GOOF----LE-8-2.0;&]4h] gguile  gdefine-module*   gtexinfo gdocbook  gfilenameS ftexinfo/docbook.scm gimportsS gsxml gfold     gsrfi gsrfi-1  gselectS     gexportsS g*sdocbook->stexi-rules* g*sdocbook-block-commands* gsdocbook-flatten gfilter-empty-elements greplace-titles  gset-current-module   !gidentity "g@ #gidentity-deattr $g detag-one %g parameter &gvar '%& (g replaceable )(& *gtype +gcode ,*+ -gfunction .-+ /gliteral 0gsamp 1/0 2gemphasis 3gemph 423 5gsimpara 6gpara 756 8gprogramlisting 9gexample :89 ;g firstterm gfilename ?gfile @>? Agquote Bgcite CAB Dg application EDB Fgsymbol GF+ Hgnote Ig cartouche JHI Kgenvar Lgenv MKL N'),.147:=@CEGJM Ogtag-replacements Pg ignore-list Qgwith-output-to-string Rgwrite Sg stringify Tg *preorder* Ug% Vg orderedlist Wglistitem Xgitem Yg enumerate Zg itemizedlist [gitemize \gacronym ]gterm ^ginformalexample _gsection `g subsection ag subsubsection bgulink cgassq dgurl eguref fgtitle gg*text* hg *default* igappend jgwarn kfIgnoring lf attributes mgmemq nfDon't know how to convert ofto stexi pgc qgall rg indexterm sg variablelist tgrefsect1 ugrefsect2 vgrefsect3 wgrefsect4 xg informaltable y68^rsVtuvwf9HZx zginline-command? {i |i }greverse ~gfoldts*-values gchapter t u_ v` wa C5h]4   54 >"Gho-13Cggargs gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm (  gnamegidentityC!R"h@-13$%$&"""Cgtag ;gbody ;gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm +  ,   ,  , (  , !  ,   -  - % $ ,  ' .  : ,  ; gnamegidentity-deattrC#Rh]Cwgtag  gbody  gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm 1    gnameg detag-oneC$RNORPRQRhN]L6Fgfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm H   H $   Chu]O6mgexp  gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm G H   gnameg stringifyCSR"T!iUT!i6#iVWXhs-13Ckgtag gbody gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm R  S   CYhs-13Ckgtag gbody gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm T  U   CZWXhs-13Ckgtag gbody gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm W  X   C[hs-13Ckgtag gbody gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm Y  Z   C\\Uh s-13Ckgtag gbody gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm [  \   C]$i^$i_!i`!ia!ibcdeUfh8-1345$CCgtag 1gattrs 1gbody  1gt   1gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm b  d   d   d   d   c   f  0 h  1  Cg$ihcOi"jklmPnopUqSh-1345$U" 6$=$1&#4>"G6"""4 5$C4  >"G  45Cgtag gbody gsubst   gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm j  k !  k   l  # r $ ' r  ' n  * n ! . n  1 n 5 2 n . 6 n  9 n F < n R @ n  A p  E p $ I p 3 L p @ Q p  ^ q & a q 2 c q  p s  | l   u  u  u > u  v  v % v 0 v % v # CRyRmh]45Cgcommand  gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm     gnameginline-command?CzRU|}h(]L4L$ L"455Dgaccum  %gblock  %gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm      (  5    %   % ChXn]$&$&"""$"ODfgnode  Vgaccum  Vgblock   Vgcont   Vgcommand  4 Vgattrs  4 Vgfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm         0  )      ( !  $  4  >  A  I $ J  K  V   V gnamegfdownC~zihHy]4> G45$45D45Dqgnode  Fgpaccum  Fgpblock   Fgpcont   Fgkaccum   Fgkblock   Fgkcont   Fgret   Fgblock   F gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm   !       "  '  ( & 4 7  @ * B  F   F gnamegfupCh]Dgstr  gaccum  gblock   gcont   gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm     gnamegfhereC}h0"]!4> G6gsdocbook  )gfdown  )gaccum   )gblock   )gcont   )gfilenameftexinfo/docbook.scm    :  >     )   ) gnamegsdocbook-flatteng documentationf"Flatten" a fragment of sdocbook so that block elements do not nest inside each other. Docbook is a nested format, where e.g. a @code{refsect2} normally appears inside a @code{refsect1}. Logical divisions in the document are represented via the tree topology; a @code{refsect2} element @emph{contains} all of the elements in its section. On the contrary, texinfo is a flat format, in which sections are marked off by standalone section headers like @code{@@chapter}, and block elements do not nest inside each other. This function takes a nested sdocbook fragment @var{sdocbook} and flattens all of the sections, such that e.g. @example (refsect1 (refsect2 (para "Hello"))) @end example becomes @example ((refsect1) (refsect2) (para "Hello")) @end example Oftentimes (always?) sectioning elements have @code{} as their first element child; users interested in processing the @code{refsect*} elements into proper sectioning elements like @code{chapter} might be interested in @code{replace-titles} and @code{filter-empty-elements}. @xref{texinfo docbook replace-titles,,replace-titles}, and @ref{texinfo docbook filter-empty-elements,,filter-empty-elements}. Returns a nodeset, as described in @ref{sxml xpath}. That is to say, this function returns an untagged list of stexi elements.�CR} ����h(������]"���C�$���(��C""����������g��x  %�g��rest  %��g��filenamef��texinfo/docbook.scm �  � �   �   �   �  � �  % ���C������h��� ��]4�56������g��sdocbook  ��g��filenamef��texinfo/docbook.scm �  �  �   �   � �   ��g��nameg��filter-empty-elementsg�� documentationf��gFilters out empty elements in an sdocbook nodeset. Mostly useful after running @code{sdocbook-flatten}.�CR}c���hh�����]"��U(��6$��45"��$��""�"��������g��sdocbook-fragment  f�g��in  [�g��out   [�g��t  * [��g��filenamef��texinfo/docbook.scm �  �  �   �   �   �  �   �  � " # �  % �  * �  5 �  9 � " < � / ? �  B �  J � M � P �  S �  [ �  [ �  ^ � ' f � �  f ��g��nameg��replace-titlesg�� documentationf�rIterate over the sdocbook nodeset @var{sdocbook-fragment}, transforming contiguous @code{refsect} and @code{title} elements into the appropriate texinfo sectioning command. Most useful after having run @code{sdocbook-flatten}. For example: @example (replace-titles '((refsect1) (title "Foo") (para "Bar."))) @result{} '((chapter "Foo") (para "Bar.")) @end example �CRC����������g��m  ,��g��filenamef��texinfo/docbook.scm   � (  +  1  5   4  E   E  G  N  q J s �  v � % �  � # �  � �   ���C6