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EI>W ),. w* Pp%We k1.0 + D F|' 11.l-U V '1 ,?/4QOE/ ,p$>"z)=-* .p o m.+v j&to m,$Dw<(?)(*_(%2@* A#, f067 6 &'1g*-n Q*%"T)'+y ou Uy*6U& , /%#6 ; 0119L +'1Z < -- |1' *91 )1h1&00)+h&6:lAd0A.FHB.t  (h:/// N1 ,T %-;Y)U0@ ((('{#w0wH%hMw&%*1. >(` 2t {-0."&i ,1d{" "4,,.kn1-Wy+#+ >-//P&+-=)R/h WGN h)s-!',&!G-/R,-"( 'F0U1)B o.'ry(,(e-E '/*#i|l1.O pj$&$=0v(~ M.*E,!A$~ .?f 1 #-9 K W 8 .!,!/"w'&+* c;  !(n*  #H-b1 c#lX0' R&(FM'_, ".[/a'-(7q/ *& /J$ !'b9 ,! '/ O%0i . . R@(0ny$50#$(C"r(- o w$q$,& 2;,+/ ,#.;]*"&+*1 #*( ^+ %}1H&,,A"A00!,rF% v(/ 02b| { p\%r&.? 2z. )y m'l ( g&,! * - ! 'i#k1 g&v12D,"0|J 1W*HN+5-HPe D{q1.& W \T'$3 IC6B+,[ O/'.2!'Z1. ;0\o#!m S,' L%'s0-1( =&0>k-J  -*#@ )0t GT ! (+%+%,$,VD"v*/$,t&/d!% *,)%02)1{n'K60S6KB -i#)&1&)+!r0%"+"W,^K%@)4,0Q&-k %^) 11M8P1/ .m )E _/ N] E (F' tO#Y1)Q M)."y,0  ,%$, ~ %#qD For bug reporting instructions, please see: For bug reporting instructions, please see: %s. Go ahead? (y or n) Linker options ============== Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by %s. In order to pass other options on to these processes the -W options must be used. ldd output with constructors/destructors. write_c_file - output name is %s, prefix is %s Display specific types of command line options. %s %qD -F, --fullname Print full filename -f, --function Print function level info -h, --hotonly Only print info for hot objects/functions -n, --normalize Normalize the profile -o, --object Print object level info -o, --output Output directory -s, --scale Scale the profile counters -t , --hot_threshold Set the threshold for hotness -v, --verbose Verbose mode -w, --weight Set weights (float point values) Included at %s:%d: inlined from %qs inlined from %qs at %r%s:%d%R inlined from %qs at %r%s:%d:%d%R by earlier handler for %<%T%> by earlier handler for %qT in pointer to member conversion in pointer to member function conversion %q#D %q+T has a non-trivial destructor %q+T is not an aggregate, does not have a trivial default constructor, and has no % constructor that is not a copy or move constructor %qE %qE is not equivalent to %qE %qT is a closure type, which is only literal in C++17 and later %qT is an ambiguous base class of %qT %qT is not derived from %qT %s (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes). (you can disable this with -fno-deduce-init-list) -### Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed. --help Display this information. --help={common|optimizers|params|target|warnings|[^]{joined|separate|undocumented}}[,...]. --sysroot= Use as the root directory for headers and libraries. --target-help Display target specific command line options. --version Display compiler version information. -B Add to the compiler's search paths. -E Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link. -S Compile only; do not assemble or link. -Wa, Pass comma-separated on to the assembler. -Wl, Pass comma-separated on to the linker. -Wp, Pass comma-separated on to the preprocessor. -Xassembler Pass on to the assembler. -Xlinker Pass on to the linker. -Xpreprocessor Pass on to the preprocessor. -a, --all-blocks Show information for every basic block -b, --branch-probabilities Include branch probabilities in output -c Compile and assemble, but do not link. -c, --branch-counts Output counts of branches taken rather than percentages -d, --display-progress Display progress information -dumpmachine Display the compiler's target processor. -dumpspecs Display all of the built in spec strings. -dumpversion Display the version of the compiler. -f, --function-summaries Output summaries for each function -h, --help Print this help, then exit -h, --help Print this help, then exit -i, --intermediate-format Output .gcov file in intermediate text format -j, --human-readable Output human readable numbers -k, --use-colors Emit colored output -l, --long-file-names Use long output file names for included source files -m, --demangled-names Output demangled function names -n, --no-output Do not create an output file -no-canonical-prefixes Do not canonicalize paths when building relative prefixes to other gcc components. -o Place the output into . -o, --object-directory DIR|FILE Search for object files in DIR or called FILE -p, --preserve-paths Preserve all pathname components -pass-exit-codes Exit with highest error code from a phase. -pie Create a dynamically linked position independent executable. -pipe Use pipes rather than intermediate files. -print-file-name= Display the full path to library . -print-libgcc-file-name Display the name of the compiler's companion library. -print-multi-directory Display the root directory for versions of libgcc. -print-multi-lib Display the mapping between command line options and multiple library search directories. -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries. -print-multiarch Display the target's normalized GNU triplet, used as a component in the library path. -print-prog-name= Display the full path to compiler component . -print-search-dirs Display the directories in the compiler's search path. -print-sysroot Display the target libraries directory. -print-sysroot-headers-suffix Display the sysroot suffix used to find headers. -r, --relative-only Only show data for relative sources -s, --source-prefix DIR Source prefix to elide -save-temps Do not delete intermediate files. -save-temps= Do not delete intermediate files. -shared Create a shared library. -specs= Override built-in specs with the contents of . -std= Assume that the input sources are for . -time Time the execution of each subprocess. -u, --unconditional-branches Show unconditional branch counts too -v Display the programs invoked by the compiler. -v, --version Print version number, then exit -v, --version Print version number, then exit -w, --verbose Print verbose informations -x Specify the language of the following input files. Permissible languages include: c c++ assembler none 'none' means revert to the default behavior of guessing the language based on the file's extension. -x, --hash-filenames Hash long pathnames a constructor taking a single argument of its own class type is invalid a qualified-id is required an inherited constructor is not a candidate for initialization from an expression of the same or derived type and each type can be converted to the other as it is a non-system directory that duplicates a system directory base %qT base class %qT of %q+T is non-literal because conversion sequence for the argument is better because the following virtual functions are pure within %qT: but %d required but does not override %<%T(const %T&)%> but does not override % by %qD can't deduce a template for %qT from non-template type %qT candidate conversions include %qD and %qD candidate expects %d argument, %d provided candidate expects %d arguments, %d provided candidate expects at least %d argument, %d provided candidate expects at least %d arguments, %d provided cannot convert %qE (type %qT) to type %qT conversion from return type %qT of template conversion function specialization to %qT is not an exact match conversion of argument %d would be ill-formed: couldn't deduce template parameter %qD crosses initialization of %q#D deduced conflicting types for parameter %qT (%qT and %qT) deduced conflicting values for non-type parameter %qE (%qE and %qE) enters % if statement enters OpenMP structured block enters catch block enters scope of %q#D which has non-trivial destructor enters scope of %q#D, which has non-trivial destructor enters synchronized or atomic statement enters try block exits OpenMP structured block expected %qD but got %qD expected a class template, got %qE expected a class template, got %qT expected a constant of type %qT, got %qT expected a template of type %qD, got %qT expected a type, got %qE expected a type, got %qT for conversion from %qH to %qI from definition of %q#D from here in call to %qD in evaluation of %<%Q(%#T, %#T)%> in thrown expression inconsistent parameter pack deduction with %qT and %qT inherited here initializing argument %P of %qD matches this %qD under old rules member function type %qT is not a valid template argument merge [options] Merge coverage file contents mismatched types %qT and %qT no known conversion for argument %d from %qH to %qI no known conversion for implicit % parameter from %qH to %qI no known conversion from %qH to %qI non-static data member %qD has non-literal type non-static data member %qD has volatile type or % or a % function overlap [options] Compute the overlap of two profiles passing %qT as % argument discards qualifiers profiling support are only provided in archive format return type %qT of explicit conversion function cannot be converted to %qT with a qualification conversion rewrite [options] Rewrite coverage file contents since %q+#D declared in base class skips initialization of %q#D substitution of deduced template arguments resulted in errors seen above template argument %qE does not match %qE template argument %qE does not match pointer-to-member constant %qE template argument deduction/substitution failed: template parameter %qD is not a parameter pack, but argument %qD is template parameters of a template template argument are inconsistent with other deduced template arguments trying to instantiate %qD types %qT and %qT have incompatible cv-qualifiers variable-sized array type %qT is not a valid template argument when initialized here when instantiating default argument for call to %qD (BB %d) (operand type is %qT) (operand types are %qT and %qT) (operand types are %qT, %qT, and %qT) All options with the desired characteristics have already been displayed No options with the desired characteristics were found None found. Use --help=%s to show *all* the options supported by the %s front-end. because all of its copy and move constructors are deleted candidate 1: %q#F candidate 2: %q#F conflicting code gen style switches are used the expression has a constant value but is not a C++ constant-expression!$ACC LOOP %s in PARALLEL region doesn't allow %s arguments at %L!$ACC LOOP %s loops don't form rectangular iteration space at %L!$ACC LOOP cannot be a DO WHILE or DO without loop control at %L!$ACC LOOP iteration variable must be of type integer at %L!$ACC at %C starts a commented line as it neither is followed by a space nor is a continuation line!$OMP ATOMIC CAPTURE capture statement must read from a scalar variable of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC CAPTURE capture statement must set a scalar variable of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC CAPTURE capture statement reads from different variable than update statement writes into at %L!$OMP ATOMIC CAPTURE update statement must set a scalar variable of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC READ statement must read from a scalar variable of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment intrinsic IAND, IOR or IEOR must have two arguments at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment intrinsic must be MIN, MAX, IAND, IOR or IEOR at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment must be var = var op expr or var = expr op var at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment must have an operator or intrinsic on right hand side at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment operator must be binary +, *, -, /, .AND., .OR., .EQV. or .NEQV. at %L!$OMP ATOMIC intrinsic arguments except one must not reference %qs at %L!$OMP ATOMIC intrinsic arguments must be scalar at %L!$OMP ATOMIC statement must set a scalar variable of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC var = var op expr not mathematically equivalent to var = var op (expr) at %L!$OMP ATOMIC with ALLOCATABLE variable at %L!$OMP DECLARE REDUCTION %s not found at %L!$OMP DECLARE REDUCTION %s not found for type %s at %L!$OMP DECLARE SIMD should refer to containing procedure %qs at %L!$OMP DECLARE TARGET variable %qs at %L isn't SAVEd!$OMP at %C starts a commented line as it neither is followed by a space nor is a continuation line"::" was expected after module nature at %C but was not found"USE :: module" at %C# %s %.2f %.2f #include "..." search starts here: #include <...> search starts here: #pragma GCC memregs must precede any function decls#pragma GCC memregs takes a number [0..16]#pragma GCC optimize is not allowed inside functions#pragma GCC optimize string... is badly formed#pragma GCC option is not allowed inside functions#pragma GCC target is not supported for this machine#pragma GCC target string... is badly formed#pragma GCC visibility must be followed by push or pop#pragma GCC visibility push() must specify default, internal, hidden or protected#pragma GHS endXXX does not match previous startXXX#pragma GHS endXXXX found without previous startXXX#pragma implementation for %qs appears after file is included#pragma message: %s#pragma pack (pop) encountered without matching #pragma pack (push)#pragma pack has no effect with -fpack-struct - ignored#pragma pack(pop, %E) encountered without matching #pragma pack(push, %E)#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with __asm__ declaration#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous #pragma redefine_extname#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous rename#pragma vtable no longer supported$ descriptor at %L$ operand number used after format without operand number$ should be the last specifier in format at %L%#qT declared here%#qT defined here%%:canon_for_mlib takes 1 or more pairs of parameters%%:target_mode_check takes an even number of parameters%%LOC() as an rvalue at %C%+qD causes a section type conflict%+qD causes a section type conflict with %qD%+qD declared alias after being used%+qD declared ifunc after being used%+qD declared weak after being used%+qD declared weakref after being used% not valid in GIMPLE%<#pragma %s%> may only be used in compound statements%<#pragma GCC ivdep%> must be inside a function%<#pragma GCC optimize (string [,string]...)