template); } // Have we already imported ? $imported = get_option('pagelayer_theme_'.get_template().'_imported'); if(!empty($imported)){ $GLOBALS['pl_warn'] = __('You have already imported the content of this theme. You can re-import the same by either choosing to over-write existing pages / pagelayer templates OR creating duplicate content !', 'pagelayer'); } // Call the theme pagelayer_import_T(); } function pagelayer_import_T(){ global $pagelayer, $pagelayer_theme, $pagelayer_theme_url, $pagelayer_theme_path, $pagelayer_pages, $pl_error; pagelayer_page_header('Pagelayer - Import Template'); // Any errors ? if(!empty($pl_error)){ pagelayer_report_error($pl_error);echo '
'; } // Saved ? if(!empty($GLOBALS['pl_saved'])){ echo '

'. __('The theme content was successfully imported', 'pagelayer'). '

'; // Warn ? }elseif(!empty($GLOBALS['pl_warn'])){ echo '


'; } // Is it a pagelayer theme ? if(!file_exists($pagelayer_theme_path.'/pagelayer.conf')){ echo 'This utility is for importing content of the current active theme if its a Pagelayer Theme. Your current theme is not a Pagelayer exported theme ! If you want to export your content and make it into a distributable theme, please refer to the guide here.'; die(); } // Home screenshot $screenshot = $pagelayer_theme_url.'/screenshots/home.jpg'; if(!file_exists($pagelayer_theme_path.'/screenshots/home.jpg')){ $screenshot = PAGELAYER_URL.'/images/no_screenshot.png'; } echo '
Import Theme Contents ×
'; wp_nonce_field('pagelayer-import'); echo '
Do not create Header Menu
Delete Previously Imported Content
Overwrite existing Pages with same name
Set the Home Page as per the content


'; $pages = (array) @$pagelayer_pages['page']; foreach( $pages as $k => $v){ $screenshot = $pagelayer_theme_url.'/screenshots/'.$k.'.jpg'; if(!file_exists($pagelayer_theme_path.'/screenshots/'.$k.'.jpg')){ $screenshot = PAGELAYER_URL.'/images/no_screenshot.png'; } echo '
'; } echo '
'; add_filter('pagelayer_right_bar_promos', '__return_false'); pagelayer_page_footer(1); } // Imports the required conf function pagelayer_import_conf(&$conf){ foreach($conf as $k => $v){ if(in_array($k, ['page_for_posts'])){ continue; } update_option($k, $v); } } // The actual function to import the theme function pagelayer_import_single($template_name, $items, $pagelayer_theme_path = ''){ global $wpdb, $wp_rewrite; global $pagelayer, $pl_error; if(empty($pagelayer_theme_path)){ $pagelayer_theme_path = get_stylesheet_directory(); } if(empty($items)){ $pl_error[] = 'Items were not submitted'; return false; } ///////////////////////// // Handle the PAGES Data ///////////////////////// // Load the new themes pages array $data = file_get_contents($pagelayer_theme_path.'/pagelayer-data.conf'); $data = @json_decode($data, true); //r_print($data);die(); if(empty($data['page'])){ $pl_error[] = 'Pages list not found. This is not a proper template !'; return false; } // Check the theme files foreach($data['page'] as $k => $v){ $path = pagelayer_cleanpath($pagelayer_theme_path.'/data/page/'.$k); // Does it have the title and slug ? if(empty($v['post_title']) || empty($v['post_name'])){ $pl_error[] = 'Something is fishy with this theme as there is no title or slug for '.$k; return false; } // Does the page exist ? if(!file_exists($path) || pagelayer_cleanpath(realpath($path)) != $path){ $pl_error[] = 'Something is fishy with this theme'; return false; } } $status = empty($_POST['save_as_draft']) ? 'publish' : 'draft'; // Now check the pages if it exist in this installation ? foreach($data['page'] as $k => $v){ if(!in_array($k, $items['page'])){ continue; } $path = pagelayer_cleanpath($pagelayer_theme_path.'/data/page/'.