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In order to pass other options on to these processes the -W options must be used. ldd output with constructors/destructors. write_c_file - output name is %s, prefix is %s %s %qD Included at %s:%d: inlined from %qs in pointer to member conversion in pointer to member function conversion -a, --all-blocks Show information for every basic block -b, --branch-probabilities Include branch probabilities in output -f, --function-summaries Output summaries for each function -h, --help Print this help, then exit -l, --long-file-names Use long output file names for included source files -n, --no-output Do not create an output file -o, --object-directory DIR|FILE Search for object files in DIR or called FILE -p, --preserve-paths Preserve all pathname components -u, --unconditional-branches Show unconditional branch counts too -v, --version Print version number, then exit a qualified-id is required as it is a non-system directory that duplicates a system directory base %qT because conversion sequence for the argument is better but %d required but does not override %<%T(const %T&)%> but does not override % candidate conversions include %qD and %qD enters OpenMP structured block enters catch block enters try block exits OpenMP structured block expected a class template, got %qE expected a class template, got %qT expected a constant of type %qT, got %qT expected a type, got %qE expected a type, got %qT from here in call to %qD in evaluation of %<%Q(%#T, %#T)%> in thrown expression initializing argument %P of %qD or % since %q+#D declared in base class trying to instantiate %qD All options with the desired characteristics have already been displayed No options with the desired characteristics were found conflicting code gen style switches are used!$OMP ATOMIC assignment intrinsic IAND, IOR or IEOR must have two arguments at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment intrinsic must be MIN, MAX, IAND, IOR or IEOR at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment must be var = var op expr or var = expr op var at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment must have an operator or intrinsic on right hand side at %L!$OMP ATOMIC intrinsic arguments must be scalar at %L!$OMP ATOMIC statement must set a scalar variable of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC var = var op expr not mathematically equivalent to var = var op (expr) at %L!$OMP at %C starts a commented line as it neither is followed by a space nor is a continuation line"::" was expected after module nature at %C but was not found# %s %.2f %.2f #include "..." search starts here: #include <...> search starts here: #pragma GCC memregs must precede any function decls#pragma GCC memregs takes a number [0..16]#pragma GCC optimize is not allowed inside functions#pragma GCC optimize string... is badly formed#pragma GCC option is not allowed inside functions#pragma GCC target is not supported for this machine#pragma GCC target string... is badly formed#pragma GCC visibility must be followed by push or pop#pragma GCC visibility push() must specify default, internal, hidden or protected#pragma GHS endXXX does not match previous startXXX#pragma GHS endXXXX found without previous startXXX#pragma implementation for %qs appears after file is included#pragma message: %s#pragma pack (pop) encountered without matching #pragma pack (push)#pragma pack has no effect with -fpack-struct - ignored#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with __asm__ declaration#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous #pragma redefine_extname#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous rename#pragma vtable no longer supported$ operand number used after format without operand number%<#pragma GCC optimize%> is not a string or number%<#pragma GCC option%> is not a string%<#pragma GCC pch_preprocess%> must be first%<#pragma GCC pop_options%> without a corresponding %<#pragma GCC push_options%>%<#pragma omp section%> may only be used in %<#pragma omp sections%> construct%<%%%> constraint used with last operand%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year in some locales%<%D::%D%> is not a member of %qT%<%T::%D%> names constructor in %qT%<%T::%D%> names destructor%<&%> constraint used with no register class%<-%s%> conflicts with the other architecture options, which specify a %s processor%<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=dir:...%> must allow at least as much as %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=ind:...%>%<-gnat%> misspelled as %<-gant%>%<-march=%s%> is not compatible with the selected ABI%<-mgp32%> and %<-mfp64%> can only be combined if the target supports the mfhc1 and mthc1 instructions%<-mgp32%> and %<-mfp64%> can only be combined when using the o32 ABI%<-mgp32%> used with a 64-bit ABI%<-mgp64%> used with a 32-bit ABI%<-mgp64%> used with a 32-bit processor%<-mips3d%> requires %<-mpaired-single%>%<-mno-gpopt%> needs %<-mexplicit-relocs%>%<...%> as arguments.)%<...