# # irb.rb - irb main module # $Release Version: 0.9.6 $ # $Revision: 31641 $ # by Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ruby-lang.org) # # -- # # # require "e2mmap" require "irb/init" require "irb/context" require "irb/extend-command" #require "irb/workspace" require "irb/ruby-lex" require "irb/input-method" require "irb/locale" STDOUT.sync = true module IRB @RCS_ID='-$Id: irb.rb 31641 2011-05-19 00:07:25Z nobu $-' class Abort < Exception;end # @CONF = {} def IRB.conf @CONF end # IRB version method def IRB.version if v = @CONF[:VERSION] then return v end require "irb/version" rv = @RELEASE_VERSION.sub(/\.0/, "") @CONF[:VERSION] = format("irb %s(%s)", rv, @LAST_UPDATE_DATE) end def IRB.CurrentContext IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT] end # initialize IRB and start TOP_LEVEL irb def IRB.start(ap_path = nil) $0 = File::basename(ap_path, ".rb") if ap_path IRB.setup(ap_path) if @CONF[:SCRIPT] irb = Irb.new(nil, @CONF[:SCRIPT]) else irb = Irb.new end @CONF[:IRB_RC].call(irb.context) if @CONF[:IRB_RC] @CONF[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = irb.context trap("SIGINT") do irb.signal_handle end begin catch(:IRB_EXIT) do irb.eval_input end ensure irb_at_exit end # print "\n" end def IRB.irb_at_exit @CONF[:AT_EXIT].each{|hook| hook.call} end def IRB.irb_exit(irb, ret) throw :IRB_EXIT, ret end def IRB.irb_abort(irb, exception = Abort) if defined? Thread irb.context.thread.raise exception, "abort then interrupt!" else raise exception, "abort then interrupt!" end end # # irb interpreter main routine # class Irb def initialize(workspace = nil, input_method = nil, output_method = nil) @context = Context.new(self, workspace, input_method, output_method) @context.main.extend ExtendCommandBundle @signal_status = :IN_IRB @scanner = RubyLex.new @scanner.exception_on_syntax_error = false end attr_reader :context attr_accessor :scanner def eval_input @scanner.set_prompt do |ltype, indent, continue, line_no| if ltype f = @context.prompt_s elsif continue f = @context.prompt_c elsif indent > 0 f = @context.prompt_n else f = @context.prompt_i end f = "" unless f if @context.prompting? @context.io.prompt = p = prompt(f, ltype, indent, line_no) else @context.io.prompt = p = "" end if @context.auto_indent_mode unless ltype ind = prompt(@context.prompt_i, ltype, indent, line_no)[/.*\z/].size + indent * 2 - p.size ind += 2 if continue @context.io.prompt = p + " " * ind if ind > 0 end end end @scanner.set_input(@context.io) do signal_status(:IN_INPUT) do if l = @context.io.gets print l if @context.verbose? else if @context.ignore_eof? and @context.io.readable_atfer_eof? l = "\n" if @context.verbose? printf "Use \"exit\" to leave %s\n", @context.ap_name end else print "\n" end end l end end @scanner.each_top_level_statement do |line, line_no| signal_status(:IN_EVAL) do begin line.untaint @context.evaluate(line, line_no) output_value if @context.echo? exc = nil rescue Interrupt => exc rescue SystemExit, SignalException raise rescue Exception => exc end if exc print exc.class, ": ", exc, "\n" if exc.backtrace[0] =~ /irb(2)?(\/.*|-.*|\.rb)?:/ && exc.class.to_s !~ /^IRB/ && !(SyntaxError === exc) irb_bug = true else irb_bug = false end messages = [] lasts = [] levels = 0 for m in exc.backtrace m = @context.workspace.filter_backtrace(m) unless irb_bug if m if messages.size < @context.back_trace_limit messages.push "\tfrom "+m else lasts.push "\tfrom "+m if lasts.size > @context.back_trace_limit lasts.shift levels += 1 end end end end print messages.join("\n"), "\n" unless lasts.empty? printf "... %d levels...\n", levels if levels > 0 print lasts.join("\n") end print "Maybe IRB bug!\n" if irb_bug end if $SAFE > 2 abort "Error: irb does not work for $SAFE level higher than 2" end end end end def suspend_name(path = nil, name = nil) @context.irb_path, back_path = path, @context.irb_path if path @context.irb_name, back_name = name, @context.irb_name if name begin yield back_path, back_name ensure @context.irb_path = back_path if path @context.irb_name = back_name if name end end def suspend_workspace(workspace) @context.workspace, back_workspace = workspace, @context.workspace begin yield back_workspace ensure @context.workspace = back_workspace end end def suspend_input_method(input_method) back_io = @context.io @context.instance_eval{@io = input_method} begin yield back_io ensure @context.instance_eval{@io = back_io} end end def suspend_context(context) @context, back_context = context, @context begin yield back_context ensure @context = back_context end end def signal_handle unless @context.ignore_sigint? print "\nabort!\n" if @context.verbose? exit end case @signal_status when :IN_INPUT print "^C\n" raise RubyLex::TerminateLineInput when :IN_EVAL IRB.irb_abort(self) when :IN_LOAD IRB.irb_abort(self, LoadAbort) when :IN_IRB # ignore else # ignore other cases as well end end def signal_status(status) return yield if @signal_status == :IN_LOAD signal_status_back = @signal_status @signal_status = status begin yield ensure @signal_status = signal_status_back end end def prompt(prompt, ltype, indent, line_no) p = prompt.dup p.gsub!(/%([0-9]+)?([a-zA-Z])/) do case $2 when "N" @context.irb_name when "m" @context.main.to_s when "M" @context.main.inspect when "l" ltype when "i" if $1 format("%" + $1 + "d", indent) else indent.to_s end when "n" if $1 format("%" + $1 + "d", line_no) else line_no.to_s end when "%" "%" end end p end def output_value printf @context.return_format, @context.inspect_last_value end def inspect ary = [] for iv in instance_variables case (iv = iv.to_s) when "@signal_status" ary.push format("%s=:%s", iv, @signal_status.id2name) when "@context" ary.push format("%s=%s", iv, eval(iv).__to_s__) else ary.push format("%s=%s", iv, eval(iv)) end end format("#<%s: %s>", self.class, ary.join(", ")) end end # Singleton method def @CONF.inspect IRB.version unless self[:VERSION] array = [] for k, v in sort{|a1, a2| a1[0].id2name <=> a2[0].id2name} case k when :MAIN_CONTEXT, :__TMP__EHV__ array.push format("CONF[:%s]=...myself...", k.id2name) when :PROMPT s = v.collect{ |kk, vv| ss = vv.collect{|kkk, vvv| ":#{kkk.id2name}=>#{vvv.inspect}"} format(":%s=>{%s}", kk.id2name, ss.join(", ")) } array.push format("CONF[:%s]={%s}", k.id2name, s.join(", ")) else array.push format("CONF[:%s]=%s", k.id2name, v.inspect) end end array.join("\n") end end