mfddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZmZdZ e gdZ dZ dd l Ze d z Z n #e$rYnwxYweZ dd Zd Zd Zd S))absolute_import) b64encode)UnrewindableBodyError)b integer_typesz@@@SKIP_HEADER@@@)accept-encodinghost user-agentz gzip,deflateNz,brci}|rMt|trn2t|trd|}nt}||d<|r||d<|rd|d<|r5dt t |dz|d<|r5dt t |dz|d <|rd |d <|S) a  Shortcuts for generating request headers. :param keep_alive: If ``True``, adds 'connection: keep-alive' header. :param accept_encoding: Can be a boolean, list, or string. ``True`` translates to 'gzip,deflate'. List will get joined by comma. String will be used as provided. :param user_agent: String representing the user-agent you want, such as "python-urllib3/0.6" :param basic_auth: Colon-separated username:password string for 'authorization: basic ...' auth header. :param proxy_basic_auth: Colon-separated username:password string for 'proxy-authorization: basic ...' auth header. :param disable_cache: If ``True``, adds 'cache-control: no-cache' header. Example:: >>> make_headers(keep_alive=True, user_agent="Batman/1.0") {'connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Batman/1.0'} >>> make_headers(accept_encoding=True) {'accept-encoding': 'gzip,deflate'} ,r r z keep-alive connectionzBasic zutf-8 authorizationzproxy-authorizationzno-cachez cache-control) isinstancestrlistjoinACCEPT_ENCODINGrrdecode) keep_aliveaccept_encoding user_agent basic_authproxy_basic_auth disable_cacheheaderss K/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/urllib3/util/ make_headersrsTG5 os + + .   . . .!hh77OO-O%4!"+ * - , W#+i* .F.F.M.Mg.V.V#V )1I   5 5 &//*%&.#- Nc|t||nEt|dd4 |}n#ttf$r t }YnwxYw|S)z If a position is provided, move file to that point. Otherwise, we'll attempt to record a position for future use. Ntell) rewind_bodygetattrr!IOErrorOSError _FAILEDTELL)bodyposs rset_file_positionr)bst  D# vt $ $ 0 ))++CC!   CCC  Js;AAc$t|dd}|Gt|tr2 ||dS#ttf$rt dwxYw|t urt dtdt|z)z Attempt to rewind body to a certain position. Primarily used for request redirects and retries. :param body: File-like object that supports seek. :param int pos: Position to seek to in file. seekNzAAn error occurred when rewinding request body for redirect/retry.zRUnable to record file position for rewinding request body during a redirect/retry.z4body_pos must be of type integer, instead it was %s.) r#rrr$r%rr& ValueErrortype)r'body_pos body_seeks rr"r"tsfd++IHm!D!D  Ih     !   'S   [ # 4    BT(^^ S   s 7!A)NNNNNN) __future__rbase64r exceptionsr packages.sixrr SKIP_HEADER frozensetSKIPPABLE_HEADERSrbrotli_unused_module_brotli ImportErrorobjectr&rr)r"rrr<s&&&&&&......++++++++ " IGGGHH ****uOO   D fhh  EEEEP$     s 7??