8f.ddlmZmZmZddlmZmZmZmZm Z m Z m Z m Z m Z ddlmZmZddlmZmZddlmZddlmZmZddlmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lm Z m!Z!dd l"m#Z#dd l$m%Z%ddl&m'Z'm(Z(ddl)m*Z*m+Z+erddl,m-Z-m.Z.m/Z/m0Z0m1Z1m2Z2eGddZ3eGddZ4Gdde Z5GddeZ6e7dkrAddl8m-Z-ddl9m:Z:ddl;m6Z6ddle>?d#d$d%d&'e>?d(d)*e>?d+d!d,-e>@d.d/d0e>@d1d2d3e>@d4d5d6d7d&8e>@d9d:d;dfd?ZBe-Z,e:ZCeBd@e,De>dABd&e>_EeBdCe,De>dDe>_FeBdEe,De>dABd>e>_FdFe>_EdGdHge>_GeBdIe,De>dABd>e>_FdFe>_EdGdHge>_Gde>_HeBdJe,De>dABd>e>_FdFe>_EdGdHge>_Gd&e>_Ide>_HeBdKe,De>dABd>d>d>d>S#1swxYwYd>Sd>S)L) dataclassfieldreplace) TYPE_CHECKINGDictIterableList NamedTupleOptionalSequenceTupleUnion)boxerrors)loop_first_last loop_last) pick_bool)ratio_distribute ratio_reduce)VerticalAlignMethod) JupyterMixin) Measurement)PaddingPaddingDimensions) is_renderable)Segment)Style StyleType)TextTextType)ConsoleConsoleOptions JustifyMethodOverflowMethodRenderableType RenderResultceZdZUdZdZded< dZded< dZeed< dZ eed< dZ eed< d Z d ed < d Z d ed< dZ ded< dZeeed< dZeeed< dZeeed< dZeeed< dZeed< dZeed< eeZeded<d!dZededfdZedefd ZdS)"Columna Defines a column within a ~Table. Args: title (Union[str, Text], optional): The title of the table rendered at the top. Defaults to None. caption (Union[str, Text], optional): The table caption rendered below. Defaults to None. width (int, optional): The width in characters of the table, or ``None`` to automatically fit. Defaults to None. min_width (Optional[int], optional): The minimum width of the table, or ``None`` for no minimum. Defaults to None. box (box.Box, optional): One of the constants in box.py used to draw the edges (see :ref:`appendix_box`), or ``None`` for no box lines. Defaults to box.HEAVY_HEAD. safe_box (Optional[bool], optional): Disable box characters that don't display on windows legacy terminal with *raster* fonts. Defaults to True. padding (PaddingDimensions, optional): Padding for cells (top, right, bottom, left). Defaults to (0, 1). collapse_padding (bool, optional): Enable collapsing of padding around cells. Defaults to False. pad_edge (bool, optional): Enable padding of edge cells. Defaults to True. expand (bool, optional): Expand the table to fit the available space if ``True``, otherwise the table width will be auto-calculated. Defaults to False. show_header (bool, optional): Show a header row. Defaults to True. show_footer (bool, optional): Show a footer row. Defaults to False. show_edge (bool, optional): Draw a box around the outside of the table. Defaults to True. show_lines (bool, optional): Draw lines between every row. Defaults to False. leading (bool, optional): Number of blank lines between rows (precludes ``show_lines``). Defaults to 0. style (Union[str, Style], optional): Default style for the table. Defaults to "none". row_styles (List[Union, str], optional): Optional list of row styles, if more than one style is given then the styles will alternate. Defaults to None. header_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the header. Defaults to "table.header". footer_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the footer. Defaults to "table.footer". border_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the border. Defaults to None. title_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the title. Defaults to