GOOF----LE-8-2.0]84h/<] gguile  gdefine-module*   gsystem grepl gcommand  gfilenameS fsystem/repl/command.scm gimportsS gbase gsyntax    gpmatch    gcompile    gcommon   gdebug   gvm gobjcode   !gprogram "! #" $g trap-state %$ &% ' (' )gframe *) +gselectS ,gframe-return-values -, .*+- /gice-9 0gformat 1/0 21 3gsession 4/3 54 6g documentation 7/6 87 9g and-let-star :/9 ;: = ?gcontrol @/? A@ Bg pretty-print C/B Dgpp EBD FE GC+F Hginspect IH Jg%inspect KHJ LK MI+L Ngstatprof ON PO Q #&(.258;>AGMP RgexportsS Sg meta-command Tgdefine-meta-command UST Vg autoloadsS Wglanguage X W Yglookup-language Zglanguage-reader [YZ \gtrace ]\ ^gcall-with-trace _^ `X[]_ agset-current-module ba ca dghelp egh fde ggshow hg igapropos jga kij lgdescribe mgd nlm odfhkn pgmodule qgm rpq sgimport tguse ust vgload wgl xvw ygreload zgre {yz |gbinding }gb ~|} gin  prux{~ gL W W gc  g compile-file gcc  gexpand gexp  goptimize gopt  g disassemble gx  gdisassemble-file gxx   gprofile gtime gt  gpr  gtr \  g backtrace gbt  gup  gdown  gfr ) g procedure gproc  glocals  g error-message gerror  gbreak gbr gbp  gbreak-at-source gbreak-at gbs  gstep gs  gstep-instruction gsi  gnext gn  gnext-instruction gni  gfinish  g tracepoint gtp  gtraps  gdelete gdel  gdisable  genable  g registers gregs   gi H BD H ggc  g statistics gstat  goption go  gquit gq gcontinue gcont   o g*command-table* gwarranty gw  gcopying  gversion gv  g  g *show-table* g group-name ggroup-commands gmake-hash-table g*command-infos* g command-name gcommand-abbrevs g hashq-ref g command-info gcommand-info-procedure gcommand-procedure gprocedure-documentation g command-doc gmake-command-info gcommand-info-arguments-reader g substring g string-index g command-usage gcommand-summary gassq  g lookup-group  gmemq  glookup-command  f$~:(~A~) Commands~:[~; [abbrev]~]:~2%  gfor-each gdisplay-summary gnewline g display-group gdisplay fUsage:  gdisplay-command g string-length f [,~A~{ ,~A~}] f f ,~A~A~A - ~A  fabbrevs too long f~%~v_ f~v_ gcatch gread f)Throw to key `~a' while reading command:  g display-error gcurrent-output-port  f8Throw to key `~a' with args `~s' while reading command.  !g force-output "g read-command #gread-command-arguments $gand=> %fUnknown meta command: ~A~% &fMeta-command not a symbol: ~s~% 'g hashq-set! (gappend )gadd-meta-command! *gmake-syntax-transformer +* ,* -gmacro .g $sc-dispatch /. 0. 1gany 211 3geach-any 431 514 625 713 817 968 :19 ;g syntax-object gribcage ?gdummy @gname Agcategory Bg expression0 Cgdatums Dg docstring Egb0 Fgb1 G?@ABCDEF  Hgm-3ee4d7042b-92 IH< JI========  Kfl-3ee4d7042b-97 Lfl-3ee4d7042b-98 Mfl-3ee4d7042b-99 Nfl-3ee4d7042b-9a Ofl-3ee4d7042b-9b Pfl-3ee4d7042b-9c Qfl-3ee4d7042b-9d Rfl-3ee4d7042b-9e Sfl-3ee4d7042b-9f TKLMNOPQRS  U>GJT V> W XI Yfl-3ee4d7042b-94 ZY [>WXZ \=UV[ ]ghygiene ^] _;)\^ `gquote a;`\^ bglambda* c;b\^ d( e( fglambda g;f\^ hgdefine i;h\^ jghandle-read-error k;j\^ lg form-name m;l\^ ngkey o;n\^ pgargs q;p\^ rkmoq s;\^ tgunquote u;t\^ vgsubr w;v\^ xuw ygmsg z;y\^ {uz |uq }grest ~;}\^ x{|u~ ;0\^ ;\^ fDThrow to key `~a' while reading ~@[argument `~A' of ~]command `~A':  ;\^ ;\^ ;\^ ;\^  wzq~  gelse ;\^ fTThrow to key `~a' with args `~s' while reading ~@[ argument `~A' of ~]command `~A'.  ;\^ gabort ;\^   g% ;\^ glet* ;\^ gmap   ;\^ g repl-reader ;\^ ;\^ goptionalS ;\^ gport ;\^ gcurrent-input-port ;\^    ;Z\^ g repl-language ;\^ gcurrent-module ;\^   gk ;\^ q q ;(\^ glist ;\^ glet ;\^ gopen-input-string ;\^ g read-line ;\^     glp ;\^ gout ;\^ a   ;\^ ;\^    gif ;\^ g eof-object? ;\^  greverse ;\^  gcons ;\^       g kq g    g  11 2⌤ 8 1䌤 ?@ACDEF I======= fl-3ee4d7042b-ae fl-3ee4d7042b-af fl-3ee4d7042b-b0 fl-3ee4d7042b-b1 fl-3ee4d7042b-b2 fl-3ee4d7042b-b3 fl-3ee4d7042b-b4 fl-3ee4d7042b-b5  > =V[ ;T^ 15 8 1 ?@BCDEF fl-3ee4d7042b-c0 fl-3ee4d7042b-c1 fl-3ee4d7042b-c2 fl-3ee4d7042b-c3 fl-3ee4d7042b-c4 fl-3ee4d7042b-c5 fl-3ee4d7042b-c6 fl-3ee4d7042b-c7  > =V[ ;T^ ;^  1⌤ 8 1  ?@CDEF  I======  fl-3ee4d7042b-d3  fl-3ee4d7042b-d4  fl-3ee4d7042b-d5 fl-3ee4d7042b-d6 fl-3ee4d7042b-d7 fl-3ee4d7042b-d8 fl-3ee4d7042b-d9     >   =V[ ;T^ ;^  gsyntax-violation   f-source expression failed to match any pattern fCommand Groups:  fhelp all fList all commands gsymbol->string  g string-append !fhelp  "fList  #f commands $fFType `,help -c COMMAND' to show documentation of a particular command. %g-c &fUnknown command: ~A~% 'fBad arguments: ~A~% (fUnknown command or group: ~A~% )gall *gdefault-prompt-tag +@* ,@* -fUnknown topic: ~A~% .g *warranty* /g *copying* 0g *version* 1g->string 2gobject-documentation 3g repl-parse 4g module-ref 5g repl-eval 6gform 7f ~A~24t~A  8g repl-options 9grepl-option-set! :geval ;grepl-option-ref g module-name ?gresolve-module @g module-uses Agresolve-interface Bg module-use! CfNo such module: ~A~% Dgload-in-vicinity ED FD Gf system/repl Hg reload-module Igmodule-for-each Jf~23A ~A  KgensureS Lgsave-module-excursion Mg repl-print NfFInvalid arguments to `in': expected a single expression or a command.  