€•Â }”(Œ config update”}”(Œ return_type”ŒConfigAgentResponse”Œhelp”Œk(internal) Update Imunify configuration (`/etc/sysconfig/imunify360/imunify360.config.d/90-local.config`). ”Œcli”}”Œusers”]”Œroot”asŒtype”Œdict”Œschema”}”(Œitems”}”(Œtype”Œlist”Œschema”}”Œtype”Œstring”sŒhelp”Œ (internal)”uŒdata”}”(Œtype”Œstring”Œnullable”ˆŒ positional”ˆŒhelp”Œ¸Config options to update, as a JSON-encoded string. Note: it doesn't have to be a full config, only the options that need to be updated. Example: `{"MALWARE_SCAN": {"enabled": true}}` ”uŒuser”}”(Œtype”Œstring”Œnullable”ˆŒhelp”ŒÔAdmins can specify a user to update the config for. If not specified, and executed by admin, the config will be updated for root. If not specified, and executed by user, the config will be updated for that user. ”uuuŒ config patch”}”(Œ return_type”ŒConfigAgentResponse”Œhelp”Œ`Update Imunify configuration (`/etc/sysconfig/imunify360/imunify360.config.d/90-local.config`). ”Œcli”}”Œusers”]”Œroot”asŒtype”Œdict”Œschema”}”(Œdata”}”(Œtype”Œdict”Œnullable”ˆŒhelp”ŒžConfig options to update. Note: it doesn't have to be a full config, only the options that need to be updated. Example: `{"MALWARE_SCAN": {"enabled": true}}` ”uŒuser”}”(Œtype”Œstring”Œnullable”ˆŒhelp”ŒÔAdmins can specify a user to update the config for. If not specified, and executed by admin, the config will be updated for root. If not specified, and executed by user, the config will be updated for that user. ”uuuŒconfig patch-many”}”(Œhelp”Œ1Update Imunify configuration for multiple users. ”Œcli”}”Œusers”]”Œroot”asŒtype”Œdict”Œschema”}”(Œdata”}”(Œtype”Œdict”Œnullable”ˆŒhelp”ŒžConfig options to update. Note: it doesn't have to be a full config, only the options that need to be updated. Example: `{"MALWARE_SCAN": {"enabled": true}}` ”uŒusers”}”(Œtype”Œlist”Œschema”}”Œtype”Œstring”sŒnullable”‰Œhelp”ŒNList of users to update the config for. Example: `["user1", "user2", "root"]` ”uuuŒ config show”}”(Œ return_type”ŒConfigAgentResponse”Œhelp”Œ‰Get Imunify configuration. This is the result of merging all config files in `/etc/sysconfig/imunify360/imunify360.config.d/` directory. ”Œcli”}”Œusers”]”Œroot”asŒtype”Œdict”Œschema”}”Œuser”}”(Œtype”Œstring”Œnullable”ˆŒhelp”Œ³Admins can specify whose config to get. If not specified, and executed by admin, returns the root config. If not specified, and executed by user, returns the config of that user. ”usuŒconfig show defaults”}”(Œhelp”XÈGet details on how the config is merged: - `mutable_config` - all files in `/etc/sysconfig/imunify360/imunify360.config.d/` directory before `90-local.config`. They can be overridden via API. - `local_config` - `/etc/sysconfig/imunify360/imunify360.config.d/90-local.config`, controlled by API. - `immutable_config` - all files in `/etc/sysconfig/imunify360/imunify360.config.d/` directory after `90-local.config`. They cannot be overridden via API. ”Œcli”}”Œusers”]”Œroot”asŒtype”Œdict”uu.