridden by passing ``combine=True`` in the constructor. If ``combine`` is set to ``True``, the matching tokens are returned as a single token string, with the delimiters included; otherwise, the matching tokens are returned as a list of tokens, with the delimiters suppressed. Example:: delimitedList(Word(alphas)).parseString("aa,bb,cc") # -> ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'] delimitedList(Word(hexnums), delim=':', combine=True).parseString("AA:BB:CC:DD:EE") # -> ['AA:BB:CC:DD:EE'] z [rz]...N)rr&rOrrH)rdelimcombinedlNamerrrr^s$csjtfdd}|dkr0ttdd}n|}|d|j|dd|d td S) a>Helper to define a counted list of expressions. This helper defines a pattern of the form:: integer expr expr expr... where the leading integer tells how many expr expressions follow. The matched tokens returns the array of expr tokens as a list - the leading count token is suppressed. If ``intExpr`` is specified, it should be a pyparsing expression that produces an integer value. Example:: countedArray(Word(alphas)).parseString('2 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd'] # in this parser, the leading integer value is given in binary, # '10' indicating that 2 values are in the array binaryConstant = Word('01').setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0], 2)) countedArray(Word(alphas), intExpr=binaryConstant).parseString('10 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd'] cs.|d}|r ttg|p&tt>gS)Nr)r-r"ra)rrrr9) arrayExprrrrcountFieldParseActions"z+countedArray..countFieldParseActionNcSs t|dS)Nr)r)rrrrrrzcountedArray..arrayLenT)rz(len) z...)r+rLrprrRrrr)rintExprr>r)r=rrrZs cCs:g}x0|D](}t|tr(|t|q ||q W|S)N)rrrOr)r)Lrrrrrr) s   r)cs6tfdd}|j|dddt|S)a4Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks for a 'repeat' of a previous expression. For example:: first = Word(nums) second = matchPreviousLiteral(first) matchExpr = first + ":" + second will match ``"1:1"``, but not ``"1:2"``. Because this matches a previous literal, will also match the leading ``"1:1"`` in ``"1:10"``. If this is not desired, use :class:`matchPreviousExpr`. Do *not* use with packrat parsing enabled. csP|rBt|dkr|d>qLt|}tdd|D>n t>dS)Nrrcss|]}t|VqdS)N)r1)rttrrrr*szDmatchPreviousLiteral..copyTokenToRepeater..)rr)rr"r))rrrtflat)reprrcopyTokenToRepeater#s   z1matchPreviousLiteral..copyTokenToRepeaterT)rz(prev) )r+rrr)rrEr)rDrrms  csFt|}|Kfdd}|j|dddt|S)aTHelper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks for a 'repeat' of a previous expression. For example:: first = Word(nums) second = matchPreviousExpr(first) matchExpr = first + ":" + second will match ``"1:1"``, but not ``"1:2"``. Because this matches by expressions, will *not* match the leading ``"1:1"`` in ``"1:10"``; the expressions are evaluated first, and then compared, so ``"1"`` is compared with ``"10"``. Do *not* use with packrat parsing enabled. cs*t|fdd}j|dddS)Ncs$t|}|kr tddddS)Nrr)r)rr<)rrr theseTokens) matchTokensrrmustMatchTheseTokensEs zLmatchPreviousExpr..copyTokenToRepeater..mustMatchTheseTokensT)r)r)rr)rrrrH)rD)rGrrECs  z.matchPreviousExpr..copyTokenToRepeaterT)rz(prev) )r+rRrrr)re2rEr)rDrrl1s cCs>xdD]}||t|}qW|dd}|dd}t|S)Nz\^-[]rz\nrz\t)r_bslashr)rrrrrrNs    rc st|trtjddd|r:dd}dd}|r4tntndd}dd}|rRtntg}t|trn|}n$t|t rt |}ntjd t dd|st S|s2d }x|t |d kr0||}xjt||d d D]J\} } || |r||| d =Pq||| r||| d =||| PqW|d 7}qW|s|s|ryht |t d |krtdd dd|Dd|Stddd|Dd|SWn&tk rtjdt ddYnXtfdd|Dd|S)aHelper to quickly define a set of alternative Literals, and makes sure to do longest-first testing when there is a conflict, regardless of the input order, but returns a :class:`MatchFirst` for best performance. Parameters: - strs - a string of space-delimited literals, or a collection of string literals - caseless - (default= ``False``) - treat all literals as caseless - useRegex - (default= ``True``) - as an optimization, will generate a Regex object; otherwise, will generate a :class:`MatchFirst` object (if ``caseless=True`` or ``asKeyword=True``, or if creating a :class:`Regex` raises an exception) - asKeyword - (default=``False``) - enforce Keyword-style matching on the generated expressions Example:: comp_oper = oneOf("< = > <= >= !=") var = Word(alphas) number = Word(nums) term = var | number comparison_expr = term + comp_oper + term print(comparison_expr.searchString("B = 12 AA=23 B<=AA AA>12")) prints:: [['B', '=', '12'], ['AA', '=', '23'], ['B', '<=', 'AA'], ['AA', '>', '12']] z_More than one string argument passed to oneOf, pass choices as a list or space-delimited stringr)r0cSs||kS)N)r)rUbrrrr{rzoneOf..cSs||S)N)rr)rUrKrrrr|rcSs||kS)Nr)rUrKrrrrrcSs ||S)N)r)rUrKrrrrrz6Invalid argument to oneOf, expected string or iterablerrNrz[%s]css|]}t|VqdS)N)r)rsymrrrrszoneOf..z | |css|]}t|VqdS)N)rr)rrLrrrrsz7Exception creating Regex for oneOf, building MatchFirstc3s|]}|VqdS)Nr)rrL)parseElementClassrrrs)rrr3r4r#r$r.r1rr rr5r4rrrKrrDrrr3) strsruseRegexrisequalmaskssymbolsrcurr0rSr)rNrrqVsR           ((cCsttt||S)aHelper to easily and clearly define a dictionary by specifying the respective patterns