%> has invalid operand number%<::main%> must return %%<<:%> is an alternate spelling for %<[%>. Insert whitespace between %<<%> and %<::%>%<<::%> cannot begin a template-argument list%<@end%> missing in implementation context%<@end%> must appear in an @implementation context%<@throw%> (rethrow) used outside of a @catch block%<@try%> without %<@catch%> or %<@finally%>%<[*]%> not allowed in other than function prototype scope%<[*]%> not in a declaration%<_Sat%> is used without %<_Fract%> or %<_Accum%>%<__BELOW100__%> attribute only applies to variables%<__alignof%> applied to a bit-field%<__builtin_longjmp%> second argument must be 1%<__builtin_next_arg%> called without an argument%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as % or %%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as a type%<__thread%> before %%<__thread%> before %% of mutually exclusive equal-tests is always 0% operand constraint incompatible with operand size% operand has impossible constraints% operand requires impossible reload% specifiers are not permitted on non-static data members% in file-scope empty declaration% label not within a switch statement% not permitted with -fno-rtti% without a previous %% declared in % loop initial declaration% can only be specified for constructors% can only be specified inside a class% attribute present on %q+D% in empty declaration% is not allowed in declaration of friend template specialization %qD% specified for friend class declaration% specifier invalid for function %qs declared out of global scope% is not defined as a type% is not defined as a type% is too long for GCC% invalid for %qs% and % specified together for %qs% invalid for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% or % specified with char for %qs% switch expression not converted to % in ISO C% value must be positive% must return type %qT% takes type %qT as first parameter% must not return NULL unless it is declared % (or -fcheck-new is in effect)% must return type %qT% takes type % (%qT) as first parameter% should return a reference to %<*this%>% of unmatched not-equal tests is always 1% in file-scope empty declaration% with a value, in function returning void% with no value, in function returning non-void% invalid for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% and % specified together for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% applied to a bit-field% may not be used when defining (as opposed to declaring) a static data member% declared in % loop initial declaration% is unavailable for static member functions% %qD is not file, namespace or block scope variable% %qE directive not in %qT definition% %qE has incomplete type% is not defined as a pointer type% is not defined as a type% was ignored in this declaration% names %q#T, which is not a class template% names %q#T, which is not a type% applied to a bit-field% declared in % loop initial declaration% used in function with fixed args% outside class declaration% as only parameter may not be qualified% must be the only parameter%E qualifier ignored on asm%Kattempt to free a non-heap object%Kattempt to free a non-heap object %qD%Kcall to %qs declared with attribute error: %s%Kcall to %qs declared with attribute warning: %s%Kinvalid use of %<__builtin_va_arg_pack ()%>%Kinvalid use of %<__builtin_va_arg_pack_len ()%>%d exits recorded for loop %d (having %d exits)%i-bit mode not compiled in%q#D is a static data member; it can only be initialized at its definition%q#D is not a non-static data member of %qT%q#D redeclared as different kind of symbol%q#T has pointer data members%q#T has virtual functions and accessible non-virtual destructor%q#T is not a class%q#T is not a class or a namespace%q#T is not a template%q#T only defines a private destructor and has no friends%q#T only defines private constructors and has no friends%q#T used where a %qT was expected%q#T used where a floating point value was expected%q+#D cannot be declared%q+D already declared with dllexport attribute: dllimport ignored%q+D declared as a friend%q+D declared with an exception specification%q+D is static but declared in inline function %qD which is not static%q+D is usually a function%q+D redeclared as different kind of symbol%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute after being referenced with dll linkage%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute: previous dllimport ignored%q+D takes only zero or two arguments%q+F declared % but never defined%q+F used but never defined%qD appears more than once in data clauses%qD attribute directive ignored%qD attribute is meaningless since members of the anonymous namespace get local symbols%qD attribute requires a single NTBS argument%qD cannot appear in a constant-expression%qD cannot be defaulted%qD cannot have default arguments%qD changed semantics in GCC 4.4%qD declared as reference but not initialized%qD has incomplete type%qD has the same name as the class in which it is declared%qD is already a friend of %qT%qD is already a friend of class %qT%qD is already declared in this scope%qD is already defined in %qT%qD is already defined in class %qT%qD is already defined in the class %qT%qD is both a direct