$k); // Is the page there ? $page = get_page_by_path($v['post_name'], OBJECT, array('page')); //r_print($page); $new_post = array(); // It does exist so save the revision IF its the header and footer if(!empty($page) && isset($_POST['overwrite'])){ $rev = wp_save_post_revision($page->ID); $new_post['ID'] = $page->ID; } // Make an array $new_post['post_content'] = file_get_contents($path); $new_post['post_title'] = $v['post_title']; $new_post['post_name'] = $v['post_name']; $new_post['post_type'] = 'page'; $new_post['post_status'] = $status; //r_print($new_post);die(); // Now insert / update the post $ret = pagelayer_insert_content($new_post, $err); // Did we save the post ? if(empty($ret)){ $pl_error[] = 'Could not update the page '.$v['post_name']; return false; } update_post_meta($ret, 'pagelayer_imported_content', $template_name); } //To import typography and breakpoint if(!empty($data['conf'])){ pagelayer_import_conf($data['conf']); } return true; } // The actual function to import the theme function pagelayer_import_theme($template_name, $pagelayer_theme_path = '', $to_import = array()){ global $wpdb, $wp_rewrite; global $pagelayer, $pl_error, $sitepad; if(empty($pagelayer_theme_path)){ $pagelayer_theme_path = get_stylesheet_directory(); } //die($pagelayer_theme_path); // Delete Old Data ? if(isset($_POST['delete_old_import'])){ $args = array( 'post_type' => ['page', 'post', $pagelayer->builder['name']], 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key' => 'pagelayer_imported_content', 'compare' => 'EXISTS' ) ) ); $query = new WP_Query($args); foreach ( $query->posts as $p ) { //echo $p->ID.'
'; wp_delete_post($p->ID); } } $pagelayer->import_links = []; ///////////////////////// // Handle PAGELAYER DATA ///////////////////////// // Load the PGL conf $pgl = file_get_contents($pagelayer_theme_path.'/pagelayer.conf'); $pgl = @json_decode($pgl, true); if(empty($pgl['header'])){ $pl_error[] = 'Header list not found. Report to Website Builder Team'; return false; } // Load the new themes pages array $data = file_get_contents($pagelayer_theme_path.'/pagelayer-data.conf'); $data = @json_decode($data, true); //r_print($data);die(); if(empty($data['page'])){ $pl_error[] = 'Pages list not found. This is not a proper template !'; return false; } // Check the theme files foreach($pgl as $k => $v){ $path = pagelayer_cleanpath($pagelayer_theme_path.'/'.$k.'.pgl'); //print_r($path); // Does the page exist ? if(!file_exists($path) || (empty($GLOBALS['sitepad']['dev']) && pagelayer_cleanpath(realpath($path)) != $path)){ $pl_error[] = 'Something is fishy with this theme as the template - '.$k.' - of type - '.$v['type'].' - was not found'; return false; } } // Are we to add default templates ? if(empty($_POST['no_blog_templates'])){ add_filter('pagelayer_importing_templates', 'pagelayer_blog_templates', 10, 1); } /////////////////////////// // Lets import all MEDIA /////////////////////////// // Now lets download the templates if(!function_exists( 'list_files' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . PAGELAYER_CMS_DIR_PREFIX.'-admin/includes/file.php'; } $_media = list_files($pagelayer_theme_path.'/images', 1); $imgs_json = array(); //pagelayer_print($_media);die(); if(file_exists($pagelayer_theme_path.'/images.json')){ $imgs_json = @json_decode(file_get_contents($pagelayer_theme_path.'/images.json'), true); } // Download images if(!empty($_REQUEST['download_imgs'])){ /* foreach($imgs_json as $k => $v){ if(empty($v['download_url'])){ continue; } $dest_dir = $pagelayer_theme_path.'/images'; $dest_file = $dest_dir.'/'.$k; $image_file = $v['download_url']; // Compare image md5 if($v['md5'] != md5_file($image_file)){ continue; } if(file_exists($dest_file)){ $imagesize = getimagesize($dest_file); // Download and resize image $resize_file = pagelayer_resizeImage($v['download_url'], $imagesize[0], $imagesize[1]); if(!empty($resize_file)){ $image_file = $resize_file; } } // Put image in file file_put_contents($dest_file, $image_file); } */ // Update option to set no update_option('pagelayer_import_images_'.