jf,ddlZddlmZejr ddlZddlmZeZ ej ddd Z ej dde dej d fd Z dde dej d fd Z ddZddZddej e dej e fdZdS)N)local)ContextFsilentte.Literal[False]returnrcdSNrs m/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.3.5/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/click/globals.pyget_current_contextr C.cdSr r r s r rrrrc tjdtjdS#tt f$r}|st d|Yd}~nd}~wwxYwdS)aReturns the current click context. This can be used as a way to access the current context object from anywhere. This is a more implicit alternative to the :func:`pass_context` decorator. This function is primarily useful for helpers such as :func:`echo` which might be interested in changing its behavior based on the current context. To push the current context, :meth:`Context.scope` can be used. .. versionadded:: 5.0 :param silent: if set to `True` the return value is `None` if no context is available. The default behavior is to raise a :exc:`RuntimeError`. rz!There is no active click context.N)tcast_localstackAttributeError IndexError RuntimeError)res r rrsKvib!1222 J 'KKK KBCC J K K K K KK 4s$'AAActxcltjdg|dS)z*Pushes a new context to the current stack.rN)r__dict__ setdefaultappend)rs r push_contextr!-s. Ow++22377777rcBtjdS)z%Removes the top level from the stack.N)rrpopr rr pop_contextr$2s Lrcolorc@||Std}||jSdS)zInternal helper to get the default value of the color flag. If a value is passed it's returned unchanged, otherwise it's looked up from the current context. NTr )rr%)r%rs r resolve_color_defaultr'7s1   T * * *C y 4r)F)rrrr).)rrrN)rNr )typingr threadingr TYPE_CHECKINGtyping_extensionstecorerroverloadrboolOptionalr!r$r'r rr r1sN?""""  qz)/D I1F08888   D!1 QZ=M      r