WMDRAC:\Users\tyang\Desktop\Product Setting\SmartAMP\ASUS\ASUS_Zenbook\2024Projects\UX8406\Tuning Release\12082023\UX8406_HX-R_tuning_RDL300Only_ID.bin4U @h0'   J&*L|o+&$" @ &@Z&?j%}ڂz%}%}ڂz%} %}%}%} %}%}%}  D 1' 'h( )3(*),*+3+(i,,-  -@>  @   D 1. h/. 03/0,11223/33i4 4@>@  @@  5Z@5j ? m  C |  w  T+ / #61 1  7C33' <rrr 2U i ,q, , 2 dyŃ, , ,   > !m >  hx  > _~|i> _~| i 82 U ,qi , , 2 Ńd ,y, , > !m  > hx > _|~i > _~|i 9 3 981 :< 6 ;=<&SHq# \ BH79B"| \ y5),K* Rc i[k!p.0q I&0q  &ql4 ]bm/%R8rK K3hX6)>QL  'IdSdtvd/9e ; B >e < B ?e = B [>:3 C32 ~eYY2 ~eYY @3A@ f bf2 ~eYY2 ~eYY. A 6m.(0?\[J$V@ &" P <\e { 1 0 1 0 /0L|L|30>73?7,B(,-jC` _z'Kb_h6"uCDw6@&BEFw G eG D@?B   F\@(? ' B B   t{~}x~  t{~}x~ t{+}++  t{+}++ ؇tqqt ؇txq·@2x ؇txq·@2x ؇t4q44 ؇t4q44  0 1  pO&[%DBMJ[[  ,b$I/#Z֨ ,0H֨L> {-j?  HF  4(   XY{'  B IZ I?j@ D$2|*5Q~ N ~ځ5Z~ '"g   <e\ {  0 !@\ z'- ! {Nd  t  ` @)  , (X 1 " 1 # '  ' 1 $2 tbD2t @tsD2t tbD2t @tsD2t b2 @s2 b2 @s    46 (   E' LELLE '  @  1 %'  9 ?X ` OZ~ Uc{ "amplifier_gain": 17.5, "amplifier_model": "CS35L51", "client_name": "LabSuite", "client_tuning_name": "UX8406_HX-R_tuning_RDL300Only_ID", "client_version": "6.83.0", "feature_blocks": "Convert Q Format to Sample Left, Convert Q Format to Sample Right, Convert Q Format to Sample Voltage, Convert Q Format to Sample Current, Mix, Protect Lite, Convert Sample to Q Format Left, Convert Sample to Q Format Right, Convert Sample to Q Format Left Cal, Convert Sample to Q Format Right Cal, Equalizer, Dynamic Range Compressor, Rattle Distortion Limiter 1", "internal_buffer_size": 32, "mix_type": "mix", "platform": "halo", "platform_id": 1236, "project_id": "0x126830", "sample_rate": 48000, "signal_chain": "CS35L51 Mono Superset", "signal_chain_version": "14.0", "snapshot_id": "0x0A0C08", "tuning_id": "0x270000", "deploy_group": "full", "checksum": "1823757443" }