$template_name, 'yes'); }elseif(empty($_REQUEST['download_imgs'])){ // && !file_exists($pagelayer_theme_path.'/images.json') foreach($_media as $k => $v){ $imagesize = getimagesize($v); $mime = !empty($imagesize['mime']) ? $imagesize['mime'] : ''; // Create blank image if(strpos($mime, "image/" ) !== false) { $blank_image = pagelayer_create_blank_image($imagesize[0], $imagesize[1]); file_put_contents($v, $blank_image); } } // Update option to set no update_option('pagelayer_import_images_'.$template_name, 'no'); } foreach($_media as $k => $v){ $file_name = basename($v); // We are going to create a loop to find the image for($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++){ // Upload the image $ret = pagelayer_upload_media($file_name, file_get_contents($v)); // Lets check the file exists ? if(!empty($ret)){ // Lets check if the file exists $tmp_image_path = pagelayer_cleanpath(get_attached_file($ret)); // If the file does not exist, simply delete the old upload as well if(!file_exists($tmp_image_path)){ wp_delete_attachment($ret, true); $ret = false; // The image does exist and we can continue }else{ break; } } } if(!empty($ret)){ $pagelayer->import_media['{{theme_url}}/images/'.$file_name] = $ret; if(isset($imgs_json[$file_name])){ $fields = array('sitepad_img_source', 'sitepad_download_url', 'sitepad_img_lic'); foreach($fields as $field){ $_field = str_replace('sitepad_', '', $field); if(!empty($imgs_json[$file_name][$_field])){ update_post_meta($ret, $field, $imgs_json[$file_name][$_field]); } } } } } //r_print($pagelayer->import_media);die(); // If we are to import default templates $pgl = apply_filters('pagelayer_importing_templates', $pgl); ////////////////////// // Create Menus ////////////////////// // Create the menu if(empty($_POST['no_header_menu'])){ // Is there any MENU in this theme ? if(empty($data['menus'])){ $menu_id = pagelayer_import_create_menu($template_name.' Header Menu'); }else{ foreach($data['menus'] as $k => $v){ $new_id = pagelayer_import_create_menu($v['name']); $pagelayer->imported_menus[$v['term_id']] = $new_id; $pagelayer->imported_menus_slug[$new_id] = $k; } //r_print($pagelayer->imported_menus);die(); $menu_id = current($pagelayer->imported_menus); } }else{ // Get the first menu that has items if we still can't find a menu. $menus = wp_get_nav_menus(); foreach ( $menus as $menu_maybe ) { $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu_maybe->term_id, array( 'update_post_term_cache' => false ) ); if ( $menu_items ) { $menu_id = $menu_maybe->term_id; break; } } } // Make a array of OLD IDs => NEW IDs for replace $pagelayer->imported_menus_preg = []; // If we have menus ! if(!empty($pagelayer->imported_menus)){ foreach($pagelayer->imported_menus as $k => $v){ $pagelayer->imported_menus_preg['('.$k.')'] = $v; } // Theme didnt import menus, so lets replace with 0 }else{ $pagelayer->imported_menus_preg['(\d*)'] = $menu_id; } ////////////////////// // Start import ////////////////////// // Import the Pagelayer Templates files foreach($pgl as $k => $v){ $path = pagelayer_cleanpath($pagelayer_theme_path.'/'.$k.'.pgl'); $new_post = array(); // Is the page there ? $template = get_page_by_path($k, OBJECT, array($pagelayer->builder['name'])); // It does exist so save the revision IF its the header and footer if(!empty($template)){ $rev = wp_save_post_revision($template->ID); // Did we save the rev ? if(empty($rev)){ // TODO : Throw error } $new_post['ID'] = $template->ID; } // Make an array $new_post['post_content'] = empty($v['post_content']) ? file_get_contents($path) : $v['post_content']; $new_post['post_title'] = $v['title']; $new_post['post_name'] = $k; $new_post['post_type'] = $pagelayer->builder['name']; $new_post['post_status'] = 'publish'; $new_post['comment_status'] = 'closed'; $new_post['ping_status'] = 'closed'; //pagelayer_print($new_post);die(); // Handle Menu data $new_post['post_content'] = pagelayer_import_handle_replaces($new_post['post_content']); //pagelayer_print($new_post);die(); // Now insert / update the post $ret = pagelayer_insert_content($new_post, $err); $post_id = $ret; $pagelayer->import_map[$k] = $ret; $pagelayer->imported_ids[$new_post['post_type']][$new_post['post_name']] = $ret; // Did we save the rev ? if(empty($ret)){ $pl_error[] = 'Could not update the Pagelayer Template '.