ffIZddlZddlmZmZmZddlmZmZgdZddZ Gdde Z Gd d e Z Gd d e Z Gd de ZGdde ZGdde ZGdde ZGdde ZGdde ZGdde ZdS)N) byte_stringbchrbord) long_to_bytes bytes_to_long) DerObject DerInteger DerBooleanDerOctetStringDerNull DerSequence DerObjectId DerBitStringDerSetOfFcHd} ||z}n#t$rYdSwxYw| p|dkS)NrF) TypeError)xonly_non_negativetests r/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.3.5/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/Crypto/Util/asn1.py _is_numberr(sK D4x uu *AF*s  c6eZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dS) BytesIO_EOFzeThis class differs from BytesIO in that a ValueError exception is raised whenever EOF is reached.c0||_d|_d|_dSNr)_buffer_index _bookmark)self initial_bytess r__init__zBytesIO_EOF.__init__5s$  c|j|_dSN)rrrs r set_bookmarkzBytesIO_EOF.set_bookmark:sr"cF|jJ|j|j|jSr$)rrrr%s rdata_since_bookmarkzBytesIO_EOF.data_since_bookmark=s&~)))|DN4;677r"c:t|j|jz Sr$)lenrrr%s rremaining_datazBytesIO_EOF.remaining_dataAs4<  4;..r"c|j|z}|t|jkr&td|t|jfz|j|j|}||_|S)Nz@Not enough data for DER decoding: expected %d bytes and found %d)rr*r ValueError)rlength new_indexresults rreadzBytesIO_EOF.readDsyK&( s4<(( ( (_clnqrvr~nncAABB Bdk)34  r"cRt|ddS)Nr)rr1r%s r read_bytezBytesIO_EOF.read_byteMsDIIaLLO$$$r"N) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r!r&r(r+r1r4r"rrr1sx'' %%%888///%%%%%r"rcTeZdZdZ d dZdZedZdZd Z d d Z d Z dS)rzpBase class for defining a single DER object. This class should never be directly instantiated. Nr"Fc<| d|_dS||}||_|rdnd}d||fvrtd|"d|z||z|_dS|)d||z|_||z|_dS||z|_dS)aInitialize the DER object according to a specific ASN.1 type. :Parameters: asn1Id : integer or byte The universal DER tag number for this object (e.g. 0x10 for a SEQUENCE). If None, the tag is not known yet. payload : byte string The initial payload of the object (that it, the content octets). If not specified, the payload is empty. implicit : integer or byte The IMPLICIT tag number (< 0x1F) to use for the encoded object. It overrides the universal tag *asn1Id*. It cannot be combined with the ``explicit`` parameter. By default, there is no IMPLICIT tag. constructed : bool True when the ASN.1 type is *constructed*. False when it is *primitive* (default). explicit : integer or byte The EXPLICIT tag number (< 0x1F) to use for the encoded object. It cannot be combined with the ``implicit`` parameter. By default, there is no EXPLICIT tag. N rz1Explicit and implicit tags are mutually exclusive) _tag_octet _convertTagpayloadr-_inner_tag_octet)rasn1IdrAimplicit constructedexplicitconstructed_bits rr!zDerObject.__init__Ws>>&*DOF))&11& +6"?$$4(333$&;<<<'&*_&DOOOr"ct|s(t|dkrt|d}t|rd|cxkrdksntd|S)zCheck if *tag* is a real DER tag (5 bits). Convert it from a character to number if necessary. r3rz Wrong DER tag)rr*rr-)rtags rr@zDerObject._convertTagsg"#+3xx1}}"3q6ll"36AOOOOtOOOO$_555 r"c|dkr1t|}tt|dz|zSt|S)zXBuild length octets according to BER/DER definite form. r=)rrr*)r.encodings r_definite_formzDerObject._definite_formsD C<<#0#8#8#CMMC$7888CCF||#r"c,|j}t|drDt|j|t |jz|jz}t|j|t |z|zS)z?Return this DER element, fully encoded as a binary byte string.rB)rAhasattrrrBrNr*r?)routput_payloads rencodezDerObject.encodes "&4!3444&*4+@&A&A&*&9&9#dl:K:K&L&L'M&*l'3NT_--++C,?,?