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Nc |vSrGrH)rJpathss rBrKzWheel.build..|s qEzrD)purelibplatlibrrfalsetruerrrrrr'%s.datar)rheadersscriptsr.exerwb .dist-infoz(.dist-info directory expected, not found)z.pycz.pyo)r INSTALLERSHAREDrzWheel-Version: %d.%dzGenerator: distlib %szRoot-Is-Purelib: %szTag: rr cV|d}|d}d|vr|dz }||fS)NrrEri')count)trns rBsorterzWheel.build..sorters71B Ar!!U r7NrD)key)$rr IMPVERABIARCHrgetrrrrdrrNreisdirwalkr r=relpathrr8endswithrrrr  enumeratelistdir wheel_versionrrsortedrrrr )"rorrr.libkeyis_pure default_pyver default_abi default_archrrdata_dirrrr#rerootdirsfilesrrrprrrridnwheel_metadatarrrr"rss" ` rBbuildz Wheel.buildts' <Df11113IJJKKAN Y  G#HM%K 6LLG"GM!(K!7LXXg}55 88E;//HHV\22 v"iii6x'!H, 2 . .C%:Dw}}T"" .)+ . .%D$# . .$RW\\$%;%;<<W__Q55%bgll8S"&E&EFF%,,b!W555)++AJJv4F4F+!%a0!'(vvxx000000000000000#'#7#7#=#=D!%a.! ! ............... .!# . . 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If kwarg ``warner`` is specified, it should be a callable, which will be called with two tuples indicating the wheel version of this software and the wheel version in the file, if there is a discrepancy in the versions. This can be used to issue any warnings to raise any exceptions. If kwarg ``lib_only`` is True, only the purelib/platlib files are installed, and the headers, scripts, data and dist-info metadata are not written. If kwarg ``bytecode_hashed_invalidation`` is True, written bytecode will try to use file-hash based invalidation (PEP-552) on supported interpreter versions (CPython 2.7+). The return value is a :class:`InstalledDistribution` instance unless ``options.lib_only`` is True, in which case the return value is ``None``. warnerlib_onlyFbytecode_hashed_invalidationr'rrrrrrNz Wheel-Versionr)rc,g|]}t|SrHintrSr:s rBrUz!Wheel.install.. s!5!5!5Q#a&&!5!5!5rDzRoot-Is-Purelibrrrstreamrr5r)dry_runTr%size mismatch for %s=digest mismatch for %szlib_only: skipping %srrEposixirzdigest mismatch on write for %sz.py)hashed_invalidationzByte-compilation failed)exc_infozlib_only: returning Nonez1.0zentry_points.txt)consoleguiz %s_scriptszwrap_%s:z [%s],zAUnable to read legacy script metadata, so cannot generate scriptsrtzpython.commandsz8Unable to read JSON metadata, so cannot generate scripts wrap_consolewrap_guizValid script path not specifiedz = rTlibprefixzinstallation failed.)IrKr'rNrer=rrrdrrrrrr rrrtupler.rrrecordr:dont_write_bytecodetempfilemkdtemp source_dir target_dirinfolist isinstancer rr@str file_sizerrr startswithr r r+r copy_streamchmod external_attrr8 byte_compile Exceptionwarningbasenamemakeset_executable_modeextendrrvaluesrZsuffixflagsjsonloadr(ritemsr rwrite_shared_locationswrite_installed_filesshutilrmtree exceptionrollback)CrormakerkwargsrKrBrCbc_hashed_invalidationrsrr5r metadata_namewheel_metadata_name record_namerrbwfrrwv file_versionrrrreaderrrdata_pfxinfo_pfx script_pfxfileopbcoutfilesworkdirzinfor? u_arcnamekindvaluerr(r is_scriptwherer9outfile newdigestpycrworknamer; filenamesdistcommandsepepdatar#rxr-ryrTconsole_scripts gui_scripts script_dirscriptoptionssC rBinstallz Wheel.installs"-H%%::j%00!',J,1"3"37<< dm<<"iii6x'!H,!x1IJJ 'nXw??nXx88 "7++ Xs # #L 'r,-- 0WS\\+B// 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)//Q77B !5!5"!5!5!566L 2222t)<888()V33y)y)G%% )b))))V%))F%( )))))))))))))))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) !~h33H ~h33H")R@@J"'222F FM,,BH&((G 'E #E c '[[]]M3M3E#nG!'955<$+ $+NN7$;$; y11! !),C1vA#eo"6"6#a&"@"@.046?0@AAA1vC&)!fll3&:&: eWWW---#%7799D---------------$(MM$$=$= 6!U??"248:A4B#C#CC !I$8$8(H9M$N$N! %'> 5""$',,uU|\"=M=M"N"N%)'"2"25"9"9 > >&,&9&9$+8N':'P'P!) 4 4 4 4#,>>>!'/H8<!/!>!>!>!>!>>  W--l7.C.CDD#%7<<#<#<WWW--="..r8<<<==============="$w!7!7B+-($)JJrNN 229===  2222L8LL!;<<<DD $H#'9_#=L#u,,&^H6HII6!#;)5c):):;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;')H'966$03$6#$;;DF$FHY_$=-3AY-=-=-?-?%6%678xxx,J+,7)M,-388AG;L;L1L,LA45!& 6 )666"NN,5666666 F!