OfNo such module: ~s  Pf6Happy hacking with ~a! To switch back, type `,L ~a'.  Qglanguage-title Rg language-name Sgcurrent-language Tgsetter UT VT Wg repl-compile Xgobjcode? Ygguile:disassemble ZgoptsS [g repl-expand \grun-hook ]gbefore-print-hook ^g repl-optimize _gassembly `W_ a` b` cgprogram? df9Argument to ,disassemble not a procedure or objcode: ~a~% eg load-objcode fg gc-run-time ggget-internal-real-time hgget-internal-run-time if8;; ~,6Fs real time, ~,6Fs run time. ~,6Fs spent in GC.  je1.0 kginternal-time-units-per-second lgrepl-prepare-eval-thunk mgwidthS ngterminal-width ogdefine-stack-command pg_ qp rg datum->syntax sgframes tgmessage ug for-trap? vgindex wgcur x1111111 ygt-3ee4d7042b-8e0 zgt-3ee4d7042b-8e1 {gt-3ee4d7042b-8e2 |gt-3ee4d7042b-8e3 }gt-3ee4d7042b-8e6 ~gt-3ee4d7042b-8e5 gt-3ee4d7042b-8e4 yz{|}~ gm-3ee4d7042b-8e7 <  fl-3ee4d7042b-8eb fl-3ee4d7042b-8ec fl-3ee4d7042b-8ed fl-3ee4d7042b-8ee fl-3ee4d7042b-8ef fl-3ee4d7042b-8f0 fl-3ee4d7042b-8f1  > gbody gbody* @pD ====== fl-3ee4d7042b-8d4 fl-3ee4d7042b-8d5 fl-3ee4d7042b-8d6 fl-3ee4d7042b-8d7 fl-3ee4d7042b-8d8 fl-3ee4d7042b-8d9  > = fl-3ee4d7042b-8d1  >W =VV ;T^ ;^ ;^ g repl-debug ;^ ;^ g letrec-syntax ;^ gidentifier-syntax ;^ g debug-frames ;^    gdebug-error-message ;^    gdebug-for-trap? ;^    gid ;^ g debug-index ;^   gset! ;^ ;^      g vector-ref ;^ ;0^ ;^ fNothing to debug.~% ;^   m  gfull?S    g print-frames gcountS g for-trap?S ginteger? fBInvalid argument to `up': expected a positive integer for COUNT.~% g vector-length fAlready at outermost frame.  g print-frame gindexS g next-source?S fDInvalid argument to `down': expected a positive integer for COUNT.~% fAlready at innermost frame.  fGInvalid argument to `frame': expected a non-negative integer for IDX.~% fNo such frame.~% gframe-procedure m   g print-locals f~a~% gstring? fNo error message g procedure? gadd-trap-at-procedure-call! fTrap ~a: ~a.~% g trap-name fNot a procedure: ~a gadd-trap-at-source-location! gdefault-prompt-handler @ @ gframe->stack-vector gframe-previous fNo return values.~% fReturn values:~%  g start-repl gdebugS g make-debug grepl-pop-continuation-resumer fReturn from ~a g#add-ephemeral-trap-at-frame-finish! grepl-next-resumer f Step into ~a gadd-ephemeral-stepping-trap! ginto?S g instruction?S gadd-trace-at-procedure-call! g list-traps fNo traps set.~% f ~a: ~a~a~% g trap-enabled? f (disabled) g delete-trap! f.expected a trap index (a non-negative integer) g disable-trap! g enable-trap!  gprint-registers  gwidth  f!Set screen width to ~a columns.~%  gtimes  ggc-stats g repl-tm-stats g repl-gc-stats gassq-ref ggc-times gdisplay-diff-stat f GC times: ftimes g heap-size gheap-free-size gdisplay-stat-title f Memory size: fcurrent flimit g display-stat fheap fbytes gheap-total-allocated fBytes allocated:  fdiff !ftotal "f allocated #g gc-time-taken $fGC time taken: %gdisplay-time-stat &g tms:utime 'g tms:stime (g tms:cutime )g tms:cstime *fProcess time spent: +fuser ,fsystem -f child user .f child system /f~~20~AA ~~10@A /~~10@A ~~A~~% 0f@ 1f~10,2F 2gexact->inexact 3fs 4f---- 5e 1000000.0 6fmips 7gdisplay-mips-statC5hoC]4    QRUV`5 4c>"GRRhx]Cpgg  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm J  J    gnameg group-nameCRh|]Ctgg  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm K  K    gnameggroup-commandsCR4i5Rhz]Crgc  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm N  N    gnameg command-nameCRh}]Cugc  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm O  O    gnamegcommand-abbrevsCRh]456zgc  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm P  P 4  P    gnameg command-infoCRh]456gc  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm Q  Q 6 Q   gnamegcommand-procedureCRh]456ygc  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm R  R 1 R   gnameg command-docCRh]Cgproc  garguments-reader  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm T  U    gnamegmake-command-infoCRh]Cginfo  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm W  X    gnamegcommand-info-procedureCRh]Cginfo  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm Z  [    gnamegcommand-info-arguments-readerCRh ] 45 4 56gc  gdoc gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm ]  ^ ^   _   _    gnameg command-usageCRh@]454 54 5$ 66gc  <gdoc <gstart   <gt  " <gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm a  b  b  c   c   b   d " d  4 e  < f   < gnamegcommand-summaryCRh}]6ugname  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm h i   gnameg lookup-groupC R hx;-.,3#"N"4("45$C"( (C"""3gkey sgtable sggroups   hgcommands   hgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm k  l  $ m  ' o  * o  3 o 4 p ; p  = p A m  D p % J q  R q  R m  ^ m h l  k l & s l  s gnameglookup-commandC R0  h(]45L$ 45"456gc  &gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm u  v   w   w +  w ?  x  & v   & ChX-.,3#445>"G4O45>"G6ggroup Sgabbrev? Sgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm s  t   t  t 4 ) t  2 u  < y G u  S z  S gnameg display-groupCRh0]4>"G445>"G6gcommand  /gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm |  }   } }   ~   ~ # ~  /    / gnamegdisplay-commandCR0 h]45$45"45 $ 45"0 $4  5"4 56 gusage  gabbrevs  gsummary   g usage-len  gabbrevs  & g abbrevs-len  / gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm           !  1  ?  &  &  )  /  6  =  A B  F  J  S  V  Z [  `  g & h ! j  o  t  y  ~  "  gnamegdisplay-summaryCRhT]6Lgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm      C0 !hd-13$$y$G4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G4>"GC\gkey gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 ugvy  8 ugfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   = B  I R V  g z      Ch]6wgrepl  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   gnameg read-commandC"Rh]44556gc  grepl  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    "       gnamegread-command-argumentsC#R" $#hp]4L5L@hgargs  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   (  !   C0%& hX]45&C$.45$45O666grepl  Rgcommand Rgt  " Igfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm             "  -  @ E  I  N  R   R gnameg meta-commandCSR'(hh~] 445>"G$>45$45C45 CCvgname  egcategory  egproc   egargument-reader   egentry  . cgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   #   %  &  .  6  9  > $ C 6 F 0 H  I L  W / Z ]  _  a   e gnamegadd-meta-command!C)R4,T-0:_acegirsqomgckahH9] L    C1gtmp-3ee4d7042b-ab  F  F Ch, 3 45        4O5Cgdummy  gname  gcategory   grepl   g expression0   gdatums   g docstring   gb0   gb1      Ch(,3Cgdummy  "gname  "gcategory   "grepl   "gdatums   "g docstring   "gb0   "gb1   "  " Ch(,3Cgdummy  !gname  !grepl   !g expression0   !gdatums   !g docstring   !gb0   !gb1   !  ! Ch ]Cgdummy  gname  grepl   gdatums   g docstring   gb0   gb1      C hh]!45$@45$@45$@45$ @  6gx  ggtmp ggtmp  " ggtmp  9 ggtmp  P ggfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   g g macro-typeg syntax-rulesgpatternsgnamegcategorygreplg expression0g...gdatumsg docstringgb0gb1g...gnamegcategorygreplgdatumsg docstringgb0gb1g...gnamegreplg expression0g...gdatumsg docstringgb0gb1g...gnamegreplgdatumsg docstringgb0gb1g...C5TR4)id d  !"#h8]445545456 gg  1gname  1gusage   1gheader  & 1gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm        .            .          / $  < &  &   1    1 C$%0&'( )h j-13(y445>"G4>"G4>"G4   >"G4 >"G4 >"G 6"a"$"""]$M&2$"( 66666$( 6""{$O&9$.(45$ 456"-")"%"!"$.(45$ 456"""$.(45$ 456"""$(&(  6"t"p"lbgrepl  gargs  gvx  gvy  gvx  gvy  gvx   gvy   gvx  . wgvy  . wgvx  G ogvy  G ogvx   gvy   gvx   gvy   gvx   gvy   gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm            "       '   +   0   9   =   @  $ E   N   U   Z   c   s   w   |       !  !  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #             R   \   _   g   k                                      7  g documentationfhelp [all | GROUP | [-c] COMMAND] Show help. With one argument, tries to look up the argument as a group name, giving help on that group if successful. Otherwise tries to look up the argument as a command, giving help on the command. If there is a command whose name is also a group name, use the ,help -c COMMAND form to give help on the command instead of the group. Without any argument, a list of help commands and command groups are displayed.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   > C0dh-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   , C>"G4)ig 0-' h-13(4>"G6$q(A45$44556( 66( 666grepl gargs gvx  4 gvy  4 gvx  c gvy  c gvx  gvy  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm %  /   1   1   1  ' 2  * /  ? 