@@A&'(r"c|}|dkrd||dz}t|ddkrtdt |}|dkrtd|S)z%Decode DER length octets from a file.rLrz$Invalid DER: length has leading zeroz5Invalid DER: length in long form but smaller than 128)r4r1rr-r)rsr.encoded_lengths r _decodeLenzDerObject._decodeLensC<<%&VVFTM%:%:NN1-..!33()OPPP*>::F}}()`aaa r"ct|stdt|}||||dkrtd|S)aDecode a complete DER element, and re-initializes this object with it. Args: der_encoded (byte string): A complete DER element. Raises: ValueError: in case of parsing errors. zInput is not a byte stringr-Unexpected extra data after the DER structure)rr-r_decodeFromStreamr+)r der_encodedstrictrTs rdecodezDerObject.decodest#;//C$%ABBB ,,&&q&111##%%))$%TUUU r"c2|}|j||jkrtdn||_||}|||_t |drt|j}|}||jkrtd||}|||_| dkrtddSdS)z*Decode a complete DER element from a file.NzUnexpected DER tagrBzUnexpected internal DER tagrrX) r4r?r-rVr1rArPrrBr+)rrTr[idOctetr.p inner_octets rrYzDerObject._decodeFromStreams++--?.$/11()=>>>2'.DO++ vvf~~ 4!344 Z#DL11A"#++--K"d&;;;()FGGG!__Q//F#$66&>>DL''))A--()XYYY Z Z.-r")Nr"NFNF) r5r6r7r8r!r@ staticmethodrNrRrVr\rYr9r"rrrQs  ?C15D ?D ?D ?D ?L     $ $  $ ( ( (&       . Z Z Z Z Zr"rc.eZdZdZd dZdZd dZdZdS) r aClass to model a DER INTEGER. An example of encoding is:: >>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerInteger >>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify >>> int_der = DerInteger(9) >>> print hexlify(int_der.encode()) which will show ``020109``, the DER encoding of 9. And for decoding:: >>> s = unhexlify(b'020109') >>> try: >>> int_der = DerInteger() >>> int_der.decode(s) >>> print int_der.value >>> except ValueError: >>> print "Not a valid DER INTEGER" the output will be ``9``. :ivar value: The integer value :vartype value: integer rNcRt|dd|d|||_dS)aUInitialize the DER object as an INTEGER. :Parameters: value : integer The value of the integer. implicit : integer The IMPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object. It overrides the universal tag for INTEGER (2). r"FNrr!valuerrgrDrFs rr!zDerInteger.__init__#s4""4sH#((444" r"c2|j}d|_ tt|dz|jz|_d|cxkrdkrnntd|jz|_d|cxkrdkrnnn|dz}ot|S)zIReturn the DER INTEGER, fully encoded as a binary string.r"Tr=ri)rgrArintrrR)rnumbers rrRzDerInteger.encode3s" !#'FSL(9(9#:#:T\#IDLf+++++++++'+DzzDL'@ v,,,,,,,,,qLF !!''---r"Fc<t|||S)aDecode a DER-encoded INTEGER, and re-initializes this object with it. Args: der_encoded (byte string): A complete INTEGER DER element. Raises: ValueError: in case of parsing errors. r[rr\rrZr[s rr\zDerInteger.decodeBs!''k&'IIIr"c0t||||rzt|jdkrt dt|jdkr;t jd|jddddkrt dd|_d}|jD]4}|xjd zc_|xjt|z c_|d z}5|jr/t|jddzr|xj|zc_dSdSdS) z*Decode a complete DER INTEGER from a file.rz/Invalid encoding for DER INTEGER: empty payloadrez>HNr=z.Invalid encoding for DER INTEGER: leading zeror3rk) rrYr*rAr-structunpackrgr)rrTr[bitsis rrYzDerInteger._decodeFromStreamOs4++D!V<<<[4<((A--()Z[[[4<((A--&-dlSUTUSUFV2W2WXY2Z]a2a2a()YZZZ AJJ#%JJJJ$q'')JJQJDD<'Da$9$9D$@'JJ$&JJJJ''''r")rNNrar5r6r7r8r!rRr\rYr9r"rr r sh  6 # # # # . . . J J J J ' ' ' ' 'r"r c.eZdZdZddZdZd dZdZdS) r aRClass to model a DER-encoded BOOLEAN. An example of encoding is:: >>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerBoolean >>> bool_der = DerBoolean(True) >>> print(bool_der.encode().hex()) which will show ``0101ff``, the DER encoding of True. And for decoding:: >>> s = bytes.fromhex('0101ff') >>> try: >>> bool_der = DerBoolean() >>> bool_der.decode(s) >>> print(bool_der.value) >>> except ValueError: >>> print "Not a valid DER BOOLEAN" the output will be ``True``. :ivar value: The boolean value :vartype value: boolean FNcRt|dd|d|||_dS)aInitialize the DER object