$k; return false; } // Save our template type update_post_meta($post_id, 'pagelayer_template_type', $v['type']); update_post_meta($post_id, 'pagelayer_template_conditions', $v['conditions']); update_post_meta($post_id, 'pagelayer_imported_content', $template_name); // Any conditions having Page IDs that need to be updated ? if(!empty($v['conditions'])){ foreach($v['conditions'] as $ck => $cv){ if(!empty($cv['id'])){ $conditions[$post_id][$ck] = $cv['id']; } } } } ///////////////////////// // Handle the PAGES Data ///////////////////////// //pagelayer_print($data); // Import taxonomies $taxonomy_ids = array(); if(!empty($data['taxonomies'])){ $taxonomy_ids = pagelayer_import_taxonomies($data['taxonomies']); } foreach($data as $data_type => $data_v){ $pagelayer->imported[$data_type] = 1; // To import theme related settings if($data_type == 'conf'){ pagelayer_import_conf($data['conf']); continue; } if($data_type == 'menus' || $data_type == 'taxonomies'){ continue; } // Check the theme files foreach($data[$data_type] as $k => $v){ $path = pagelayer_cleanpath($pagelayer_theme_path.'/data/'.$data_type.'/'.$k); // Does it have the title and slug ? if(empty($v['post_title']) || empty($v['post_name'])){ $pl_error[] = 'Something is fishy with this theme as there is no title or slug for '.$k; return false; } // Does the file exist ? if(!file_exists($path) || (empty($GLOBALS['sitepad']['dev']) && pagelayer_cleanpath(realpath($path)) != $path)){ $pl_error[] = 'Something is fishy with this theme'; return false; } } $menu_pages = []; // Now check the pages if it exist in this installation ? foreach($data[$data_type] as $k => $v){ // Do we have to import selected pages ? if(!empty($to_import[$data_type]) && !in_array($k, $to_import[$data_type])){ continue; } $path = pagelayer_cleanpath($pagelayer_theme_path.'/data/'.$data_type.'/'.$k); $args = ['post_type' => $data_type, 'name' => $v['post_name'], 'post_status' => $v['post_status'], 'posts_per_page' => -1 ]; $type_query = new WP_Query($args); // Is the page there ? $page = @current($type_query->posts); //r_print($page); $new_post = array(); $insert_meta = 1; // It does exist so save the revision IF its the header and footer if(!empty($page)){ $insert_meta = 0; if(isset($_POST['overwrite'])){ $rev = wp_save_post_revision($page->ID); $new_post['ID'] = $page->ID; $insert_meta = 1; } } // Make an array $new_post['post_content'] = file_get_contents($path); $new_post['post_excerpt'] = $v['post_excerpt']; $new_post['post_title'] = $v['post_title']; $new_post['post_name'] = $v['post_name']; $new_post['post_type'] = $data_type; $new_post['post_status'] = 'publish'; if(isset($_POST['maintain_ids']) && empty($new_post['ID'])){ $new_post['import_id'] = $v['ID']; } // Category register if(!empty($v['taxonomies'])){ foreach($v['taxonomies'] as $tax => $tax_ids){ if(!empty($tax_ids)){ // Need to replace ids with new ids $tax_ids = explode(',', $tax_ids); foreach($tax_ids as $key => $id){ $tax_ids[$key] = (int) $taxonomy_ids[$id]; } switch ($tax) { case 'category': $new_post['post_category'] = $tax_ids; break; case 'post_tag': $new_post['tags_input'] = $tax_ids; break; default: $new_post['tax_input'][$tax] = $tax_ids; } } } } // Meta file path $meta_path = pagelayer_cleanpath($pagelayer_theme_path.'/data/'.$data_type.'/'.$k.'.meta'); if($insert_meta && file_exists($meta_path)){ $meta_path = pagelayer_cleanpath($pagelayer_theme_path.'/data/'.$data_type.'/'.$k.'