GOOF----LE-8-2.0F] 4hQ] gguile  gdefine-module*   gsrfi gsrfi-35  gfilenameS fsrfi/srfi-35.scm gimportsS gsrfi-1      gexportsS gmake-condition-type gcondition-type? gmake-condition g condition? gcondition-has-type? g condition-ref gmake-compound-condition gextract-condition gdefine-condition-type g condition g &condition g&message gmessage-condition? gcondition-message g&serious gserious-condition? !g&error "gerror? # !" $gset-current-module %$ &$ 'gcond-expand-provide (gcurrent-module ) *g make-vtable +g string-append ,gstandard-vtable-fields -fprprpr .gformat /f# 0gcondition-type-id 1gnumber->string 2gobject-address 3gset-struct-vtable-name! 4gcondition-type 5g%condition-type-vtable 6gmake-struct-layout 7gprint-condition 8gstring? 9gstring->symbol :f ;g%make-condition-type gcondition-type-all-fields ?gstring-concatenate/shared @fpr A@ Bgstruct-layout-for-condition Cf# Dgfold Ef~A: ~S Fg string-join Ggreverse Hf  Igerror Jf"invalid condition type field names Kgevery Lgsymbol? Mglset-intersection Ngeq? Ogappend Pfparent is not a condition type Qf)condition type identifier is not a symbol Rf7`make-compound-condition-type' passed empty parent list Sg append-map Tgmake-compound-condition-type Ugthrow Vgwrong-type-arg Wfcondition-has-type? XfWrong type argument Ygany Zg list-index [finvalid field name \ffield name is not a symbol ]f condition-ref ^fWrong type argument: ~S _g make-struct `gmake-condition-from-values ag fold-right bgmemq cffield not specified dfmake-condition egmap fgcompound ggreverse! hfextract-condition ig+ jglength kgmake-syntax-transformer lk mk ngmacro og $sc-dispatch po qo rgeach sYY trs uYt vYu wYv xYw yg syntax-object zgbegin {gtop |{ }gribcage ~gdummy gname gparent gpred g field-name gfield-accessor ~ gm-46961e5119-cc { ||||| fl-46961e5119-d1 fl-46961e5119-d2 fl-46961e5119-d3 fl-46961e5119-d4 fl-46961e5119-d5 fl-46961e5119-d6  } } gx   fl-46961e5119-ce  } | ghygiene  yz gdefine y y gquote y gc y  y e e y gsyntax-violation   f-source expression failed to match any pattern gcompound-condition geach-any Y gtype gfield ~ gm-46961e5119-e1 { || fl-46961e5119-e6 fl-46961e5119-e7 fl-46961e5119-e8  }  fl-46961e5119-e3  } | y yT y g %compound y  g quasiquote y gunquote y gcondition-instantiation YY gout ~ gm-46961e5119-ee { || fl-46961e5119-f3 fl-46961e5119-f4 fl-46961e5119-f5  }  fl-46961e5119-f0  } | y s ڌ Yی Y܌ g field-value grest ~ ||||| fl-46961e5119-fb fl-46961e5119-fc fl-46961e5119-fd fl-46961e5119-fe fl-46961e5119-ff fl-46961e5119-100  } | y O O y Y Y gm-46961e5119-109 { || fl-46961e5119-10e fl-46961e5119-10f fl-46961e5119-110  }  fl-46961e5119-10b  } | y r Y fl-46961e5119-116 fl-46961e5119-117 fl-46961e5119-118  } | y gdisplay  f <&condition>  gmessage   C5hx0]4   #54&>"G4'i4(i5)>"G4*i4+i,i-5./012h ]45445 56gct  gport  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm 3   4 ' 5 "  6 "  6 2  6 "  4    C543i4>"G5R567389:hX0] 454$"45$ 45"45>"GC(glayout  Wgid  Wgparent   Wg all-fields   Wgstruct   Wgfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm ;  =   <   <   C  C + $ C $ + D + 5 C $ 6 D 8 A E 8 E E H G E 8 L C   W gnameg%make-condition-typeC;R5h]$CCgobj  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm H  J  J  K  K    gnamegcondition-type?g documentationf'Return true if OBJ is a condition type.CR<h]45$ CCgct  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm N  O  O   P   P    gnamegcondition-type-idC0R<h]45$CCgct  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm R  S  S   T   T    gnamegcondition-type-parentC=R<h]45$  CCgct  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm V  W  W   X   X    gnamegcondition-type-all-fieldsC>R?@Ah0]"(6""g field-names  .g field-names  "glayout   "gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm [  ^  `   a   b   c   c  " b  " ^  & _  . ^   . gnamegstruct-layout-for-conditionCBR.C04D.Eh ]44L55Cgfield  gresult  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm j   k "  k - l *  k "  k    C>FGH12 hX?]44554O45544 5 54 4 5 567gc  Sgport  Sgtype   Cgstrings  - @gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm e  r  s s   s  i   i   j  $ n  % o  - j  - i  0 p  3 p  ; p % = p  D u G u  Q u S r   S gnamegprint-conditionC7R>IJKLMNOB;PQh]$l45$Y45"645$345( 4 54 5 6"" 6 6gid  }gparent  }g field-names   }g parent-fields   mg all-fields  N eglayout  W egfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm w  |  |  }  }   ~   ~ %  )  )  *   6  7  E   F # N  Q # W  e  q  u y }   } gnamegmake-condition-typeg documentationfReturn a new condition type named ID, inheriting from PARENT, and with the fields whose names are listed in FIELD-NAMES. FIELD-NAMES must be a list of symbols and must not contain