as a BOOLEAN. Args: value (boolean): The value of the boolean. Default is False. implicit (integer or byte): The IMPLICIT tag number (< 0x1F) to use for the encoded object. It overrides the universal tag for BOOLEAN (1). It cannot be combined with the ``explicit`` parameter. By default, there is no IMPLICIT tag. explicit (integer or byte): The EXPLICIT tag number (< 0x1F) to use for the encoded object. It cannot be combined with the ``implicit`` parameter. By default, there is no EXPLICIT tag. r3r"FNrfrhs rr!zDerBoolean.__init__s-& 4sHeXFFF r"cV|jrdnd|_t|S)z9Return the DER BOOLEAN, fully encoded as a binary string.rgrArrRr%s rrRzDerBoolean.encodes*#'*9ww' %%%r"c:t|||S)zDecode a DER-encoded BOOLEAN, and re-initializes this object with it. Args: der_encoded (byte string): A DER-encoded BOOLEAN. Raises: ValueError: in case of parsing errors. rprqs rr\zDerBoolean.decodesk6:::r"cBt|||t|jdkrt dt |jddkr d|_dSt |jddkr d|_dSt d) z)Decode a DER-encoded BOOLEAN from a file.r3z7Invalid encoding for DER BOOLEAN: payload is not 1 byterFrjTzInvalid payload for DER BOOLEANN)rrYr*rAr-rrgrrTr[s rrYzDerBoolean._decodeFromStreams ##D!V444 t|   ! !VWW W  Q A % %DJJJ $,q/ " "d * *DJJJ>?? ?r")FNNrarxr9r"rr r fsi2,&&& ; ; ; ;@@@@@r"r czeZdZdZddZdZdZdZdZdZ d Z d Z d Z d Z d ZddZddZdZddZdZdS)r aClass to model a DER SEQUENCE. This object behaves like a dynamic Python sequence. Sub-elements that are INTEGERs behave like Python integers. Any other sub-element is a binary string encoded as a complete DER sub-element (TLV). An example of encoding is: >>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerSequence, DerInteger >>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify >>> obj_der = unhexlify('070102') >>> seq_der = DerSequence([4]) >>> seq_der.append(9) >>> seq_der.append(obj_der.encode()) >>> print hexlify(seq_der.encode()) which will show ``3009020104020109070102``, the DER encoding of the sequence containing ``4``, ``9``, and the object with payload ``02``. For decoding: >>> s = unhexlify(b'3009020104020109070102') >>> try: >>> seq_der = DerSequence() >>> seq_der.decode(s) >>> print len(seq_der) >>> print seq_der[0] >>> print seq_der[:] >>> except ValueError: >>> print "Not a valid DER SEQUENCE" the output will be:: 3 4 [4, 9, b''] Ncht|dd|d|| g|_dS||_dS)aCInitialize the DER object as a SEQUENCE. :Parameters: startSeq : Python sequence A sequence whose element are either integers or other DER objects. implicit : integer or byte The IMPLICIT tag number (< 0x1F) to use for the encoded object. It overrides the universal tag for SEQUENCE (16). It cannot be combined with the ``explicit`` parameter. By default, there is no IMPLICIT tag. explicit : integer or byte The EXPLICIT tag number (< 0x1F) to use for the encoded object. It cannot be combined with the ``implicit`` parameter. By default, there is no EXPLICIT tag. r"TN)rr!_seq)rstartSeqrDrFs rr!zDerSequence.__init__s>(""4sHdHMMM# "DIII (DIIIr"c|j|=dSr$rrns r __delitem__zDerSequence.__delitem__sIaLLLr"c|j|Sr$rrs r __getitem__zDerSequence.__getitem__sy|#r"c||j|<dSr$r)rkeyrgs r __setitem__zDerSequence.__setitem__s!& #r"c||j||<dSr$r)rrwjsequences r __setslice__zDerSequence.__setslice__ s!) !A#r"c|j||=dSr$rrrwrs r __delslice__zDerSequence.__delslice__ sIacNNNr"cX|jtd|td|Sr)rmaxrs r __getslice__zDerSequence.__getslice__s$yQ3q!99!455r"c*t|jSr$r*rr%s r__len__zDerSequence.__len__s49~~%r"c:|j||Sr$rappendritems r__iadd__zDerSequence.