for the key and value. Takes care of defining the :class:`Dict`, :class:`ZeroOrMore`, and :class:`Group` tokens in the proper order. The key pattern can include delimiting markers or punctuation, as long as they are suppressed, thereby leaving the significant key text. The value pattern can include named results, so that the :class:`Dict` results can include named token fields. Example:: text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: light blue texture: burlap" attr_expr = (label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) print(OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).dump()) attr_label = label attr_value = Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join) # similar to Dict, but simpler call format result = dictOf(attr_label, attr_value).parseString(text) print(result.dump()) print(result['shape']) print(result.shape) # object attribute access works too print(result.asDict()) prints:: [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'light blue'], ['texture', 'burlap']] - color: light blue - posn: upper left - shape: SQUARE - texture: burlap SQUARE SQUARE {'color': 'light blue', 'shape': 'SQUARE', 'posn': 'upper left', 'texture': 'burlap'} )r'r6r-)rIr1rrrr_s%cCs^tdd}|}d|_|d||d}|r@dd}ndd}|||j|_|S) aHelper to return the original, untokenized text for a given expression. Useful to restore the parsed fields of an HTML start tag into the raw tag text itself, or to revert separate tokens with intervening whitespace back to the original matching input text. By default, returns astring containing the original parsed text. If the optional ``asString`` argument is passed as ``False``, then the return value is a :class:`ParseResults` containing any results names that were originally matched, and a single token containing the original matched text from the input string. So if the expression passed to :class:`originalTextFor` contains expressions with defined results names, you must set ``asString`` to ``False`` if you want to preserve those results name values. Example:: src = "this is test bold text normal text " for tag in ("b", "i"): opener, closer = makeHTMLTags(tag) patt = originalTextFor(opener + SkipTo(closer) + closer) print(patt.searchString(src)[0]) prints:: [' bold text '] ['text'] cSs|S)Nr)rrrrrrrrz!originalTextFor..F_original_start _original_endcSs||j|jS)N)rUrV)rrrrrrrrcSs&||d|dg|dd<dS)NrUrV)rH)rrrrrr extractTextsz$originalTextFor..extractText)r)rrRrr)rasString locMarker endlocMarker matchExprrWrrrrs  cCst|ddS)zkHelper to undo pyparsing's default grouping of And expressions, even if all but one are non-empty. cSs|dS)Nrr)rrrrrrzungroup..)rJr)rrrrrscCs4tdd}t|d|d|dS)aHelper to decorate a returned token with its starting and ending locations in the input string. This helper adds the following results names: - locn_start = location where matched expression begins - locn_end = location where matched expression ends - value = the actual parsed results Be careful if the input text contains ```` characters, you may want to call :class:`ParserElement.parseWithTabs` Example:: wd = Word(alphas) for match in locatedExpr(wd).searchString("ljsdf123lksdjjf123lkkjj1222"): print(match) prints:: [[0, 'ljsdf', 5]] [[8, 'lksdjjf', 15]] [[18, 'lkkjj', 23]] cSs|S)Nr)rrrrrrrrzlocatedExpr.. locn_startr1locn_end)r)rr-rRrK)rlocatorrrrrsz\[]-*.$+^?()~ )rcCs |ddS)Nrrr)rrrrrrr(rrz\\0?[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+cCstt|dddS)Nrz\0xr)unichrrrk)rrrrrrr)rz \\0[0-7]+cCstt|ddddS)Nrr)r_r)rrrrrrr*rz\]rr]rnegatebodyr^csBddy dfddt|jDStk r<dSXdS)aHelper to easily define string ranges for use in Word construction. Borrows syntax from regexp '[]' string range definitions:: srange("[0-9]") -> "0123456789" srange("[a-z]") -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" srange("[a-z$_]") -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$_" The input string must be enclosed in []'s, and the returned string is the expanded character set joined into a single string. The values enclosed in the []'s may be: - a single character - an escaped character with a leading backslash (such as ``\-`` or ``\]``) - an escaped hex character with a leading ``'\x'`` (``\x21``, which is a ``'!'`` character) (``\0x##`` is also supported for backwards compatibility) - an escaped octal character with a leading ``'\0'`` (``\041``, which is a ``'!'