None. caption_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the caption. Defaults to None. title_justify (str, optional): Justify method for title. Defaults to "center". caption_justify (str, optional): Justify method for caption. Defaults to "center". highlight (bool, optional): Highlight cell contents (if str). Defaults to False. r&headerfooter header_style footer_stylestyleleftr$justifytoprverticalellipsisr%overflowNwidth min_width max_widthratioFno_wrapr_index)default_factory_cellsreturnc$t|gS)zReturn a copy of this Column.r=)rselfs v/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.3.5/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/table.pycopyz Column.copyrstB''''c#$K|jEd{VdS)z2Get all cells in the column, not including header.Nr@rAs rCcellsz Column.cellsvs(;rEc|jduS)z!Check if this column is flexible.N)r9rAs rCflexiblezColumn.flexible{sz%%rE)r>r)) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r+__annotations__r,r-rr.r/r1r3r5r6r intr7r8r9r:boolr;rlistr=r rDpropertyrrGrIrErCr)r)&s< "F !!!H!F !!!H L)   - L)   -E9-%G_%%%[&+H#+++M!+H+++E8C=\#Ix}###_#Ix}###_E8C=wGTRFCOOO%*U4%@%@%@FD! "@@@((((x 01X&$&&&X&&&rEr)c>eZdZUdZdZeeed< dZe ed<dS)RowzInformation regarding a row.Nr/F end_section) rJrKrLrMr/r rrNrVrPrSrErCrUrUs@&&!%E8I %%% KLLrErUc6eZdZUdZeed< ded< eed<dS)_CellzA single cell in a table.r/r& renderabler3N)rJrKrLrMrrNrrSrErCrXrXsB## !    !!!!""rErXc7eZdZUdZeeed<eeed<ddddej ddddddddddd dd d dddd d dd de ee fde e de e de ede ede ejde ededededededededededede eed e ed!e ed"e ed#e ed$e ed%d&d'd&d(ed)df6d*Zeddddd+de ee fdedededed)df d,Zed)efd-Zejded)dfd.Zed)efd/Zed)efd0Zd1d2d3ed)efd4Zd1d2d5d6d)efd7Zed)eeeeeffd8Z e jded)dfd9Z d\dddd;d d?d@dAd@d e ed!e ede edBd&dCdDdEdFde ede edGe edHe edIed)dfdJZ!dddKdLe d@de edMed)dfdNZ"d]dOZ# d^dQZ$d1d2d5d6d)eefdRZ%edSeedTeedGed)eefdUZ&d1d2dVedWed)ee'fdXZ(dVed)efdYZ)d1d2d5d6dWed)efdZZ*d1d2d5d6dSeed)dPfd[Z+dS)_Tablea A console renderable to draw a table. Args: *headers (Union[Column, str]): Column headers, either as a string, or :class:`~rich.table.Column` instance. title (Union[str, Text], optional): The title of the table rendered at the top. Defaults to None. caption (Union[str, Text], optional): The table caption rendered below. Defaults to None. width (int, optional): The width in characters of the table, or ``None`` to automatically fit. Defaults to None. min_width (Optional[int], optional): The minimum width of the table, or ``None`` for no minimum. Defaults to None. box (box.Box, optional): One of the constants in box.py used to draw the edges (see :ref:`appendix_box`), or ``None`` for no box lines. Defaults to box.HEAVY_HEAD. safe_box (Optional[bool], optional): Disable box characters that don't display on windows legacy terminal with *raster* fonts. Defaults to True. padding (PaddingDimensions, optional): Padding for cells (top, right, bottom, left). Defaults to (0, 1). collapse_padding (bool, optional): Enable collapsing of padding around cells. Defaults to False. pad_edge (bool, optional): Enable padding of edge cells. Defaults to True. expand (bool, optional): Expand the table to fit the available space if ``True``, otherwise the table width will be auto-calculated. Defaults to False. show_header (bool, optional): Show a header row. Defaults to True. show_footer (bool, optional): Show