§ f¥Øf·ãó¢—dZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZmZm Z m Z m Z edd¦«Z d„Z d „Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZed d¦«ZdS)aÁ Module's constants for the modes of operation supported with CAST: :var MODE_ECB: :ref:`Electronic Code Book (ECB) ` :var MODE_CBC: :ref:`Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC) ` :var MODE_CFB: :ref:`Cipher FeedBack (CFB) ` :var MODE_OFB: :ref:`Output FeedBack (OFB) ` :var MODE_CTR: :ref:`CounTer Mode (CTR) ` :var MODE_OPENPGP: :ref:`OpenPGP Mode ` :var MODE_EAX: :ref:`EAX Mode ` éN)Ú_create_cipher)Ú byte_string)Úload_pycryptodome_raw_libÚ VoidPointerÚ SmartPointerÚc_size_tÚ c_uint8_ptrzCrypto.Cipher._raw_castaÀ int CAST_start_operation(const uint8_t key[], size_t key_len, void **pResult); int CAST_encrypt(const void *state, const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, size_t data_len); int CAST_decrypt(const void *state, const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, size_t data_len); int CAST_stop_operation(void *state); có— | d¦«}n#t$rtd¦«‚wxYwt|¦«tvrt dt|¦«z¦«‚t j}t j}t¦«}|t|¦«tt|¦«¦«|  ¦«¦«}|rt d|z¦«‚t| ¦«|¦«S)z}This method instantiates and returns a handle to a low-level base cipher. It will absorb named parameters in the process.ÚkeyzMissing 'key' parameterz$Incorrect CAST key length (%d bytes)z,Error %X while instantiating the CAST cipher)ÚpopÚKeyErrorÚ TypeErrorÚlenÚkey_sizeÚ ValueErrorÚ _raw_cast_libÚCAST_start_operationÚCAST_stop_operationrr rÚ address_ofrÚget)Údict_parametersr Ústart_operationÚstop_operationÚcipherÚresults út/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.3.5/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/CAST.pyÚ_create_base_cipherr<s€ð3Ø×!Ò! %Ñ(Ô(ˆˆøÝ ð3ð3ð3ÝÐ1Ñ2Ô2Ð2ð3øøøõ ˆ3x„x•xÐÐÝÐ?Å#ÀcÁ(Ä(ÑJÑKÔKÐKå#Ô8€OÝ"Ô6€Nå ‰]Œ]€FØ ˆ_[¨Ñ-Ô-Ý%¥c¨#¡h¤hÑ/Ô/Ø#×.Ò.Ñ0Ô0ñ2ô2€Fðð#ÝÐGØ!ñ"ñ#ô#ð #õ ˜Ÿ š ™ œ  nÑ 5Ô 5Ð5s‚˜2cóP—ttjt||g|¢Ri|¤ŽS)aöCreate a new CAST cipher :param key: The secret key to use in the symmetric cipher. Its length can vary from 5 to 16 bytes. :type key: bytes, bytearray, memoryview :param mode: The chaining mode to use for encryption or decryption. :type mode: One of the supported ``MODE_*`` constants :Keyword Arguments: * **iv** (*bytes*, *bytearray*, *memoryview*) -- (Only applicable for ``MODE_CBC``, ``MODE_CFB``, ``MODE_OFB``, and ``MODE_OPENPGP`` modes). The initialization vector to use for encryption or decryption. For ``MODE_CBC``, ``MODE_CFB``, and ``MODE_OFB`` it must be 8 bytes long. For ``MODE_OPENPGP`` mode only, it must be 8 bytes long for encryption and 10 bytes for decryption (in the latter case, it is actually the *encrypted* IV which was prefixed to the ciphertext). If not provided, a random byte string is generated (you must then read its value with the :attr:`iv` attribute). * **nonce** (*bytes*, *bytearray*, *memoryview*) -- (Only applicable for ``MODE_EAX`` and ``MODE_CTR``). A value that must never be reused for any other encryption done with this key. For ``MODE_EAX`` there are no restrictions on its length (recommended: **16** bytes). For ``MODE_CTR``, its length must be in the range **[0..7]**. If not provided for ``MODE_EAX``, a random byte string is generated (you can read it back via the ``nonce`` attribute). * **segment_size** (*integer*) -- (Only ``MODE_CFB``).The number of **bits** the plaintext and ciphertext are segmented in. It must be a multiple of 8. If not specified, it will be assumed to be 8. * **mac_len** : (*integer*) -- (Only ``MODE_EAX``) Length of the authentication tag, in bytes. It must be no longer than 8 (default). * **initial_value** : (*integer*) -- (Only ``MODE_CTR``). The initial value for the counter within the counter block. By default it is **0**. :Return: a CAST object, of the applicable mode. )rÚsysÚmodulesÚ__name__)r ÚmodeÚargsÚkwargss rÚnewr%Vs.€õx #œ+¥hÔ/°°dÐ L¸TÐ LÐ LÐ LÀVÐ LÐ LÐLóééééééé éé)Ú__doc__rÚ Crypto.CipherrÚCrypto.Util.py3compatrÚCrypto.Util._raw_apirrrrr rrr%ÚMODE_ECBÚMODE_CBCÚMODE_CFBÚMODE_OFBÚMODE_CTRÚ MODE_OPENPGPÚMODE_EAXÚ block_sizeÚranger©r&rúr>sðð, ð ð € € € à(Ð(Ð(Ð(Ð(Ð(Ø-Ð-Ð-Ð-Ð-Ð-ð9ð9ð9ð9ð9ð9ð9ð9ð9ð9ð9ð9ð9ð9ð*Ð)Ø-ð ñô€ ð$6ð6ð6ð4<Mð<Mð<Mð| €Ø €Ø €Ø €Ø €Ø€ Ø €ð€ à ˆ5FÑ Ô €€€r&