--TEST-- MongoDB\Driver\ServerDescription::getLastUpdateTime() emits warning on truncation of 64-bit value --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- selectServer(new MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference('primary')); /* The return value of mongoc_server_description_last_update_time() originates * from bson_get_monotonic_time(), which has an unspecified starting point and * may or may not exceed the range of a 32-bit integer. As such, EXPECTF allows * for a possible warning message. Depending on how the value is truncated, it * may also be reported as negative. */ var_dump($server->getServerDescription()->getLastUpdateTime()); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- %r(Warning: Truncating 64-bit value for lastUpdateTime in .+ on line \d+\R)?%rint(%r(-?\d+)%r) ===DONE===