%> does not have a final %<)%>%<#pragma GCC optimize%> is not a string or number%<#pragma GCC option%> is not a string%<#pragma GCC pch_preprocess%> must be first%<#pragma GCC pop_options%> without a corresponding %<#pragma GCC push_options%>%<#pragma GCC target (string [,string]...)%> does not have a final %<)%>%<#pragma GCC unroll%> must be inside a function%<#pragma GCC unroll%> requires an assignment-expression that evaluates to a non-negative integral constant less than %u%<#pragma STDC FLOAT_CONST_DECIMAL64%> is not supported for C++%<#pragma STDC FLOAT_CONST_DECIMAL64%> is not supported on this target%<#pragma acc %s data%> has no data movement clause%<#pragma acc routine%> already applied to %qD%<#pragma acc routine%> must be applied before definition%<#pragma acc routine%> must be applied before use%<#pragma acc routine%> must be at file scope%<#pragma acc routine%> names a set of overloads%<#pragma acc routine%> not immediately followed by a single function declaration or definition%<#pragma acc routine%> not immediately followed by function declaration or definition%<#pragma acc update%> must contain at least one % or % or % clause%<#pragma align%> must appear before the declaration of %qD, ignoring%<#pragma omp atomic capture%> uses two different expressions for memory%<#pragma omp atomic capture%> uses two different variables for memory%<#pragma omp atomic update%> uses two different expressions for memory%<#pragma omp atomic update%> uses two different variables for memory%<#pragma omp cancel for%> inside % for construct%<#pragma omp cancel for%> inside % for construct%<#pragma omp cancel sections%> inside % sections construct%<#pragma omp cancel%> must specify one of %, %, % or % clauses%<#pragma omp cancellation point%> must specify one of %, %, % or % clauses%<#pragma omp declare reduction%> combiner refers to variable %qD which is not % nor %%<#pragma omp declare reduction%> initializer refers to variable %qD which is not % nor %%<#pragma omp declare reduction%> not at file or block scope%<#pragma omp declare simd%> must be followed by function declaration or definition%<#pragma omp declare simd%> must be followed by function declaration or definition or another %<#pragma omp declare simd%>%<#pragma omp declare simd%> not immediately followed by a function declaration or definition%<#pragma omp declare simd%> not immediately followed by a single function declaration or definition%<#pragma omp declare simd%> not immediately followed by function declaration or definition%<#pragma omp declare target%> with clauses in between %<#pragma omp declare target%> without clauses and %<#pragma omp end declare target%>%<#pragma omp end declare target%> without corresponding %<#pragma omp declare target%>%<#pragma omp ordered%> with % clause may only be used in compound statements%<#pragma omp section%> may only be used in %<#pragma omp sections%> construct%<#pragma omp simd%> used with class iteration variable %qE%<#pragma omp target data%> must contain at least one % clause%<#pragma omp target data%> with map-type other than %, %, % or % on % clause%<#pragma omp target enter data%> must contain at least one % clause%<#pragma omp target enter data%> with map-type other than % or % on % clause%<#pragma omp target exit data%> must contain at least one % clause%<#pragma omp target exit data%> with map-type other than %, % or % on % clause%<#pragma omp target update%> must contain at least one % or % clauses%<#pragma omp target%> with map-type other than %, %, % or % on % clause%<#pragma scalar_storage_order%> is not supported for C++%<#pragma weak%> declaration of %q+D not allowed, ignored%<#pragma%> is not allowed here%<%%%> constraint used with last operand%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year in some locales%<%.*s%> directive argument is null%<%.*s%> directive output between %wu and %wu bytes causes result to exceed %%<%.*s%> directive output between %wu and %wu bytes exceeds minimum required size of 4095%<%.*s%> directive output between %wu and %wu bytes may cause result to exceed %%<%.*s%> directive output between %wu and %wu bytes may exceed minimum required size of 4095%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu byte into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu byte into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output of %wu bytes causes result to exceed %%<%.*s%> directive output of %wu bytes exceeds minimum required size of 4095%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu byte into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu byte into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive precision out of range%<%.*s%> directive width out of range%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu byte into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu byte into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%D::%D%> is not a class member%<%D::%D%> is not a member of %qT%<%E::%E%> has not been declared%<%E::%E%> is not a class or namespace%<%E::%E%> is not a class, namespace, or enumeration%<%E::%E%> is not a type%<%E::%E%> scoped attribute directive ignored%<%T::%D%> names constructor in %qT%<%T::%D%> names destructor%<%T::%D%> names the constructor, not the type%<%T::%E%> has not been declared%<%T::%E%> is not a type%<%T::%E%> names the constructor, not the type%<%c%> is not a valid character in an identifier%<%c%> is not a valid first character for an identifier%<%c%E%> not found in protocol(s)%<%s %E%> declared inside parameter list will not be visible outside of this definition or declaration%<%s %s%> construct not closely nested inside of %qs%<%s + %s%> at %L must be less than or equal to BIT_SIZE(%qs)%<%s taskgroup%> construct not closely nested inside of % region%<%s%> attribute directive ignored%<%s%> is unknown%<%s=%s%> and %<%s-%s%> are incompatible%<&%> constraint used with no register class%<&%> not allowed by itself in line %d%<&&%> not valid in GIMPLE%<)%> expected at %C%<*%> in boolean context, suggest %<&&%> instead%<*this%> capture only available with -std=c++17 or -std=gnu++17%<-%s%> conflicts with the other architecture options, which specify a %s processor%<-Wabi=1%> is not supported, using =2%<-f%s%> and %<%s=%s%> are incompatible%<-fabi-compat-version=1%> is not supported, using =2%<-fabi-version=1%> is no longer supported%<-fcf-protection=branch%> is not supported for this target%<-fcf-protection=full%> is not supported for this target%<-fcf-protection=return%> is not supported for this target%<-fcheck-pointer-bounds%> is not supported for this target%<-fcheck-pointer-bounds%> is not supported with %<-fsanitize=bounds%>%<-fcheck-pointer-bounds%> is not supported with %<-fsanitize=bounds-strict%>%<-fcheck-pointer-bounds%> is not supported with Address Sanitizer%<-fcheck-pointer-bounds%> is not supported with Thread Sanitizer%<-fd-lines-as-code%> has no effect in free form%<-fd-lines-as-comments%> has no effect in free form%<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=dir:...%> must allow at least as much as %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=ind:...%>%<-ffriend-injection%> is deprecated%<-fno-fat-lto-objects%> are supported only with linker plugin%<-fno-for-scope%> is deprecated%<-fobjc-abi-version%> >= 2 is not supported on %<-m32%> targets with %<-fnext-runtime%>%<-fobjc-abi-version%> >= 2 must be used for %<-m64%> targets with %<-fnext-runtime%>%<-fobjc-exceptions%> is required to enable Objective-C exception syntax%<-fobjc-gc%> is ignored for %<-fgnu-runtime%>%<-fobjc-sjlj-exceptions%> is ignored for %<-fgnu-runtime%>%<-fobjc-sjlj-exceptions%> is ignored for %<-fnext-runtime%> when %<-fobjc-abi-version%> >= 2%<-fobjc-sjlj-exceptions%> is the only supported exceptions system for %<-fnext-runtime%> with %<-fobjc-abi-version%> < 2%<-foffload-abi%> option can be specified only for offload compiler%<-freorder-blocks-and-partition%> does not support unwind info on this architecture%<-freorder-blocks-and-partition%> does not work on this architecture%<-freorder-blocks-and-partition%> does not work with exceptions on this architecture%<-fsanitize-address-use-after-scope%> requires %<-fstack-reuse=none%> option%<-fsanitize-recover=%s%> is not supported%<-fsanitize=address%> and %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%> are incompatible with %<-fsanitize=thread%>%<-fsanitize=address%> is incompatible with %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>%<-fsanitize=all%> option is not valid%<-fsanitize=leak%> is incompatible with %<-fsanitize=thread%>%<-fsanitize=pointer-compare%> must be combined with %<-fsanitize=address%> or %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>%<-fsanitize=pointer-subtract%> must be combined with %<-fsanitize=address%> or %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>%<-fsplit-stack%> currently only supported on GNU/Linux%<-fsplit-stack%> currently only supported on PowerPC64 GNU/Linux with glibc-2.18 or later%<-fsplit-stack%> is not supported by this compiler configuration%<-fsplit-stack%> requires assembler support for CFI directives%<-fstack-check=%> and %<-fstack-clash_protection%> are mutually exclusive. Disabling %<-fstack-check=%>%<-fstack-clash-protection%> is not supported on targets where the stack grows from lower to higher addresses%<-gdwarf%s%> is ambiguous; use %<-gdwarf-%s%> for DWARF version or %<-gdwarf -g%s%> for debug level%<-gnat%> misspelled as %<-gant%>%<-m%s%> not supported in this configuration%<-march=%s%> is not compatible with the selected ABI%<-march=%s%> requires %<-mfp32%>%<-mcpu=%> is deprecated; use %<-mtune=%> or %<-march=%> instead%<-mdynamic-no-pic%> overrides %<-fpic%>, %<-fPIC%>, %<-fpie%> or %<-fPIE%>%<-mfpxx%> can only be used with the o32 ABI%<-mfpxx%> requires %<-mlra%>%<-mfunction-return=%s%> and %<-mcmodel=large%> are not compatible%<-mfused-madd%> is deprecated; use %<-ffp-contract=%> instead%<-mgp32%> and %<-mfp64%> can only be combined if the target supports the mfhc1 and mthc1 instructions%<-mgp32%> and %<-mfp64%> can only be combined when using the o32 ABI%<-mgp32%> used with a 64-bit ABI%<-mgp64%> used with a 32-bit ABI%<-mgp64%> used with a 32-bit processor%<-mindirect-branch=%s%> and %<-mcmodel=large%> are not compatible%<-mindirect-branch=thunk-extern%>, %<-fcf-protection=branch%> and %<-fcheck-pointer-bounds%> are not compatible%<-mintel-syntax%> and %<-mno-intel-syntax%> are deprecated; use %<-masm=intel%> and %<-masm=att%> instead%<-mips3d%> requires %<-mpaired-single%>%<-misel=no%> is deprecated; use %<-mno-isel%> instead%<-misel=yes%> is deprecated; use %<-misel%> instead%<-mmsa%> must be used with %<-mfp64%> and %<-mhard-float%>%<-mno-%s%> turns off %<-m%s%>%<-mno-gpopt%> needs %<-mexplicit-relocs%>%<-mpcommit%> was deprecated%<-mrtd%> is ignored in 64bit mode%<-msse5%> was removed%<-msseregparm%> used without SSE enabled%<-mstring%> is deprecated%<-mtune=x86-64%> is deprecated; use %<-mtune=k8%> or %<-mtune=generic%> instead as appropriate%<-mvrsave=no%> is deprecated; use %<-mno-vrsave%> instead%<-mvrsave=yes%> is deprecated; use %<-mvrsave%> instead%<-static-libgfortran%> is not supported in this configuration%<-x %s%> after last input file has no effect%<.%s%> designator used multiple times in the same initializer list%<...%> as arguments.)%<...%> handler must be the last handler for its try block%<...%> has invalid operand number%<...%> not allowed in designated initializer list%<::%> needed in PROCEDURE binding with explicit target at %C%<::%D%> has not been declared%<::%E%> has not been declared%<::%E%> is not a class or namespace%<::%E%> is not a class, namespace, or enumeration%<::%E%> is not a type%<::main%> must return %%<<:%> is an alternate spelling for %<[%>. Insert whitespace between %<<%> and %<::%>%<<::%> cannot begin a template-argument list%<<<%> in boolean context, did you mean %<<%> ?%<=> target%> is invalid for DEFERRED binding at %C%<>>%> operator is treated as two right angle brackets in C++11%<>>%> should be %<> >%> within a nested template argument list%<@dynamic%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@dynamic%> not in @implementation context%<@dynamic%> requires the @interface of the class to be available%<@encode%> must specify a type as an argument%<@end%> missing in implementation context%<@end%> must appear in an @implementation context%<@optional%> is allowed in @protocol context only%<@optional%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@package%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@package%> presently has the same effect as %<@public%>%<@property%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@required%> is allowed in @protocol context only%<@required%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@synchronized%> argument is not an object%<@synthesize%> can not be used in categories%<@synthesize%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@synthesize%> not in @implementation context%<@synthesize%> requires the @interface of the class to be available%<@throw%> (rethrow) used outside of a @catch block%<@throw%> argument is not an object%<@try%> without %<@catch%> or %<@finally%>% in format at %L% directive does not commence a loop at %C% directive requires a non-negative integral constant less than or equal to %u at %C% at %L and %' at %L cannot both be BOZ literal constants% argument of % intrinsic at %L must not be %s%<[%E] =%> used in a GNU-style designated initializer for class %qT%<[*]%> not allowed in other than function prototype scope%<[*]%> not in a declaration%<_Alignas%> specifiers cannot reduce alignment of %qE%<_Alignas%> specifiers cannot reduce alignment of compound literal%<_Alignas%> specifiers cannot reduce alignment of unnamed field%<_Atomic%> %qD in % clause%<_Atomic%> %qD in % clause on % construct%<_Atomic%> %qD in % clause%<_Atomic%> %qD in %qs clause%<_Atomic%> %qD in implicit % clause on % construct%<_Atomic%> %qD in implicit % clause%<_Atomic%> %qE in % clause%<_Atomic%> %qE in %qs clause%<_Atomic%> applied to a qualified type%<_Atomic%> expression in %<#pragma omp atomic%>%<_Atomic%> in Objective-C%<_Atomic%> iteration variable %qE%<_Atomic%> qualified type in %<#pragma omp declare reduction%>%<_Atomic%>-qualified array type%<_Atomic%>-qualified function type%<_Atomic%>-qualified