`` character) - a range of any of the above, separated by a dash (``'a-z'``, etc.) - any combination of the above (``'aeiouy'``, ``'a-zA-Z0-9_$'``, etc.) cSs<t|ts|Sdddtt|dt|ddDS)Nrcss|]}t|VqdS)N)r_)rrrrrrIsz+srange....rr)rr?rr)ord)prrrrIrzsrange..rc3s|]}|VqdS)Nr)rpart) _expandedrrrKszsrange..N)r_reBracketExprrrbr)rr)rfrr}/s  csfdd}|S)zoHelper method for defining parse actions that require matching at a specific column in the input text. cs"t||krt||ddS)Nzmatched token not at column %d)rWr<)rlocnr)r9rr verifyColSsz!matchOnlyAtCol..verifyColr)r9rir)r9rrkOs cs fddS)aHelper method for common parse actions that simply return a literal value. Especially useful when used with :class:`transformString` (). Example:: num = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) na = oneOf("N/A NA").setParseAction(replaceWith(math.nan)) term = na | num OneOrMore(term).parseString("324 234 N/A 234") # -> [324, 234, nan, 234] csgS)Nr)rrr)replStrrrrerzreplaceWith..r)rjr)rjrrzXs cCs|dddS)aHelper parse action for removing quotation marks from parsed quoted strings. Example:: # by default, quotation marks are included in parsed results quotedString.parseString("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'"] # use removeQuotes to strip quotation marks from parsed results quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes) quotedString.parseString("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["Now is the Winter of our Discontent"] rrrr)rrrrrrrxgs csNfdd}ytdtdj}Wntk rBt}YnX||_|S)aLHelper to define a parse action by mapping a function to all elements of a ParseResults list. If any additional args are passed, they are forwarded to the given function as additional arguments after the token, as in ``hex_integer = Word(hexnums).setParseAction(tokenMap(int, 16))``, which will convert the parsed data to an integer using base 16. Example (compare the last to example in :class:`ParserElement.transformString`:: hex_ints = OneOrMore(Word(hexnums)).setParseAction(tokenMap(int, 16)) hex_ints.runTests(''' 00 11 22 aa FF 0a 0d 1a ''') upperword = Word(alphas).setParseAction(tokenMap(str.upper)) OneOrMore(upperword).runTests(''' my kingdom for a horse ''') wd = Word(alphas).setParseAction(tokenMap(str.title)) OneOrMore(wd).setParseAction(' '.join).runTests(''' now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york ''') prints:: 00 11 22 aa FF 0a 0d 1a [0, 17, 34, 170, 255, 10, 13, 26] my kingdom for a horse ['MY', 'KINGDOM', 'FOR', 'A', 'HORSE'] now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york ['Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Sun Of York'] csfdd|DS)Ncsg|]}|fqSrr)rtokn)rrrrrsz(tokenMap..pa..r)rrr)rrrrrsztokenMap..parr)rrrr)rrrrr)rrrrvs$cCs t|S)N)rr)rrrrrrcCs t|S)N)rlower)rrrrrrrhrics~t|tr|t|| d}n|jtttd}|rt t }||dt t t |td|tddgdd d d |}nlt t ttd d B}||dt t t | tttd|tddgdd d d |}ttd|d dd}|d|fdd |ddddd}|_|_t||_||fS)zRInternal helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions, given a tag name)rz_-:tag=/F)rDracSs |ddkS)Nrror)rrrrrrrrz_makeTags..ri)rcSs |ddkS)Nrror)rrrrrrrrzc s*|dddd|S)Nrr:r)r(rrtitlerrR)r)resnamerrrrrrrprz)rrr.rrLrRrQr\rRrrxr'rOr-rHr8rwrtr`r&_LrrrrrqrrmrEtag_body)tagStrxml suppress_LT suppress_GT tagAttrName tagAttrValueopenTagcloseTagr)rrr _makeTagss$ JR, r}cCs t|dS)aKHelper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for HTML, given a tag name. Matches tags in either upper or lower case, attributes with namespaces and with quoted or unquoted values. Example:: text = 'More info at the pyparsing wiki page' # makeHTMLTags returns pyparsing expressions for the opening and # closing tags as a 2-tuple a, a_end = makeHTMLTags("A") link_expr = a + SkipTo(a_end)("link_text") + a_end for link in link_expr.searchString(text): # attributes in the tag (like "href" shown here) are # also accessible as named results print(link.link_text, '->', link.href) prints:: pyparsing -> https://github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing/wiki F)r})rurrrriscCs t|dS)zHelper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for XML, given a tag name. Matches tags only in the given upper/lower case. Example: similar to :class:`makeHTMLTags` T)r})rurrrrjscs8|r|ddn|ddDfdd}|S)a7Helper to create a validating parse action to be used with start tags created with :class:`makeXMLTags` or :class:`makeHTMLTags`. Use ``withAttribute`` to qualify a starting tag with a required attribute value, to avoid false matches on common tags such as ```` or ``
``. Call ``withAttribute`` with a series of attribute names and values. Specify the list of filter attributes names and values as: - keyword arguments, as in ``(align="right")``, or - as an explicit dict with ``**`` operator, when an attribute name is also a Python reserved word, as in ``**{"class":"Customer", "align":"right"}`` - a list of name-value tuples, as in ``(("ns1:class", "Customer"), ("ns2:align", "right"))`` For attribute names with a namespace prefix, you must use the second form. Attribute names are matched insensitive to upper/lower case. If just testing for ``class`` (with or without a namespace), use :class:`withClass`. To verify that the attribute exists, but without specifying a value, pass ``withAttribute.ANY_VALUE`` as the value. Example:: html = '''
Some text
1 4 0 1 0
1,3 2,3 1,1
this has no type
