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Defaults to False. methods (bool, optional): Enable inspection of callables. Defaults to False. docs (bool, optional): Also render doc strings. Defaults to True. private (bool, optional): Show private attributes (beginning with underscore). Defaults to False. dunder (bool, optional): Show attributes starting with double underscore. Defaults to False. sort (bool, optional): Sort attributes alphabetically. Defaults to True. all (bool, optional): Show all attributes. Defaults to False. value (bool, optional): Pretty print value of object. Defaults to True. NFT) titlehelpmethodsdocsprivatedundersortallvalueobjr'r(r)r*r+r,r-r.r/rc t|_||_|p|||_| rdx}x}}||_||_|p||_|p||_||_ ||_ | |_ dS)NT) r highlighterr0 _make_titler'r(r)r*r+r,r-r/) selfr0r'r(r)r*r+r,r-r.r/s r"__init__zInspect.__init__'s+,,3d..s33  .)- -G -g  LD (&    r$ct|st|st|rt|ntt |}||}|S)zMake a default title.)rcallablerstrtyper2)r4r0 title_str title_texts r"r3zInspect._make_titleBsg  (  19# CHHHT#YY  %%i00 r$cntjt||jddS)Nz scope.borderrr)r' border_stylepadding)rfitr_renderr')r4s r"__rich__zInspect.__rich__Ls6y 4<<>> "*'     r$namecF tt|dz}n#t$rd}Ynt$rYdSwxYwd} t |}n#t tf$rYnwxYwt |d}|r|d|||}|pt|d|}tj |rd}ntj |rd }nd }t j |d d |d d f|df|} | S)zGet a signature for a callable.:z(...)Nzinspect.callablestylez link file:// __qualname__classz async defdef zinspect.r!)r8r ValueError TypeErrorrOSErrorrstylizer2getattrinspectriscoroutinefunctionassemblereplace) r4rCr0 _signaturesource_filename callable_namesignature_textqualnameprefixqual_signatures r"_get_signaturezInspect._get_signatureTs Ys^^,,s2JJ ! ! ! JJJ   44 *. %cllOO#    D T);<<<  D  ! !"B"B"B C C C))*55=73== ?3   FF  ( - -  FFF\\\@fnnS#&>&>@@ A ) *    s"" = ==AA'&A'c #Kdtttfdtttffd}dtdtttfffd |jt }t |}|js d|D}|js d|D}|t |z }fd|D}|j r| | tj d d }| d |j }|j}tr |d} | | VdV|jr;|} | $t'| d} || } | VdV|jrUt+sFts7t-s(t/t1ddddVdV|D]g\} \} }t'j| | drdndfd}| L|}|d|||t;| t|r|js|| |}|||t1|||jrg||}|P|d|vrdnd ||}|d!|||||L||t1||i|j r|VdS|rt'j!d"|d#VdSdS)$zRender object.itemrc~|\}\}}t||dfS)Nr!)r7striplower)r^key_errorr/s r" sort_itemsz#Inspect._render..sort_items~s7#' C&%UOOSYYs^^%9%9%;%;< .safe_getattrsU %gc95566 % % %t}$$$$$$ %s -(--c<g|]}|d|S)__ startswith.0rbs r" z#Inspect._render..s)DDDCs~~d/C/CDCDDDr$c<g|]}|d|S)r!rlrns r"rpz#Inspect._render..s)CCCCs~~c/B/BCCCCCr$c*g|]}||fSrs)rorbris r"rpz#Inspect._render..s(:::c#||C(():::r$)rbr=F)r?expandright)justifyNz inspect.helprFT <) indent_guides max_length max_stringzinspect.value.border)r>rkzinspect.attr.dunderz inspect.attr)z =zinspect.equalsz inspect.error)r2 rKz inspect.docz[b cyan]za[/][i] attribute(s) not shown.[/i] Run [b][magenta]inspect[/]([not b]inspect[/])[/b] for options.)"rr8r boolr0dirlenr,r+r-rgrid add_columnadd_rowr2r7r\r*_get_formatted_docrr/rrrrrSrmcopyrOreprr)append row_count from_markup)r4rdkeys total_itemsnot_shown_countitems items_tablerr2r _docdoc_textrbrhr/key_textwarning_signature_textr*rr0ris @@r"rAzInspect._render{si =U38_ =tSy1A = = = = %C %E#s(O % % % % % %h3xx$ii { EDD4DDDD| DCC4CCCD%D 1::::T::: 9 ' JJ:J & & &j>>> w///%& C== ++B44I$ 9 **3//DN;;;&;x00 : ws|| x}}   s$2"MMM3   HHH#( J J C%}-0^^D-A-AU))~) H "--//000T%[[!9!9::: J|"&"5"5c5"A"A"*GHfU &L&L&LMMMMy8#66u==++2244<<44SQQQ"-+d"3"3CKK 666+223777GHo6666&K"H"H"HIIII          "R?RRR       r$object_ct|}|dSt|}|jst |}t |S)a Extract the docstring of an object, process it and returns it. The processing consists in cleaning up the doctring's indentation, taking only its 1st paragraph if `self.help` is not True, and escape its control codes. Args: object_ (Any): the object to get the docstring from. Returns: Optional[str]: the processed docstring, or None if no docstring was found. N)rrr`r(r#r)r4rr*s r"rzInspect._get_formatted_docsUg <4~~##%%y *#D))D#D)))r$)__name__ __module__rH__doc__r r rr~r5rr3rrBr8r\r rrArrsr$r"r&r&s  &%) !      6st %    %3%S%Xd^%%%%N[.1[[[[z*#*(3-******r$r&r0.cbt|dst|}t|ddS)zNReturns the MRO of an object's class, or of the object itself if it's a class.__mro__rs)hasattrr9rPr0s r"get_object_types_mrors3 3 " "3ii 3 2 & &&r$c4dt|DS)z Returns the MRO of an object's class as full qualified names, or of the object itself if it's a class. Examples: `object_types_mro_as_strings(JSONDecoder)` will return `['json.decoder.JSONDecoder', 'builtins.object']` c Xg|]'}t|dddt|dd(S)rrw.rH)rP)rotype_s r"rpz3get_object_types_mro_as_strings..sN     5, + +RRge^R.P.PRR   r$)rrs r"get_object_types_mro_as_stringsrs+  )#..   r$fully_qualified_types_namesc8t|D] }||vrdS dS)z Returns `True` if the given object's class (or the object itself, if it's a class) has one of the fully qualified names in its MRO. TF)r)r0r type_names r"is_object_one_of_typesrs85S99 3 3 344 4 5r$), __future__rrQrrrrrr typingr r r r rrrconsolerrcontrolrr2rjupyterrpanelrprettyrtablertextrrr8r#r&objectr9rrr~rrsr$r"rs&&&&&&KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ********))))))((((((!!!!!! ## T*T*T*T*T*lT*T*T*n'eFDI$56'5s;K''''  JsO       .8o        r$