base and an indirect virtual base%qD is not a class or namespace%qD is not a function template%qD is not a member of %qT%qD is not a member template function%qD is not a static data member of a class template%qD is not a template%qD is not a template function%qD is not a type%qD is not a valid template argument because %qD is a variable, not the address of a variable%qD is not a variable%qD is not a variable in clause %%qD is not a variable in clause %%qD is not a variable in clause %qs%qD is not defined outside of function scope%qD is static but used in inline function %qD which is not static%qD is used uninitialized in this function%qD may be used uninitialized in this function%qD may not be declared as static%qD may not be declared within a namespace%qD must be a nonstatic member function%qD must be either a non-static member function or a non-member function%qD must have an argument of class or enumerated type%qD must not have variable number of arguments%qD not declared%qD not defined%qD redeclared with different visibility%qD should have been declared inside %qD%qD should return by value%qD used without template parameters%qD was declared % and later %%qD was declared %qs which implies default visibility%qD was not declared in this scope%qE appears more than once in data clauses%qE attribute have effect only on public objects%qE attribute ignored%qE attribute ignored because %qT is already defined%qE attribute ignored for %qE%qE attribute ignored for field of type %qT%qE attribute ignored on non-class types%qE attribute ignored on types%qE attribute is not supported on this platform%qE attribute only applies to variadic functions%qE attribute requires prototypes with named arguments%qE cannot be used as a function%qE cannot be used as a member pointer, since it is of type %qT%qE declared % after first use%qE fails to be a typedef or built in type%qE has invalid type for %%qE is an unrecognized format function type%qE is neither function nor member function; cannot be declared friend%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is a pointer%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is not an lvalue%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is of type %qT%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because of conflicts in cv-qualification%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because string literals can never be used in this context%qE is not a valid template argument of type %qT because %qD does not have external linkage%qE is not a valid template argument of type %qT because %qE is not a variable%qE is not a variable in clause %%qE is not a variable in clause %%qE is not a variable in clause %qs%qE is not at beginning of declaration%qE is not initialized%qE is not of type %qT%qE is predetermined %qs for %qs%qE must be % for %%qE needs isa option %s%qE needs unknown isa option%qT declared with greater visibility than its base %qT%qT declared with greater visibility than the type of its field %qD%qT has a base %qT whose type uses the anonymous namespace%qT has a field %qD whose type uses the anonymous namespace%qT has no member named %qE%qT has no non-static data member named %qD%qT is a variably modified type%qT is already a friend of %qT%qT is an ambiguous base of %qT%qT is an inaccessible base of %qT%qT is not a base of %qT%qT is not a class or namespace%qT is not a class type%qT is not a class, struct, or union type%qT is not a member class template of %qT%qT is not a member of %qT%qT is not a namespace%qT is not a nested class of %qT%qT is not a pointer-to-object type%qT is not a template%qT is not a template type%qT is not an accessible base of %qT%qT is promoted to %qT when passed through %<...%>%qT referred to as %qs%qT referred to as enum%qT resolves to %qT, which is is not a class type%qT resolves to %qT, which is not an enumeration type%qV qualifiers cannot be applied to %qT%qs attribute ignored%qs attribute only applies to functions%qs declared as function returning a function%qs declared as function returning an array%qs defined in a non-class scope%qs does not support MIPS16 code%qs expects a constant argument%qs has both % and initializer%qs has overflowed%qs initialized and declared %%qs is deprecated%qs is narrower than values of its type%qs is not a gcov data file%qs is not valid for %qs%qs is version %q.*s, expected version %q.