# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:disable Style/AsciiComments # Copyright (C) 2004 Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier # See LICENSE.txt for additional licensing information. # rubocop:enable Style/AsciiComments ## #-- # struct tarfile_entry_posix { # char name[100]; # ASCII + (Z unless filled) # char mode[8]; # 0 padded, octal, null # char uid[8]; # ditto # char gid[8]; # ditto # char size[12]; # 0 padded, octal, null # char mtime[12]; # 0 padded, octal, null # char checksum[8]; # 0 padded, octal, null, space # char typeflag[1]; # file: "0" dir: "5" # char linkname[100]; # ASCII + (Z unless filled) # char magic[6]; # "ustar\0" # char version[2]; # "00" # char uname[32]; # ASCIIZ # char gname[32]; # ASCIIZ # char devmajor[8]; # 0 padded, octal, null # char devminor[8]; # o padded, octal, null # char prefix[155]; # ASCII + (Z unless filled) # }; #++ # A header for a tar file class Gem::Package::TarHeader ## # Fields in the tar header FIELDS = [ :checksum, :devmajor, :devminor, :gid, :gname, :linkname, :magic, :mode, :mtime, :name, :prefix, :size, :typeflag, :uid, :uname, :version, ].freeze ## # Pack format for a tar header PACK_FORMAT = "a100" + # name "a8" + # mode "a8" + # uid "a8" + # gid "a12" + # size "a12" + # mtime "a7a" + # chksum "a" + # typeflag "a100" + # linkname "a6" + # magic "a2" + # version "a32" + # uname "a32" + # gname "a8" + # devmajor "a8" + # devminor "a155" # prefix ## # Unpack format for a tar header UNPACK_FORMAT = "A100" + # name "A8" + # mode "A8" + # uid "A8" + # gid "A12" + # size "A12" + # mtime "A8" + # checksum "A" + # typeflag "A100" + # linkname "A6" + # magic "A2" + # version "A32" + # uname "A32" + # gname "A8" + # devmajor "A8" + # devminor "A155" # prefix attr_reader(*FIELDS) EMPTY_HEADER = ("\0" * 512).b.freeze # :nodoc: ## # Creates a tar header from IO +stream+ def self.from(stream) header = stream.read 512 return EMPTY if header == EMPTY_HEADER fields = header.unpack UNPACK_FORMAT new name: fields.shift, mode: strict_oct(fields.shift), uid: oct_or_256based(fields.shift), gid: oct_or_256based(fields.shift), size: strict_oct(fields.shift), mtime: strict_oct(fields.shift), checksum: strict_oct(fields.shift), typeflag: fields.shift, linkname: fields.shift, magic: fields.shift, version: strict_oct(fields.shift), uname: fields.shift, gname: fields.shift, devmajor: strict_oct(fields.shift), devminor: strict_oct(fields.shift), prefix: fields.shift, empty: false end def self.strict_oct(str) str.strip! return str.oct if /\A[0-7]*\z/.match?(str) raise ArgumentError, "#{str.inspect} is not an octal string" end def self.oct_or_256based(str) # \x80 flags a positive 256-based number # \ff flags a negative 256-based number # In case we have a match, parse it as a signed binary value # in big-endian order, except that the high-order bit is ignored. return str.unpack1("@4N") if /\A[\x80\xff]/n.match?(str) strict_oct(str) end ## # Creates a new TarHeader using +vals+ def initialize(vals) unless vals[:name] && vals[:size] && vals[:prefix] && vals[:mode] raise ArgumentError, ":name, :size, :prefix and :mode required" end @checksum = vals[:checksum] || "" @devmajor = vals[:devmajor] || 0 @devminor = vals[:devminor] || 0 @gid = vals[:gid] || 0 @gname = vals[:gname] || "wheel" @linkname = vals[:linkname] @magic = vals[:magic] || "ustar" @mode = vals[:mode] @mtime = vals[:mtime] || 0 @name = vals[:name] @prefix = vals[:prefix] @size = vals[:size] @typeflag = vals[:typeflag] @typeflag = "0" if @typeflag.nil? || @typeflag.empty? @uid = vals[:uid] || 0 @uname = vals[:uname] || "wheel" @version = vals[:version] || "00" @empty = vals[:empty] end EMPTY = new({ # :nodoc: checksum: 0, gname: "", linkname: "", magic: "", mode: 0, name: "", prefix: "", size: 0, uname: "", version: 0, empty: true, }).freeze private_constant :EMPTY ## # Is the tar entry empty? def empty? @empty end def ==(other) # :nodoc: self.class === other && @checksum == other.checksum && @devmajor == other.devmajor && @devminor == other.devminor && @gid == other.gid && @gname == other.gname && @linkname == other.linkname && @magic == other.magic && @mode == other.mode && @mtime == other.mtime && @name == other.name && @prefix == other.prefix && @size == other.size && @typeflag == other.typeflag && @uid == other.uid && @uname == other.uname && @version == other.version end def to_s # :nodoc: update_checksum header end ## # Updates the TarHeader's checksum def update_checksum header = header " " * 8 @checksum = oct calculate_checksum(header), 6 end private def calculate_checksum(header) header.sum(0) end def header(checksum = @checksum) header = [ name, oct(mode, 7), oct(uid, 7), oct(gid, 7), oct(size, 11), oct(mtime, 11), checksum, " ", typeflag, linkname, magic, oct(version, 2), uname, gname, oct(devmajor, 7), oct(devminor, 7), prefix, ] header = header.pack PACK_FORMAT header.ljust 512, "\0" end def oct(num, len) format("%0#{len}o", num) end end