parameter type %qT of %q+D%<_Atomic%>-qualified return type of %qD%<_Float%d%s%> is not supported on this target%<_Generic%> association has function type%<_Generic%> association has incomplete type%<_Generic%> association has variable length type%<_Generic%> selector matches multiple associations%<_Generic%> selector of type %qT is not compatible with any association%<_Generic%> specifies two compatible types%<_Noreturn%> in empty declaration%<_Sat%> is used without %<_Fract%> or %<_Accum%>%<__BELOW100__%> attribute only applies to variables%<__GIMPLE%> only valid with -fgimple%<__RTL%> function cannot be compiled with %<-flto%>%<__alignof%> applied to a bit-field%<__auto_type%> in empty declaration%<__auto_type%> may only be used with a single declarator%<__auto_type%> requires a plain identifier as declarator%<__auto_type%> requires an initialized data declaration%<__auto_type%> used with a bit-field initializer%<__builtin_complex%> operand not of real binary floating-point type%<__builtin_complex%> operands of different types%<__builtin_longjmp%> second argument must be 1%<__builtin_next_arg%> called without an argument%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as % or %%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as a type%<__int%d%> is not supported by this target%<__int%d%> is not supported on this target%<__label__%> not at the beginning of a block%<__restrict%> can only be specified for objects and functions%<__thread%> before %%<__thread%> before %%<__thread%> before %qD%<__thread%> can only be specified for objects and functions%<__transaction_atomic%> without transactional memory support enabled%<__transaction_cancel%> not within %<__transaction_atomic%>%<__transaction_cancel%> within a %<__transaction_relaxed%>%<__transaction_cancel%> without transactional memory support enabled%<__transaction_relaxed%> without transactional memory support enabled% argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be %s(%d)% argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER, REAL or CHARACTER% must contain at least one % or % or % clause at %L% argument has non-integral type %qT% clause alignment expression must be integral% clause alignment expression must be positive constant integer expression% bound is unknown% of mutually exclusive equal-tests is always 0% in % function% operand constraint incompatible with operand size% operand has impossible constraints% operand requires impossible reload% specifiers are not permitted on non-static data members% attribute conflicts with % attribute% attribute conflicts with % attribute% can be unsafe for Objective-C objects; please state explicitly if you need it% expression must be integral% can only be specified for variables or function declarations% changes meaning in C++11; please remove it% conflicts with other OpenACC loop specifiers% in file-scope empty declaration% parameter not permitted in this context% has no effect on non-interrupt functions% contains only 2 bytes of address% cannot appear in a typedef declaration% only available with -fconcepts% and % function specifiers on %qD invalid in field declaration% and % function specifiers on %qD invalid in parameter declaration% and % function specifiers on %qD invalid in type declaration% and % function specifiers on %qD invalid in variable declaration% can only be specified for objects and functions% call flows off the end of the function% cannot appear in a typedef declaration% cannot be used for type declarations% constructor does not have empty body% constructor for union %qT must initialize exactly one non-static data member% evaluation depth exceeds maximum of %d (use -fconstexpr-depth= to increase the maximum)% lambda only available with -std=c++17 or -std=gnu++17% loop iteration count exceeds limit of %d (use -fconstexpr-loop-limit= to increase the limit)% needed for in-class initialization of static data member %q#D of non-integral type% static data member %qD must have an initializer% variable %qD has variably-modified type %qT% attribute is only valid for Objective-C objects% region may not be nested inside a % region with the same name% is not recognized as FPU instruction% requires argument% label not within a switch statement% is not a constant expression% is only allowed in %% clause waiting for lexically later iteration% refers to iteration never in the iteration space% clause specified together with % clauses on the same construct% id must be integral% argument of %qs intrinsic at %L is not a valid codimension index% argument of %qs intrinsic at %L is not a valid dimension index% argument of %s intrinsic at %L is not a valid dimension index% chunk size expression must be integral% region must be strictly nested inside % construct% not permitted with -fno-rtti% without a previous %% declared in % loop initial declaration% can only be specified for constructors% in friend declaration% outside class declaration% linkage started here% attribute have effect only on public objects% attribute not followed by %<;%>% attribute specified multiple times% attribute specified with a parameter% attribute directive ignored% loop initial declarations are only allowed in C99 or C11 mode% can only be specified inside a class% used outside of class% num expression must be integral% num value must be positive% static expression must be integral% static value must be positive% is not defined as a type% CPU can be used only for %<-mtune=%> switch% CPU can be used only for % attribute% attribute present on %q+D% in % function% is not a constant expression% expression must be integral% value must be positive% only available with -std=c++17 or -std=gnu++17% resolver for %qD must return %qT% resolver for %qD should return %qT% clause is incompatible with %% can only be specified for functions% in empty declaration% is not allowed in declaration of friend template specialization %qD% specified for friend class declaration% specifier invalid for function %qs declared out of global scope% specifier invalid for variable %qD declared at block scope% CPU can be used only for %<-mtune=%> switch% CPU can be used only for % attribute% parameter is not a power of two %d% clause for variable other than loop iterator specified on construct combined with %% clause may not be specified together with % clause with a parameter% clause step %qE is neither constant nor a parameter% clause step expression must be integral% clause step is a parameter %qD not specified in % clause% is not defined as a type% is not defined as a type% is too long for GCC% invalid for %qs% and % specified together for %qs% invalid for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% or % specified with char for %qs% switch expression not converted to % in ISO C%, %, %, or % invalid for %qs% declared %<_Noreturn%>% region may not be closely nested inside of work-sharing, explicit % or % region% used with constant zero length parameter; this could be due to transposed parameters% used with length equal to number of elements without multiplication by element size% definition is not allowed here% of type %qT with extended alignment %d% does not accept arguments% modifier specified for %qs schedule kind% schedule modifier specified together with % clause% function does return% clause must not be used together with %% expression must be integral% value must be positive% value must be positive% value must be positive% must return type %qT% takes type %qT as first parameter% must not return NULL unless it is declared % (or -fcheck-new is in effect)% must return type %qT% takes type % (%qT) as first parameter%% in %<%E %s %E%>% in %<%E%s%>% in %<%s%E%>% should return a reference to %<*this%>%% in %<%E[%E]%>% of unmatched not-equal tests is always 1% must be closely nested inside of % region% % must be closely nested inside % region% clause parameter is less than %% clause with parameter may not be specified on %qs construct% construct with % clause must be closely nested inside a loop with % clause with a parameter% construct with % clause must be closely nested inside an % loop% region may not be closely nested inside of %, %, explicit % or % region% region must be closely nested inside a loop region with an % clause% expression must be integral% value must be non-negative% attribute conflicts with % attribute% attribute conflicts with % attribute% in file-scope empty declaration% storage class specifier used%(%E)%> is not a constant expression% only available with -fconcepts% attribute conflicts with % attribute% attribute is only valid for Objective-C objects% with a value, in function returning void% with no value, in function returning non-void% clause expression must be positive constant integer expression% overrides other OpenACC loop specifiers% argument of % intrinsic at %L has more than %d elements% argument of % intrinsic at %L must be an array of constant size% invalid for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% and % specified together for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% clause expression must be positive constant integer expression% clause value is bigger than % clause value% applied to a bit-field% on array function parameter %qE will return size of %qT% argument must be surrounded by parentheses% argument of % intrinsic at %L must not be an assumed size array% may not be used when defining (as opposed to declaring) a static data member% specifier invalid for function %qs declared out of global scope% is defined in header %qs; did you forget to %<#include %s%>?% is only available from %s onwards%::value%> is not an integral constant expression% declared in % loop initial declaration% is ignored in 64bit mode% used without SSE enabled% is deprecated; use % or % instead as appropriate% construct not closely nested inside of % construct% allowed in OpenMP only in % clauses% is unavailable for static member functions% may not be used in this context% was not captured for this lambda function% expression must be integral% value must be positive% %qD is not file, namespace or block scope variable% %qE directive not in %qT definition% %qE has incomplete type% argument needs integral type% argument needs positive integral constant% function call not within outer transaction or %% may only be specified for a virtual function% is not defined as a pointer type% is not defined as a type% in % function% was ignored in this declaration% operator cannot appear in a constant-expression% names %q#T, which is not a class template% names %q#T, which is not a type% applied to a bit-field% declared in % loop initial declaration% used in function with fixed args% length expression must be integral% length value must be positive% can only be specified for functions% outside class declaration% specified more than once in base-specifier% as only parameter may not be qualified% must be the only parameter% can only be specified for objects and functions% expression must be integral% may not be specified for %q+D% attribute ignored because function is defined% attribute ignored because variable is initialized% attribute should be accompanied with an % attribute% num expression must be integral% num value must be positive%<||%> not valid in GIMPLE%<~%> on a boolean expression%<~%> on an expression of type bool%<~auto%> only available with -std=c++14 or -std=gnu++14%E qualifier ignored on asm%G%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s may overlap %wu byte at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap %wu byte at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s may overlap up to %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap up to %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu byte at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu or more bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu or more bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s overlaps between %wu and %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps between %wu and %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu byte may overlap %wu byte%G%qD accessing %wu bytes may overlap %wu byte%G%qD accessing %wu byte may overlap up to %wu bytes%G%qD accessing %wu bytes may overlap up to %wu bytes%G%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu byte at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap %wu byte at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap up to %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu byte at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu or more bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps between %wu and %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap %wu byte at offset %s%G%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap up to %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu byte at offset %s%G%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu or more bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps between %wu and %wu bytes at offset %s%G%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes may overlap %wu byte%G%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes may overlap up to %wu bytes%G%qD destination unchanged after copying no bytes%G%qD destination unchanged after copying no bytes from a string of length %E%G%qD forming offset %s is out of bounds%G%qD forming offset %s is out of the bounds [0, %wu]%G%qD forming offset %s is out of the bounds [0, %wu] of object %qD with type %qT%G%qD forming offset %s is out of the bounds of object %qD with type %qT%G%qD offset %s from the object at %qE is out of the bounds of %qT%G%qD offset %s from the object at %qE is out of the bounds of referenced subobject %qD with type %qT at offset %wu%G%qD offset %s is out of bounds%G%qD offset %s is out of the bounds [0, %wu]%G%qD offset %s is out of the bounds [0, %wu] of object %qD with type %qT%G%qD offset %s is out of the bounds of object %qD with type %qT%G%qD output may be truncated copying %E byte from a string of length %wu%G%qD output may be truncated copying %E bytes from a string of length %wu%G%qD output may be truncated copying between %wu and %wu bytes from a string