3  K /  L 4  O 4  Y 4  ] 4  ` /  r 6  v 6  { 8   8  /  6  6  8  8  8  8  g documentationfshow [TOPIC] Gives information about Guile. With one argument, tries to show a particular piece of information; currently supported topics are `warranty' (or `w'), `copying' (or `c'), and `version' (or `v'). Without any argument, a list of topics is displayed.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm %   > C0gh-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm %  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm %   , C>"G4)i.h]4>"G6grepl  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm >  A   B    g warranty Details on the lack of warranty.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm >   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm >  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm >   , C>"G4)i/h]4>"G6grepl  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm D  G   H    g documentationfshow copying Show the LGPLv3.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm D   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm D  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm D   , C>"G4)i0h]4>"G6grepl  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm J  M   N    g documentationf!show version Version information.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm J   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm J  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm J   , C>"G4)iii1h]456grepl  gregexp  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm P  S S   g documentationf.apropos REGEXP Find bindings/modules/packages.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm P   > C0ih-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm P  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm P   , C>"G4)il2345hP9] 4445$4455" 455>"G61grepl  Igform  Iginput   6gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U  X   Y  Z   Z   [  [   \  \  & \ + ] 8 Y  = X  I ^   I g documentationf,describe OBJ Show description/documentation.C0lh ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U   gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U  . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U    C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U   C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U   > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U   C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U   M C>"G4)i 07h]6zgspec  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm e   f  f + f 6  f    C89:; h-13( 456"B$9$&(44556CCC$1(445>"G 6""grepl gargs gvx  - `gvy  - `gvx  > ^gvy  > ^gvx  o gvy  o gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm `  c   g   e  c  O n ! T n + Z n ! \ n  b c  z i  } i  i  j  c  g documentationf*option [NAME] [EXP] List/show/set options.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm `   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm `  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm `   , C>"G4)i<h]6grepl  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm p  s  s    g documentationfquit Quit this session.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm p   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm p  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm p   , C>"G4)ip=>a?hhk-13(44556$8($ 456456456456cgrepl ggargs ggvx  * \gvy  * \gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm z  }   ~   ~   ~   ~  }  7   ; }  >   F   I  # Q   T  # \   _  # g   g g documentationf5module [MODULE] Change modules / Show current module.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm z   > C0ph-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm z  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm z   , C>"G4)is =>@AB0Ch(] 45$ 4566gname  %gmod %gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm                !   %    % gnameguseCh0-13(44455566grepl .gargs .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm          (   5 "  ( $   &   .   . g documentationf9import [MODULE ...] Import modules / List those imported.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0sh-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)ivFG1h]456grepl  gfile  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm             g documentationf,load FILE Load a file in the current module.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0vh-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)iyH?hhu-13( 456$8($ 456456456456mgrepl bgargs bgvx  % Wgvy  % Wgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm              2   6   9   A   D   L   O   W   Z   b   b g documentationfQreload [MODULE] Reload the given module, or the current module if none was given.