if5(dZddlmZdZdZ dZ GddeddZedd d d dd Z GddeZ Gdde Z GddZ GddZ Gdde e Z dS)ak This is the Docutils (Python Documentation Utilities) package. Package Structure ================= Modules: - __init__.py: Contains component base classes, exception classes, and Docutils version information. - core.py: Contains the ``Publisher`` class and ``publish_*()`` convenience functions. - frontend.py: Runtime settings (command-line interface, configuration files) processing, for Docutils front-ends. - io.py: Provides a uniform API for low-level input and output. - nodes.py: Docutils document tree (doctree) node class library. - statemachine.py: A finite state machine specialized for regular-expression-based text filters. Subpackages: - languages: Language-specific mappings of terms. - parsers: Syntax-specific input parser modules or packages. - readers: Context-specific input handlers which understand the data source and manage a parser. - transforms: Modules used by readers and writers to modify the Docutils document tree. - utils: Contains the ``Reporter`` system warning class and miscellaneous utilities used by readers, writers, and transforms. utils/urischemes.py: Contains a complete mapping of known URI addressing scheme names to descriptions. - utils/math: Contains functions for conversion of mathematical notation between different formats (LaTeX, MathML, text, ...). - writers: Format-specific output translators. ) namedtuplereStructuredTextz0.20.1c<eZdZ d fd ZdZdZdZdZxZS) VersionInforfinalTc d}||vrtd|d|dkr&|std|dkrtdt|||||||S)N)alphabeta candidaterzreleaselevel must be one of .rz{releaselevel "final" must not be used with development versions (leads to wrong version ordering of the related __version__rz%"serial" must be 0 for final releases) ValueErrorsuper__new__) clsmajorminormicro releaselevelserialrelease releaselevels __class__s q/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.3.5/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/docutils/__init__.pyrzVersionInfo.__new__Ns? } , ,* - 122 2 7 " " P "OPPP{{ !HIIIwwsE5%+VW>> >ctt|tr t|}t||SN) isinstancetupler__lt__selfothers rr zVersionInfo.__lt__`2 eU # # ('E||D%(((rctt|tr t|}t||Sr)rrr__gt__r!s rr&zVersionInfo.__gt__er$rctt|tr t|}t||Sr)rrr__le__r!s rr(zVersionInfo.__le__jr$rctt|tr t|}t||Sr)rrr__ge__r!s rr*zVersionInfo.__ge__or$r)rrrrrT) __name__ __module__ __qualname__rr r&r(r* __classcell__)rs@rrrKs./8<>>>>>>$))) ))) ))) )))))))rrz-major minor micro releaselevel serial releaserT)rrrrrrceZdZdS)ApplicationErrorNr+r,r-rrr2r2rr2ceZdZdS) DataErrorNr3r4rrr7r7r5rr7c4eZdZdZdZ dZ dZ dZ dZ dZ dS) SettingsSpecz Runtime setting specification base class. SettingsSpec subclass objects used by `docutils.frontend.OptionParser`. r4N) r+r,r-__doc__ settings_specsettings_defaultssettings_default_overridesrelative_path_settingsconfig_sectionconfig_section_dependenciesr4rrr9r9sg"M$L"&N N:#'rr9c eZdZdZdZdZdZdS) TransformSpeca Runtime transform specification base class. Provides the interface to register "transforms" and helper functions to resolve references with a `docutils.transforms.Transformer`. https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/transforms.html c|jdkr3ddl}|dtt |jSgS)z;Transforms required by this class. Override in subclasses.r4rNzwTransformSpec: the "default_transforms" attribute will be removed in Docutils 2.0. Use get_transforms() method instead.)default_transformswarningswarnDeprecationWarninglist)r"rEs rget_transformszTransformSpec.get_transformssR  "b ( ( OOO MMA- . . ./00 0 rr4N)r+r,r-r:rIrDunknown_reference_resolversr4rrrBrBs;   "$rrBc$eZdZdZdZ dZ dZdS) Componentz#Base class for Docutils components.Nr4c||jvS)z Is `format` supported by this component? To be used by transforms to ask the dependent component if it supports a certain input context or output format. ) supported)r"formats rsupportszComponent.supportss''r)r+r,r-r:component_typerNrPr4rrrLrLs=--NIG(((((rrLN)r: collectionsr __docformat__ __version____version_details__r__version_info__ Exceptionr2r7r9rBrLr4rrrXsu ..`#""""""   ')')')')')**]LNN')')')T;    (''''y'''''''' '''QQQQQQQQh33333333l((((( m(((((r