of length %wu%G%qD output truncated before terminating nul copying %E byte from a string of the same length%G%qD output truncated before terminating nul copying %E bytes from a string of the same length%G%qD output truncated before terminating nul copying as many bytes from a string as its length%G%qD output truncated copying %E byte from a string of length %wu%G%qD output truncated copying %E bytes from a string of length %wu%G%qD output truncated copying between %wu and %wu bytes from a string of length %wu%G%qD pointer overflow between offset %s and size %s%G%qD pointer overflow between offset %s and size %s accessing array %qD with type %qT%G%qD source argument is the same as destination%G%qD specified bound %E equals destination size%G%qD specified bound %E equals source length%G%qD specified bound %E exceeds destination size %wu%G%qD specified bound depends on the length of the source argument%Gargument %u null where non-null expected%K%qD reading %E byte from a region of size %E%K%qD reading %E bytes from a region of size %E%K%qD reading %E or more bytes from a region of size %E%K%qD reading between %E and %E bytes from a region of size %E%K%qD specified bound %E equals destination size%K%qD specified bound %E exceeds destination size %E%K%qD specified bound %E exceeds maximum object size %E%K%qD specified bound between %E and %E exceeds destination size %E%K%qD specified bound between %E and %E exceeds maximum object size %E%K%qD specified size %E exceeds maximum object size %E%K%qD specified size between %E and %E exceeds maximum object size %E%K%qD writing %E byte into a region of size %E overflows the destination%K%qD writing %E bytes into a region of size %E overflows the destination%K%qD writing %E or more bytes into a region of size %E overflows the destination%K%qD writing between %E and %E bytes into a region of size %E overflows the destination%K%s %wd out of range %wd - %wd%Kargument %d must be a constant immediate%Kargument %i range [%E, %E] exceeds maximum object size %E%Kargument %i range [%E, %E] is negative%Kargument %i value %qE exceeds maximum object size %E%Kargument %i value %qE is negative%Kargument %i value is zero%Kasm not allowed in % function%Kattempt to free a non-heap object%Kattempt to free a non-heap object %qD%Kcall to %qs declared with attribute error: %s%Kcall to %qs declared with attribute warning: %s%Kfirst argument of %qD must be a pointer, second integer constant%Kinvalid use of %<__builtin_va_arg_pack ()%>%Kinvalid use of %<__builtin_va_arg_pack_len ()%>%Klane %wd out of range %wd - %wd%Klane index must be a constant immediate%Klast argument of %qD is not integer constant between 0 and 3%Kproduct %<%E * %E%> of arguments %i and %i exceeds %%Kproduct %<%E * %E%> of arguments %i and %i exceeds maximum object size %E%Ktotal size and element size must be a non-zero constant immediate%d constructor found %d constructors found %d destructor found %d destructors found %d exits recorded for loop %d (having %d exits)%d frame table found %d frame tables found %d least significant bits of %s are ignored%i-bit mode not compiled in%q#D cannot be overloaded with %q#D%q#D conflicts with a previous declaration%q#D conflicts with version inherited from %qT%q#D declared here%q#D does not refer to the unqualified type, so it is not used for linkage%q#D explicitly defaulted here%q#D has incomplete type%q#D hides constructor for %q#D%q#D inherits from multiple base subobjects%q#D invalid; an anonymous union can only have non-static data members%q#D invalid; an anonymous union may only have public non-static data members%q#D is a static data member; it can only be initialized at its definition%q#D is implicitly declared as deleted because %qT declares a move constructor or move assignment operator%q#D is implicitly deleted because the default definition would be ill-formed:%q#D is inaccessible within this context%q#D is not a function template%q#D is not a non-static data member of %qT%q#D is not a valid template argument for type %qT because a reference variable does not have a constant address%q#D is not const%q#D is private within this context%q#D is protected within this context%q#D is public, but requires an existing %q#T object%q#D is volatile%q#D not declared in class%q#D previously declared here%q#D previously defined here%q#D redeclared as different kind of symbol%q#D should be initialized%q#D, declared using local type %qT, is used but never defined%q#D, declared using unnamed type, is used but never defined%q#F is implicitly deleted because its exception-specification does not match the implicit exception-specification %qX%q#T has no member named %qE%q#T has no member named %qE; did you mean %qE?%q#T has no user-provided default constructor%q#T has pointer data members%q#T has virtual base classes%q#T has virtual functions and accessible non-virtual destructor%q#T is not a class%q#T is not a class or a namespace%q#T is not a template%q#T is not a valid type for a template non-type parameter%q#T only defines a private destructor and has no friends%q#T only defines private constructors and has no friends%q#T used where a %qT was expected%q#T used where a floating point value was expected%q#T was previously declared here%q+#D cannot be declared%q+#D is not a static data member of %q#T%q+#D marked %, but is not virtual%q+#D marked %, but does not override%q+D alias between function and variable is not supported%q+D aliased to external symbol %qE%q+D aliased to undefined symbol %qE%q+D already declared with dllexport attribute: dllimport ignored%q+D declared as a friend%q+D declared as variadic function%q+D declared to take const reference, but implicit declaration would take non-const%q+D declared with an exception specification%q+D defined as variadic function without prototype%q+D defined both normally and as %qE attribute%q+D has incompatible attributes %qs and %qs%q+D in declare target directive does not have mappable type%q+D is static but declared in inline function %qD which is not static%q+D is usually a function%q+D offset %E in %qT isn%'t aligned to %u%q+D offset %E in %qT may not be aligned to %u%q+D redeclared as different kind of symbol%q+D redeclared inline with % attribute%q+D redeclared inline without % attribute%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute after being referenced with dll linkage%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute: previous dllimport ignored%q+D static data member inside of declare target directive%q+D takes only zero or two arguments%q+E is not a constant expression%q+F declared % but never defined%q+F used but never defined%q+T is not literal because:%qD alias between functions of incompatible types %qT and %qT%qD appears both in data and map clauses%qD appears more than once in % clauses%qD appears more than once in data clauses%qD appears more than once in map clauses%qD appears more than once in motion clauses%qD appears more than once in reduction clauses%qD argument %i declared attribute %%qD attribute directive ignored%qD attribute is meaningless since members of the anonymous namespace get local symbols%qD attribute requires a single NTBS argument%qD called in a constant expression%qD called in a constant expression before its definition is complete%qD can be marked override%qD cannot appear in a constant-expression%qD cannot be declared %, since it is always static%qD cannot be defaulted%qD cannot be used as a function%qD cannot have default arguments%qD changed semantics in GCC 4.4%qD clearing an object of non-trivial type %#qT%s%qD clearing an object of type %#qT containing a pointer-to-member%s%qD clearing an object of type %#qT with no trivial copy-assignment%s%qD conflicts with used function%qD copying an object of non-trivial type %#qT from an array of %#qT%qD copying an object of type %#qT with %qs member %qD from an array of %#qT; use assignment or copy-initialization instead%qD declared % in % context%qD declared % in % function%qD declared % in % context%qD declared % in % function%qD declared %%qD declared as a % field%qD declared as a % parameter%qD declared as a % type%qD declared as a % variable%qD declared as a non-parameter%qD declared as an % field%qD declared as an % parameter%qD declared as an % type%qD declared as array of %qT%qD declared as reference but not initialized%qD declared here%qD declared here, later in the translation unit%qD defined but not used%qD defined here%qD does not have a mappable type in %qs clause%qD does not have integral or enumeration type%qD does not name an enumeration in %qT%qD does not refer to a function%qD does not refer to a namespace scope function%qD has a previous declaration here%qD has already been defined%qD has an incomplete type %qT%qD has incomplete type%qD has invalid argument list%qD has not been declared within %qD%qD has the same name as the class in which it is declared%qD in % clause is a zero size array%qD inherits the %E ABI tag that %qT (used in its return type) has%qD inherits the %E ABI tag that %qT (used in its type) has%qD invalid in %q#T because of local member %q#D with same name%qD invalid in %q#T because of local method %q#D with same name%qD invalid in lambda%qD is a namespace%qD is a usual (non-placement) deallocation function%qD is a usual (non-placement) deallocation function in C++14 (or with -fsized-deallocation)%qD is already a friend of %qT%qD is already a friend of class %qT%qD is already declared in this scope%qD is already defined in %qT%qD is already defined in class %qT%qD is already defined in the class %qT%qD is an enumeration template%qD is both a direct base and an indirect virtual base%qD is defined with tls model %s%qD is deprecated%qD is deprecated: %s%qD is initialized with itself%qD is normally a non-static function%qD is not a class or namespace%qD is not a function template%qD is not a member of %qD%qD is not a member of %qT%qD is not a member template function%qD is not a namespace-name%qD is not a pointer variable%qD is not a static data member of a class template%qD is not a template%qD is not a template function%qD is not a type%qD is not a valid template argument because %qD is a variable, not the address of a variable%qD is not a variable%qD is not a variable in % clause%qD is not a variable in % clause%qD is not a variable in %qs clause%qD is not a variable in clause %%qD is not a variable in clause %%qD is not a variable in clause %qs%qD is not a variable template%qD is not an argument in % clause%qD is not an function argument%qD is not captured%qD is not compatible with %qD%qD is not defined outside of function scope%qD is not usable as a % function because:%qD is static but used in inline function %qD which is not static%qD is threadprivate variable in %qs clause%qD is too small to hold all values of %q#T%qD is used uninitialized in this function%qD may be used uninitialized in this function%qD may not be declared as static%qD may not be declared within a namespace%qD moving an object of non-trivial type %#qT and size %E into a region of size %E%qD moving an object of non-trivially copyable type %#qT; use % and % instead%qD moving an object of type %#qT with deleted copy constructor; use % and % instead%qD moving an object of type %#qT with deleted destructor%qD must be a global variable in %<#pragma acc declare link%>%qD must be a non-member function%qD must be a nonstatic member function%qD must be either a non-static member function or a non-member function%qD must have an argument of class or enumerated type%qD must have either one or two arguments%qD must have either zero or one argument%qD must have exactly one argument%qD must have exactly two arguments%qD must have no arguments%qD must not have variable number of arguments%qD not declared%qD not defined%qD redeclared with different access%qD redeclared with different visibility%qD referenced in target region does not have a mappable type%qD renamed after being referenced in assembly%qD should be initialized%qD should be initialized in the member initialization list%qD should have been declared inside %qD%qD should return by value%qD source argument is the same as destination%qD specified both in declare target % and % clauses%qD used before its definition%qD used in its own initializer%qD used without template parameters%qD violates the C++ One Definition Rule %qD was declared % and later %%qD was declared %qs which implies default visibility%qD was declared here%qD was hidden%qD was not declared %%qD was not declared in this scope%qD was not declared in this scope, and no declarations were found by argument-dependent lookup at the point of instantiation%qD was not initialized with a constant expression%qD was previously declared here%qD was used with no declaration before its definition%qD was used with no prototype before its definition%qD will be initialized after%qD writing to an object of a non-trivial type %#qT leaves %wu byte unchanged%qD writing to an object of a non-trivial type %#qT leaves %wu bytes unchanged%qD writing to an object of non-trivial type %#qT%s%qD writing to an object of non-trivially copyable type %#qT%s%qD writing to an object of type %#qT containing a pointer to data member%s%qD writing to an object of type %#qT with %qs member %qD%qD writing to an object of type %#qT with no trivial copy-assignment%qD writing to an object of type %#qT with no trivial copy-assignment%s%qD writing to an object with a deleted copy constructor%qD: visibility attribute ignored because it conflicts with previous declaration%qE 2.95 vtable-compatibility attribute applies only to C++ classes%qE 2.95 vtable-compatibility attribute applies only when compiling a kext%qE appears more than once in % clauses%qE appears more than once in data clauses%qE appears more than once in map clauses%qE appears more than once on the same % directive%qE argument is not a function%qE argument not an identifier%qE attribute address out of range%qE attribute allows only an integer constant argument%qE attribute applied to %qD with void return type%qE attribute applied to %qT after its definition%qE attribute applied to extern "C" declaration %qD%qE attribute applied to non-class, non-enum type %qT%qE attribute applied to non-function, non-variable %qD%qE attribute applies only to functions%qE attribute applies only to initialized variables with external linkage%qE attribute argument not a string constant%qE attribute argument not an integer constant%qE attribute argument should be between 0 to 255%qE attribute argument should be between 18 to 255%qE attribute can only be applied to functions or to class or enumeration types%qE attribute cannot be applied to variables with specific sections%qE attribute cannot be specified for local variables%qE attribute directive ignored%qE attribute does not apply to functions%qE attribute does not apply to types%qE attribute doesn't apply to functions%qE attribute duplicated%qE attribute follows %qE%qE attribute has no effect%qE attribute has no effect on automatic variables%qE attribute has no effect on functions with static linkage%qE attribute has no effect on unit local functions%qE attribute have effect only on public objects%qE attribute ignored%qE attribute ignored because %qT is already defined%qE attribute ignored due to conflict with %qs attribute%qE attribute ignored due to conflict with attribute %qs%qE attribute ignored for %qE%qE attribute ignored for field of type %qT%qE attribute ignored on non-class types%qE attribute ignored on objects of type %qT%qE attribute ignored on types%qE attribute ignored without -mcmse option.