*s%qs must be used with %qs%qs requires a target that provides the %qs instruction%qs requires branch-likely instructions%qs tag used in naming %q#T%qs uses dynamic stack allocation%s%s %s %s %p %d %s %s%s %s '%s' %s at %L must be INTEGER%s at %L must be a scalar%s attribute applied to %s %s at %L%s attribute at %L is not allowed outside of the specification part of a module%s attribute conflicts with %s attribute at %L%s attribute not allowed in BLOCK DATA program unit at %L%s cannot be used in asm here%s does not support %%n$ operand number formats%s does not support %s%s does not support %s with the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support block_ends_with_call_p%s does not support block_ends_with_condjump_p%s does not support can_duplicate_block_p%s does not support can_merge_blocks_p%s does not support can_remove_branch_p%s does not support create_basic_block%s does not support delete_basic_block%s does not support duplicate_block%s does not support flow_call_edges_add%s does not support make_forwarder_block%s does not support merge_blocks%s does not support move_block_after%s does not support predict_edge%s does not support predicted_by_p%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch_force%s does not support split_block%s does not support split_edge%s does not support the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support the %<%%%s%c%> %s format%s does not support the %qs %s length modifier%s expression list treated as compound expression%s ignored with %s and %<%%%c%> %s format%s ignored with %s in %s format%s in format string at %L%s is not supported by this configuration%s only accepts %d arguments%s only accepts 1 argument%s only accepts 2 arguments%s procedure at %L is already declared as %s procedure%s returned %d exit status%s statement at %C cannot follow %s statement at %L%s statement at %C cannot terminate a non-block DO loop%s statement at %C follows another accessibility specification%s statement at %C leaving OpenMP structured block%s statement expected at %L%s statement must appear in a MODULE%s statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %C%s tag at %L must be of type %s%s tag at %L must be scalar%s terminated with signal %d [%s]%s%s used with %<%%%c%> %s format%s%s%s %sversion %s (%s) %s compiled by GNU C version %s, %s%s%s %sversion %s (%s) compiled by CC, %s%sGGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=%d --param ggc-min-heapsize=%d %s%swarning: %s header version %s differs from library version %s. %s-%s is an empty range%s: %d basic blocks and %d edges/basic block%s: %s%s: %s compiler not installed on this system%s: --param arguments should be of the form NAME=VALUE%s: PCH file was invalid%s: cannot open as COFF file%s: couldn%'t open PCH file: %m%s: linker input file unused because linking not done%s: not a COFF file%s:%d: confused by earlier errors, bailing out %s:'%s' has arcs from exit block %s:'%s' has arcs to entry block %s:'%s' lacks entry and/or exit blocks %s:already seen blocks for '%s' %s:cannot open data file, assuming not executed %s:corrupted %s:graph is unsolvable for '%s' %s:no functions found %s:no lines for '%s' %s:not a gcov data file %s:overflowed %s:profile mismatch for '%s' %s:version '%.4s', prefer '%.4s' %s:version '%.4s', prefer version '%.4s' '' ' flag'!' flag'#' flag'%%%c' is not a valid operand prefix'%%l' operand isn't a label'%s' was assigned to '%s', but was not defined during recompilation, or vice versa''' flag'(' flag'+' flag'-' flag'0' flag'B' operand has multiple bits set'B' operand is not constant'E' modifier'I' flag'O' modifier'^' flag'_' flag'a' flag'm' flag'o' operand is not constant'q' flag(C)(Messages without a matching method signature(a pointer to member can only be formed with %<&%E%>)(an out of class initialization is required)(if this is not what you intended, make sure the function template has already been declared and add <> after the function name here) (if you use %<-fpermissive%>, G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)(near initialization for %qs)(perhaps % was intended)(perhaps a semicolon is missing after the definition of %qT)(so you should pass %qT not %qT to %)--param inline-unit-growth limit reached--param large-function-growth limit reached--param large-stack-frame-growth limit reached--param max-inline-insns-auto limit reached--param max-inline-insns-single limit reached-E or -x required when input is from standard input-I- specified twice-MG may only be used with -M or -MM-Wformat-contains-nul ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-extra-args ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-nonliteral ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-security ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-y2k ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-zero-length ignored without -Wformat-Xbind-now and -Xbind-lazy are incompatible-bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib-bundle_loader not allowed with -dynamiclib-c or -S required for Ada-client_name not allowed with -dynamiclib-current_version only allowed with -dynamiclib-f%s and -msdata=%s are incompatible-f%s is not supported with CONST16 instructions-f%s not supported: ignored-f%sleading-underscore not supported on this target machine-fPIC and -fpic are not supported in this configuration-fPIC and -mcall-%s are incompatible-falign-labels=%d is not supported-falign-loops=%d is not supported-fassociative-math disabled; other options take precedence-fdata-sections not supported for this target-fdbg-cnt=%s-fdirectives-only is incompatible with -Wunused_macros-fdirectives-only is incompatible with -traditional-ffunction-sections not supported for this target-fhandle-exceptions has been renamed -fexceptions (and is now on by default)-fno-gnu89-inline is only supported in GNU99 or C99 