names already used by PARENT or one of its supertypes.CRIRS>B;h@!](6(C45456gid  ;gparents  ;g all-fields  $ ;glayout  - ;gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm            $ '  - ;   ; gnamegmake-compound-condition-typeCTRh]$6Cgc  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm          gnameg condition?g documentationf Return true if C is a condition.CRh ] $45$CCCgc  gvtable gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm          gnamegcondition-typeC4RUVWX=Yh@] L&C$%45$L645"Cgct  9gparent  7gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm          "  *  +  7   9 gnamegloopC4 hPB] " 645$*45$OQ456"":gc  Igtype  Igloop  / Agfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm            &  /  9  A   I gnamegcondition-has-type?g documentationf)Return true if condition C has type TYPE.CR4>Zh`]LCXgname  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm %  '   CI[\UV]^ h`]45$E$645454O5$C66    6gc  ^g field-name  ^gtype   Jgfields  $ Jgindex  4 Jgfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm            $ '  4 < A  F  J  N  R V X  Z ^   ^ gnameg condition-refg documentationf@Return the value of the field named FIELD-NAME from condition C.CR_h] @gtype  gvalues  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm   gnamegmake-condition-from-valuesC`R>abIch(] 4L5$C6gfield  $ginits  $gv  $gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm %  0 '  -  )  3  - 4 $ -  $ C`UVd^ hH-1345$"454O56 6gtype Bg field+value Bg all-fields   6ginits  , 6gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm          ( % ,  ,  6  : <  > B  B gnamegmake-conditiong documentationfReturn a new condition of type TYPE with fields initialized as specified by FIELD+VALUE, a sequence of field names (symbols) and values.CRe4TfS4eh]]L6Ugf  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm & (  C>h ] 45O456gc  gct gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm   )   &  !   C`h8U-134545456Mg conditions 2gtypes  2gct   2ginits  ( 2gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm       /      (  2  2 gnamegmake-compound-conditiong documentationf7Return a new compound condition composed of CONDITIONS.CRgh@;]"((6L""3g start-index  =g field-names  =gindex   .g field-names   .gresult   .gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm                     #   .  .   3   =    = gnameg list-fieldsCUVhX4=ie>jhph](CL&C$04L5$C445?"4455"`gparents  ogindex  ogparent   ogt  * Qgshift  ] ogfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm         !  "  *  8  ;  > % H  I  Q  R  U $ ]  ]  b   g   o    o gnamegloopC> h]"OQ" 645$f45$W454 5&C$1 OQ4 5 44 55@C""gc  gtype  g list-fields  gct  : gparent  C gloop  ` rg field-index  r gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm  !  !   "  !       (   )   3   4   :   =   C   M   S   W   `  r   y   ~  %      gnamegextract-conditiong documentationfOReturn a condition of condition type TYPE with the field values specified by C.CR4mnqxh X]CPgtmp-46961e5119-df  gtmp-46961e5119-de     C hH]4 5Cgdummy  Bgname  Bgparent   Bgpred   Bg field-name   Bgfield-accessor   B  B Ch(] 45$@6gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm )   " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgnamegparentgpredg field-namegfield-accessorg...C5R4mnqh9]C1gtmp-46961e5119-ec    Ch R]45CJgdummy  gtype  gfield     Ch(] 45$@6gx  "gtmp "gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm 3   " g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgtypeg...gfieldg...C5R4mnqhP]CHgdummy  gtype  gout     Ch ]45Cgdummy  gtype  gout   g field-name   g field-value   grest      Ch@ ]45$@45$@6gx  9gtmp 9gtmp  " 9gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm :   9 g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgtypegoutg...gtypegoutg...g field-nameg field-valuegrestg...C5R4mnqhR]CJgdummy  gtype  gfield     ChR]4?CJgdummy  gtype  gfield      Ch@]45$@45$@6gx  9gtmp 9gtmp  " 9gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm A   9 g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgtypegfieldg...gtypegfieldg...g...C5R5i46i:5 hx]6pgc  gport  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm P   Q   Q    CR4ii 5Rhr]6jgc  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm T   gnamegmessage-condition?CR hq]6igc  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm T   gnamegcondition-messageCR4ii5Rhr]6jgc  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm X   gnamegserious-condition?C R4i!i5!R!hf]6^gc  gfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm [   gnamegerror?C"RCgm  ,gs ( Egfilenamefsrfi/srfi-35.scm   - ' 2 '  : ' & ? 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