.meta'); $new_post['meta_input'] = file_get_contents($meta_path); $new_post['meta_input'] = json_decode($new_post['meta_input']); } //r_print($new_post);die(); // Handle Menu data $new_post['post_content'] = pagelayer_import_handle_replaces($new_post['post_content']); // Now insert / update the post $ret = pagelayer_insert_content($new_post, $err); // Did we save the post ? if(empty($ret)){ $pl_error[] = 'Could not update the '.$data_type.' '.$v['post_name']; return false; } update_post_meta($ret, 'pagelayer_imported_content', $template_name); $pagelayer->import_map[$v['ID']] = $ret; $pagelayer->imported_ids[$new_post['post_type']][$new_post['post_name']] = $ret; // Skip Header, Footer and Home pages if($data_type == 'page' && preg_match('/^home/is', $new_post['post_name'])){ $home_page = $ret; } if(defined('SITEPAD')){ // Does the screenshot exist ? $screenshot_file = $pagelayer_theme_path.'/screenshots/'.$v['post_name'].'.jpg'; if(file_exists($screenshot_file)){ @mkdir($sitepad['screenshots_path'], 0755, true); @copy($screenshot_file, $sitepad['screenshots_path'].'/'.$v['post_name'].'.jpg'); } } } } // Update Post for import if(!empty($conditions)){ foreach($conditions as $post_ID => $v){ $cond = get_post_meta($post_ID, 'pagelayer_template_conditions', 1); foreach($v as $ck => $cv){ if(!empty($pagelayer->import_map[$cv])){ $cond[$ck]['id'] = $pagelayer->import_map[$cv]; } } update_post_meta($post_id, 'pagelayer_template_conditions', $cond); } } // Call a function for the theme if they want to execute something like create more templates, etc $ret = apply_filters('pagelayer_theme_imported', $template_name); if(isset($_POST['set_home_page']) || isset($_POST['create_blog_page'])){ // Get the home page ID $blog = get_page_by_path('blog', OBJECT, array('page')); // Insert the blog page if(empty($blog)){ $new_post['post_content'] = ''; $new_post['post_title'] = 'Blog'; $new_post['post_name'] = 'blog'; $new_post['post_type'] = 'page'; $new_post['post_status'] = 'publish'; // Now insert / update the post $blog_id = wp_insert_post($new_post); }else{ $blog_id = $blog->ID; } // Set the blog page update_option('page_for_posts', $blog_id); } if(!empty($data['conf']['page_for_posts'])){ $pagelayer->import_map[$data['conf']['page_for_posts']] = $blog_id; $pagelayer->imported_ids['page']['blog'] = $blog_id; } // Update any links that are to be updated if(!empty($pagelayer->import_links)){ foreach($pagelayer->import_links as $post_type => $v){ foreach($v as $slug => $link_maps){ // Lets get the post $tmp_post = get_post($pagelayer->imported_ids[$post_type][$slug]); foreach($link_maps as $old_link_type => $old_link_slugs){ //pagelayer_print($old_link_slugs);die(); foreach($old_link_slugs as $old_link_slug){ // Did we have such a link ? $new_link_id = @$pagelayer->imported_ids[$old_link_type][$old_link_slug]; // If not found, lets try to find a similar post if(empty($new_link_id)){ $args = ['name' => $old_link_slug, 'post_type' => $old_link_type]; // Make query $query = new WP_Query($args); // Get post if(!empty($query->posts)){ $link_post = current($query->posts); //echo $old_link_slug.' - ';pagelayer_print($link_post->post_name);die(); $new_link_id = @$link_post->ID; } } if(empty($new_link_id)){ continue; } $tmp_post->post_content = str_replace('||link_id|'.$old_link_type.'|'.$old_link_slug.'||', $new_link_id, $tmp_post->post_content); } } //pagelayer_print($tmp_post); wp_update_post($tmp_post); } } } if(isset($_POST['set_home_page'])){ // Set the blog page update_option('show_on_front', 'page'); // Set home page as the default page if(!empty($home_page)){ update_option('page_on_front', $home_page); } } // Update the menu if(empty($_POST['no_header_menu'])){ // Are we importing from the theme ? if(!empty($pagelayer->imported_menus)){ foreach($pagelayer->imported_menus as $k => $v){ pagelayer_import_update_menus($v, $pagelayer_theme_path); } // We created the menu, lets update it }else{ pagelayer_update_header_menu($menu_id, $pagelayer->import_map); } } // Save that we have imported the theme update_option('pagelayer_theme_'.