ef@NdZddlmZmZddlmZddlmZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl mZddlmZdd lmZdd lmZmZd Zd Zd ZdZGddeZedZdZdZ dZ!dddZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%gdZ&ddZ'dS) z6setuptools.command.bdist_egg Build .egg distributions) remove_treemkpath)log)CodeTypeN)Library)Command)ensure_directory)get_pathget_python_versionc tdS)Npurelib)r |/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.3.5/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_egg.py _get_purelibrs I  rcd|vr%tj|d}|dr |dd}|S)N.rmodulei)ospathsplitextendswith)filenames r strip_modulersM h7##H--a0""!CRC= Orc#Ktj|D]5\}}}|||||fV6dS)zbDo os.walk in a reproducible way, independent of indeterministic filesystem readdir order N)rwalksort)dirbasedirsfiless r sorted_walkr#!s` WS\\  dE  D%  rctjd}t|d5}|||zddddS#1swxYwYdS)Na def __bootstrap__(): global __bootstrap__, __loader__, __file__ import sys, pkg_resources, importlib.util __file__ = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, %r) __loader__ = None; del __bootstrap__, __loader__ spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(__name__,__file__) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) __bootstrap__() w)textwrapdedentlstripopenwrite)resourcepyfile_stub_templatefs r write_stubr/+s_    fhh fc  +a )***++++++++++++++++++sAA!$A!cdeZdZdZgdZgdZdZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdS) bdist_eggzcreate an "egg" distribution))z bdist-dir=bz1temporary directory for creating the distribution)z plat-name=pzdplatform name to embed in generated filenames (by default uses `pkg_resources.get_build_platform()`))exclude-source-filesNz+remove all .py files from the generated egg) keep-tempkzPkeep the pseudo-installation tree around after creating the distribution archive)z dist-dir=dz-directory to put final built distributions in) skip-buildNz2skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging))r5r8r4chd|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_dS)Nr) bdist_dir plat_name keep_tempdist_dir skip_build egg_outputexclude_source_filesselfs rinitialize_optionszbdist_egg.initialize_optionsUs: $(!!!rc4|dx}|_|j|_|j?|dj}t j|d|_|jddl m }||_| dd|j p| t|jo|j}t j|j|dz|_ dSdS) Negg_infobdisteggr)get_build_platform)r=r=) py_versionplatformz.egg)get_finalized_commandei_cmdrEr: bdist_baserrjoinr; pkg_resourcesrHset_undefined_optionsr?_get_egg_basenamer distributionhas_ext_modulesr=)rBrLrMrHbasenames rfinalize_optionszbdist_egg.finalize_options^s #99*EEE > !33G<<GJW\\*e< ! 8 8 8 8 8 8//11DN ""7,DEEE ? 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Use the install_requires/extras_require setup() args instead.)verboserqmoderq dist_filesr1)3rurrgr:rKr[rRhas_c_librariesr>rhget_ext_outputsstubs enumeraterrrrNrrfrqr/rTreplacere byte_compiler_rmrrcopy_metadata_tor r)r*closeisfileunlinkwrite_safety_flagzip_safeexistsrEwarnr@ zap_pyfiles make_zipfiler?r gen_headerr<rgetattrr )rBinstcmdold_rootry all_outputs ext_outputs to_compiler3ext_namerextr, archive_rootrE script_dir native_libs libs_files rrunz bdist_egg.runsv $$$ 0$.AAA,,Y77<   , , . . +t +   \ * * * :: #'#7#7#9#9 [  $[11 ; ;KAxG,,X66MHcW\\$.,x2H2H52PQQF J  f % % % H2H = = =< ?27++H55v>>>   f % % %%--bfc::KNN  )   Z ( ( (   ' #  " " "~ 7<< j99 H   $ Rh ::J H/ < < <   /Zq  Q Q Q h'''gll8->??  ' H\; / / /< " --- d33  + 6 6777%%%!!! 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KKKK x ( ( $U++   rctjdstjdkrdStjdtjddS)NjavacliTz1Unable to analyze compiled code on this platform.zfPlease ask the author to include a 'zip_safe' setting (either True or False) in the package's setup.py)rrJrdrrrrrrrs` < " "6 * *s|u/D/DtH @AAAH Dr)r\rrY install_baseTr%cddl}ttj|t jd|fd}|r|jn|j}sP| |||} tD]\} } } || | | | n#tD]\} } } |d| | |S)aqCreate a zip file from all the files under 'base_dir'. The output zip file will be named 'base_dir' + ".zip". Uses either the "zipfile" Python module (if available) or the InfoZIP "zip" utility (if installed and found on the default search path). If neither tool is available, raises DistutilsExecError. Returns the name of the output zip file. rNrz#creating '%s' and adding '%s' to itcX|D]}tjtj||}tj|rG|t dzd}s|||tjd|dS)NrXz adding '%s') rrrrNrrbr*rr)zrxnamesrrr3base_dirrqs rvisitzmake_zipfile..visits , ,D7##BGLL$$?$?@@Dw~~d## ,X*,,-%GGD!$$$ -+++  , ,r) compression) zipfilerrrrxrrg ZIP_DEFLATED ZIP_STOREDZipFiler#r) zip_filenamerrrqcompressrrrrrrxr!r"s ` ` rrrsNNN 27??< ( ('::::H 2L(KKK,,,,,,+3J'&&8JK ( OOL$KO H H$/$9$9 % % GT5 E!We $ $ $ $  $/$9$9 ( ( GT5 E$ ' ' ' ' r)rrTr%)(__doc__distutils.dir_utilrr distutilsrtypesrrrrr&rsetuptools.extensionr setuptoolsr_pathr sysconfigr r rrr#r/r1rrsplitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr&s32222222 (((((($$$$$$22222222   +++$x(x(x(x(x(x(x(x(vMM"8">">"@"@AA$      '''T   YXXr