%qE attribute ignored. Use -fcf-protection option to enable it%qE attribute is not supported for R8C target%qE attribute is not supported on this platform%qE attribute is only applicable on functions%qE attribute is only valid on % type%qE attribute is supported only for SH2A%qE attribute is used for non-class method%qE attribute not allowed with auto storage class%qE attribute not available to functions that return value on the stack%qE attribute not available to functions with arguments passed on the stack%qE attribute not available to functions with variable number of arguments%qE attribute on function returning %%qE attribute on non-volatile variable%qE attribute only affects top level objects%qE attribute only applies to SH2A%qE attribute only applies to base type of a function pointer%qE attribute only applies to function types%qE attribute only applies to functions%qE attribute only applies to interrupt functions%qE attribute only applies to types%qE attribute only applies to variables%qE attribute only applies to variables in static storage%qE attribute only applies to variadic functions%qE attribute only available for 32-bit%qE attribute only supported for reduced Tiny cores%qE attribute only valid for ARC EM architecture%qE attribute only valid for ARCv2 architecture%qE attribute requires a string argument%qE attribute requires a string constant argument%qE attribute requires a void return type%qE attribute requires an integer constant argument%qE attribute requires prototypes with named arguments%qE cannot be used as a function%qE cannot be used as a member pointer, since it is of type %qT%qE cannot have both %qs and %qs attributes%qE declared % after first use%qE declared as function returning a function%qE declared as function returning an array%qE defined as wrong kind of tag%qE does not have a mappable type in %qs clause%qE does not have pointer or array type%qE does not name a type%qE does not name a type; did you mean %qs?%qE fails to be a typedef or built in type%qE has both % and initializer%qE has const type for %%qE has invalid type for %%qE has not been declared%qE implies default visibility, but %qD has already been declared with a different visibility%qE in % clause is neither a pointer nor an array%qE in % clause is neither a pointer nor an array nor a reference to pointer or array%qE in % clause is a zero size array%qE in %q#T does not name a template type%qE in %q#T does not name a type%qE in namespace %qE does not name a template type%qE in namespace %qE does not name a type%qE incompatible attribute ignored%qE initialized and declared %%qE is a member of a union%qE is a pointer; did you mean to use %<->%>?%qE is an unrecognized format function type%qE is deprecated%qE is deprecated: %s%qE is neither a variable nor a function name in clause %qs%qE is neither function nor member function; cannot be declared friend%qE is not a class or namespace%qE is not a class template%qE is not a class, namespace, or enumeration%qE is not a constant expression%qE is not a constant expression because it refers to an incompletely initialized variable%qE is not a constant expression because it refers to mutable subobjects of %qT%qE is not a template%qE is not a type%qE is not a valid template argument for %qT because it is not the address of a variable%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because %qD does not have external linkage%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because %qD has no linkage%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is a pointer%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is not an lvalue%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is not an object with linkage%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is of type %qT%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because object %qD does not have linkage%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because of conflicts in cv-qualification%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because string literals can never be used in this context%qE is not a valid template argument of type %qT because %qD does not have external linkage%qE is not a valid template argument of type %qT because %qD has no linkage%qE is not a valid template argument of type %qT because %qE is not a variable%qE is not a variable in % clause%qE is not a variable in % clause%qE is not a variable in %qs clause%qE is not a variable in clause %%qE is not a variable in clause %%qE is not a variable in clause %qs%qE is not an Objective-C class name or alias%qE is not an argument in % clause%qE is not at beginning of declaration%qE is not initialized%qE is not of type %qT%qE is only allowed in Objective-C dialects%qE is predetermined %qs for %qs%qE is used uninitialized in this function%qE may be used uninitialized in this function%qE may not respond to %<%c%E%>%qE may write a terminating nul past the end of the destination%qE must be % for %%qE needs isa option %s%qE needs unknown isa option%qE not specified in enclosing %qs%qE not specified in enclosing OpenACC %qs construct%qE output %wu byte into a destination of size %wu%qE output %wu bytes into a destination of size %wu%qE output %wu or more bytes (assuming %wu) into a destination of size %wu%qE output %wu or more bytes into a destination of size %wu%qE output between %wu and %wu bytes into a destination of size %wu%qE output may be truncated before the last format character%qE output truncated before the last format character%qE redeclared as different kind of symbol%qE redeclared with conflicting %qs attributes%qE requires %<-fgnu-tm%>%qE requires a % directive for use in a % function%qE undeclared (first use in this function)%qE undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean %qs?%qE undeclared here (not in a function)%qE undeclared here (not in a function); did you mean %qs?%qE used with %%qE used with %%qE used with %%qE with % clause used in % function%qE writing a terminating nul past the end of the destination%qF declared % but never defined%qF requires -mvx%qF requires z14 or higher%qT and %qT are in disjoint named address spaces%qT as type rather than plain %%qT declared here%qT declared with greater visibility than its base %qT%qT declared with greater visibility than the type of its field %qD%qT defined with direct virtual base%qT defined with multiple direct bases%qT does not have the %E ABI tag that %qT (used in the type of %qD) has%qT does not have the %E ABI tag that base %qT has%qT has a base %qT whose type depends on the type %qT which has no linkage%qT has a base %qT whose type has no linkage%qT has a base %qT whose type uses the anonymous namespace%qT has a field %qD whose type depends on the type %qT which has no linkage%qT has a field %qD whose type has no linkage%qT has a field %qD whose type uses the anonymous namespace%qT has a previous declaration here%qT has no member named %qE%qT has no member named %qE; did you mean %qE?%qT has no non-static data member named %qD%qT is a variably modified type%qT is already a friend of %qT%qT is an ambiguous base of %qT%qT is an inaccessible base of %qT%qT is not a base of %qT%qT is not a class or namespace%qT is not a class type%qT is not a class, struct, or union type%qT is not a member class template of %qT%qT is not a member of %qT%qT is not a namespace%qT is not a namespace or unscoped enum%qT is not a nested class of %qT%qT is not a pointer-to-object type%qT is not a template%qT is not a template type%qT is not an accessible base of %qT%qT is not an enumeration type%qT is promoted to %qT when passed through %<...%>%qT is/uses unnamed type%qT referred to as %qs%qT referred to as enum%qT resolves to %qT, which is is not a class type%qT resolves to %qT, which is not an enumeration type%qV qualifiers cannot be applied to %qT%qc conversion used unquoted%qc conversion used within a quoted sequence%qc directive redundant after prior occurence of the same%qs%qs already defined as specific binding for the generic %qs at %C%qs and %<%s-%s%> are incompatible%qs and %<%s=%s%> are incompatible%qs and %qs are incompatible%qs and %qs arguments of %qs intrinsic at %L must have identical shape.%qs and %qs arguments of %qs intrinsic at %L must have the same type%qs and %qs can't be mixed FUNCTION/SUBROUTINE for GENERIC %qs at %L%qs and %qs for GENERIC %qs at %L are ambiguous%qs appears to be a misspelled %qs handler, missing %<__vector%> prefix%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L cannot be INTENT(IN)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L cannot be of type %s%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L has invalid permutation of dimensions (dimension %qd duplicated)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L has invalid shape in dimension %d (%ld/%ld)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L has negative element (%d)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L has out-of-range dimension (%d)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L has wrong number of elements (%d/%d)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L is empty%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L is not a valid dimension index%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be %s%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be ALLOCATABLE%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or LOGICAL%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or PROCEDURE%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or REAL%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or REAL or CHARACTER%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be REAL or COMPLEX%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a POINTER%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a POINTER or a TARGET%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a POINTER, ALLOCATABLE or procedure pointer%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a constant%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a data entity%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a logical array%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a pointer or target VARIABLE or FUNCTION%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a scalar%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a variable%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be an array%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be an interoperable data entity: %s%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be default real%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be double precision%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be less than rank %d%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be numeric or LOGICAL%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of a dummy variable%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of a kind not wider than the default kind (%d)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of an OPTIONAL dummy variable%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of an extensible type%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of intrinsic type%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of kind %d%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of rank %d%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of rank 1 or 2%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be positive%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be the same kind as %qs%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be the same type and kind as %qs%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must have a numeric type%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must have a type of either REAL or INTEGER%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must have the same rank as %qs or be a scalar%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must not be OPTIONAL%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must not be a subobject of %qs%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must not be present if % is COMPLEX%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must provide at least as many elements as there are .TRUE. values in %qs (%ld/%d)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L not yet supported%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall be of type integer, real or character%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall have the same type as %qs at %L%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall not be TYPE(*)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall not be a procedure%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall not be an assumed-size array%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall not be coindexed%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall specify a valid integer kind%qs argument of intrinsic %qs at %L of must have rank %d or be a scalar%qs at %C is a DEC extension, enable with %<-fdec-structure%>%qs at %C is a redefinition of the declaration in the corresponding interface for MODULE PROCEDURE %qs%qs at %C is already defined as FINAL procedure%qs at %C is not a member of the %qs structure%qs at %C is not a member of the %qs structure; did you mean %qs?