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Œ¤ 0gpackager-versionS¤ 10 Œ¤ 2#%')+-/1¤ 3gcurrent-output-port¤ 4fFree Software Foundation, Inc.¤ 5gformat¤ 6fCopyright (C) ~a ~a¤ 7f ~a (~a) ~a ¤ 8f~a ~a ¤ 9fPackaged by ~a (~a) ¤ :fPackaged by ~a ¤ ;gdisplay¤ = Œ¤ ?. Œ¤ @gpackager-bug-addressS¤ A@ Œ¤ B#>?A¤ Cg string-append¤ Df¤ Ef/¤ Ff Report bugs to: ~a ¤ GfReport ~a bugs to: ~a ¤ Hf~a home page: <~a> ¤ If?General help using GNU software: ¤ JfèEvaluate code with Guile, interactively or from a script. [-s] FILE load source code from FILE, and exit -c EXPR evalute expression EXPR, and exit -- stop scanning arguments; run interactively The above switches stop argument processing, and pass all remaining arguments as the value of (command-line). If FILE begins with `-' the -s switch is mandatory. -L DIRECTORY add DIRECTORY to the front of the module load path -C DIRECTORY like -L, but for compiled files -x EXTENSION add EXTENSION to the front of the load extensions -l FILE load source code from FILE -e FUNCTION after reading script, apply FUNCTION to command line arguments --language=LANG change language; default: scheme -ds do -s script at this point --debug start with the "debugging" VM engine --no-debug start with the normal VM engine (backtraces but no breakpoints); default is --debug for interactive use, but not for `-s' and `-c'. --auto-compile compile source files automatically --fresh-auto-compile invalidate auto-compilation cache --no-auto-compile disable automatic source file compilation; default is to enable auto-compilation of source files. --listen[=P] listen on a local port or a path for REPL clients; if P is not given, the default is local port 37146 -q inhibit loading of user init file --use-srfi=LS load SRFI modules for the SRFIs in LS, which is a list of numbers like "2,13,14" -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --version display version information and exit \ read arguments from following script lines¤ Kg*usage*¤ Lgcurrent-error-port¤ Mgapply¤ Nf Usage: ~a [OPTION]... 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