GOOF----LE-8-2.0=]4h] gguile  gdefine-module*   gice-9 greadline  gfilenameS fice-9/readline.scm gimportsS gsession     gregex   gbuffered-input    gexportsS gfilename-completion-function g add-history g read-history g write-history g clear-history  gset-current-module   g provided? !gload-extension "flibguilereadline-v-18 #fscm_init_readline $g scm-error %g misc-error &f3readline is not provided in this Guile installation 'gcall-with-deferred-observers (' )' *gmodule-export! +* ,* -gcurrent-module .- /- 0greadline-options 1greadline-enable 2greadline-disable 3012 4g readline-set! 54 6greadline-options-interface 7gfor-each 87 97 :gdisplay ;: <: =g string-length >gsymbol->string ?> @> Agnewline BA CA Dgappend ED FD Ggdelq! HG IG Jgmake-syntax-transformer KJ LJ Mgmacro Ng $sc-dispatch ON PN Qgany RQQQ Sg syntax-object Tg eval-when Ugm-a15bdba661f-3 Vgtop WUV Xgribcage Ygdummy Zgopt [gval \YZ[ ]gm-a15bdba661f-5 ^]V _^WW `fl-a15bdba661f-a afl-a15bdba661f-b bfl-a15bdba661f-c c`ab dX\_c eX fgx gf h^ ifl-a15bdba661f-7 ji kXghj lgshift mg interface ngoptions ogenable pgdisable qg option-set! rYmnopq sgm-bde397a-1729 tsV uV vtuuuuu wfl-bde397a-172e xfl-bde397a-172f yfl-bde397a-1730 zfl-bde397a-1731 {fl-bde397a-1732 |fl-bde397a-1733 }wxyz{| ~Xrv} t fl-bde397a-172b  Xg Wdekl~e ghygiene  ST gexpand S gload S geval S  udek  S0 SD  glist S gquote S gsyntax-violation   f-source expression failed to match any pattern gmodule-locally-bound?   gnew-input-prompt f gcontinuation-prompt g input-port gcurrent-input-port g output-port gcurrent-output-port g read-hook gmake-line-buffered-input-port g %readline gstring? g eof-object? gstring=? g string-append f  gmake-readline-port gthe-readline-port ghistory-variable f GUILE_HISTORY g history-file ggetenv fHOME f. f/.guile_history gmemq g add-hook! g exit-hook g readline-port   gset-readline-prompt!  g file-port? g input-port? gwrong-type-arg fset-readline-input-port! fNot a file input port: ~S g port-closed? fPort not open: ~S gset-readline-input-port!  g output-port? fNot a file output port: ~S fset-readline-output-port! gset-readline-output-port!  gset-readline-read-hook!  gmap gapropos-internal f^ g regexp-quote gapropos-completion-function  g*readline-completion-function* g!with-readline-completion-function  greadline-repl-reader g repl-reader g fluid-ref gcurrent-reader g!set-buffered-input-continuation?! f...  grun-hook gbefore-read-hook gread gisatty? gset-current-input-port gsetter   gusing-readline? gactivate-readline  g string-match gmake-completion-function C5h(]4   54>"G4 i5$"4!i"#>"G4 i5$"4$i%&>"G4),/3hD]456<gfilenamefice-9/readline.scm 7   C>"G4),/5hD]456<gfilenamefice-9/readline.scm ;   C>"G69<=@Ch] 4>"G4455 $54 >"G $4 >"G""4 >"G4>"G4 >"G4>"G6gname  gvalue  g documentation   glen  cgfilenamefice-9/readline.scm >   ChY]@Qgoption  gfilenamefice-9/readline.scm >    Ch8{)36]$4>"G6456sgarg  8gfilenamefice-9/readline.scm >    8 gnamegreadline-optionsC0R6Fh0v-1344455>"G6ngflags )gfilenamefice-9/readline.scm >  ) gnamegreadline-enableC1R69IhW]4M5NCOgflag  gfilenamefice-9/readline.scm >    Ch@-1345H4O>"G4J>"G6gflags ?greadline-options  ?gfilenamefice-9/readline.scm >  ? 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