__iadd__   &&& r"c:|j||Sr$rrs rrzDerSequence.appendrr"c<|j|||Sr$)rinsert)rindexrs rrzDerSequence.inserts   --- r"TcHfd|jD}t|S)zReturn the number of items in this sequence that are integers. Args: only_non_negative (boolean): If ``True``, negative integers are not counted in. c4g|]}t||Sr9)r).0rrs r z'DerSequence.hasInts..*s)RRRqA?P1Q1QRRRRr")rr*)rritemss ` rhasIntszDerSequence.hasInts!s-SRRRDIRRR5zz!r"cf|jo*||t|jkS)aReturn ``True`` if all items in this sequence are integers or non-negative integers. This function returns False is the sequence is empty, or at least one member is not an integer. Args: only_non_negative (boolean): If ``True``, the presence of negative integers causes the method to return ``False``.)rrr*)rrs r hasOnlyIntszDerSequence.hasOnlyInts-s+yVT\\2C%D%DDI%VVr"cZd|_|jD]}t|r|xj|z c_"t|r0|xjt |z c_a|xj|z c_t |S)zReturn this DER SEQUENCE, fully encoded as a binary string. Raises: ValueError: if some elements in the sequence are neither integers nor byte strings. r")rArrrr rRrrs rrRzDerSequence.encode:s #  I66D"4((6 , #D))6 4(8(8(?(?(A(AA   5  ''---r"Fc||_t|||}|r#|st d|S)a9Decode a complete DER SEQUENCE, and re-initializes this object with it. Args: der_encoded (byte string): A complete SEQUENCE DER element. nr_elements (None or integer or list of integers): The number of members the SEQUENCE can have only_ints_expected (boolean): Whether the SEQUENCE is expected to contain only integers. strict (boolean): Whether decoding must check for strict DER compliancy. Raises: ValueError: in case of parsing errors. DER INTEGERs are decoded into Python integers. Any other DER element is not decoded. Its validity is not checked. rozSome members are not INTEGERs) _nr_elementsrr\rr-)rrZr[ nr_elementsonly_ints_expectedr0s rr\zDerSequence.decodeLsW*%0!"))$ F)KK%Fd.>.>.@.@F$%DEEE r"cVg|_t|||t|j}|dkr|t}||||jdkr-|j| nXt}| }| |||j|j |dkd}|j J t|j|j v}n-#t$r t|j|j k}YnwxYw|s$t!dt|jzdS)z+Decode a complete DER SEQUENCE from a file.rreroTNz1Unexpected number of members (%d) in the sequence)rrrYrrAr+r&r?rr(r r\rgrr*rr-)rrTr[r_derderIntdataoks rrYzDerSequence._decodeFromStreamis ++D!V<<<  --&&((1,,NN$$$#++C))!V444~-- (()>)>)@)@AAAA!+ 4466 d6 ::: ((666&&((1,,$0A ^^t/@@$AAA ^^t/@@AJ$&8:=di..&IJJJJJs:E'F?F)NNN)T)FNF)r5r6r7r8r!rrrrrrrrrrrrrRr\rYr9r"rr r s,( ( T ) ) ) )8 ! ! ! $ $ $ ' ' ' * * * # # # 6 6 6 & & &          " " " " W W W W . . .$    :" J" J" J" J" Jr"r ceZdZdZddZdS)r aClass to model a DER OCTET STRING. An example of encoding is: >>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerOctetString >>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify >>> os_der = DerOctetString(b'\xaa') >>> os_der.payload += b'\xbb' >>> print hexlify(os_der.encode()) which will show ``0402aabb``, the DER encoding for the byte string ``b'\xAA\xBB'``. For decoding: >>> s = unhexlify(b'0402aabb') >>> try: >>> os_der = DerOctetString() >>> os_der.decode(s) >>> print hexlify(os_der.payload) >>> except ValueError: >>> print "Not a valid DER OCTET STRING" the output will be ``aabb``. :ivar payload: The content of the string :vartype payload: byte string r"NcBt|d||ddS)ahInitialize the DER object as an OCTET STRING. :Parameters: value : byte string The initial payload of the object. If not specified, the payload is empty. implicit : integer The IMPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object. It overrides the universal tag for OCTET STRING (4). FNrr!)rrgrDs rr!zDerOctetString.