''' div,div_end = makeHTMLTags("div") # only match div tag having a type attribute with value "grid" div_grid = div().setParseAction(withAttribute(type="grid")) grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") for grid_header in grid_expr.searchString(html): print(grid_header.body) # construct a match with any div tag having a type attribute, regardless of the value div_any_type = div().setParseAction(withAttribute(type=withAttribute.ANY_VALUE)) div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") for div_header in div_expr.searchString(html): print(div_header.body) prints:: 1 4 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 1,3 2,3 1,1 NcSsg|]\}}||fqSrr)rr&r#rrrr/sz!withAttribute..cs^xXD]P\}}||kr&t||d||tjkr|||krt||d||||fqWdS)Nzno matching attribute z+attribute '%s' has value '%s', must be '%s')r<r ANY_VALUE)rrrattrName attrValue)attrsrrr0s zwithAttribute..pa)r,)rattrDictrr)rrrs 8 cCs|r d|nd}tf||iS)aSimplified version of :class:`withAttribute` when matching on a div class - made difficult because ``class`` is a reserved word in Python. Example:: html = '''
Some text
1 4 0 1 0
1,3 2,3 1,1
this <div> has no class
''' div,div_end = makeHTMLTags("div") div_grid = div().setParseAction(withClass("grid")) grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") for grid_header in grid_expr.searchString(html): print(grid_header.body) div_any_type = div().setParseAction(withClass(withAttribute.ANY_VALUE)) div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") for div_header in div_expr.searchString(html): print(div_header.body) prints:: 1 4 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 1,3 2,3 1,1 z%s:classclass)r) classname namespace classattrrrrr:s#(rcCsGdddt}t}||||B}xt|D]r\}}|ddd\} } } } | dkrdd| nd| } | dkr| dkst| d krtd | \}}t| }| tjkrx| d kr||| t|t | }n| d kr.| dk r||| |t|t | |}n|||t|t |}nH| dkrn||||||t|t ||||}ntd n| tj kr\| d krt | t st | } || j |t| |}n| d kr| dk r||| |t|t | |}n|||t|t |}nD| dkrR||||||t|||||}ntd ntd | rt | ttfr|j| n || ||| |BK}|}q2W||K}|S)al Helper method for constructing grammars of expressions made up of operators working in a precedence hierarchy. Operators may be unary or binary, left- or right-associative. Parse actions can also be attached to operator expressions. The generated parser will also recognize the use of parentheses to override operator precedences (see example below). Note: if you define a deep operator list, you may see performance issues when using infixNotation. See :class:`ParserElement.enablePackrat` for a mechanism to potentially improve your parser performance. Parameters: - baseExpr - expression representing the most basic element for the nested - opList - list of tuples, one for each operator precedence level in the expression grammar; each tuple is of the form ``(opExpr, numTerms, rightLeftAssoc, parseAction)``, where: - opExpr is the pyparsing expression for the operator; may also be a string, which will be converted to a Literal; if numTerms is 3, opExpr is a tuple of two expressions, for the two operators separating the 3 terms - numTerms is the number of terms for this operator (must be 1, 2, or 3) - rightLeftAssoc is the indicator whether the operator is right or left associative, using the pyparsing-defined constants ``opAssoc.RIGHT`` and ``opAssoc.LEFT``. - parseAction is the parse action to be associated with expressions matching this operator expression (the parse action tuple member may be omitted); if the parse action is passed a tuple or list of functions, this is equivalent to calling ``setParseAction(*fn)`` (:class:`ParserElement.setParseAction`) - lpar - expression for matching left-parentheses (default= ``Suppress('(')``) - rpar - expression for matching right-parentheses (default= ``Suppress(')')``) Example:: # simple example of four-function arithmetic with ints and # variable names integer = pyparsing_common.signed_integer varname = pyparsing_common.identifier arith_expr = infixNotation(integer | varname, [ ('-', 1, opAssoc.RIGHT), (oneOf('* /'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT), (oneOf('+ -'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT), ]) arith_expr.runTests(''' 5+3*6 (5+3)*6 -2--11 ''', fullDump=False) prints:: 5+3*6 [[5, '+', [3, '*', 6]]] (5+3)*6 [[[5, '+', 3], '*', 6]] -2--11 [[['-', 2], '-', ['-', 11]]] c@seZdZdddZdS)zinfixNotation.._FBTcSs|j|||gfS)N)rr)rrrrrrrrsz$infixNotation.._FB.parseImplN)T)rrrrrrrr_FBsr)NNrrz%s termz %s%s termrz@if numterms=3, opExpr must be a tuple or list of two expressionsrz6operator must be unary (1), binary (2), or ternary (3)z2operator must indicate right or left associativity)r*r+rrr<rrrLEFTr-r6RIGHTrr8rr;rr)baseExpropListlparrparrrlastExprroperDefopExprarityrightLeftAssocrtermNameopExpr1opExpr2thisExprr[rrrrdsZH    &        &    z4"(?:[^"\n\r\\]|(?:"")|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*"z string enclosed in double quotesz4'(?:[^'\n\r\\]|(?:'')|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*'z string enclosed in single quotesz*quotedString using single or double quotesuzunicode string literalcCs||krtd|dkr*t|tr"t|tr"t|dkrt|dkr|dk rtt|t||tjdd dd}n$t t||tj dd}nx|dk rtt|t |t |ttjdd dd}n4ttt |t |ttjdd d d}ntd t }|dk rd|tt|t||B|Bt|K}n$|tt|t||Bt|K}|d ||f|S) a Helper method for defining nested lists enclosed in opening and closing delimiters ("(" and ")" are the default). Parameters: - opener - opening