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0yh-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)i|I0Jh|]6tgk  gv  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     ,  !  Ch]456grepl  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm        g documentationfbinding List current bindings.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0|h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)i?Kt La h(x]4L>"G44L55LL@pgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm          (   &    & CM:0NO h-13 45$$&$d(845$O6(456  6(456  6(456  6(456  6(456  6  6grepl gmodule gcommand-or-expression  gargs  gm   gvx  ( gvy  ( gvx  A gvy  A  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm            L  & V   g  m   r   |                                        $  g documentationf[in MODULE COMMAND-OR-EXPRESSION Evaluate an expression or command in the context of module.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)iWY0PQRSV hX%]454544545>"G4>"G456grepl  Tgname  Tglang   Tgcur   Tgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm                 "  " -   6   T    T g documentationf#language LANGUAGE Change languages.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0Wh-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)iW3XYMh0] 445545$66grepl  -gform  -gx   -gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm                 %   -    - g documentationf#compile EXP Generate compiled code.C0h ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    M C>"G4)i1Zh-13456grepl gfile gopts  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm         g documentationf!compile-file FILE Compile a file.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)i[3\]Dh0] 44554>"G6grepl  .gform  .gx   .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm               .    . g documentationf'expand EXP Expand any macros in a form.C0h ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    M C>"G4)i^3\]Dh0] 44554>"G6 grepl  .gform  .gx   .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm               .    . g documentationfGoptimize EXP Run the optimizer on a piece of code and print the result.C0h ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    M C>"Gbh]6gx  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm          gnamegguile:disassembleCYR4)i53cXY0dhH9]445545$"45$661grepl  Egform  Egobj   Egt   2gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm                 )   6   <   A   E    E g documentationf1disassemble EXP Disassemble a compiled procedure.C0h ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    M C>"G4)iYe1h]44556grepl  gfile  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm       #         g documentationf)disassemble-file FILE Disassemble a file.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)ifgh53M0ijk hD]:45454544554545454>"G4      >"GC<grepl  gform  ggc-start   g real-start   g run-start   gresult  ' grun-end  . greal-end  5 ggc-end  <  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm                        ! '   '   *   .   1   5   8   <   ?   S   X   ]  _   `   h  j   k   s  u   v   ~    g documentationftime EXP Time execution.C0h ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    M C>"G4)iNl3h -134455@grepl gform gopts  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     '        g documentationfprofile EXP Profile execution.C0h ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    M C>"G4)i\^l3mnh(-13445545@grepl &gform &gopts  &gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     '      &   &  g documentationftrace EXP Trace execution.C0\h ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    M C>"G4,o-0qrstuvw0xhh]LLLLL    LL Cgt-3ee4d7042b-8e0  bgt-3ee4d7042b-8e1  bgt-3ee4d7042b-8e2   bgt-3ee4d7042b-8e3   bgt-3ee4d7042b-8e6   bgt-3ee4d7042b-8e5   bgt-3ee4d7042b-8e4   b  b C hx]4545454545454545$ O@  6gname  ugrepl  ugargs   ug docstring   ugbody   ugbody*   ugtmp  D ugtmp  O ugfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm  +  + / +  -   - /  -   /   / /  /   1  $ 1 / & 1  ' 5  - 5 / / 5  0 7 & 6 7 < 8 7 & 9 8 & ? 8 < A 8 & D &   u Ch(k] 45$@6cgx  "gtmp "gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm #   " C5oR4)inm0 hh-/03##45#45$ 45 4 56   6grepl  hgcount  hgwidth   hgfull?   hgdebug  9 hgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm < # = . 3 < a C  f <   h gwidthS gfull?S g documentationfbacktrace [COUNT] [#:width W] [#:full? F] Print a backtrace. Print a backtrace of all stack frames, or innermost COUNT frames. If COUNT is negative, the last COUNT frames will be shown.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm <   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm <  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm <   , C>"G4)i0Vh@Z-.,3# 45$45$" $6454455${454455$644 54455>"G 4545 45 45 $ 4 5"644 545>"G 4545 45 45 $ 4 5"66Rgrepl @gcount @gdebug   @gt  , @gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm I % P , P  , P  = P  D O  I Q  K Q  U R  V R  b R  f O  n T  z T  { T   S  U  U  W  W  W  W  Y ' Y " X  [  [  [  & ] % + ] 9 \  > I ! @ g documentationfup [COUNT] Select a calling stack frame. Select and print stack frames that called this one. An argument says how many frames up to go.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm I   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm I  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm I   , C>"G4)i0Vh -.,3# 45$45$" $645 $Q45 $6445 >"G4 545 45 4 5644545>"G4 545 45 45 $ 4 5"6 6grepl  gcount  gdebug    gt  , @gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm _ % f , f  , f  = f  D e  I g  K g  U h  W h  [ e  c j  h i  m k  o k  p m  n  p  p  p  r % r  q   _   g documentationfdown [COUNT] Select a called stack frame. Select and print stack frames called by this one. An argument says how many frames down to go.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm _   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm _  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm _   , C>"G4)i)0Vh-.,3#45$$45$" $64455$P445>"G 4545 45 45 $ 4 5"6 6 4545 45 45 $ 4 5"66grepl gidx gdebug   gt  2 Fgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm t * z  + }  2 } 2 }  C }  J |  O ~  Q ~  T  `   d |  e    '  "        *  %  t  g documentationflframe [IDX] Show a frame. Show the selected frame. With an argument, select a frame by index, then show it.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm t   > C0)h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm t  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm t   , C>"G4)iM0h8] 45$44545566grepl  2gdebug 2gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     +   0    2 g documentationf5procedure Print the procedure for the selected frame.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)inm0 hP-/03#4545$45456 6grepl  Mgwidth  Mgdebug  ' Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    0 !  F   K    M gwidthS g documentationfQlocals Show local variables. Show locally-bound variables in the selected frame.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)i0h@3] 45$$4455$ 45"66+grepl  <gdebug <gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm       &   3  2 5   :    < g documentationfyerror-message Show error message. Display the message associated with the error that started the current debugging REPL.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)i530 h@~]445545$45456 6vgrepl  @gform  @gproc   @gidx  & 8gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm                     &   -   0  * 8  <   @    @ g documentationfabreak PROCEDURE Break on calls to PROCEDURE. Starts a recursive prompt when PROCEDURE is called.C0h ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    M C>"G4)i0h8]$ 45"45456grepl  3gfile  3gline   3gfile   3gidx  ! 3gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm        !       !   (   +  & 3    3 g documentationfbreak-at-source FILE LINE Break when control reaches the given source location. Starts a recursive prompt when control reaches line LINE of file FILE. Note that the given source location must be inside a procedure.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G,h]L44556{gframe  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm                Ch[]OCSgk  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C0, Mhd]L6\gx  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    '  C4AhS]4> G4L>"G45(4>"G",4>"G4 LO>"G4 4  5 54 L56Kgfrom gstack gvals  0 ~gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm           !  *   0  8  9   >   C   P   U   Z   c        )    >       Ch0]45U4O>XCXFG@grepl  .gmsg  .ghandler   .gargs  # .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm      . gnamegrepl-pop-continuation-resumerCR4)i0< h`\]45$G4445455544545>"G 6 6Tgrepl  _gdebug _ghandler  / Xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm          " -   /   /   2   V  X   ]    _ g documentationfifinish Run until the current frame finishes. Resume execution, breaking when the current frame finishes.