#!7!7O3%,WS\\+/9R==+<+<\+J+J#+!O/7||&02='>'>!>/9E,(7(=(=(?(?FF167aa);,1JJv,>,> & : :9 E E E E*J+0$-,7,=,=,?,?!J!JDAq:;!!QQ-?F05 670K0KI$*$>$>y$I$I$I$I VX66A033D!KKEi(i(#)E%L33E7CCA+ ***..xx/6888  g&&&YL 'L 'L 'L 'L 'L 'L 'L 'N     !7888!!!   g&&&&YL 'L 'L 'L 'L 'L 'L 'L 'L 'L 's6l7 D3' l73D7 7l7:D7 ;B l7H G6* H 6G: :H =G: >H  l7 H l7H B l7 Ck!=N k!N" "k!%N" &Ek!+T k!T k!T A"k!8AW ? k! 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TrHrns rB is_mountablezWheel.is_mountables trDctjtj|j|j}|sd|z}t||sd|z}t||tjvrt d|dS|r tj |n tj d||}|rTttjvr$tj tt||dSdS)Nz)Wheel %s not compatible with this Python.z$Wheel %s is marked as not mountable.z%s already in pathr)rNrerr=rrrrrr:r r r8insertr_hook meta_pathru)ror8rsmsgrts rBmountz Wheel.mount!s>7??27<< dm#L#LMM!!## (=HC"3'' '  "" (88CC"3'' ' sx   LL-x 8 8 8 8 8 -))))8,,,--//J 0 --M((/// (J///// 0 0rDctjtj|j|j}|t jvrtd|dSt j ||tj vrt |tj s9tt j vr(t j tdSdSdS)Nz%s not in path) rNrerr=rrr:r r rzrrlr)rorss rBunmountz Wheel.unmount6s7??27<< dm#L#LMM 38 # # LL)8 4 4 4 4 4 HOOH % % %5... X&&&& 0CM))M((///// 0 0))rDctj|j|j}|jd|j}d|z}tj|d}tj|d}tj d}t|d5}| |5}||} t| dddn #1swxYwYi} | |5} t| 5} | D]} | d}| | |< dddn #1swxYwYdddn #1swxYwY|D]Q}|j}t|t r|}n|d}|d }d |vrt'd |z||rx| |} | d r0t+|j| d krt'd |z| dr| ddd\}}| |5} | }dddn #1swxYwY|||\}}||krt'd|zS ddddS#1swxYwYdS)Nr'rrrrrrIrrE..invalid entry in wheel: %rr%rLrrMrN)rNrer=rrrdrrrrr rrrrbrcr rrrr@rdrerr)rorsrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?rrrrr(rs rBrz Wheel.verifyBs!7<< dm<<"iii6!H,(nXw??nXx88 "7++ Xs # #* ?r,-- &WS\\!"%%% & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &G%% )b))))V%))F%( )))))))))))))))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )  ? ?.gy118 'II 'w 7 7IOOC((199*,79B,CDDD??9--i(q6=c%/22c!f<<*,02;,<===q6?"%a&,,sA"6"6KD%)))R!wwyy))))))))))))))) $ dD 9 9IAv.046=0>???5 ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?* ?sJ6%C  J6 C J6C J6.D6?D D6D# #D6&D# 'D6* J66D: :J6=D: >D J6 I* J6*I. .J61I. 26J66J:=J:c Zd}d}tj|j|j}|jd|j}d|z}tj|d} t5} t|d5} i} | D]} | j}t|tr|}n| d}|| kr=d|vrtd |z| | | tj| t!|}|| |< d d d n #1swxYwY|| |\}}|| fi|}|r3|| |\}}|r||kr ||||/t#jd d | \}}tj|nVtj|std|ztj||j}t+| }tj| |}||f}||| |||||t3j||d d d n #1swxYwY|S)a Update the contents of a wheel in a generic way. The modifier should be a callable which expects a dictionary argument: its keys are archive-entry paths, and its values are absolute filesystem paths where the contents the corresponding archive entries can be found. The modifier is free to change the contents of the files pointed to, add new entries and remove entries, before returning. This method will extract the entire contents of the wheel to a temporary location, call the modifier, and then use the passed (and possibly updated) dictionary to write a new wheel. If ``dest_dir`` is specified, the new wheel is written there -- otherwise, the original wheel is overwritten. The modifier should return True if it updated the wheel, else False. This method returns the same value the modifier returns. c~dx}}|dt}||vrd|z}||vr||}t|j}||fS)NrEz %s/PKG-INFOre)rrr)path_maprrrer#s rB get_versionz!Wheel.update..get_versionsb! !Gd%XX'?'?@C(""#h.h}"---5D= rDc`d} t||d}|dkrd|z}nfd||dzddD}|dxxdz cc<|d|ddd |D}n+#t$rt d |YnwxYw|rft| }||_| t}| || t d ||dSdS)Nr'rz%s+1c,g|]}t|SrHrFrRs rBrUz8Wheel.update..update_version..sHHHSVVHHHrDrr)r+c34K|]}t|VdSrG)rdrHs rB z7Wheel.update..update_version..s9?/?/#$A?/?/?/?/?/?/rDz0Cannot update non-compliant (PEP-440) version %rr)relegacyzVersion updated from %r to %r) rrrr=rr r rrr+rr )rreupdatedr:r>mdrs rBupdate_versionz$Wheel.update..update_versionsG +!'***LL%%q55$w.GGHHWQUVV_-B-B3-G-GHHHE"IIINIII)0!chh?/?/(-?/?/?/7/7/7/0G* + + + !")+++++ + P4((($ '?@@d6222 #@#@#@KBHRLLLL7==229./D/708999 gll8T]CCG $X^^%5%5 6 6 7<<::)""4-@@@w 666#OGX666[- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7\s8*J ;B3D;/ J ;D? ?J D? 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