mode-force_flat_namespace not allowed with -dynamiclib-fpic and -mapcs-reent are incompatible-fprefetch-loop-arrays is not supported with -Os-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target (try -march switches)-frecord-gcc-switches is not supported by the current target-freorder-blocks-and-partition does not work on this architecture-frepo must be used with -c-fstack-protector not supported for this target-g is only supported when using GAS on this processor,-g option disabled-g with -mno-apcs-frame may not give sensible debugging-install_name only allowed with -dynamiclib-keep_private_externs not allowed with -dynamiclib-m%s not supported in this configuration-m64 requires PowerPC64 architecture, enabling-m64 requires a PowerPC64 cpu-maix64 required: 64-bit computation with 32-bit addressing not yet supported-maix64 requires PowerPC64 architecture remain enabled-malign-power is not supported for 64-bit Darwin; it is incompatible with the installed C and C++ libraries-mapcs-stack-check incompatible with -mno-apcs-frame-max-stackframe=%d is not usable, not between 0 and %d-mbackchain -mpacked-stack -mhard-float are not supported in combination-mbig-endian and -mlittle-endian may not be used together-mcorea should be used with -mmulticore-mcoreb should be used with -mmulticore-mcpu=%s conflicts with -march=%s-mcpu=%s has invalid silicon revision-mcpu=%s is not valid-mfloat-abi=hard and VFP-mhard-float not supported-mincoming-stack-boundary=%d is not between %d and 12-mlong-double-64 not allowed with -m64-mmulticore can only be used with BF561-mmultiple is not supported on little endian systems-mpcrel -fPIC is not currently supported on selected cpu-mpic-register= is useless without -fpic-mrelax is only supported for RTP PIC-mrelocatable and -mcall-%s are incompatible-mrelocatable and -mno-minimal-toc are incompatible-mrelocatable and -msdata=%s are incompatible-ms2600 is used without -ms-msdata=%s and -mcall-%s are incompatible-msecure-plt not supported by your assembler-mshared-library-id= specified without -mid-shared-library-mshared-library-id=%s is not between 0 and %d-msimple-fpu option ignored-msingle-float and -msoft-float cannot both be specified-msingle-float option equivalent to -mhard-float-mstack-guard implies use of -mstack-size-mstring is not supported on little endian systems-pg and -fomit-frame-pointer are incompatible-pipe not supported-private_bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib.NOT. operator in expression at %L must have a LOGICAL operand128-bit long double not supported for VAX floats387 instruction set disabled, using SSE arithmetics64-bit ABI not supported in ESA/390 mode @catch parameter is not a known Objective-C class typeACCESS specification at %L was already specifiedALLOCATABLE specified outside of INTERFACE body at %LALTERNATE RETURN not permitted at %LAPCS reentrant code not supported. IgnoredASSERT_EXPR with an always-false conditionASSIGN statement at %L requires a scalar default INTEGER variableASSIGNED GOTO statement at %L requires an INTEGER variableASYNCHRONOUS= specifier at %L must be an initialization expressionAUX pointer initialized for edge %d->%dAVX vector argument without AVX enabled changes the ABIAccess specification of the %s operator at %C has already been specifiedAccess specification of the .%s. operator at %C has already been specifiedAllocatable component of structure at %C must have a deferred shapeAllow implicit conversions between vectors with differing numbers of subparts and/or differing element types.Already inside a CONTAINS block at %CAlternate RETURN statement at %C is only allowed within a SUBROUTINEAlternate RETURN statement at %L requires a SCALAR-INTEGER return specifierAlternate return cannot appear in operator interface at %LAltiVec argument passed to unprototyped functionAltiVec not supported in this targetAmbiguous symbol in TYPE definition at %CAn alternate return at %L without a * dummy argumentAn outer FORALL construct already has an index with this name %LArgument NCOPIES of REPEAT intrinsic is negative at %LArgument NCOPIES of REPEAT intrinsic is too large at %LArgument dim at %L must be of INTEGER typeArgument dim at %L must be scalarArgument of %s at %L must be of length oneArgument of %s function at %L is negativeArgument of %s function at %L is too large for the collating sequence of kind %dArgument of %s function at %L outside of range [0,127]Argument of ACOS at %L must be between -1 and 1Argument of ACOSH at %L must not be less than 1Argument of ASIN at %L must be between -1 and 1Argument of ATANH at %L must be inside the range -1 to 1Argument of FINAL procedure at %L must not be ALLOCATABLEArgument of FINAL procedure at %L must not be INTENT(OUT)Argument of FINAL procedure at %L must not be OPTIONALArgument of FINAL procedure at %L must not be a POINTERArgument of IACHAR at %L must be of length oneArgument of IACHAR function at %L outside of range 0..127Argument of ICHAR at %L must be of length oneArgument of LOG at %L cannot be less than or equal to zeroArgument of LOG10 at %L cannot be less than or equal to zeroArgument of SELECT