ff=xddlmZddlmZmZmZddlmZddlm Z m Z ddl m Z m Z m Z GddeZd Zd S) ) unhexlify)bordtobytesis_bytes)get_random_bytes) cSHAKE128SHA3_256)_bytepad _encode_str _right_encodec<eZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ d S) KMAC_Hashz[A KMAC hash object. Do not instantiate directly. Use the :func:`new` function. cd|z|_||_d|_tt t ||}|||d|_|r|j|dSdS)Nz2.16.840. oid digest_size_macr r r_new_cshakeupdate) selfdatakeymac_lencustom oid_variantcshakerate partial_newXs u/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.3.5/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/Crypto/Hash/KMAC128.py__init__zKMAC_Hash.__init__.s+[8"  GCLL 9 94@@ {{<AA  & L   % % % % % & &cf|jrtd|j||S)zAuthenticate the next chunk of message. Args: data (bytes/bytearray/memoryview): The next chunk of the message to authenticate. z8You can only call 'digest' or 'hexdigest' on this object)r TypeErrorrr)rrs r rzKMAC_Hash.update=s9 9 XVWW W D!!! r"c|jsS|jt|jdz|j|j|_|jS)zReturn the **binary** (non-printable) MAC tag of the message. :return: The MAC tag. Binary form. :rtype: byte string )rrrr rreadrs r digestzKMAC_Hash.digestKsVy < L   d.>.B C C D D D ))$*:;;DIyr"c~ddt|DS)zReturn the **printable** MAC tag of the message. :return: The MAC tag. Hexadecimal encoded. :rtype: string c2g|]}dt|zS)z%02x)r).0xs r z'KMAC_Hash.hexdigest.._s#GGGQa(GGGr")jointupler)r(s r hexdigestzKMAC_Hash.hexdigestXs5wwGG% 2F2FGGGHHHr"ctd}tj||z}tj||z}||krt ddS)a`Verify that a given **binary** MAC (computed by another party) is valid. Args: mac_tag (bytes/bytearray/memoryview): the expected MAC of the message. Raises: ValueError: if the MAC does not match. It means that the message has been tampered with or that the MAC key is incorrect. zMAC check failedN)rr newr) ValueError)rmac_tagsecretmac1mac2s r verifyzKMAC_Hash.verifyass""%%|FW,--|FT[[]]233 ;;==DKKMM ) )/00 0 * )r"cd|tt|dS)anVerify that a given **printable** MAC (computed by another party) is valid. Args: hex_mac_tag (string): the expected MAC of the message, as a hexadecimal string. Raises: ValueError: if the MAC does not match. It means that the message has been tampered with or that the MAC key is incorrect. N)r;rr)r hex_mac_tags r hexverifyzKMAC_Hash.hexverifyus, Igk223344444r"c 6d|vr |j|d<tdi|S)zNReturn a new instance of a KMAC hash object. See :func:`new`. r)rr5)rkwargss r r5z KMAC_Hash.news, F " " $ 0F9 }}V}}r"N) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r!rr)r2r;r>r5r@r"r rr(s & & &      III111( 5 5 5r"rc |dd}t|stdt|dkrt d|dd}|dd}|d krt d |d d }|rtd t |zt ||||dtdS)aCreate a new KMAC128 object. Args: key (bytes/bytearray/memoryview): The key to use to compute the MAC. It must be at least 128 bits long (16 bytes). data (bytes/bytearray/memoryview): Optional. The very first chunk of the message to authenticate. It is equivalent to an early call to :meth:`KMAC_Hash.update`. mac_len (integer): Optional. The size of the authentication tag, in bytes. Default is 64. Minimum is 8. custom (bytes/bytearray/memoryview): Optional. A customization byte string (``S`` in SP 800-185). Returns: A :class:`KMAC_Hash` hash object rNzYou must pass a key to KMAC128r4z1The key must be at least 128 bits long (16 bytes)rr@r&z!'mac_len' must be 8 bytes or morerr"zUnknown parameters: 19)poprr$lenr6strrr )rArrrrs r r5r5s( **UD ! !C C==:8999 3xx"}}LMMM ::fd # #DjjB''G{{<=== ZZ# & &F >.V<=== T3y# F FFr"N)binasciirCrypto.Util.py3compatrrr Crypto.Randomrr+r r r r r objectrr5r@r"r rQs>9999999999******!!!!!!!!;;;;;;;;;;ccccccccL%G%G%G%G%Gr"