character for a nested list (default= ``"("``); can also be a pyparsing expression - closer - closing character for a nested list (default= ``")"``); can also be a pyparsing expression - content - expression for items within the nested lists (default= ``None``) - ignoreExpr - expression for ignoring opening and closing delimiters (default= :class:`quotedString`) If an expression is not provided for the content argument, the nested expression will capture all whitespace-delimited content between delimiters as a list of separate values. Use the ``ignoreExpr`` argument to define expressions that may contain opening or closing characters that should not be treated as opening or closing characters for nesting, such as quotedString or a comment expression. Specify multiple expressions using an :class:`Or` or :class:`MatchFirst`. The default is :class:`quotedString`, but if no expressions are to be ignored, then pass ``None`` for this argument. Example:: data_type = oneOf("void int short long char float double") decl_data_type = Combine(data_type + Optional(Word('*'))) ident = Word(alphas+'_', alphanums+'_') number = pyparsing_common.number arg = Group(decl_data_type + ident) LPAR, RPAR = map(Suppress, "()") code_body = nestedExpr('{', '}', ignoreExpr=(quotedString | cStyleComment)) c_function = (decl_data_type("type") + ident("name") + LPAR + Optional(delimitedList(arg), [])("args") + RPAR + code_body("body")) c_function.ignore(cStyleComment) source_code = ''' int is_odd(int x) { return (x%2); } int dec_to_hex(char hchar) { if (hchar >= '0' && hchar <= '9') { return (ord(hchar)-ord('0')); } else { return (10+ord(hchar)-ord('A')); } } ''' for func in c_function.searchString(source_code): print("%(name)s (%(type)s) args: %(args)s" % func) prints:: is_odd (int) args: [['int', 'x']] dec_to_hex (int) args: [['char', 'hchar']] z.opening and closing strings cannot be the sameNr)rcSs |dS)Nr)r)rrrrr;rznestedExpr..cSs |dS)Nr)r)rrrrr@rcSs |dS)Nr)r)rrrrrGrcSs |dS)Nr)r)rrrrrLrzOopening and closing arguments must be strings if no content expression is givenznested %s%s expression)r<rrrr&r6r%rArrrarRr1r+r-rHrOr)openerclosercontentrrrrrrns6A  , &  *$c s&ddfddfdd}fdd}fdd }ttd td }tt|d }t|d }t|d} |rtt ||t|t|t |td | } n.tt |t|t|t |td | } | fdd| t t| dS)aHelper method for defining space-delimited indentation blocks, such as those used to define block statements in Python source code. Parameters: - blockStatementExpr - expression defining syntax of statement that is repeated within the indented block - indentStack - list created by caller to manage indentation stack (multiple statementWithIndentedBlock expressions within a single grammar should share a common indentStack) - indent - boolean indicating whether block must be indented beyond the current level; set to False for block of left-most statements (default= ``True``) A valid block must contain at least one ``blockStatement``. Example:: data = ''' def A(z): A1 B = 100 G = A2 A2 A3 B def BB(a,b,c): BB1 def BBA(): bba1 bba2 bba3 C D def spam(x,y): def eggs(z): pass ''' indentStack = [1] stmt = Forward() identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums) funcDecl = ("def" + identifier + Group("(" + Optional(delimitedList(identifier)) + ")") + ":") func_body = indentedBlock(stmt, indentStack) funcDef = Group(funcDecl + func_body) rvalue = Forward() funcCall = Group(identifier + "(" + Optional(delimitedList(rvalue)) + ")") rvalue << (funcCall | identifier | Word(nums)) assignment = Group(identifier + "=" + rvalue) stmt << (funcDef | assignment | identifier) module_body = OneOrMore(stmt) parseTree = module_body.parseString(data) parseTree.pprint() prints:: [['def', 'A', ['(', 'z', ')'], ':', [['A1'], [['B', '=', '100']], [['G', '=', 'A2']], ['A2'], ['A3']]], 'B', ['def', 'BB', ['(', 'a', 'b', 'c', ')'], ':', [['BB1'], [['def', 'BBA', ['(', ')'], ':', [['bba1'], ['bba2'], ['bba3']]]]]], 'C', 'D', ['def', 'spam', ['(', 'x', 'y', ')'], ':', [[['def', 'eggs', ['(', 'z', ')'], ':', [['pass']]]]]]] Ncsdd<dS)Nrr) backup_stack indentStackrr reset_stacksz"indentedBlock..reset_stackcsN|t|krdSt||}|dkrJ|dkr>t||dt||ddS)Nrzillegal nestingznot a peer entry)rrWr<)rrrcurCol)rrrcheckPeerIndents     z&indentedBlock..checkPeerIndentcs2t||}|dkr"|n t||ddS)Nrznot a subentry)rWrr<)rrrr)rrrcheckSubIndents   z%indentedBlock..checkSubIndentcsJ|t|krdSt||}r&|ks2t||d|dkrFdS)Nznot an unindentr)rrWr<rH)rrrr)rrr checkUnindents     z$indentedBlock..checkUnindentz )rINDENTrUNINDENTcsS)Nr)rUrKrr)rrrrrzindentedBlock..zindented block) r6r/rLrJrFr)rrr-r8rrNrJ) blockStatementExprrrmrrrrrPEERUNDENTsmExprr)rrrrrWs"Q    2,z#[\0xc0-\0xd6\0xd8-\0xf6\0xf8-\0xff]z[\0xa1-\0xbf\0xd7\0xf7]z_:zany tagzgt lt amp nbsp quot aposz><& "'z &(?PrMz);zcommon HTML entitycCs t|jS)zRHelper parser action to replace common HTML entities with their special characters)_htmlEntityMaprentity)rrrrrysz/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*z*/zC style commentzz HTML commentz.*z rest of linez//(?:\\\n|[^\n])*z // commentzC++ style commentz#.