%qs at %C is not a variable%qs at %C is the name of a recursive function and so refers to the result variable. Use an explicit RESULT variable for direct recursion ( at %L already is initialized at %L%qs at %L associated to expression can not be used in a variable definition context (%s)%qs at %L associated to vector-indexed target can not be used in a variable definition context (%s)%qs at %L cannot have the VALUE attribute because it is not a dummy argument%qs at %L has a type, which is not consistent with the CALL at %L%qs at %L has attributes specified outside its INTERFACE body%qs at %L has the CONTIGUOUS attribute but is not an array pointer or an assumed-shape or assumed-rank array%qs at %L is ambiguous%qs at %L is an array and OPTIONAL; IF IT IS MISSING, it cannot be the actual argument of an ELEMENTAL procedure unless there is a non-optional argument with the same rank ( at %L is not a VALUE%qs at %L is not a function%qs at %L is not a module procedure%qs at %L is of the ABSTRACT type %qs%qs at %L must be less than BIT_SIZE(%qs)%qs at %L must be less than or equal to BIT_SIZE(%qs)%qs at %L must be less than or equal to the BIT_SIZE of INTEGER(KIND=%d)%qs at %L must be nonnegative%qs at %L must have constant character length in this context%qs at %L must have the same number of formal arguments as the overridden procedure%qs at %L must not be DEFERRED as it overrides a non-DEFERRED binding%qs at %L overrides a FUNCTION and must also be a FUNCTION%qs at %L overrides a NOPASS binding and must also be NOPASS%qs at %L overrides a PUBLIC procedure and must not be PRIVATE%qs at %L overrides a PURE procedure and must also be PURE%qs at %L overrides a SUBROUTINE and must also be a SUBROUTINE%qs at %L overrides a binding with PASS and must also be PASS%qs at %L overrides a non-ELEMENTAL procedure and must not be ELEMENTAL, either%qs at %L overrides a procedure binding declared NON_OVERRIDABLE%qs at %L overrides an ELEMENTAL procedure and must also be ELEMENTAL%qs at %L should be a FUNCTION%qs at %L should be a SUBROUTINE%qs attribute ignored%qs attribute only applies to functions%qs attribute only applies to variadic functions%qs attribute requires prototypes with named arguments%qs cannot appear in a constant-expression%qs cannot be extended at %C because it is BIND(C)%qs cannot be extended at %C because it is a SEQUENCE type%qs combined with % qualifier for %qE%qs combined with % qualifier for %qE%qs command-line option is deprecated%qs construct inside of %qs region%qs declared INTRINSIC at %L does not exist%qs declared as function returning a function%qs declared as function returning an array%qs declared at %L is also the name of an intrinsic. It can only be called via an explicit interface or if declared EXTERNAL.%qs declared at %L may shadow the intrinsic of the same name. In order to call the intrinsic, explicit INTRINSIC declarations may be required.%qs declared in a non-class scope%qs defined in a non-class scope%qs does not support MIPS16 code%qs does not support feature %qs%qs entity cannot have an initializer at %C%qs entity cannot have attributes at %C%qs expects 1 argument but %d given%qs expects 2 arguments but %d given%qs expects a constant argument%qs expects a fixed-point value as argument%qs expects a fixed-point value as first argument%qs expects an integer value as second argument%qs expression must be integral%qs feature modifier is incompatible with %s %s%qs function cannot have arguments%qs function cannot return a value%qs function uses % type specifier without trailing return type%qs function with trailing return type has %qT as its type rather than plain %%qs function with trailing return type not declared with % type specifier%qs has both % and initializer%qs has overflowed%qs in %<%s %E%>%qs in %s clause at %L is not a proper array section%qs in ALIGNED clause at %L requires a scalar positive constant integer alignment expression%qs in ALIGNED clause must be POINTER, ALLOCATABLE, Cray pointer or C_PTR at %L%qs in DEPEND clause at %L is a zero size array section%qs in EXTENDS expression at %C is not a derived type%qs in LINEAR clause at %L requires a constant integer linear-step expression or dummy argument specified in UNIFORM clause%qs in LINEAR clause at %L requires a scalar integer linear-step expression%qs in cannot appear in COMMON at %L [F2008:C5100]%qs in the pointer assignment at %L cannot be an l-value since it is a procedure%qs in variable definition context (%s) at %L is not a variable%qs incompatible with explicitly disabled options%qs initialized and declared %%qs intrinsic with CHARACTER argument at %L%qs intrinsic with KIND argument at %L%qs intrinsic with RADIX argument at %L%qs is a reserved identifier in AVR-LibC. Consider %<#include %> before using the %qs macro%qs is already IMPORTed from host scoping unit at %C%qs is an invalid argument to -mcpu=%qs is an unknown -save-temps option%qs is corrupted%qs is deprecated%qs is deprecated and not recommended in any circumstances%qs is deprecated; use -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss%qs is deprecated; use -fstack-check%qs is incompatible with %qs%qs is incompatible with %s %s%qs is narrower than values of its type%qs is neither a defined operator nor a structure component in dotted string at %C%qs is not a directory%qs is not a gcov data file%qs is not a valid base register in %qs%qs is not a valid base register in -mstack-protector-guard-reg=%qs is not a valid number in %qs%qs is not a valid number in -mstack-protector-guard-offset=%qs is not a valid offset in %qs%qs is not a valid offset in -mstack-protector-guard-offset=%qs is not a valid option to the preprocessor%qs is not an option that controls warnings%qs is not supported for 64-bit Darwin; it is incompatible with the installed C and C++ libraries%qs is not supported on little endian systems%qs is not valid for %qs%qs is of a PRIVATE type and cannot be a dummy argument of %qs, which is PUBLIC at %L%qs is version %q.*s, expected version %q.*s%qs length expression must be integral%qs length expression must be positive constant integer expression%qs matching variant is deprecated.%qs matching variant requires z14 or higher%qs must be a module procedure or an external procedure with an explicit interface at %L%qs must be of same type and kind as %qs at %L in %qs%qs must be the first clause of %qs%qs must be used with %qs%qs must not appear in the array specification at %L in the same ALLOCATE statement where it is itself allocated%qs needs a valid base register%qs not allowed outside STRUCTURE at %C%qs not supported by your assembler%qs of %qs is PRIVATE at %L%qs of module %qs, imported at %C, is also the name of the current program unit%qs requires %qs%qs requires %qs or %qs%qs requires PowerPC64 architecture, enabling%qs requires VSX support%qs requires a target that provides the %qs instruction%qs requires branch-likely instructions%qs requires full ISA 3.0 support%qs specified for auto variable %qE%qs specified for parameter %qE%qs specified for structure field%qs specified for structure field %qE%qs specified for unnamed parameter%qs tag used in naming %q#T%qs used with %qE%qs uses dynamic stack allocation%qs uses register r29%qs value must be positive%qs variable is neither a pointer nor an array%qs variable is neither a pointer, nor an array nor reference to pointer or array%r%s:%d:%R %r%s:%d:%R [ skipping %d instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ] %r%s:%d:%R in % expansion of %qs%r%s:%d:%d:%R %r%s:%d:%d:%R [ skipping %d instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ] %r%s:%d:%d:%R in % expansion of %qs%s%s %s Same as %s.%s !$ACC LOOP loops not perfectly nested at %L%s %#qD%s %#qS%s %<%s%.*s%> expects a matching %<%T%s%> argument%s %<%s%.*s%> expects a matching %<%s%s%> argument%s %<%s%.*s%> expects argument of type %<%T%s%>, but argument %d has type %qT%s %<%s%.*s%> expects argument of type %<%s%s%>, but argument %d has type %qT%s %<%s(%E)%> %p %d %s %qE does not fully implement the %qE protocol%s %qs%s %qs construct inside of %s %qs region%s %qs is an invalid argument to builtin %qs%s %s %p %d %s %s%s %s %wd out of range %wd - %wd%s '%s' %s argument to IMAGE_INDEX must be a rank one array at %L%s at %C is a DEC extension, enable with %<-fdec%>%s at %C is a DEC extension, enable with %<-fdec-static%>%s at %C is a DEC extension, enable with %<-fdec-structure%>%s at %L%s at %L is a DEC extension, enable with %<-fdec-static%>%s at %L must be INTEGER%s at %L must be a scalar%s at %L must be integer%s attribute applied to %s %s at %L%s attribute at %L is not allowed outside of the specification part of a module%s attribute conflicts with %s attribute at %L%s attribute conflicts with %s attribute in %qs at %L%s attribute not allowed in BLOCK DATA program unit at %L%s attribute of %qs conflicts with %s attribute at %L%s between the MODULE PROCEDURE declaration in MODULE %qs and the declaration at %L in (SUB)MODULE %qs%s cannot be a DO CONCURRENT loop at %L%s cannot be a DO WHILE or DO without loop control at %L%s cannot be used in asm here%s clause at %L requires a scalar INTEGER expression%s clause variable %qs at %L is neither a POINTER nor an array%s collapsed loops don't form rectangular iteration space at %L%s conflicts with i386 (arch flags ignored)%s conflicts with ppc (arch flags ignored)%s conflicts with ppc64 (arch flags ignored)%s conflicts with x86_64 (arch flags ignored)%s does not support %%n$ operand number formats%s does not support %s%s does not support %s with the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support block_ends_with_call_p%s does not support block_ends_with_condjump_p%s does not support can_duplicate_block_p%s does not support can_merge_blocks_p%s does not support can_remove_branch_p%s does not support create_basic_block%s does not support delete_basic_block%s does not support dump_bb_for_graph%s does not support duplicate_block%s does not support flow_call_edges_add%s does not support force_nonfallthru%s does not support make_forwarder_block%s does not support merge_blocks%s does not support move_block_after%s does not support predict_edge%s does not support predicted_by_p%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch_force%s does not support split_block%s does not support split_edge%s does not support the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support the %<%%%s%c%> %s format%s does not support the %qs %s length modifier%s does not take any feature options%s expects a compile time integer constant%s expects a compile time long integer constant as first argument%s expects an integer literal in the range [%d, %d]%s expects an integer literal in the range [%d, %d]. (%wd)%s expression list treated as compound expression%s ignored with %s and %<%%%c%> %s format%s ignored with %s in %s format%s in CFString literal%s in format string at %L%s instructions aren't allowed in %s service routine%s instructions aren't allowed in function with no_caller_saved_registers attribute%s is not available for %s architecture%s is not supported by this configuration%s iteration variable must be of type integer at %L%s iteration variable must not be THREADPRIVATE at %L%s iteration variable present on clause other than LASTPRIVATE at %L%s iteration variable present on clause other than LINEAR at %L%s iteration variable present on clause other than PRIVATE or LASTPRIVATE at %L%s must contain at least one MAP clause at %L%s only accepts %d arguments%s only accepts 1 argument%s only accepts 2 arguments%s only supports non-pic code on M-profile targets with the MOVT instruction%s out of range: Range is %i to %i, value is %i%s procedure at %L is already declared as %s procedure%s procedure at %L is already declared as %s procedure. F2008: A pointer function assignment is ambiguous if it is the first executable statement after the specification block. Please add any other kind of executable statement before it. FIXME%s requires a scalar-default-char-expr at %L%s returned %d exit status%s signal terminated program %s%s specifier in %s statement at %C has invalid value %qs%s specifier in %s statement at %C has value %qs%s statement at %C cannot follow %s statement at %L%s statement at %C cannot terminate a non-block DO loop%s statement at %C follows another accessibility specification%s statement at %C in PURE procedure%s statement at %C is not applicable to construct %qs%s statement at %C is not within a construct%s statement at %C is not within construct %qs%s statement at %C leaves CRITICAL construct%s statement at %C leaves DO CONCURRENT construct%s statement at %C leaving OpenACC structured block%s statement at %C leaving OpenMP structured block%s statement expected at %L%s statement is not allowed inside of BLOCK DATA at %C%s statement is not allowed inside of BLOCK at %C%s statement must appear in a MODULE%s statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %C%s string ill-formed %s tag%s tag at %L must be a character string of default kind%s tag at %L must be of type %s%s tag at %L must be scalar%s tag with INQUIRE%s terminated with signal %d [%s]%s%s used with %<%%%c%> %s format%s used within a quoted sequence%s variable %qE is private in outer context%s"%s"%s is invalid%s"%s"%s is not allowed%s%#qD%s%#qD %s%#qD %s%<%D(%T)%> %s%<%D(%T, %T)%> %s%<%D(%T, %T, %T)%> %s%qT %s%qs%s is invalid%s%qs%s is not allowed%s%s%s %sversion %s (%s) %s compiled by GNU C version %s, %s%s%s %sversion %s (%s) compiled by CC, %s%sGGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=%d --param ggc-min-heapsize=%d %s%swarning: %s header version %s differs from library version %s. %s-%s is an empty range%s: %d basic blocks and %d edges/basic block%s: %d basic blocks and %d registers; increase --param max-gcse-memory above %d%s: %m%s: %s%s: %s %s: %s compiler not installed on this system%s: %s: %s%s: --param arguments should be of the form NAME=VALUE%s: -fcompare-debug failure%s: -fcompare-debug failure (length)%s: In instantiation of %q#D: %s: In substitution of %qS: %s: PCH file was invalid%s: all warnings being treated as errors%s: attempt to rename spec %qs to already defined spec %qs%s: cannot open as COFF file%s: could not determine length of compare-debug file %s%s: could not open compare-debug file %s%s: couldn%'t open PCH file: %m%s: linker input file unused because linking not done%s: not a COFF file%s: section %s is missing%s: some warnings being treated as errors%s:%d: confused by earlier errors, bailing out %s:%s: %E: %E%s:'%s' has arcs from exit block %s:'%s' has arcs to entry block %s:'%s' lacks entry and/or exit blocks %s:already seen blocks for '%s' %s:cannot open data file, assuming not executed %s:cannot open notes file %s:corrupted %s:graph is unsolvable for '%s' %s:no functions found %s:no lines for '%s' %s:not a gcov data file %s:not a gcov notes file %s:overflowed %s:profile mismatch for '%s' %s:source file is newer than notes file '%s' %s:stamp mismatch with notes file %s:version '%.4s', prefer '%.4s' %s:version '%.4s', prefer version '%.4s' %sarch=%s%s is deprecated and will be removed in future releases; use at least %sarch=z900%s%stune=%s%s is deprecated and will be removed in future releases; use at least %stune=z900%s%u name provided for structured binding%u names provided for structured binding'' ' flag'!' flag'#' flag'%%%c' is not a valid operand prefix'%%&' used without any local dynamic TLS references'%%l' operand isn't a label'%s' must have %d operands (excluding match_dups)'%s' must have at least %d operands (excluding match_dups)'%s' must have no more than %d operands (excluding match_dups)'%s' was assigned to '%s', but was not defined during recompilation, or vice versa''' flag'(' flag'+' flag'-' flag'-mabi=2fp+' option only support when FPU available, must be enable '-mext-fpu-sp' or '-mext-fpu-dp''0' flag'B' operand has multiple bits set'B' operand is not constant'E' modifier'I' flag'O' modifier'V' modifier on non-integer register'^' flag'_' flag'a' flag'assign' property %qs is using bit-field instance variable %qs'atomic' property %qs is using bit-field instance variable %qs'getter' attribute of property %qD conflicts with previous declaration'h' applied to non-register operand'm' flag'nonatomic' attribute of property %qD conflicts with previous declaration'o' operand is not constant'q' flag'readonly' attribute of property %qD conflicts with previous declaration'setter' attribute of property %qD conflicts with previous declaration(C)(Messages without a matching method signature(a pointer to member can only be formed with %<&%E%>)(an out of class initialization is required)(anonymous namespace)(anonymous)(if this is not what you intended, make sure the function template has already been declared and add <> after the function name here) (if you use %<-fpermissive%> or %<-std=c++11%>, or %<-std=gnu++11%> G++ will accept your code)(if you use %<-fpermissive%>, G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)(near initialization for %qs)(no argument)(perhaps % was intended)(perhaps a semicolon is missing after the definition of %qT)(so you should pass %qT not %qT to %)(static destructors for %s)(static initializers for %s)(the message is displayed only once per source file) ({anonymous})*** WARNING *** there are active plugins, do not report this as a bug unless you can reproduce it without enabling any plugins. *this--help argument %q.*s is ambiguous, please be more specific--help= Display descriptions of a specific class of options. is one or more of optimizers, target, warnings, undocumented, params.--param = Set parameter to value. See below for a complete list of parameters.--param inline-unit-growth limit reached--param large-function-growth limit reached--param large-stack-frame-growth limit reached--param max-inline-insns-auto limit reached--param max-inline-insns-single limit reached-A= Assert the to . Putting '-' before disables the to .-D[=] Define a with as its value. If just is given, is taken to be 1.-E or -x required when input is from standard input-F Add to the end of the main framework include path.-G Put global and static data smaller than bytes into a special section (on some targets).-I Add to the end of the main include path.-I- specified twice-J Put MODULE files in 'directory'.-MF Write dependency output to the given file.-MG may only be used with -M or -MM-MQ Add a MAKE-quoted target.-MT Add an unquoted target.-O Set optimization level to .-U Undefine .-Waligned-new=[none|global|all] Warn even if 'new' uses a class member allocation function.-Walloc-size-larger-than= Warn for calls to allocation functions that attempt to allocate objects larger than the specified number of bytes.-Walloc-zero Warn for calls to allocation functions that specify zero bytes.-Walloca-larger-than=0 is meaningless-Walloca-larger-than= Warn on unbounded uses of alloca, and on bounded uses of alloca whose bound can be larger than bytes.-Werror=%s: -%s is not an option that controls warnings-Werror=%s: no option -%s-Wformat-contains-nul ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-extra-args ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-nonliteral ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-security ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-y2k ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-zero-length ignored without -Wformat-Wframe-larger-than= Warn if a function's stack frame requires more than bytes.-Wlarger-than= Warn if an object is larger than bytes.-Wmisleading-indentation is disabled from this point onwards, since column-tracking was disabled due to the size of the code/headers-Wnormalized=[none|id|nfc|nfkc] Warn about non-normalized Unicode strings.-Wstack-usage= Warn if stack usage might be larger than specified amount.-Wvla-larger-than=0 is meaningless-Wvla-larger-than= Warn on unbounded uses of variable-length arrays, and on bounded uses of variable-length arrays whose bound can be larger than bytes.-Xbind-now and -Xbind-lazy are incompatible-aux-info Emit declaration information into .-bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib-bundle_loader not allowed with -dynamiclib-c or -S required for Ada-c required for gnat2scil-c required for gnat2why-client_name not allowed with -dynamiclib-current_version only allowed with -dynamiclib-d Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler.-dumpbase Set the file basename to be used for dumps.-dumpdir Set the directory name to be used for dumps.-f%s and -msdata=%s are incompatible-f%s ignored (not supported for DJGPP) -f%s is not supported with CONST16 instructions-f%s not supported: ignored-f%sleading-underscore not supported on this target machine-fPIC and -fpic are not supported in this configuration-fPIC and -mcall-%s are incompatible-fPIC is not supported-fPIC/-fpic not supported for this target-fPIE is not supported-fada-spec-parent=unit Dump Ada specs as child units of given parent.-falign-functions=%d is not between 0 and %d-falign-jumps=%d is not between 0 and %d-falign-labels=%d is not between 0 and %d-falign-labels=%d is not supported-falign-loops=%d is not between 0 and %d-falign-loops=%d is not supported-faligned-new=%d is not a power of two-faligned-new= Use C++17 over-aligned type allocation for alignments greater than N.-fasan-shadow-offset should only be used with -fsanitize=kernel-address-fasan-shadow-offset= Use custom shadow memory offset.-fassociative-math disabled; other options take precedence-fblas-matmul-limit= Size of the smallest matrix for which matmul will use BLAS.-fcall-saved- Mark as being preserved across functions.-fcall-saved-REG is not supported for out registers-fcall-used- Mark as being corrupted by function calls.-fcf-protection=[full|branch|return|none] Instrument functions with checks to verify jump/call/return control-flow transfer instructions have valid targets.-fcheck-pointer-bounds requires %qs name for internal usage-fcheck=[...] Specify which runtime checks are to be performed.-fcoarray= Specify which coarray parallelization should be used.-fcompare-debug[=] Compile with and without e.g. -gtoggle, and compare the final-insns dump.-fconst-string-class= Use class for constant strings.-fconstexpr-depth= Specify maximum constexpr recursion depth.-fconstexpr-loop-limit= Specify maximum constexpr loop iteration count.-fconvert= The endianness used for unformatted files.-fdata-sections not supported for this target-fdbg-cnt=%s-fdbg-cnt=:[,:,...] Set the debug counter limit.-fdebug-prefix-map== Map one directory name to another in debug information.-fdeduce-init-list enable deduction of std::initializer_list for a template type parameter from a brace-enclosed initializer-list.-fdiagnostics-color=[never|always|auto] Colorize diagnostics.-fdiagnostics-show-location=[once|every-line] How often to emit source location at the beginning of line-wrapped diagnostics.-fdirectives-only is incompatible with -Wunused_macros-fdirectives-only is incompatible with -traditional-fdisable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-=range1+range2 disables an optimization pass.-fdump- Dump various compiler internals to a file.-fdump-final-insns=filename Dump to filename the insns at the end of translation.-fdump-go-spec=filename Write all declarations to file as Go code.-femit-struct-debug-baseonly Aggressive reduced debug info for structs.-femit-struct-debug-detailed= Detailed reduced debug info for structs.-femit-struct-debug-reduced Conservative reduced debug info for structs.-fenable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-=range1+range2 enables an optimization pass.-fexcess-precision=[fast|standard] Specify handling of excess floating-point precision.-fexcess-precision=standard for Ada-fexcess-precision=standard for C++-fexcess-precision=standard for Fortran-fexec-charset= Convert all strings and character constants to character set .-ffile-prefix-map== Map one directory name to another in compilation result.-ffixed- Mark as being unavailable to the compiler.-ffixed-line-length- Use n as character line width in fixed mode.-ffp-contract=[off|on|fast] Perform floating-point expression contraction.-ffpe-summary=[...] Print summary of floating point exceptions.-ffpe-trap=[...] Stop on following floating point exceptions.-ffree-line-length- Use n as character line width in free mode.-ffunction-sections not supported for this target-fgnat-encodings=[all|gdb|minimal] Select the balance between GNAT encodings and standard DWARF emitted in the debug information-fgo-c-header= Write Go struct definitions to file as C code.-fgo-debug-escape-hash= Hash value to debug escape analysis.-fgo-dump- Dump Go frontend internal information.-fgo-optimize- Turn on optimization passes in the frontend.-fgo-pkgpath= Set Go package path.-fgo-prefix= Set package-specific prefix for exported Go names.-fgo-relative-import-path= Treat a relative import as relative to path.-fhandle-exceptions has been renamed -fexceptions (and is now on by default)-finit-character= Initialize local character variables to ASCII value n.-finit-integer= Initialize local integer variables to n.-finit-logical= Initialize local logical variables.-finit-real= Initialize local real variables.-finline-limit= Limit the size of inlined functions to .-finline-matmul-limit= Specify the size of the largest matrix for which matmul will be inlined.-finput-charset= Specify the default character set for source files.-finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=filename,... Do not instrument functions listed in files.-finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list=name,... Do not instrument listed functions.-fira-algorithm=[CB|priority] Set the used IRA algorithm.-fira-region=[one|all|mixed] Set regions for IRA.-fira-verbose= Control IRA's level of diagnostic messages.-flto-compression-level= Use zlib compression level for IL.-fmacro-prefix-map== Map one directory name to another in __FILE__, __BASE_FILE__, and __builtin_FILE().-fmax-array-constructor= Maximum number of objects in an array constructor.-fmax-errors= Maximum number of errors to report.-fmax-identifier-length= Maximum identifier length.-fmax-stack-var-size= Size in bytes of the largest array that will be put on the stack.-fmax-subrecord-length= Maximum length for subrecords.-fmessage-length= Limit diagnostics to characters per line. 0 suppresses line-wrapping.-fno-elide-type Do not elide common elements in template comparisons.-fno-gnu89-inline is only supported in GNU99 or C99 mode-fno-pretty-templates Do not pretty-print template specializations as the template signature followed by the arguments.-fno-threadsafe-statics Do not generate thread-safe code for initializing local statics.-foffload-abi=[lp64|ilp32] Set the ABI to use in an offload compiler.-foffload== Specify offloading targets and options for them.-fopenacc-dim operand is malformed at '%s'-fopt-info[-=filename] Dump compiler optimization details.-force_flat_namespace not allowed with -dynamiclib-fpack-struct= Set initial maximum structure member alignment.-fpermitted-flt-eval-methods=[c11|ts-18661] Specify which values of FLT_EVAL_METHOD are permitted.-fpic and -fPIC not supported without -mdsbt on this target-fpic and -mapcs-reent are incompatible-fpic is not supported-fpie is not supported-fplugin-arg--[=] Specify argument = for plugin .-fprefetch-loop-arrays is not supported with -Os-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target (try -march switches)-fprofile-update=[single|atomic|prefer-atomic] Set the profile update method.-frandom-seed= Make compile reproducible using .-frecord-gcc-switches is not supported by the current target-freorder-blocks-algorithm=[simple|stc] Set the used basic block reordering algorithm.