a footer row. Defaults to False. show_edge (bool, optional): Draw a box around the outside of the table. Defaults to True. show_lines (bool, optional): Draw lines between every row. Defaults to False. leading (bool, optional): Number of blank lines between rows (precludes ``show_lines``). Defaults to 0. style (Union[str, Style], optional): Default style for the table. Defaults to "none". row_styles (List[Union, str], optional): Optional list of row styles, if more than one style is given then the styles will alternate. Defaults to None. header_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the header. Defaults to "table.header". footer_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the footer. Defaults to "table.footer". border_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the border. Defaults to None. title_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the title. Defaults to None. caption_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style of the caption. Defaults to None. title_justify (str, optional): Justify method for title. Defaults to "center". caption_justify (str, optional): Justify method for caption. Defaults to "center". highlight (bool, optional): Highlight cell contents (if str). Defaults to False. columnsrowsN)rrFTrnonez table.headerz table.footercenter)titlecaptionr6r7rsafe_boxpaddingcollapse_paddingpad_edgeexpand show_header show_footer show_edge show_linesleadingr/ row_stylesr-r. border_style title_style caption_style title_justifycaption_justify highlightheadersr`rar6r7rrbrcrdrerfrgrhrirjrkr/rlr-r.rmrnrorpr$rqrrr>cg|_g|_||_||_||_||_||_||_tj ||_ | |_ | |_ | |_ | |_| |_||_||_||_||_|pd|_|pd|_||_||_||_||_||_||_t9|pg|_|jj}|D]R}t?|t@r|!|.tE|j|_#||SdS)Nr*)r+)$r\r]r`rar6r7rrbrunpack_paddingre_expandrgrhrirjrkrdr/r-r.rmrnrorprqrrrQrlappend isinstancestr add_columnlenr;)rBr`rar6r7rrbrcrdrerfrgrhrirjrkr/rlr-r.rmrnrorprqrrrs append_columnr+s rC__init__zTable.__init__s\:&( !    "  w//    &&"$ 0 (.B(.B(&*.;0?"/3J4D"/E/E +  & &F&#&& &v.... #DL 1 1  f%%%%  & &rE)rcrdrerfc  ||d||ddd||dS)aGet a table with no lines, headers, or footer. Args: *headers (Union[Column, str]): Column headers, either as a string, or :class:`~rich.table.Column` instance. padding (PaddingDimensions, optional): Get padding around cells. Defaults to 0. collapse_padding (bool, optional): Enable collapsing of padding around cells. Defaults to True. pad_edge (bool, optional): Enable padding around edges of table. Defaults to False. expand (bool, optional): Expand the table to fit the available space if ``True``, otherwise the table width will be auto-calculated. Defaults to False. Returns: Table: A table instance. NF)rrcrdrgrhrirerfrS)clsrcrdrerfrss rCgridz Table.grids8*s -    rEc"|jp|jduS)z-Setting a non-None self.width implies expand.N)rwr6rAs rCrfz Table.expands|5tz55rEc||_dS)z Set expand.N)rw)rBrfs rCrfz Table.expand s rEcrd}|jr |jr|dz }|jr|t|jdz z }|S)z'Get extra width to add to cell content.rr)rrir|r\)rBr6s rC _extra_widthzTable._extra_width%sM 8   QJE 8 + S&&* *E rEc*t|jS)zGet the current number of rows.)r|r]rAs rC row_countzTable.row_count/s49~~rEconsoler"indexctj}|jr8|||j|t |jzz }|j|j}||||z }|S)zGet the current row style.)rnullrl get_styler|r]r/)rBrrr/ row_styles rC get_row_stylezTable.get_row_style4sx  ? V W&&tus4??S?S7S'TUU UEIe$*  W&&y11 1E rEoptionsr#c  j |j|j dkrtddS|j}t | |z  |j fd|jD}t d|D|z}|jt d|D|zn|j}t||}| |j }|S)NrcPg|]"}|#SrS) update_width).0column_measure_columnrr8rs rC z*Table.