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Once installed, any tracebacks will be printed with syntax highlighting and rich formatting. Args: console (Optional[Console], optional): Console to write exception to. Default uses internal Console instance. width (Optional[int], optional): Width (in characters) of traceback. Defaults to 100. extra_lines (int, optional): Extra lines of code. Defaults to 3. theme (Optional[str], optional): Pygments theme to use in traceback. Defaults to ``None`` which will pick a theme appropriate for the platform. word_wrap (bool, optional): Enable word wrapping of long lines. Defaults to False. show_locals (bool, optional): Enable display of local variables. Defaults to False. locals_max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of containers before abbreviating, or None for no abbreviation. Defaults to 10. locals_max_string (int, optional): Maximum length of string before truncating, or None to disable. Defaults to 80. locals_hide_dunder (bool, optional): Hide locals prefixed with double underscore. Defaults to True. locals_hide_sunder (bool, optional): Hide locals prefixed with single underscore. Defaults to False. indent_guides (bool, optional): Enable indent guides in code and locals. Defaults to True. suppress (Sequence[Union[str, ModuleType]]): Optional sequence of modules or paths to exclude from traceback. Returns: Callable: The previous exception handler that was replaced. NT)stderrtype_value tracebackrAc t|||  t dS)N r5r6r7r8r9r:r;r<r=r>r?r@)print Tracebackfrom_exceptionbool)rDrErFr6r>r<r=r:r;r@r9r?r7traceback_consoler5r8s z/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.3.5/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/traceback.py excepthookzinstall..excepthookasu   $ $'#'"3"3#5#'(:#;#;+!% %       ipc ijdtdtddffd }dddtdtdtddffd_|_fd _dS) NargskwargsrAc||i|dS)zEwrap the default ip.showtraceback to store info for ip._showtracebackNr3)rSrTdefault_showtracebacktb_datas rNipy_show_tracebackzCinstall..ipy_excepthook_closure..ipy_show_traceback~s&G ! !4 26 2 2 2 2 2rPF) is_syntaxrYc }|rdn|d} dd} d|rdnd}t|D] }|n|j}|d|d|i dS)z2Internally called traceback from ip._showtracebackNrunning_compiled_codeF tb_offsetrr) _get_exc_infogetrangetb_next) rYrSrT exc_tupletbcompiledr]_rOrQrWs rNipy_display_tracebackzFinstall..ipy_excepthook_closure..ipy_display_tracebacks ((**I3<*M$$1B{{#:EBBH Kh1EAFFI9%%  :EZ Jy|Yq\2 6 6 6GGGrPc|ddi|S)NrYTr3)rSrTrfs rNz9install..ipy_excepthook_closure..s(5J5J 6 !6 %+6 6 rP) showtracebackr rL_showtracebackshowsyntaxerror)rQrXrVrfrWrOs` @@@rNipy_excepthook_closurez'install..ipy_excepthook_closurezs " 0 3c 3S 3T 3 3 3 3 3 3 3+0    #' ;>          02-    rP) r! is_jupyterr BaseExceptionrrr get_ipythonsysrO Exception)r4r5r6r7r8r9r:r;r<r=r>r?r@rlrQold_excepthookrOrMs ```````````` @@rNinstallrs0s`R18t,,,,W  ( -?-G    M"  M*                     2' 3' 4' ' ' ' ' ' R  ]]r"""~ # s?$B$$$C  C cpeZdZUeed<eed<eed<dZeed<dZee ee j fed<dS)FramefilenamelinenonamelineNlocals) __name__ __module__ __qualname__str__annotations__intrzr{rr rNoder3rPrNrurus[MMM KKK IIID#NNN/3FHT#v{*+ ,33333rPrucBeZdZUeed<eed<eed<eed<eed<dS) _SyntaxErroroffsetrvrzrwmsgN)r|r}r~rrrr3rPrNrrs= KKKMMM III KKK HHHHHrPrczeZdZUeed<eed<dZeeed<dZe ed<e e Z e eed<dS) Stackexc_type exc_valueN syntax_errorFis_cause)default_factoryframes)r|r}r~rrrrrrrLrlistrr rur3rPrNrrsjMMMNNN+/L(<(///Hd%555FDK55555rPrc&eZdZUeeed<dS)TracestacksN)r|r}r~r rrr3rPrNrrs" KrPrceZdZdgZdS)PathHighlighterz(?P.*/)(?P.+)N)r|r}r~ highlightsr3rPrNrrs-.JJJrPrc"xeZdZdZddddddZ d-dd dd d eed d d d dd deedee de dee de de de de de de de de e e efde fdZedd dd d eed d d d dd deededeedee de dee de de de de de de de de e e efde ddf d Zed eed d d!deededeede de de de de defd"Zd#ed$edefd%Zed&edefd'Zed(e d)e de fd*Zed+edefd,Z dS).rJaA Console renderable that renders a traceback. Args: trace (Trace, optional): A `Trace` object produced from `extract`. Defaults to None, which uses the last exception. width (Optional[int], optional): Number of characters used to traceback. Defaults to 100. extra_lines (int, optional): Additional lines of code to render. Defaults to 3. theme (str, optional): Override pygments theme used in traceback. word_wrap (bool, optional): Enable word wrapping of long lines. Defaults to False. show_locals (bool, optional): Enable display of local variables. Defaults to False. indent_guides (bool, optional): Enable indent guides in code and locals. Defaults to True. locals_max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of containers before abbreviating, or None for no abbreviation. Defaults to 10. locals_max_string (int, optional): Maximum length of string before truncating, or None to disable. Defaults to 