ffATddlmZmZmZmZmZmZeddZddZddZ dZ dS) )load_pycryptodome_raw_libc_size_tcreate_string_bufferget_raw_buffer c_uint8_ptris_writeable_bufferzCrypto.Util._strxoray void strxor(const uint8_t *in1, const uint8_t *in2, uint8_t *out, size_t len); void strxor_c(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t c, uint8_t *out, size_t len); Nc >t|t|krtd|tt|}n_|}t|st dt|t|krtdt|zt t|t|t|tt||t|SdS)aFrom two byte strings of equal length, create a third one which is the byte-by-byte XOR of the two. Args: term1 (bytes/bytearray/memoryview): The first byte string to XOR. term2 (bytes/bytearray/memoryview): The second byte string to XOR. output (bytearray/memoryview): The location where the result will be written to. It must have the same length as ``term1`` and ``term2``. If ``None``, the result is returned. :Return: If ``output`` is ``None``, a new byte string with the result. Otherwise ``None``. .. note:: ``term1`` and ``term2`` must have the same length. z.Only byte strings of equal length can be xoredN4output must be a bytearray or a writeable memoryview9output must have the same length as the input (%d bytes)) len ValueErrorrr TypeError _raw_strxorstrxorrrr)term1term2outputresults t/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.3.5/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/Crypto/Util/strxor.pyrr0s * 5zzSZZIJJJ ~%c%jj11"6** TRSS S u::V $ $,.1%jj9:: :{5))"5))"6**E ++--- ~f%%%tc d|cxkrdksntd|tt|}n_|}t|st dt|t|krtdt|zt t||t|tt||t|SdS)a~From a byte string, create a second one of equal length where each byte is XOR-red with the same value. Args: term(bytes/bytearray/memoryview): The byte string to XOR. c (int): Every byte in the string will be XOR-ed with this value. It must be between 0 and 255 (included). output (None or bytearray/memoryview): The location where the result will be written to. It must have the same length as ``term``. If ``None``, the result is returned. Return: If ``output`` is ``None``, a new ``bytes`` string with the result. Otherwise ``None``. rzc must be in range(256)Nr r ) r rr rrrstrxor_crrr)termcrrs rrr`s( <<<r s>DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD(')   ----`----`CCCCCr