__rich_measure__..OsE    OGW%9%9)%D%Df M M   rEc3$K|] }|jV dSN)minimumr measurements rC z)Table.__rich_measure__..T%DD #DDDDDDrEc3$K|] }|jV dSrmaximumrs rCrz)Table.__rich_measure__..WrrE) r8r6rrsum_calculate_column_widthsrrr\clampr7) rBrr extra_width measurements minimum_width maximum_widthrrr8s `` @@rC__rich_measure__zTable.__rich_measure__>sG% : ! I q==q!$$ $'   ) )--i+.EFF    .       ,   DD|DDD D D{ R   " DD|DDD D D{ R R  "-?? !''77 rEc|jS)zGet cell padding.)rvrAs rCrcz Table.padding_s }rEc8tj||_|S)zSet cell padding.)rrurv)rBrcs rCrcz Table.paddingds w//  rEr*r0r2r4) r-r.r/r1r3r5r6r7r8r9r:r+r&r,r1r3rr5r%r8r9r:c tt|j|||pd|pd|pd|||| | | | | }|j|dS)aAdd a column to the table. Args: header (RenderableType, optional): Text or renderable for the header. Defaults to "". footer (RenderableType, optional): Text or renderable for the footer. Defaults to "". header_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style for the header, or None for default. Defaults to None. footer_style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style for the footer, or None for default. Defaults to None. style (Union[str, Style], optional): Style for the column cells, or None for default. Defaults to None. justify (JustifyMethod, optional): Alignment for cells. Defaults to "left". vertical (VerticalAlignMethod, optional): Vertical alignment, one of "top", "middle", or "bottom". Defaults to "top". overflow (OverflowMethod): Overflow method: "crop", "fold", "ellipsis". Defaults to "ellipsis". width (int, optional): Desired width of column in characters, or None to fit to contents. Defaults to None. min_width (Optional[int], optional): Minimum width of column, or ``None`` for no minimum. Defaults to None. max_width (Optional[int], optional): Maximum width of column, or ``None`` for no maximum. Defaults to None. ratio (int, optional): Flexible ratio for the column (requires ``Table.expand`` or ``Table.width``). Defaults to None. no_wrap (bool, optional): Set to ``True`` to disable wrapping of this column. r*)r;r+r,r-r.r/r1r3r5r6r7r8r9r:N)r)r|r\rx)rBr+r,r-r.r/r1r3r5r6r7r8r9r:rs rCr{zTable.add_columnjsyJt|$$%+%++2    F#####rEr/rV renderablesrVcdtddddfd}t|}|j}t|t|kr'g|dgt|t|z z}t |D]\}}|t|krNt|} |jD]} || t d|j| n||} | || d}t|r || |tj d t|j d |jt|| dS) aAdd a row of renderables. Args: *renderables (None or renderable): Each cell in a row must be a renderable object (including str), or ``None`` for a blank cell. style (StyleType, optional): An optional style to apply to the entire row. Defaults to None. end_section (bool, optional): End a section and draw a line. Defaults to False. Raises: errors.NotRenderableError: If you add something that can't be rendered. rrYr&r>Nc:|j|dSr)r=rx)rrYs rCadd_cellzTable.add_row..add_cells M  , , , , ,rE)r;r*zunable to render z1; a string or other renderable object is requiredr)r)rQr\r| enumerater]r rxrrNotRenderableErrortyperJrU) rBr/rVrrcell_renderablesr\rrYr_s rCadd_rowz Table.add_rows$ -V -1A -d - - - ->B+=N=N,  3w<< / / ! 3w<<#.>*?*??@  "++;!r'ct|tr||dn|}||S)NF)r/rrr1)r)ryrz render_strrenderupdate)rr/r1 render_textrrender_optionss rCrender_annotationz1Table.