$template_name.'_imported', time(), true); // Blank woocommerce fix update_option('pagelayer_template_product_fix', 0); return true; } // Import Taxonomies Handler function pagelayer_import_taxonomies($taxonomy){ $new_ids = array(); foreach($taxonomy as $term_id => $term){ $parent_id = null; $term_par = 0; // If tern has parent if(!empty($term['parent']) && empty($new_ids[$term['parent']])){ // Get parent taxonomy $par_terms = get_terms( array( 'taxonomy' => $term['taxonomy'], 'hide_empty' => false, 'meta_key' => 'pagelayer_imported_id', 'meta_value' => $term['parent'] ) ); $par_terms_len = count($par_terms) - 1; // If not exists if(is_wp_error($par_terms) || empty($par_terms)){ $par_ids = pagelayer_import_taxonomies(array($term['parent'] => $taxonomy[$term['parent']])); $term_par = $parent_id = $par_ids[$term['parent']]; $new_ids[$term['parent']] = $parent_id; }elseif($par_terms_len > -1){ $term_par = $parent_id = $par_terms[$par_terms_len]->term_id; } }elseif(!empty($new_ids[$term['parent']])){ $term_par = $parent_id = $new_ids[$term['parent']]; } $exist_term = term_exists($term['name'], $term['taxonomy'], $parent_id ); if($exist_term === null){ $tax_details = wp_insert_term($term['name'], $term['taxonomy'] ,array('description' => $term['description'],'parent' => $term_par, 'slug' => $term['slug'])); if(!(is_wp_error( $tax_details ))){ $new_id = $tax_details['term_id']; } }elseif(is_array($exist_term)){ $new_id = $exist_term['term_id']; }else{ $new_id = $exist_term; } // ID is empty? if(empty($new_id)){ continue; } update_term_meta( $new_id, 'pagelayer_imported_id', $term_id); $new_ids[$term_id] = $new_id; } return $new_ids; } add_filter('pagelayer_start_insert_content', 'pagelayer_import_start_insert_content'); function pagelayer_import_start_insert_content($post){ global $pagelayer; $_post = json_encode($post); // Does it have links ? if(preg_match_all('/(\|\|link_id\|([\w-]*)\|([\w-]*)\|\|)/', $_post, $matches)){ foreach($matches[3] as $kk => $link){ $pagelayer->import_links[$post['post_type']][$post['post_name']][$matches[2][$kk]][] = $link; } //pagelayer_print($matches);pagelayer_print($pagelayer->import_links);die(); } if(preg_match('/theme_url/is', $_post)){ $do = 1; } // Lets replace the images foreach($pagelayer->import_media as $k => $v){ $_post = str_replace($k, $v, $_post); $k = str_replace('/', '\/', $k);// Handle JSON $_post = str_replace($k, $v, $_post); $k = str_replace('/', '\/', addslashes($k));// Handle Doubled JSON $_post = str_replace($k, $v, $_post); } $post = json_decode($_post, true); if(!empty($do)){ //echo $_post; //pagelayer_print($post);die(); } return $post; } // Create the menu function pagelayer_import_create_menu($name){ // Create the menu if not exists $menu_name = (empty($name) ? 'Pagelayer Menu' : $name); $menu_exists = wp_get_nav_menu_object($menu_name); // If there is no menu we will need to add it if(!empty($menu_exists)){ wp_delete_nav_menu($menu_exists); } // Insert the Menu $menu_id = wp_create_nav_menu($menu_name); //r_print($menu_exists);r_print($menu_name);r_print($menu_id);die(); if(!is_int($menu_id)){ return false; } // We need to DISABLE auto add TEMPORARILY $options = (array) get_option('nav_menu_options'); if (isset($options['auto_add'])){ $key = array_search($menu_id, $options['auto_add']); if(!empty($key)){ unset($options['auto_add'][$key]); update_option('nav_menu_options', $options); } } return $menu_id; } // Callback for menu replacement function pagelayer_import_handle_replaces($content){ global $pagelayer; // Replace the old ID structure $content = preg_replace_callback('/pagelayer-id="(\w{16})"/s', 'pagelayer_handle_id_sc', $content); $content = preg_replace_callback('/"pagelayer-id"\:"(\w{16})"/s', 'pagelayer_handle_id', $content); foreach($pagelayer->imported_menus_preg as $k => $v){ $content = preg_replace('/\[pl_wp_menu ([^\]]*)nav_list="'.