80. locals_hide_dunder (bool, optional): Hide locals prefixed with double underscore. Defaults to True. locals_hide_sunder (bool, optional): Hide locals prefixed with single underscore. Defaults to False. suppress (Sequence[Union[str, ModuleType]]): Optional sequence of modules or paths to exclude from traceback. max_frames (int): Maximum number of frames to show in a traceback, 0 for no maximum. Defaults to 100. textpythoncythonpyrex)ryz.pyz.pxdz.pyxz.pxiNr1r2FTr3rHtracer5r6r7r8r9r:r;r<r=r>r?r@c |Etj\}}}|||td|||||}||_||_||_tj|pd|_ ||_ ||_ | |_ ||_ ||_| |_| |_g|_| D]}t%|t&s9|j J|dt*j|j}n|}t*jt*j|}|j|| dkrt7d| nd|_dS)Nz9Value for 'trace' required if not called in except: blockr9 ansi_darkz+ must be a module with '__file__' attributer)rpexc_info ValueErrorextractrr5r6r, get_themer7r8r9r>r:r;r<r=r? isinstancer__file__ospathdirnamenormpathabspathappendmaxr@)selfrr5r6r7r8r9r:r;r<r=r>r?r@rrrFsuppress_entityrs rN__init__zTraceback.__init__s" =-0\^^ *Hi9#4 8I OLL)YK!E  &%e&:{;; "&*!2!2"4"4') ' ' 'Oos33 '#,88%TTT988w'?@@&7##BGOOD$9$9::D M  & & & &0:Q#a,,,ArPrrrFrAc l|||||| | | | }|||||||| | | | | || S)aeCreate a traceback from exception info Args: exc_type (Type[BaseException]): Exception type. exc_value (BaseException): Exception value. traceback (TracebackType): Python Traceback object. width (Optional[int], optional): Number of characters used to traceback. Defaults to 100. extra_lines (int, optional): Additional lines of code to render. Defaults to 3. theme (str, optional): Override pygments theme used in traceback. word_wrap (bool, optional): Enable word wrapping of long lines. Defaults to False. show_locals (bool, optional): Enable display of local variables. Defaults to False. indent_guides (bool, optional): Enable indent guides in code and locals. Defaults to True. locals_max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of containers before abbreviating, or None for no abbreviation. Defaults to 10. locals_max_string (int, optional): Maximum length of string before truncating, or None to disable. Defaults to 80. locals_hide_dunder (bool, optional): Hide locals prefixed with double underscore. Defaults to True. locals_hide_sunder (bool, optional): Hide locals prefixed with single underscore. Defaults to False. suppress (Iterable[Union[str, ModuleType]]): Optional sequence of modules or paths to exclude from traceback. max_frames (int): Maximum number of frames to show in a traceback, 0 for no maximum. Defaults to 100. Returns: Traceback: A Traceback instance that may be printed. r9r:r;r<r=) r5r6r7r8r9r>r:r;r<r=r?r@)r)clsrrrFr5r6r7r8r9r:r;r<r=r>r?r@rich_tracebacks rNrKzTraceback.from_exception$swV   #//11%   s ##'//11!    rPrc g} d} ddlm} dtdtfd} t | |j| || } t |tr:t|j pd|j pd |j pd|j pd |j | _| | | jj}d t"t$tt&fdt"t$tt&fffd }t)|D]\}}|jj}|rT|ds?t0j|s t0j| |}|jddrt=|pd ||jj|r/fd||j Dnd}|||jddr | jdd=tC|dd}|r|j"}|}|j#}d} %|j$}|r%tC|dds|j"}|}|j#}d} S tK| }|S)aExtract traceback information. Args: exc_type (Type[BaseException]): Exception type. exc_value (BaseException): Exception value. traceback (TracebackType): Python Traceback object. show_locals (bool, optional): Enable display of local variables. Defaults to False. locals_max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of containers before abbreviating, or None for no abbreviation. Defaults to 10. locals_max_string (int, optional): Maximum length of string before truncating, or None to disable. Defaults to 80. locals_hide_dunder (bool, optional): Hide locals prefixed with double underscore. Defaults to True. locals_hide_sunder (bool, optional): Hide locals prefixed with single underscore. Defaults to False. Returns: Trace: A Trace instance which you can use to construct a `Traceback`. Fr) _IMPORT_CWD_objectrAcD t|S#t$rYdSwxYw)z1Don't allow exceptions from __str__ to propagate.z)rrq)rs rNsafe_strz#Traceback.extract..safe_strs7 27||# 2 2 2111 2s  T)rrr?ry)rrvrwrzr iter_localsc3Ks s |Ed{VdS|D];\}}r|drr|dr5||fV.get_localss+.@********F"-%%JC)!cnnT.B.B! )!cnnS.A.A! u*$$$$ %%rP<_rich_traceback_omitcFi|]\}}|tj|S)) max_length max_string)rtraverse).0rrEr:r;s rN z%Traceback.extract..sK 'C V_!'8'8rPN)rvrwrxr{_rich_traceback_guard __cause____suppress_context__)r)&pip._vendor.richrr rrr|r SyntaxErrorrrrvrwrrrrrr robjectrf_code co_filenamerrrisabsjoinf_localsr_ruco_nameitemsgetattr __class__ __traceback__ __context__r)rrrrFr9r:r;r<r=rrrrstackrr frame_summaryline_norvframecausers ```` rNrzTraceback.extractjs$<!000000 2c 2c 2 2 2 2N !("344"(9--!E )[11 %1$+0q&/63$+0q"-2! &&&" MM% \(F %%eCK&89 %%V ,- % % % % % % %+2)*<*< ( (& w(/;GH$7$7$<$<G7==22G#%7<< X#F#F )--.DeLL%_"&-5#  +5*]5K5Q5Q5S5S*T*T u  )--.EuMM( QQQI{D99E  ?! 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