__rich_console__..render_annotationsl dC((""4u"FFF  >>^%:%:7%:%K%K" rEz table.title)r/r1z table.caption)r_)r\rr8r6rrrrrrrr!rr`r pick_firstrnrp_renderrarorq) rBrrr8rwidths table_widthrrs ` @rC__rich_console__zTable.__rich_console__s| $--    F% : ! I' .. W)))k*ABB  &kkK/  (   JR   #, 7F          : (( &t'7GG*        <<@@@@@@@@@ < (( &t'9?KK,           rEcj}j}fd|D}d|D}jj}jrd|D}t |rdt ||D} fd|D} |t| z } t| || } t| } t|D]'\}}|j r| |t| z||<(t|}||kr |d|D|}t|}||kr7||z }t|dgt|z||}t|}fdt ||D}d |D}||krjsj\|j|z krNj|nt#j|z |}t||z |}d t ||D}|S) zNCalculate the widths of each column, including padding, not including borders.c>g|]}|SrS)r)rrrrrBs rCrz2Table._calculate_column_widths.. s8   ?ED '6 : :   rEc g|] }|jpd Srrr_ranges rCrz2Table._calculate_column_widths..sAAA&&.%AAAArEc.g|]}|j |jpdSr)rIr9)rcols rCrz2Table._calculate_column_widths..s%HHH3<Hcin1HHHrEc4g|]\}}|jrdn|jSr)rIr)rrrs rCrz2Table._calculate_column_widths..s9   & .sK    \&Q*;*;FM*J*JJ   rEc0g|]}|jduo|j Sr)r6r:)rrs rCrz2Table._calculate_column_widths..(s)UUU6&,$&=v~+=UUUrErcjg|]/\}}||0SrS)rr)rr6rrrrBs rCrz2Table._calculate_column_widths..2sM!E6$$Wg.B.B5.I.I6RRrEc g|] }|jpd Srrrs rCrz2Table._calculate_column_widths..6sEEEffn)EEErENcg|] \}}||z SrSrS)r_widthpads rCrz2Table._calculate_column_widths..As NNN{vsfslNNNrE)r8r\_get_padding_widthrrfanyziprriterrrInext_collapse_widthsrr|r7min)rBrrr8r\ width_rangesrrratios fixed_widths flex_minimumflexible_width flex_widthsiter_flex_widthsrrr excess_width _max_width pad_widthsrs``` @rCrzTable._calculate_column_widthss% ,      IP   BALAAA 3' ; UHHHHHF6{{ U  *-lG*D*D        ")    "+S->->!>.~v|TT #' #4#4 %.w%7%7UUME6U(4U(;dCS>T>T(Tu &kk  " "**UUWUUUF f++KY&&*Y6 %lQC#f++4EvvVV!&kk %(%9%9LFE EEEF ) # # # N &;$.;:V+W+W>) +5yAA  **{*BFKKJNNc&*6M6MNNNF rErwrapablec t|}||z }t|r|r|dkrtdt||D t fdt||D} |z } fdt||D}t|r|snOt ||gt |z} t ||| |}t|}||z }|r|dk|S)aMReduce widths so that the total is under max_width. Args: widths (List[int]): List of widths. wrapable (List[bool]): List of booleans that indicate if a column may shrink. max_width (int): Maximum width to reduce to. Returns: List[int]: A new list of widths. rc3$K|] \}}||V dSrrS)rr6 allow_wraps rCrz)Table._collapse_widths..Ws?!!/eZJ!!!!!!!rEc36K|]\}}|r|kr|ndVdS)rNrSrr6r max_columns rCrz)Table._collapse_widths..ZsN(()z(FEZ,?,?EEQ((((((rEc.g|]\}}|kr|rdndS)rrrSrs rCrz*Table._collapse_widths.._s@)z!J..:.QQArE)rrmaxrrr|r) rrrr8 total_widthrsecond_max_columncolumn_differencer max_reducers @rCrzTable._collapse_widthsEsm&kk "Y. x== 7 7,"2"2 !!36vx3H3H!!! %(((((-0-B-B(((%%!%/1B$B!-0-B-B6{{*;!,0ABBCc&kkQ %lFJOO!&kk *Y6 ' 7,"2"2( rE column_indexrc #K|j|j|jt}|dk|t |jdz kidt dt dtttttfffd }g}|j }|j }|j r5||j pd||j z} || |j f||jpd} |jD]} || | f|jr5||jpd||jz} || |jf|r_t&} t)|D]F\}}\}}t+|| ||||t-|dd p|jVGd S|D].\}}t+||t-|dd p|jV/d S) z3Get all the cells with padding and optional header.rr first_rowlast_rowr>c||f}|r|S \}}}} r* std||z }|std||z } s rd} rd}|rd}|rd}||||f}|||f<|S)Nr)getr)rrcachedr2rightbottomr0rv_padding_cacherd first_column last_columnrercs rC get_paddingz%Table._get_cells..get_padding{s#''H(=>>F  '. $C 2#0q$,//D2 C&L11F DECFUFD1H4> < # },fl].Jl9%% &!# " & & &?OOGV]FCC  D))'7DOLLJD$ Jt    Jt    !) 0C OOOq) 8C OOOy   ,y ! ! 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