jftdZiddddddddd d d d d ddddddddddddddddddd d!d"id#d$d%d&d'd(d)d(d*d+d,d-d.d/d0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9d:d;dd?d@dAdBdCidDdEdFdGdHdIdJdKdLdMdNdOdPdQdRdSdTdUdVdWdXdYdZd[d\d(d]d(d^d(d_d`dadbidcddded(dfdgdhd(didjdkdldmdndodpdqdrdsdtdudvdwd(dxdydzd{d|d}d~d(ddidddd(dddd(dd(dddd(ddddddddddddddddddddidddddd(dddddddddddddd(dddd(dddd(dddddd(dddddddZdS)a  `schemes` is a dictionary with lowercase URI addressing schemes as keys and descriptions as values. It was compiled from the index at http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes (revised 2005-11-28) and an older list at https://www.w3.org/Addressing/schemes.html. aboutz!provides information on Navigatoracapz3Application Configuration Access Protocol; RFC 2244addbookz3To add vCard entries to Communicator's Address BookafpzApple Filing Protocolafsz$Andrew File System global file namesaimzAOL Instant Messengercalltozfor NetMeeting linkscastanetz!Castanet Tuner URLs for Netcasterchttpz#cached HTTP supported by RealPlayercidzcontent identifier; RFC 2392cridz1TV-Anytime Content Reference Identifier; RFC 4078datazBallows inclusion of small data items as "immediate" data; RFC 2397davz7Distributed Authoring and Versioning Protocol; RFC 2518dictz%dictionary service protocol; RFC 2229dnszDomain Name System resourceseidzExternal ID; non-URL data; general escape mechanism to allow access to information for applications that are too specialized to justify their own schemesfaxzKa connection to a terminal that can handle telefaxes (facsimiles); RFC 2806feedzNetNewsWire feedfilez"Host-specific file names; RFC 1738fingerfreenetftpz File Transfer Protocol; RFC 1738goz go; RFC 3368gopherzThe Gopher Protocolzgsm-smsz=Global System for Mobile Communications Short Message Serviceh323zBvideo (audiovisual) communication on local area networks; RFC 3508h324zZvideo and audio communications over low bitrate connections such as POTS modem connectionshdlzCNRI handle systemhnewsz3an HTTP-tunneling variant of the NNTP news protocolhttpz%Hypertext Transfer Protocol; RFC 2616httpszHTTP over SSL; RFC 2818hydraz=SubEthaEdit URI. See http://www.codingmonkeys.de/subethaedit.iioplocz%Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Location?iluzInter-Language UnificationimzInstant Messaging; RFC 3860imapz*Internet Message Access Protocol; RFC 2192infoz8Information Assets with Identifiers in Public Namespacesiorz$CORBA interoperable object referenceippz$Internet Printing Protocol; RFC 3510irczInternet Relay Chatz iris.beepziris.beep; RFC 3983iseekz0See www.ambrosiasw.com; a little util for OS X.jarz Java archive javascriptz9JavaScript code; evaluates the expression after the colonjdbczJDBC connection URI.ldapz%Lightweight Directory Access Protocollifn livescriptlrqmailboxzMail folder access mailserverz*Access to data available from mail serversmailtoz!Electronic mail address; RFC 2368md5midzmessage identifier; RFC 2392mochamodemzHa connection to a terminal that can handle incoming data calls; RFC 2806mtqpz)Message Tracking Query Protocol; RFC 3887mupdatez+Mailbox Update (MUPDATE) Protocol; RFC 3656newszUSENET news; RFC 1738nfsz&Network File System protocol; RFC 2224nntpz'USENET news using NNTP access; RFC 1738opaquelocktokenzRFC 2518phonepopzPost Office Protocol; RFC 2384pop3zPost Office Protocol v3preszPresence; RFC 3859printerprosperoz$Prospero Directory Service; RFC 4157rdarzLURLs found in Darwin source (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/).resrtspz&real time streaming protocol; RFC 2326rvprwhoisrxzRemote Executionsdpservicezservice location; RFC 2609shttpz"secure hypertext transfer protocolsipz%Session Initiation Protocol; RFC 3261sipsz,secure session intitiaion protocol; RFC 3261smbzSAMBA filesystems.snewszFor NNTP postings via SSLsnmpz,Simple Network Management Protocol; RFC 4088z soap.beepzRFC 3288z soap.beepssshz*Reference to interactive sessions via ssh.t120z+real time data conferencing (audiographics)tagzRFC 4151tcptelza connection to a terminal that handles normal voice telephone calls, a voice mailbox or another voice messaging system or a service that can be operated using DTMF tones; RFC 3966. telephonetelnetz+Reference to interactive sessions; RFC 4248tftpz(Trivial File Transfer Protocol; RFC 3617tipz'Transaction Internet Protocol; RFC 2371tn3270z#Interactive 3270 emulation sessionstvurnzUniform Resource Name; RFC 2141uuidvemmiz(versatile multimedia interface; RFC 2122videotexz view-sourcez5displays HTML code that was generated with JavaScriptwaisz'Wide Area Information Servers; RFC 4156whodpzDistributed directory service.zris |  2|  C| F|  $ |   3 |   $ | &| 5| 4|  +|  A|  |  F|  5|   +!| " 8#| ( &)| | ,  -| . 2/| 01| 23| 4 /5| 6 N7| 8%9| :;| > ?| B /C| F !G| HDI| J 5K| L(M| N>O| R8S| T )U| | | V )W| X :Y| Z H[| \ 3]| ^ 3_| ` "a| b(c| dAe| f ^g| h?i| l $m| n 5o| p bq| rBs| t Ru| v%w| x@y| | | z3{| | R}| ~ +| @rA| B!C| F 9G| H>I| J %K| L 5M| N 7O| PQ| RrS| T -U| V 'W| X "Y| Z[| \8]| | | ^ A_| b Rc| d 6e| f Rg| hi| j k| l Rm| n-o| p3q| r 4s| t