$k.'"([^\]]*)\]/is', '[pl_wp_menu ${1}nav_list="'.$v.'"${3}]', $content); } // Also for block format $content = preg_replace_callback('/).)*+)?}\s+)?(?P\/)?-->/s', 'pagelayer_handle_wp_menu', $content); // Lets replace the variables for social icons $content = preg_replace_callback('/\[pl_social ([^\]]*)\]/is', 'pagelayer_handle_social_urls', $content); $content = preg_replace_callback('/).)*+)?}\s+)?(?P\/)?-->/s', 'pagelayer_handle_social_urls_blocks', $content); return $content; } // Update the header menu function pagelayer_update_header_menu($menu_id, $pages){ $menu_pages = []; $home = get_option('page_on_front'); if(!empty($home)){ $menu_pages[] = $home; } $blog = get_option('page_for_posts'); if(!empty($blog)){ $menu_pages[] = $blog; } // The other links foreach($pages as $pk => $pv){ $tmp = get_post($pv); if(is_wp_error($tmp) || $tmp->post_type !== 'page'){ continue; } // Skip Header, Footer and Home pages if(in_array($pv, $menu_pages)){ continue; } $menu_pages[] = $pv; } // Get the pages foreach($menu_pages as $pk => $page_id){ $menu_pages[$pk] = get_post($page_id); } // The other links foreach($menu_pages as $pk => $pv){ wp_update_nav_menu_item($menu_id, 0, array( 'menu-item-title' => $pv->post_title, 'menu-item-url' => home_url( '/'.$pv->post_name.'/' ), 'menu-item-status' => 'publish', 'menu-item-type' => 'post_type', 'menu-item-object' => 'page', 'menu-item-object-id' => $pv->ID)); } // We need to enable auto add new pages $options = (array) get_option('nav_menu_options'); if (!isset($options['auto_add'])){ $options['auto_add'] = array(); } $options['auto_add'][] = $menu_id; update_option('nav_menu_options', $options); } // For import of our exported menus function pagelayer_import_update_menus($menu_id, $pagelayer_theme_path = ''){ global $pagelayer; $old_id = array_search($menu_id, $pagelayer->imported_menus); $slug = $pagelayer->imported_menus_slug[$menu_id]; $data = file_get_contents($pagelayer_theme_path.'/data/menus/'.$slug); $data = @json_decode($data, true); $ids = []; // Insert the links foreach($data as $k => $v){ $r = []; $r['menu-item-title'] = $v['post']['title']; $r['menu-item-status'] = $v['post']['post_status']; $r['menu-item-type'] = $v['post']['type']; $r['menu-item-object'] = $v['post']['object']; $r['menu-item-classes'] = implode(' ', $v['post']['classes']); // Any parent ? if(!empty($v['post']['menu_item_parent'])){ $parent = $ids[$v['post']['menu_item_parent']]; if(!empty($parent)){ $r['menu-item-parent-id'] = $parent; } } // Regular Data Object if($r['menu-item-type'] !== 'custom'){ $r['menu-item-object-id'] = $pagelayer->import_map[$v['post']['object_id']]; if(empty($r['menu-item-object-id'])){ continue; } $r['menu-item-url'] = get_permalink($r['menu-item-object-id']); // Custom URL }else{ $r['menu-item-url'] = $v['post']['url']; } //r_print($r); $updated_nav = wp_update_nav_menu_item($menu_id, 0, $r); $ids[$v['post']['db_id']] = $updated_nav; if(isset($v['post_metas']['_pagelayer_content'])){ $mdata = pagelayer_import_handle_replaces($v['post_metas']['_pagelayer_content']); $mdata = pagelayer_sanitize_content($mdata); update_post_meta($updated_nav, '_pagelayer_content', $mdata); } } // We need to enable auto add new pages $options = (array) get_option('nav_menu_options'); if (!isset($options['auto_add'])){ $options['auto_add'] = array(); } $options['auto_add'][] = $menu_id; update_option('nav_menu_options', $options); } // Callback for menu replacement function pagelayer_handle_wp_menu($matches){ global $pagelayer; foreach($pagelayer->imported_menus_preg as $k => $v){ $matches[0] = preg_replace('/nav_list"\s*:\s*"'.$k.'"/is', 'nav_list":"'.