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G,hq]L456igframe  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm         Ch[]OCSgk  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C04A h@]454L>"G4455 4  L56gstack =gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm              !   $   (  ' *   ,  < .   1   =    = Ch0]45U4O>XCXFG@gmsg  ,ghandler  ,gargs  ! ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm      , gnamegrepl-next-resumerCR4)i0< hhd]45$K4454554454545 >"G  6 6\grepl  cgdebug cgmsg  ( \gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm       (  (   +   =  & N   Z  \   a    c g documentationfustep Step until control reaches a different source location. Step until control reaches a different source location.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)i0< hhk]45$K4454554454545 >"G  6 6cgrepl  cgdebug cgmsg  ( \gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm       (  (   +   =  & N   Z  \   a    c g documentationf|step-instruction Step until control reaches a different instruction. Step until control reaches a different VM instruction.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)i0< hh]45$K4454554454545 >"G  6 6grepl  cgdebug cgmsg  ( \gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm       (  (   +   =  & N   Z  \   a    c g documentationfnext Step until control reaches a different source location in the current frame. Step until control reaches a different source location in the current frame.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)i0< hh]45$K4454554454545 >"G  6 6grepl  cgdebug cgmsg  ( \gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm       (  (   +   =  & N   Z  \   a    c g documentationfnext-instruction Step until control reaches a different instruction in the current frame. Step until control reaches a different VM instruction in the current frame.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)i530 h@]445545$45456 6grepl  @gform  @gproc   @gidx  & 8gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm                     &   -   0  * 8  <   @    @ g documentationftracepoint PROCEDURE Add a tracepoint to PROCEDURE. A tracepoint will print out the procedure and its arguments, when it is called, and its return value(s) when it returns.C0h ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm     C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    M C>"G4)i0 0h(]4545$"6gidx  %gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm        !  !   ! 4 # ! 7 %    % Ch 3] 45(66+grepl  gtraps  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm                      g documentationfxtraps Show the set of currently attached traps. Show the set of currently attached traps (breakpoints and tracepoints).C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm    , C>"G4)ih ]45$66grepl  gidx  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm $  ) )   +   *  *    g documentationf)delete IDX Delete a trap. Delete a trap.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm $   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm $  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm $   , C>"G4)ih ]45$66grepl  gidx  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm -  2 2   4   3  3    g documentationf,disable IDX Disable a trap. Disable a trap.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm -   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm -  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm -   , C>"G4)ih ]45$66grepl  gidx  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm 6  ; ;   =   <  <    g documentationf)enable IDX Enable a trap. Enable a trap.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm 6   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm 6  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm 6   , C>"G4)i 0h0] 45$454566grepl  +gdebug +gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm ? $ D  ) ?   + g documentationfEregisters Print registers. Print the registers of the current frame.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm ?   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm ?  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm ?   , C>"G4)i n0 h8-.,3#4>"G456grepl 3gx 3gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm F  L  , M - M 1 3 M  3 g documentationfpwidth [X] Set debug output width. Set the number of screen columns in the output from `backtrace' and `locals'.