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It takes the client options as keyword arguments and optionally the DSN as first argument. cPt|i||_|dSN) get_optionsr: _init_impl)selfr7r8s r=__init__z_Client.__init__Us,"D3F33  r?cd|jiSNr:r:rFs r= __getstate__z_Client.__getstate__Zs4<((r?cH|d|_|dSrI)r:rE)rFstates r= __setstate__z_Client.__setstate__^s$Y'  r?c6td}fd} tjdt j_t |_d}jd|vr"td |tjdjd jd  _ t|dS#t|wxYw) NFcj}|r|sdSt|} t}t|dD]}|||jsdS||U)NTd) transportiterrr add_sessionitemscapture_envelope)sessionsrS sessions_iterenvelopesessionrFs r=_send_sessionsz*_Client._init_impl.._send_sessionsgsI H  NNM 5#::%mS9922G((1111~E**8444  5r?debug) flush_func)alwaysneversmallmediumrequest_bodiesz3Invalid value for request_bodies. Must be one of {} integrationsdefault_integrationsauto_enabling_integrations) with_defaultswith_auto_enabling_integrations) _client_init_debugr1setr:rrSrsession_flusher ValueErrorformatrrd)rF old_debugr\rcs` r=rEz_Client._init_implcs%&**511  5 5 5 5 5 .  " "4<#8 9 9 9+DL99DN#1^#L#L#LD CN|,-^CC IPP& !3 ^,"l+AB04 01!!!D   " "9 - - - - -  " "9 - - - -s B>C<<Dc|jdS)z%Returns the configured DSN as string.r'rJrKs r=r'z _Client.dsns|E""r?c|dtj|d<||||}|dS|}|jdrVd|vrRd|vrNd|vrJt 5dt |jddd d gi|d<dddn #1swxYwYd D]S}||<|j|/t|j|||<T|d Btt}t|j |d <||d <|dd|d<t||jd|jd}|/t||jdd}|jd}|h|ddkrOd}t 5|||pi}dddn #1swxYwY|t!jd||}|S)N timestampattach_stacktrace exception stacktracethreadsvalues with_localsFT)rtcrashedcurrent)r)r*r+distsdkrdplatformpythonin_app_excludein_app_include _experimentssmart_transaction_trimming)r before_sendtype transactionzbefore send dropped event (%s))r1rutcnowapply_to_eventr:rr rstripr0rsortedrdkeysrrrinfo) rFeventhintscopeevent_r;sdk_infor new_events r=_prepare_eventz_Client._prepare_events 99[ ! ! )!)!2!2E+   ))%66F~tE L, - 5((E))&&,..  *< $ ] ;++(-'+  $i                C B BCyy~~%$,s*;*G&t|C'899??AAc 99U   #H~~H'-d.?.D.D.F.F'G'GH^ $#E%L 99Z ( (E*  4< 014<@P3Q    +/<+G+K+K0,,El=1  "uyy'8'8M'I'II,.. ; ;'Ktzr::  ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;  hqk622 44 ur?Nc|ddkrdS| |jsdS|jddkr$tj|jdkrdS|||rdSdS)NrrTF sample_rateg?)r1_should_capturer:randomr)rFrrrs r=rz_Client._should_captures 99V   - -4  U%: 5 L '# - - 4< #>>>5  ! !% . . 5tr?cd}d}d}|dpid}|r9d}|D]4}|d}|r|ddurd}n5|d} |j]|dpid } t| piD]!\} } | d kr| }n"||rd nd| ||j|p|z dS) NFrsrvT mechanismhandleduserrequestheadersz user-agentrx)statusr user_agenterrors)r1rrlowerupdater) rFr[rrxerroredr exceptionserrorrrrkvs r=_update_session_from_eventz"_Client._update_session_from_eventsT ii ,,277AA  G#  !IIk22 y!9!9U!B!B"GEyy     %yy++1r66yAAG#GMr22  A7799 ,,!"JE-  '199T!>W%78      r?cvtjdrdS|jdS|i}|d}t|pd}|t jjx|d<}||||sdS||||}|dS|r|j nd}|r| |||d}|ddk}|s|rt|dttjd } |r| |n| ||pdD])} | | *|j| n|j||S) aCaptures an event. :param event: A ready-made event that can be directly sent to Sentry. :param hint: Contains metadata about the event that can be read from `before_send`, such as the original exception object or a HTTP request object. :returns: An event ID. May be `None` if there is no DSN set or of if the SDK decided to discard the event for other reasons. In such situations setting `debug=True` on `init()` may help. FNevent_id attachmentsrr)rsent_at)r)r r1rSr0uuiduuid4hexrr_sessionrrr rradd_transaction add_eventadd_itemto_envelope_itemrW capture_event) rFrrrr event_optr[ris_transactionrZ attachments r=rz_Client.capture_event,s ! $U + + 4 > !4 <D99Z((DJB  +/:<<+; ;E* ##E477 4''tU;;  4%*3%..t  <  + +GU ; ; ;hh}-- "v..-?  4[ 4 )* 5/0A0ABBH .((3333""9---)/R A A !!*"="="?"?@@@@ N + +H 5 5 5 5 N ( ( 3 3 3r?ct|jstjddS|j|dS)Nz3Discarded session update because of missing release)r)rrrkrU)rFr[s r=capture_sessionz_Client.capture_sessionnsB 6 KM N N N N N  , ,W 5 5 5 5 5r?c|jR||||j|jd|_dSdS)z Close the client and shut down the transport. Arguments have the same semantics as :py:meth:`Client.flush`. Ntimeoutcallback)rSflushrkkillrFrrs r=closez _Client.closews^ > % JJwJ : : :  % % ' ' ' N   ! ! !!DNNN & %r?c|jF| |jd}|j|j||dSdS)a# Wait for the current events to be sent. :param timeout: Wait for at most `timeout` seconds. If no `timeout` is provided, the `shutdown_timeout` option value is used. :param callback: Is invoked with the number of pending events and the configured timeout. Nshutdown_timeoutr)rSr:rkrrs r=rz _Client.flushs\ > %,'9:  & & ( ( ( N 8 D D D D D & %r?c|SrCrrKs r= __enter__z_Client.__enter__s r?c.|dSrC)r)rFexc_type exc_valuetbs r=__exit__z_Client.__exit__s r?rC)NN)__name__r __qualname____doc__rGrLrOrEpropertyr'rrrrrrrrrrrr?r=rArANsK  ))) '.'.'.R##X# FFFP2 2" " " N @@@@D666""""$EEEE&r?rAceZdZdS)rDNrrrrr?r=rDrD r?rDceZdZdS)ClientNrrr?r=rrrr?rctSrC)r>rr?r=rs<r?ctSrC)rArr?r=rrsgr?)8r3rrr itertoolsrr6sentry_sdk._compatrrrsentry_sdk.utilsrr r r r r rrrsentry_sdk.serializerrsentry_sdk.transportrsentry_sdk.constsrrrsentry_sdk.integrationsrrsentry_sdk.sessionsrsentry_sdk.envelopersentry_sdk._typesrtypingrrrrrsentry_sdk.scoper r!r"r#rir>objectrAr/rDrrr?r=rs  AAAAAAAAAA                      ,+++++//////JJJJJJJJJJ666666''''''......(((((("""""" ,&&&&&&--------++++++ Z 344BRRRRRfRRRj #"""""!     'c3h        "G     (''**Koo FFFr?