*zPython style comment)rz commaItem)rDc@seZdZdZeeZeeZe e  d eZ e e d eedZed d eZe ede e dZed d eeeed eB d Zeeed  d eZed d eZeeBeBZed d eZe eded dZed dZ ed dZ!e!de!d dZ"ee!de!ddee!de!d dZ#e#$dd d e  d!Z%e&e"e%Be#B d" d"Z'ed# d$Z(e)d=d&d'Z*e)d>d)d*Z+ed+ d,Z,ed- d.Z-ed/ d0Z.e/e0BZ1e)d1d2Z2e&e3e4d3e5e e6d3d4ee7d5 d6Z8e9ee:;e8Bd7d8 d9Zd`, :class:`reals`, :class:`scientific notation`) - common :class:`programming identifiers` - network addresses (:class:`MAC`, :class:`IPv4`, :class:`IPv6`) - ISO8601 :class:`dates` and :class:`datetime` - :class:`UUID` - :class:`comma-separated list` Parse actions: - :class:`convertToInteger` - :class:`convertToFloat` - :class:`convertToDate` - :class:`convertToDatetime` - :class:`stripHTMLTags` - :class:`upcaseTokens` - :class:`downcaseTokens` Example:: pyparsing_common.number.runTests(''' # any int or real number, returned as the appropriate type 100 -100 +100 3.14159 6.02e23 1e-12 ''') pyparsing_common.fnumber.runTests(''' # any int or real number, returned as float 100 -100 +100 3.14159 6.02e23 1e-12 ''') pyparsing_common.hex_integer.runTests(''' # hex numbers 100 FF ''') pyparsing_common.fraction.runTests(''' # fractions 1/2 -3/4 ''') pyparsing_common.mixed_integer.runTests(''' # mixed fractions 1 1/2 -3/4 1-3/4 ''') import uuid pyparsing_common.uuid.setParseAction(tokenMap(uuid.UUID)) pyparsing_common.uuid.runTests(''' # uuid 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 ''') prints:: # any int or real number, returned as the appropriate type 100 [100] -100 [-100] +100 [100] 3.14159 [3.14159] 6.02e23 [6.02e+23] 1e-12 [1e-12] # any int or real number, returned as float 100 [100.0] -100 [-100.0] +100 [100.0] 3.14159 [3.14159] 6.02e23 [6.02e+23] 1e-12 [1e-12] # hex numbers 100 [256] FF [255] # fractions 1/2 [0.5] -3/4 [-0.75] # mixed fractions 1 [1] 1/2 [0.5] -3/4 [-0.75] 1-3/4 [1.75] # uuid 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 [UUID('12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678')] integerz hex integerrz[+-]?\d+zsigned integerrofractioncCs|d|dS)Nrrr)rrrrrrzpyparsing_common.rz"fraction or mixed integer-fractionz[+-]?(?:\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)z real numberz@[+-]?(?:\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)|(?:\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)z$real number with scientific notationz[+-]?\d+\.?\d*([eE][+-]?\d+)?fnumberr  identifierzK(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})){3}z IPv4 addressz[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4} hex_integerrpzfull IPv6 address)rrz::zshort IPv6 addresscCstdd|DdkS)Ncss|]}tj|rdVqdS)rN)r _ipv6_partr$)rrBrrrrsz,pyparsing_common...r`)r)rrrrrrz::ffff:zmixed IPv6 addressz IPv6 addressz:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}([:.-])[0-9a-fA-F]{2}(?:\1[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){4}z MAC address%Y-%m-%dcsfdd}|S)a Helper to create a parse action for converting parsed date string to Python datetime.date Params - - fmt - format to be passed to datetime.strptime (default= ``"%Y-%m-%d"``) Example:: date_expr = pyparsing_common.iso8601_date.copy() date_expr.setParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDate()) print(date_expr.parseString("1999-12-31")) prints:: [datetime.date(1999, 12, 31)] c sLyt|dStk rF}zt||t|Wdd}~XYnXdS)Nr)rstrptimedater<r<r)rrrve)fmtrrcvt_fnsz.pyparsing_common.convertToDate..cvt_fnr)rrr)rr convertToDates zpyparsing_common.convertToDate%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fcsfdd}|S)aHelper to create a parse action for converting parsed datetime string to Python datetime.datetime Params - - fmt - format to be passed to datetime.strptime (default= ``"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"``) Example:: dt_expr = pyparsing_common.iso8601_datetime.copy() dt_expr.setParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDatetime()) print(dt_expr.parseString("1999-12-31T23:59:59.999")) prints:: [datetime.datetime(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999000)] c sHyt|dStk rB}zt||t|Wdd}~XYnXdS)Nr)rrr<r<r)rrrr)rrrrsz2pyparsing_common.convertToDatetime..cvt_fnr)rrr)rrconvertToDatetimes z"pyparsing_common.convertToDatetimez7(?P\d{4})(?:-(?P\d\d)(?:-(?P\d\d))?)?z ISO8601 datez(?P\d{4})-(?P\d\d)-(?P\d\d)[T ](?P\d\d):(?P\d\d)(:(?P\d\d(\.\d*)?)?)?(?PZ|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d)?zISO8601 datetimez2[0-9a-fA-F]{8}(-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}){3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}UUIDcCstj|dS)aParse action to remove HTML tags from web page HTML source Example:: # strip HTML links from normal text text = 'More info at the