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm F   > C0 h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm F  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm F   , C>"G4)iHl3 Jh(] 44455> G6grepl  &gform  &gargs   &gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U  X   X  X 2  X   X  & Z   & g documentationf4inspect EXP Inspect the result(s) of evaluating EXP.C0Hh ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U   gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U  . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U    C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U   C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U   > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U   C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm U   M C>"G4)iBl3 \]Dh m]4>"G6egx  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm b   c  d    Ch( ] 44455> G6grepl  &gform  &gargs   &gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm \  _   _  _ 2  _   _  & a   & g documentationf>pretty-print EXP Pretty-print the result(s) of evaluating EXP.C0Bh ]3$$$K4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6g form-name  gkey  gargs   gvx   gvy   gvx  gvy  gvx  1 rgvy  1 r gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm \   gnameghandle-read-errorC,Zh0^-.,3#4544L55456Vgport .gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm \  . ChJ]LO6Bgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm \    C6hm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm \   C(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm \   > Chm-13L6egk gargs gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm \   C hP]45U64OO544O5>XCXFGCgrepl  Mghandle-read-error  Mgform  $ Bgk  F Mgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm \   M C>"G4)ih]6grepl  gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm l  o    g documentationfgc Garbage collection.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm l   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm l  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm l   , C>"G4)i   !"#$%&'()*+,-.V&h;]a4545454545454 >"G4 >"G4 54 54 >"G4>"G4 >"G45454 >"G4>"G4 >"G45454 >"G4>"G4 >"G4545454545454545    4  >"G4!>"G4">"G4#  >"G4$  >"G4 >"G    44%5>"G4%563grepl  |gthis-tms  |gthis-gcs   |glast-tms   |glast-gcs   |g this-times  4 gg last-times  4 gg this-heap  y g this-free  y g this-alloc   g last-alloc   g this-total  2 xg last-total  2 xg this-utime   Vg last-utime   Vg this-stime   Vg last-stime   Vg this-cutime  Vg last-cutime  Vg this-cstime  Vg last-cstime  Vgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm q  t   u  v   w   t  # y  ) y * + y  , z  2 z * 4 z  4 y  9 {  = {  D { > I {  R |  h ~  n ~ ) p ~  q   w  * y   y ~  ~      )  3          @        )      )          -  4        >       !   '  ) )   *   0  ) 2   2   7   ;   =  + ?  2 D   M   Q   Z   c   y                                   0   7                                     &   /   W   |  c  | g documentationfstatistics Display statistics.C,(h@|]4455"%4545$6""tgport >gout  7gx   7gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm q   > C0h-13$$$J4>"G445>"G"4>"G"4>"G"4>"G6gk gargs gvx   gvy   gvx  ' gvy  ' gvx  8 xgvy  8 xgfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm q  Ch0k] 45U445>XCXFGCcgrepl  ,gk % ,gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm q   , C>"G0/0h0] 4$"56gtitle  )gflag  )gfield1   )gfield2   )gunit   )gfmt   )gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm         8   A   D      )    ) gnameg display-statCRh]6gtitle  gfield1  gfield2   gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   '      gnamegdisplay-stat-titleCRh]6gtitle  gflag  gthis   glast   gunit   gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm         gnamegdisplay-diff-statCR012k3h@8] 4455445560gtitle  9gthis  9glast   9gnum  #gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm                 (      )   *   1  ( 3   5   7  : 9    9 gnamegdisplay-time-statC%R40156h`] $"45 $"456gtitle  [g this-time  [g this-clock   [g last-time   [g last-clock   [gtime   9gclock   9gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm      .             $   )  % .  . 0  < 1  . 3   =   A   C   H   M  % R  . T  < U  . W   Y  , [    [ gnamegdisplay-mips-statC7RC;gm  0gfilenamefsystem/repl/command.scm   2 3  5 2 7 H  : G J _ K ` M  i M  N  O = P  Q  R L T  W  Z o ]  a a h / k H s O |      ! .q % 5 > : D >Q J B P G U O ` U p Y z _Y  e9  i  o)  t  |A  i        n  o  b    2    ƒ < i I ӹ _ ڑ t )        J              A  !  *r  0I $ 4 - 9 6 > ? B F G U OJ \ W l [ q i  j  k  ml  o  W o C6