__init__s& 4uh>>>>>r")r"Nr5r6r7r8r!r9r"rr r s2: ? ? ? ? ? ?r"r ceZdZdZdZdS)r z"Class to model a DER NULL element.cBt|dddddS)z$Initialize the DER object as a NULL.r"NFrr%s rr!zDerNull.__init__s& 4sD%88888r"Nrr9r"rr r s),,99999r"r c.eZdZdZd dZdZd dZdZdS) ra(Class to model a DER OBJECT ID. An example of encoding is: >>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerObjectId >>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify >>> oid_der = DerObjectId("1.2") >>> oid_der.value += ".840.113549.1.1.1" >>> print hexlify(oid_der.encode()) which will show ``06092a864886f70d010101``, the DER encoding for the RSA Object Identifier ``1.2.840.113549.1.1.1``. For decoding: >>> s = unhexlify(b'06092a864886f70d010101') >>> try: >>> oid_der = DerObjectId() >>> oid_der.decode(s) >>> print oid_der.value >>> except ValueError: >>> print "Not a valid DER OBJECT ID" the output will be ``1.2.840.113549.1.1.1``. :ivar value: The Object ID (OID), a dot separated list of integers :vartype value: string NcRt|dd|d|||_dS)aInitialize the DER object as an OBJECT ID. :Parameters: value : string The initial Object Identifier (e.g. ""). implicit : integer The IMPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object. It overrides the universal tag for OBJECT ID (6). explicit : integer The EXPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object. r"FNrfrhs rr!zDerObjectId.__init__s- 4sHeXFFF r"cd|jdD}t|dkrtd|ddkrtd|ddkr|ddkrtd d |dz|dzg|dd z}g}t |D]C}||d z|d z}|r"||d zdz|d z}|"Dddt |D|_t |S)zCReturn the DER OBJECT ID, fully encoded as a binary string.c,g|]}t|Sr9)rlrrs rrz&DerObjectId.encode..s777AQ777r".rez$Not a valid Object Identifier stringrz!First component must be 0, 1 or 2r3'z#Second component must be 39 at most(NrLr=r"c,g|]}t|Sr9)rrs rrz&DerObjectId.encode..s E E EQa E E Er") rgsplitr*r-reversedrjoinrArrR)rcompssubcompsrMvs rrRzDerObjectId.encodesa87!1!1#!6!6777 u::>>CDD D 8a<<@AA A 8a<.7s888!s1vv888r") rrYrrAr+r4rr*r-rrg)rrTr[r_rrcs rrYzDerObjectId._decodeFromStreamsX ##D!V444  % %     AaAH%AH """     x==A  _-- - A;  x{+HRaRLL a[2  x{R/0HRaRLLx{R/0HRaRLXX88x88899 r")rNNrarxr9r"rrrsd:    &&&4;;;; :::::r"rc.eZdZdZd dZdZd dZdZdS) raClass to model a DER BIT STRING. An example of encoding is: >>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerBitString >>> bs_der = DerBitString(b'\xAA') >>> bs_der.value += b'\xBB' >>> print(bs_der.encode().hex()) which will show ``030300aabb``, the DER encoding for the bit string ``b'\xAA\xBB'``. For decoding: >>> s = bytes.fromhex('030300aabb') >>> try: >>> bs_der = DerBitString() >>> bs_der.decode(s) >>> print(bs_der.value.hex()) >>> except ValueError: >>> print "Not a valid DER BIT STRING" the output will be ``aabb``. :ivar value: The content of the string :vartype value: byte string r"Nct|dd|d|t|tr||_dS||_dS)aInitialize the DER object as a BIT STRING. :Parameters: value : byte string or DER object The initial, packed bit string. If not specified, the bit string is empty. implicit : integer The IMPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object. It overrides the universal tag for BIT STRING (3). explicit : integer The EXPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object. r"FN)rr! isinstancerRrgrhs rr!zDerBitString.