pyparsing wiki page' td, td_end = makeHTMLTags("TD") table_text = td + SkipTo(td_end).setParseAction(pyparsing_common.stripHTMLTags)("body") + td_end print(table_text.parseString(text).body) Prints:: More info at the pyparsing wiki page r)r_html_stripperr)rrrrrr stripHTMLTagsszpyparsing_common.stripHTMLTagsr9)rz rr)rDzcomma separated listcCs t|S)N)rr)rrrrr#rcCs t|S)N)rrl)rrrrr&rN)r)r)?rrrrrrconvertToIntegerfloatconvertToFloatrLrprrrrbrrDsigned_integerrrr8rJ mixed_integerrrealsci_realrnumberrrRrQr ipv4_addressr_full_ipv6_address_short_ipv6_addressr_mixed_ipv6_addressr& ipv6_address mac_addressrrr iso8601_dateiso8601_datetimeuuidrUrTrrr6r1r/rtrK _commasepitemr^rwrRcomma_separated_listrr`rrrrrsT"" ,   8 c@seZdZddZddZdS)_lazyclasspropertycCs||_|j|_|j|_dS)N)rrr)rrrrrr+sz_lazyclassproperty.__init__csldkrt|tdr:tfddjddDr@i_|jj}|jkrb|j|<j|S)N_internc3s |]}jt|dgkVqdS)rN)rr)r superclass)rrrr3sz-_lazyclassproperty.__get__..r)rr;r__mro__rrr)rrrattrnamer)rr__get__0s z_lazyclassproperty.__get__N)rrrrrrrrrr*src@sPeZdZdZgZeddZeddZeddZ edd Z ed d Z d S) ra A set of Unicode characters, for language-specific strings for ``alphas``, ``nums``, ``alphanums``, and ``printables``. A unicode_set is defined by a list of ranges in the Unicode character set, in a class attribute ``_ranges``, such as:: _ranges = [(0x0020, 0x007e), (0x00a0, 0x00ff),] A unicode set can also be defined using multiple inheritance of other unicode sets:: class CJK(Chinese, Japanese, Korean): pass cCs`g}xD|jD]:}|tkrPx*|jD] }|t|d|ddq"Wq Wddtt|DS)NrrrcSsg|] }t|qSr)r_)rrrrrrTsz5unicode_set._get_chars_for_ranges..)rr_rangesrOr)r~r)rrccrrrrr_get_chars_for_rangesLs  $z!unicode_set._get_chars_for_rangescCsdttj|S)z+all non-whitespace characters in this ranger)rrrrr)rrrrrtVszunicode_set.printablescCsdttj|S)z'all alphabetic characters in this ranger)rfilterrisalphar)rrrrrR[szunicode_set.alphascCsdttj|S)z*all numeric digit characters in this ranger)rrrisdigitr)rrrrrp`szunicode_set.numscCs |j|jS)z)all alphanumeric characters in this range)rRrp)rrrrrQeszunicode_set.alphanumsN) rrrrrrrrrtrRrprQrrrrr<s    c@seZdZdZdejfgZGdddeZGdddeZ GdddeZ Gd d d eZ Gd d d eZ Gd ddeZ GdddeZGdddeZGddde eeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZdS)rzF A namespace class for defining common language unicode_sets. c@seZdZdZddgZdS)zpyparsing_unicode.Latin1z/Unicode set for Latin-1 Unicode Character Range)r~)N)rrrrrrrrrLatin1qsrc@seZdZdZdgZdS)zpyparsing_unicode.LatinAz/Unicode set for Latin-A Unicode Character Range)iN)rrrrrrrrrLatinAusrc@seZdZdZdgZdS)zpyparsing_unicode.LatinBz/Unicode set for Latin-B Unicode Character Range)iiON)rrrrrrrrrLatinBysrc@s6eZdZdZdddddddd d d d d dddddgZdS)zpyparsing_unicode.Greekz.Unicode set for Greek Unicode Character Ranges)ipi)ii)ii)i iE)iHiM)iPiW)iY)i[)i])i_i})ii)ii)ii)ii)ii)ii)iiN)rrrrrrrrrGreek}s rc@seZdZdZdgZdS)zpyparsing_unicode.Cyrillicz0Unicode set for Cyrillic Unicode Character Range)iiN)rrrrrrrrrCyrillicsrc@seZdZdZddgZdS)zpyparsing_unicode.Chinesez/Unicode set for Chinese Unicode Character Range)iNi)i0i?0N)rrrrrrrrrChinesesrc@sDeZdZdZgZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZdS) zpyparsing_unicode.Japanesez`Unicode set for Japanese Unicode Character Range, combining Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana rangesc@seZdZdZddgZdS)z pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Kanjiz-Unicode set for Kanji Unicode Character Range)iNi)i0i?0N)rrrrrrrrrKanjisrc@seZdZdZdgZdS)z#pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Hiraganaz0Unicode set for Hiragana Unicode Character Range)i@0i0N)rrrrrrrrrHiraganasrc@seZdZdZdgZdS)z#pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Katakanaz1Unicode set for Katakana Unicode Character Range)i0i0N)rrrrrrrrrKatakanasrN) rrrrrrrrrrrrrJapaneses rc@s eZdZdZddddddgZdS) zpyparsing_unicode.Koreanz.Unicode set for Korean Unicode Character Range)ii)ii)i01i1)i`i)ii)i0i?0N)rrrrrrrrrKoreansrc@seZdZdZdS)zpyparsing_unicode.CJKzTUnicode set for combined Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) Unicode Character RangeN)rrrrrrrrCJKsrc@seZdZdZddgZdS)zpyparsing_unicode.Thaiz,Unicode set for Thai Unicode Character Range)ii:)i?i[N)rrrrrrrrrThaisrc@seZdZdZdddgZdS)zpyparsing_unicode.Arabicz.Unicode set for Arabic Unicode Character Range)ii)ii)iiN)rrrrrrrrrArabicsrc@seZdZdZdgZdS)zpyparsing_unicode.Hebrewz.Unicode set for Hebrew Unicode Character Range)iiN)rrrrrrrrrHebrewsrc@seZdZdZddgZdS)zpyparsing_unicode.Devanagariz2Unicode set for Devanagari Unicode Character Range)i i )iiN)rrrrrrrrr DevanagarisrN)rrrrr maxunicoderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrks uالعربيةu中文uкириллицаuΕλληνικάuעִברִיתu 日本語u漢字u カタカナu ひらがなu 한국어u ไทยuदेवनागरीc@s,eZdZdZGdddZGdddZdS)pyparsing_testzB namespace class for classes useful in writing unit tests c@s8eZdZdZddZddZddZdd Zd d Zd S) z&pyparsing_test.reset_pyparsing_contextax Context manager to be used when writing unit tests that modify pyparsing config values: - packrat parsing - default whitespace characters. - default keyword characters - literal string auto-conversion class - __diag__ settings Example: with reset_pyparsing_context(): # test that literals used to construct a grammar are automatically suppressed ParserElement.inlineLiteralsUsing(Suppress) term = Word(alphas) | Word(nums) group = Group('(' + term[...] + ')') # assert that the '()' characters are not included in the parsed tokens self.assertParseAndCheckLisst(group, "(abc 123 def)", ['abc', '123', 'def']) # after exiting context manager, literals are converted to Literal expressions again cCs i|_dS)N) _save_context)rrrrrsz/pyparsing_test.reset_pyparsing_context.