-freorder-blocks-and-partition does not work on this architecture-freorder-blocks-and-partition does not work with exceptions on this architecture-freorder-blocks-and-partition not supported on this architecture-frepo must be used with -c-fsanitize-sections= Sanitize global variables in user-defined sections.-fsanitize=address and -fsanitize=kernel-address are not supported for this target-fsanitize=address not supported for this target-fsched-stalled-insns-dep= Set dependence distance checking in premature scheduling of queued insns.-fsched-stalled-insns= Set number of queued insns that can be prematurely scheduled.-fsched-verbose= Set the verbosity level of the scheduler.-fsimd-cost-model=[unlimited|dynamic|cheap] Specifies the vectorization cost model for code marked with a simd directive.-fsplit-stack does not support 2 register parameters for a nested function-fsplit-stack does not support 3 register parameters-fsplit-stack does not support fastcall with nested function-fsplit-stack uses register r29-fsso-struct=[big-endian|little-endian|native] Set the default scalar storage order.-fstack-check=[no|generic|specific] Insert stack checking code into the program.-fstack-check=specific for Thumb-1-fstack-check=specific not implemented for MIPS16-fstack-limit- options are ignored with -mfdpic; use -mstack-check-l1-fstack-limit- options are not supported on this cpu-fstack-limit-register= Trap if the stack goes past .-fstack-limit-symbol= Trap if the stack goes past symbol .-fstack-protector not supported for this target-fstack-reuse=[all|named_vars|none] Set stack reuse level for local variables.-ftabstop= Distance between tab stops for column reporting.-ftemplate-depth= Specify maximum template instantiation depth.-ftls-model=[global-dynamic|local-dynamic|initial-exec|local-exec] Set the default thread-local storage code generation model.-ftrack-macro-expansion=<0|1|2> Track locations of tokens coming from macro expansion and display them in error messages.-ftree-parallelize-loops= Enable automatic parallelization of loops.-fuse-linker-plugin is not supported in this configuration-fuse-linker-plugin, but %s not found-fvisibility=[default|internal|hidden|protected] Set the default symbol visibility.-fvisibility=[private|protected|public|package] Set the default symbol visibility.-fvtable-verify=preinit is not supported in this configuration-fvtable-verify=std is not supported in this configuration-fwide-exec-charset= Convert all wide strings and character constants to character set .-fwpa and -fltrans are mutually exclusive-g is only supported when using GAS on this processor,-g option disabled-g with -mno-apcs-frame may not give sensible debugging-gdwarf-6 is output as version 5 with incompatibilities-ginline-points is forced disabled without -gstatement-frontiers-ginternal-reset-location-views is forced disabled without -gvariable-location-views-gnat Specify options to GNAT.-gz is not supported in this configuration-gz= Generate compressed debug sections in format .-gz=zlib is not supported in this configuration-idirafter Add to the end of the system include path.-iframework Add to the end of the system framework include path.-imacros Accept definition of macros in .-imultiarch Set to be the multiarch include subdirectory.-imultilib Set to be the multilib include subdirectory.-include Include the contents of before other files.-install_name only allowed with -dynamiclib-iplugindir option not passed from the gcc driver-iplugindir= Set to be the default plugin directory.-iprefix Specify as a prefix for next two options.-iquote Add to the end of the quote include path.-isysroot Set to be the system root directory.-isystem Add to the start of the system include path.-iwithprefix Add to the end of the system include path.-iwithprefixbefore Add to the end of the main include path.-keep_private_externs not allowed with -dynamiclib-m%s not supported in this configuration-m64 requires PowerPC64 architecture, enabling-m64 requires a PowerPC64 cpu-mabi=ABI Generate code that conforms to the given ABI.-mabi=ABI Generate code that conforms to the specified ABI.-mabi=ms not supported with X32 ABI-mabs=MODE Select the IEEE 754 ABS/NEG instruction execution mode.-maix64 required: 64-bit computation with 32-bit addressing not yet supported-maix64 requires PowerPC64 architecture remain enabled-malign-functions is obsolete, use -falign-functions-malign-functions=%d is not between 0 and %d-malign-jumps is obsolete, use -falign-jumps-malign-jumps=%d is not between 0 and %d-malign-loops is obsolete, use -falign-loops-malign-loops=%d is not between 0 and %d-malign-power is not supported for 64-bit Darwin; it is incompatible with the installed C and C++ libraries-mallow-movmisalign requires -mvsx-maltivec=le not allowed for big-endian targets-mapcs-stack-check incompatible with -mno-apcs-frame-march= Generate code for given RISC-V ISA (e.g. RV64IM). ISA strings must be lower-case.-march=%s: ISA string must begin with rv32 or rv64-march=%s: invalid ISA string-march=%s: unsupported ISA substring %qs-march=ARCH Generate code for the specified chip or CPU version.-march=ARCH Use features of architecture ARCH.-march=ISA Generate code for the given ISA.-mas100-syntax is incompatible with -gdwarf-masm=intel not supported in this configuration-max-stackframe=%d is not usable, not between 0 and %d-mbackchain -mpacked-stack -mhard-float are not supported in combination-mbig-endian and -mlittle-endian may not be used together-mbranch-cost=%d is not between 0 and 5-mbranch-cost=COST Set the cost of branches to roughly COST instructions.-mbranch-cost=N Set the cost of branches to roughly N instructions.-mcall-ABI Select ABI calling convention.-mcall-aixdesc incompatible with -mabi=elfv2-mcall-ms2sysv-xlogues is not compatible with %s-mcall-ms2sysv-xlogues isn%'t currently supported with SEH-mcmodel incompatible with other toc options-mcmodel= is not supported on 32-bit systems-mcode-readable=SETTING Specify when instructions are allowed to access code.-mcode-region=upper requires 430X-compatible cpu-mcorea and -mcoreb can%'t be used together-mcorea should be used with -mmulticore-mcoreb should be used with -mmulticore-mcpu= Use features of and schedule code for given CPU.-mcpu=%s conflicts with -march=%s-mcpu=%s has invalid silicon revision-mcpu=%s is not valid-mcpu=CPU Compile code for ARC variant CPU.-mcpu=CPU Use features of and optimize for CPU.-mcpu=CPU Use features of and schedule code for given CPU.-mcpu=PROCESSOR Use features of and schedule code for given CPU.-mcpu=TUNE Tune code for given ARC variant.-mcpu=m16c Compile code for M16C variants.-mcpu=m32c Compile code for M32C variants.-mcpu=m32cm Compile code for M32CM variants.-mcpu=r8c Compile code for R8C variants.-mcrypto requires -maltivec-mdata-region=upper requires 430X-compatible cpu-mdebug= Enable debug output.-mdirect-move requires -mvsx-mdiv requires -march to subsume the % extension-mefficient-unaligned-vsx requires -mallow-movmisalign-mefficient-unaligned-vsx requires -mvsx-memregs= Number of memreg bytes (default: 16, range: 0..16).-mes0 can only be used with C-mexr is used without -ms-mexr is used without -ms or -msx-mfdpic is not supported, please use a bfin-linux-uclibc target-mfentry isn%'t supported for 32-bit in combination with -fpic-mfloat-abi=hard and VFP-mfloat-abi=hard: selected processor lacks an FPU-mfloat-abi=soft and -mfloat-abi=hard may not be used together-mfloat-gprs= Select GPR floating point method.-mfloat128 requires -mfloat128-type-mfloat128 requires VSX support-mfloat128-hardware requires -m64-mfloat128-hardware requires -mfloat128-type-mfloat128-hardware requires full ISA 3.0 support-mfloat128-type requires VSX support-mflush-func=FUNC Use FUNC to flush the cache before calling stack trampolines.-mfpu= Specify FP (sp, dp, sp-lite, dp-lite) (implies -mxilinx-fpu).-mfunction-return* options require -march=z900 or higher-mgpopt not supported with PIC.-mgprel-sec= argument is not a valid regular expression.-mgprel-sec= not supported with PIC.-mhard-dfp can%'t be used in conjunction with -msoft-float-mhard-dfp requires -mhard-float-mhard-float not supported-mincoming-stack-boundary=%d is not between %d and 12-mindirect-branch* options require -march=z900 or higher-mint32 is not supported for H8300 and H8300L targets-mipsN Generate code for ISA level N.-mlarge requires a 430X-compatible -mmcu=-mlarge-data-threshold= Data greater than given threshold will go into .ldata section in x86-64 medium model.-mlong-double-64 not allowed with -m64-mlong-double- Specify size of long double (64 or 128 bits).-mlong-double-[64,128] Specify size of long double.-mmax-stackframe=SIZE Warn when a stackframe is larger than the specified size.-mmcu=MCU Select the target MCU.-mmpy-option=MPY Compile ARCv2 code with a multiplier design option.-mmul=g13 cannot be used with -mcpu=g10-mmul=g13 cannot be used with -mcpu=g14-mmul=g14 cannot be used with -mcpu=g10-mmul=g14 cannot be used with -mcpu=g13-mmulticore can only be used with BF561-mmultiple is not supported on little endian systems-mn is not supported for linux targets-mn is used without -mh or -ms or -msx-mnan=ENCODING Select the IEEE 754 NaN data encoding.-mno-%s turns off -m%s-mno-allow-string-insns forbids the generation of the RMPA instruction-mno-altivec disables vsx-mno-dpfp-lrsr supported only with -mdpfp-mno-exr valid only with -ms or -msx - Option ignored!-mno-fentry isn%'t compatible with SEH-mno-mpy supported only for ARC700 or ARCv2-mno-pic-data-is-text-relative cannot be used without -fpic/-fPIC-mno-power9-vector turns off -mpower9-dform-mno-serialize-volatile Do not serialize volatile memory references with MEMW instructions.-mnop-mcount is not compatible with this target-mnop-mcount is not implemented for -fPIC-moverride=STRING Power users only! Override CPU optimization parameters.-mpcrel -fPIC is not currently supported on selected cpu-mpic-register= is useless without -fpic-mpointer-size=[no,32,short,64,long] Set the default pointer size.-mpower8-fusion-sign requires -mpower8-fusion-mpower8-vector requires -maltivec-mpower8-vector requires -mvsx-mpower9-dform requires -mpower9-vector-mpower9-dform requires -mupper-regs-df-mpower9-dform requires -mupper-regs-sf-mpower9-dform, -mpower9-dform-vector, -mpower9-dform-scalar require -mdirect-move-mpower9-fusion requires -mpower8-fusion-mpower9-minmax incompatible with explicitly disabled options-mpower9-vector requires -mpower8-vector-mpreferred-stack-boundary is not supported for this target-mpreferred-stack-boundary=%d is not between %d and %d-mpreferred-stack-boundary=%d must be between %d and %d-mquad-memory is not available in little endian mode-mquad-memory requires 64-bit mode-mquad-memory-atomic requires 64-bit mode-mr0rel-sec= argument is not a valid regular expression.-mr0rel-sec= not supported with PIC.-mr10k-cache-barrier=SETTING Specify when r10k cache barriers should be inserted.-mrecip requires -ffinite-math or -ffast-math-mrecip requires -fno-trapping-math or -ffast-math-mrecip requires -freciprocal-math or -ffast-math-mregparm is ignored for Intel MCU psABI-mregparm is ignored in 64-bit mode-mregparm=%d is not between 0 and %d-mrelax is only supported for RTP PIC-mrelocatable and -mcall-%s are incompatible-mrelocatable and -mno-minimal-toc are incompatible-mrelocatable and -msdata=%s are incompatible-ms2600 is used without -ms-msdata=%s and -mcall-%s are incompatible-msdata=[none,data,sysv,eabi] Select method for sdata handling.-msecure-plt not supported by your assembler-mshared-library-id= specified without -mid-shared-library-mshared-library-id=%s is not between 0 and %d-msim Use simulator runtime.-msim Use simulator runtime.-msimple-fpu option ignored-msingle-float and -msoft-float cannot both be specified-msingle-float option equivalent to -mhard-float-msmall-data-limit=N Put global and static data smaller than bytes into a special section (on some targets).-mspfp_fast not available on ARC600 or ARC601-mstack-guard implies use of -mstack-size-mstack-protector-guard=tls needs a valid base register-mstring is not supported on little endian systems-mstringop-strategy=rep_8byte not supported for 32-bit code-msve-vector-bits=N Set the number of bits in an SVE vector register to N.-msx is not supported in coff-mtls-size=[16,32] Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets.-mtoc-fusion requires -mpower8-fusion-mtoc-fusion requires 64-bit-mtoc-fusion requires medium/large code model-mtraceback= Select full, part, or no traceback table.-mtraceback=[full,part,no] Select type of traceback table.-mtune= Schedule code for given CPU.-mtune= expects mn10300, am33, am33-2, or am34-mtune=ARCH Tune alignment for the specified chip or CPU version.-mtune=CPU Optimize for CPU.-mtune=PROCESSOR Optimize the output for PROCESSOR.-mupper-regs-df requires -mvsx-mupper-regs-di requires -mvsx-mupper-regs-sf requires -mpower8-vector-mvsx and -mno-altivec are incompatible-mvsx and -mpaired are incompatible-mvsx needs indexed addressing-mvsx requires hardware floating point-mvsx-small-integer requires -mpower8-vector, -mupper-regs-di, and -mdirect-move-mvsx-timode might need -mlra-mvsx-timode requires -mvsx-mxl-multiply-high can be used only with -mcpu=v6.00.a or greater-mxl-multiply-high requires -mno-xl-soft-mul-mxl-reorder can be used only with -mcpu=v8.30.a or greater-mxl-reorder requires -mxl-pattern-compare for -mcpu=v8.30.a-o Place output into .-pg and -fomit-frame-pointer are incompatible-pie is not supported in this configuration-pipe ignored because -save-temps specified-pipe not supported-private_bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib-trigraphs Support ISO C trigraphs....this statement, but the latter is misleadingly indented as if it were guarded by the %qs.NOT. operator in expression at %L must have a LOGICAL operand.XOR. operator at %C128-bit long double not supported for VAX floats31 bit ABI.387 instruction set disabled, using SSE arithmetics64 bit ABI.64-bit ABI not supported in ESA/390 mode64-bit SPE not supported; use assignment instead; use assignment or value-initialization instead; use copy-assignment instead; use copy-assignment or copy-initialization instead; use copy-initialization instead; use value-initialization instead