__init__WsT 4sHeXFFF eY ' ' DJJJDJJJr"cTd|jz|_t|S)zBReturn the DER BIT STRING, fully encoded as a byte string.r}r~r%s rrRzDerBitString.encodels& + %%%r"Fc:t|||S)aTDecode a complete DER BIT STRING, and re-initializes this object with it. Args: der_encoded (byte string): a complete DER BIT STRING. strict (boolean): Whether decoding must check for strict DER compliancy. Raises: ValueError: in case of parsing errors. rprqs rr\zDerBitString.decodetsk6:::r"ct||||jr-t|jddkrt dd|_|jr|jdd|_dSdS)z1Decode a complete DER BIT STRING DER from a file.rzNot a valid BIT STRINGr"r3N)rrYrArr-rgrs rrYzDerBitString._decodeFromStreams ##D!V444 < 7Da11Q66566 6 < *abb)DJJJ * *r")r"NNrarxr9r"rrr:sd8*&&& ; ; ; ; * * * * *r"rcFeZdZdZd dZdZdZdZdZd d Z d Z d Z dS)raClass to model a DER SET OF. An example of encoding is: >>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerBitString >>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify >>> so_der = DerSetOf([4,5]) >>> so_der.add(6) >>> print hexlify(so_der.encode()) which will show ``3109020104020105020106``, the DER encoding of a SET OF with items 4,5, and 6. For decoding: >>> s = unhexlify(b'3109020104020105020106') >>> try: >>> so_der = DerSetOf() >>> so_der.decode(s) >>> print [x for x in so_der] >>> except ValueError: >>> print "Not a valid DER SET OF" the output will be ``[4, 5, 6]``. Nct|dd|dg|_d|_|r|D]}||dSdS)a9Initialize the DER object as a SET OF. :Parameters: startSet : container The initial set of integers or DER encoded objects. implicit : integer The IMPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object. It overrides the universal tag for SET OF (17). r"TN)rr!r _elemOctetadd)rstartSetrDes rr!zDerSetOf.__init__sl 4sHd;;;          r"c|j|Sr$rrs rrzDerSetOf.__getitem__sy|r"c*t|jSr$)iterrr%s r__iter__zDerSetOf.__iter__sDIr"c*t|jSr$rr%s rrzDerSetOf.__len__s49~~r"c(t|rd}n2t|tr|j}nt |d}|j|kr|jt d||_||jvr|j|dSdS)zAdd an element to the set. Args: elem (byte string or integer): An element of the same type of objects already in the set. It can be an integer or a DER encoded object. rerNz&New element does not belong to the set) rrrr?rrr-rr)relemeos rrz DerSetOf.adds d   BB i ( ( BBd1gB ?b * !IJJJ DO ty I  T " " " " " ! r"Fc:t|||S)aDecode a complete SET OF DER element, and re-initializes this object with it. DER INTEGERs are decoded into Python integers. Any other DER element is left undecoded; its validity is not checked. Args: der_encoded (byte string): a complete DER BIT SET OF. strict (boolean): Whether decoding must check for strict DER compliancy. Raises: ValueError: in case of parsing errors. rprqs rr\zDerSetOf.decodes k6:::r"cg|_t|||t|j}d}|dkr|t}||||dkr|j}n||jkrtd|dkr-|j | nUt}| | ||j |j |dkdSdS)z)Decode a complete DER SET OF from a file.rz)Not all elements are of the same DER typereN)rrrYrrAr+r&r?r-rr(r r\rg)rrTr[r_ setIdOctetrrs rrYzDerSetOf._decodeFromStreamsI  ##D!V444  % %   1$$ NN   ++C  ! !!V , , ,A~~ ^ //$%PQQQT!!   !6!6!8!89999# a3355v>>>   ...'  1$$$$$$r"cg}|jD]t}t|r"t|}n,t |t r|}n|}||u|d||_ t |S)zRReturn this SET OF DER element, fully encoded as a binary string. r") rrr rRrrrsortrrA)rorderedrbyss rrRzDerSetOf.encodes I  D$  &&--//D),, kkmm NN3     xx(( %%%r")NNra) r5r6r7r8r!rrrrr\rYrRr9r"rrrs4*###0;;;;$///B&&&&&r"rra)rtCrypto.Util.py3compatrrrCrypto.Util.numberrr__all__robjectrrr r r r r rrrr9r"rrsv. 9999999999;;;;;;;; P P P++++%%%%%&%%%@sZsZsZsZsZsZsZsZl\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'~P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@fRJRJRJRJRJ)RJRJRJj*?*?*?*?*?Y*?*?*?Z99999i999s:s:s:s:s:)s:s:s:lV*V*V*V*V*9V*V*V*rU&U&U&U&U&yU&U&U&U&U&r"