--TEST-- memcache_get_extended_stats() --SKIPIF-- = 80000) die('skip php prior to 8 only'); include 'connect.inc'; if (!isset($host2)) die('skip $host2 not set'); if (ini_get('memcache.protocol') == 'binary') die('skip binary protocol does not support stats'); --FILE-- getMessage()}\n"; } try { var_dump(memcache_get_extended_stats(new stdClass)); } catch (TypeError $e) { echo "{$e->getMessage()}\n"; } var_dump($result1['pid']); var_dump(count($result2)); var_dump($result2["$host:$port"]['pid']); var_dump($result2["$host2:$port2"]['pid']); var_dump($result2["$nonExistingHost:$nonExistingPort"]); ?> --EXPECTF-- Argument 1 passed to memcache_get_extended_stats() must be an instance of MemcachePool, array given Argument 1 passed to memcache_get_extended_stats() must be an instance of MemcachePool, instance of stdClass given string(%d) "%d" int(3) string(%d) "%d" string(%d) "%d" bool(false)