$v.'"', $matches[0]); } return $matches[0]; } // Change the old style ID to the new style function pagelayer_handle_id($matches){ //r_print($matches);die(); $str = '"pagelayer-id":"'.pagelayer_create_id().'"'; return $str; } // Change the old style ID to the new style function pagelayer_handle_id_sc($matches){ //r_print($matches);die(); $str = 'pagelayer-id="'.pagelayer_create_id().'"'; return $str; } // Replace Social URLs with the one given in setup function pagelayer_handle_social_urls($matches){ //r_print($matches);die(); // Get the icon preg_match('/icon=(\'|")([^\'"]*)(\'|")/is', $matches[0], $icon); $icon = $icon[2]; $urls = pagelayer_get_social_urls(); foreach($urls as $k => $v){ if(preg_match('/'.preg_quote($k, '/').'/is', $icon)){ $social_url = $v; break; } } if(!empty($social_url)){ // Is the social_url param there ? if(!preg_match('/social_url=/is', $matches[0])){ $matches[0] = substr($matches[0], 0, -1).'social_url="#"]'; } $matches[0] = preg_replace('/social_url=(\'|")([^\'"]*)(\'|")/is', 'social_url="'.$social_url.'"', $matches[0]); } //r_print($matches);die(); return $matches[0]; } // Replace Social URLs with the one given in setup function pagelayer_handle_social_urls_blocks($matches){ // Get the icon preg_match('/icon":"([^"]*)"/is', $matches[0], $icon); $icon = $icon[1]; $urls = pagelayer_get_social_urls(); foreach($urls as $k => $v){ if(preg_match('/'.preg_quote($k, '/').'/is', $icon)){ $social_url = $v; break; } } if(!empty($social_url)){ // Is the social_url param there ? if(!preg_match('/"social_url"/is', $matches[0])){ $matches[0] = preg_replace('/("icon"\s*:\s*"([^"]*)")/is', '"icon":"'.$icon.'","social_url":"#"', $matches[0]); } $matches[0] = preg_replace('/social_url"\s*:\s*"([^"]*)"/is', 'social_url":"'.$social_url.'"', $matches[0]); } return $matches[0]; } // Add the blog templates function pagelayer_blog_templates($pgl){ $conf = '{ "single-template": { "type": "single", "title": "Single Template", "conditions": [ { "type": "include", "template": "singular", "sub_template": "post", "id": "" }, { "type": "include", "template": "singular", "sub_template": "attachment", "id": "" } ] }, "blog-template": { "type": "archive", "title": "Blog Template", "conditions": [ { "type": "include", "template": "archives", "sub_template": "", "id": "" } ] }, "404": { "type": "single", "title": "404", "conditions": [ { "type": "include", "template": "singular", "sub_template": "404", "id": "" } ] } }'; $conf = json_decode($conf, true); // Do we have the blog template ? if(empty($pgl['blog-template'])){ $conf['blog-template']['post_content'] = ' '; $pgl['blog-template'] = $conf['blog-template']; } // Do we have the blog template ? if(empty($pgl['404'])){ $conf['404']['post_content'] = '

The page you requested was not found we suggest you to go back to HomePage

'; $pgl['404'] = $conf['404']; } // Do we have the blog template ? if(empty($pgl['single-template'])){ $conf['single-template']['post_content'] = ' '; $pgl['single-template'] = $conf['single-template']; } return $pgl; } // Resize Image function pagelayer_resizeImage($filename, $newwidth, $newheight){ $imagesize = getimagesize($filename); $width = $imagesize[0]; $height = $imagesize[1]; // Calculate the Height and width if($width <= $newwidth || $height <= $newheight){ return false; } $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight); switch($imagesize['mime']) { case 'image/jpg': case 'image/jpeg': $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename); break; case 'image/gif': $source = imagecreatefromgif($filename); break; case 'image/png': $source = imagecreatefrompng($filename); break; } if(empty($source)){ return false; } imagecopyresampled($thumb, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height); imagedestroy($source); ob_start(); switch($imagesize['mime']) { case 'image/jpg': case 'image/jpeg': imagejpeg($thumb); break; case 'image/gif': imagegif($thumb); break; case 'image/png': imagepng($thumb); break; } $image = ob_get_clean(); imagedestroy($thumb); return $image; }