__init__cCsftj|jd<tj|jd<tj|jd<tj|jd<tj|jd<ddtj D|jd<d t j i|jd <|S) Ndefault_whitespacedefault_keyword_charsliteral_string_classpackrat_enabled packrat_parsecSsi|]}tt||qSr)rr)rrrrr sz?pyparsing_test.reset_pyparsing_context.save..rrr!) rArrr.rrrrr _all_namesr!r)rrrrsaves     z+pyparsing_test.reset_pyparsing_context.savecCstj|jdkr t|jd|jdt_t|jdx&|jdD]\}}tt ||qLW|jdt_ |jdt_ |jdt _ dS)Nrrrrrrr!)rArrrr.rrr,setattrrrrr!r)rrr1rrrrestores      z.pyparsing_test.reset_pyparsing_context.restorecCs|S)N)r)rrrr __enter__ sz0pyparsing_test.reset_pyparsing_context.__enter__cGs|S)N)r)rrrrr__exit__sz/pyparsing_test.reset_pyparsing_context.__exit__N) rrrrrrrrrrrrrreset_pyparsing_contexts rc@sJeZdZdZdddZdddZddd Zdd d Zee dfd d Z dS)z&pyparsing_test.TestParseResultsAssertszk A mixin class to add parse results assertion methods to normal unittest.TestCase classes. NcCs<|dk r|j|||d|dk r8|j|||ddS)z Unit test assertion to compare a ParseResults object with an optional expected_list, and compare any defined results names with an optional expected_dict. N)r) assertEqualrrd)rrw expected_list expected_dictrrrrassertParseResultsEqualssz?pyparsing_test.TestParseResultsAsserts.assertParseResultsEqualsTcCs2|j|dd}|rt||j|||ddS)z Convenience wrapper assert to test a parser element and input string, and assert that the resulting ParseResults.asList() is equal to the expected_list. T)r)rrN)rrrr )rr test_stringrrverboserwrrrassertParseAndCheckList!s z>pyparsing_test.TestParseResultsAsserts.assertParseAndCheckListcCs2|j|dd}|rt||j|||ddS)z Convenience wrapper assert to test a parser element and input string, and assert that the resulting ParseResults.asDict() is equal to the expected_dict. T)r)rrN)rrrr )rrr rrr rwrrrassertParseAndCheckDict-s z>pyparsing_test.TestParseResultsAsserts.assertParseAndCheckDictc Cs|\}}|dk rddt||D}x|D]\}}} tdd| Dd} tdd| Dd} | dk r|j| | pp|dt|tr|WdQRXq*tdd| Dd} td d| Dd} | | fd kr|j|| | | p|d q*td |q*W|j||dk r|nd ddS)aP Unit test assertion to evaluate output of ParserElement.runTests(). If a list of list-dict tuples is given as the expected_parse_results argument, then these are zipped with the report tuples returned by runTests and evaluated using assertParseResultsEquals. Finally, asserts that the overall runTests() success value is True. :param run_tests_report: tuple(bool, [tuple(str, ParseResults or Exception)]) returned from runTests :param expected_parse_results (optional): [tuple(str, list, dict, Exception)] NcSs"g|]\}}|d|d|fqS)rrr)rrptexpectedrrrrIszOpyparsing_test.TestParseResultsAsserts.assertRunTestResults..css|]}t|tr|VqdS)N)rr)rexprrrrQszNpyparsing_test.TestParseResultsAsserts.assertRunTestResults..css&|]}t|trt|tr|VqdS)N)rrr r)rrrrrrUs)expected_exceptionrcss|]}t|tr|VqdS)N)rr)rrrrrrcscss|]}t|tr|VqdS)N)rr)rrrrrrfs)NN)rrrzno validation for {!r}zfailed runTests)r) rrw assertRaisesrrr rr assertTrue)rrun_tests_reportexpected_parse_resultsrrun_test_successrun_test_resultsmergedr rwrfail_msgrrrrrrassertRunTestResults9s:   z;pyparsing_test.TestParseResultsAsserts.assertRunTestResultsc cs$|j||d dVWdQRXdS)N)r)r)rrrrrrassertRaisesParseExceptionxszApyparsing_test.TestParseResultsAsserts.assertRaisesParseException)NNN)NT)NT)NN) rrrrr r r rrr<rrrrrTestParseResultsAssertss >rN)rrrrrrrrrrrsCr__main__selectfromz_$r4)r;columnsrZtablescommandaK # '*' as column list and dotted table name select * from SYS.XYZZY # caseless match on "SELECT", and casts back to "select" SELECT * from XYZZY, ABC # list of column names, and mixed case SELECT keyword Select AA,BB,CC from Sys.dual # multiple tables Select A, B, C from Sys.dual, Table2 # invalid SELECT keyword - should fail Xelect A, B, C from Sys.dual # incomplete command - should fail Select # invalid column name - should fail Select ^^^ frox Sys.dual z] 100 -100 +100 3.14159 6.02e23 1e-12 z 100 FF z6 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 )NF)r)r9F)N)FTF)T)r)T(rrrr rweakrefrr%rRrr3rrr rrrroperatorr itertools functoolsr contextlibrr ImportErrorr_threadr threadingcollections.abcr r r r rZ ordereddictrr!rrrrrrrr^rrenable_all_warnings__all__r; version_inforremaxsizerzrrchrr_rrrrr~reversedrrrrrrrZmaxintxranger) __builtin__rfnamerrrrrrascii_uppercaseascii_lowercaserRrprbrQrJr printablertrrr:r<r>r@rCr rr?registerrWrhrerrrrorrAr2rIr)r4r1rrsrr.r$r#rrLrrPrDrBr%rKrr,r0r/rGrFrNrMr=r"r9r3r(r;r*r2r5rr6rOrr8rEr+rJr&r-r'rHr7rr^rZr)rmrlrrqr_rrrrrargrfrr~r _escapedPunc_escapedHexChar_escapedOctChar _singleChar _charRangerrgr}rkrzrxrrr`r}rirjrr~rrrrrrrsr\r|rwrrnrrSrurUrTrrrr?rYryrVrcrKr{r]r[rdrvrrrXrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrZ selectTokenZ fromTokenidentZ columnNameZcolumnNameListZ columnSpecZ tableNameZ tableNameListZ simpleSQLryrrrrrrrrr`s\                        ?]  H    D+! 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