statement at %L cannot be %sArgument of SELECT statement at %L must be a scalar expressionArgument of SQRT at %L has a negative valueArithmetic NaN at %LArithmetic OK at %LArithmetic OK converting %s to %s at %LArithmetic overflow at %LArithmetic underflow at %LArray component of structure at %C must have an explicit shapeArray component of structure at %C must have explicit or deferred shapeArray index at %L is an array of rank %dArray index at %L must be of INTEGER type, found %sArray index at %L must be scalarArray operands are incommensurate at %LArray operands are incommensurate converting %s to %s at %LArray reference at %C cannot have more than %d dimensionsArray reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld < %ld) in dimension %dArray reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld > %ld) in dimension %dArray reference in EQUIVALENCE at %C cannot be an array sectionArray reference out of boundsArray section with a vector subscript at %L shall not be the target of a pointerArray specification at %C has more than %d dimensionsArray specification must be deferred at %LArray specification required in ALLOCATE statement at %LAssembler options ================= Assigning value other than 0 or 1 to LOGICAL has undefined result at %LAssignment operator interface at %L must be a SUBROUTINEAssignment operator interface at %L must have two argumentsAssignment operator interface at %L must not redefine an INTRINSIC type assignmentAssignment to a FORALL index variable at %LAssume ICPLBs are enabled at runtime.Assumed shape array at %L must be a dummy argumentAssumed size array at %L must be a dummy argumentAt top level:Attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated '%s'Attempt to indirectly overlap COMMON blocks %s and %s by EQUIVALENCE at %CAttribute at %L is not allowed in a TYPE definitionAvoid speculative loads to work around a hardware anomaly.BB_RTL flag not set for block %dBIND(C) applied to %s %s at %LBIND(C) attribute at %C requires an interface with BIND(C)BIND(C) attribute at %L can only be used for variables or common blocksBIND(C) procedure with NAME may not have POINTER attribute at %CBOZ constant at %L is too large (%ld vs %ld bits)BYTE type used at %C is not available on the target machineBad INTENT specification at %CBad IO basetype (%d)Bad array reference at %LBad array specification for an explicitly shaped array at %CBad array specification for assumed shape array at %CBad array specification in ALLOCATE statement at %LBad continuation line at %CBad kind for logical constant at %CBad nameBad operatorBad specification for assumed size array at %CBad specification for deferred shape array at %CBad target in pointer assignment in PURE procedure at %LBad type in constant expressionBinding attributes already specify passing, illegal NOPASS at %CBinding attributes already specify passing, illegal PASS at %CBlank BLOCK DATA at %C conflicts with prior BLOCK DATA at %LBlanket SAVE statement at %C follows previous SAVE statementBlock label is not appropriate for IF statement at %CBlock label not appropriate for arithmetic IF statement at %CBoard name [and memory region].Branch at %L may result in an infinite loopBranches executed:%s of %d By-value argument at %L cannot be an array or an array sectionBy-value argument at %L is not allowed in this contextBy-value argument at %L is not of numeric typeC kind type parameter is for type %s but type at %L is %sC++ constructors and destructors will not be invoked for Objective-C fieldsCASE label at %L overlaps with CASE label at %LCLOSE statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %CCOLLAPSE clause argument not constant positive integer at %CCOMMON block /%s/ not found at %CCOMPLEX quantities cannot be compared at %LCONTAINS statement at %C is already in a contained program unitCPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction setCRIS-port assertion failed: Calls executed:%s of %d Can't convert %s to %s at %LCannot assign to a named constant at %CCannot change attributes of USE-associated symbol %s at %LCannot change attributes of USE-associated symbol at %LCannot specify IMPLICIT at %C after IMPLICIT NONEComplex argument of LOG at %L cannot be zeroComponent %s of SEQUENCE type declared at %L does not have the SEQUENCE attributeComponent at %C must have the POINTER attributeComponent to the right of a part reference with nonzero rank must not have the ALLOCATABLE attribute at %LComponent to the right of a part reference with nonzero rank must not have the POINTER attribute at %LComponents in TYPE at %C must precede CONTAINSConcat operator at %L must concatenate strings of the same kindConcatenation operator in expression at %L must have two CHARACTER operandsConfigured with: %s Constant expression in FORMAT tag at %L must be of type default CHARACTERConstant expression required at %CConversion from %s to %s at %LConversion of an Infinity or Not-a-Number at %L to INTEGERCray Pointee at %C cannot be assumed shape arrayCray Pointee at %L appears in multiple pointer() statementsCray pointer at %C has %d bytes of precision; memory addresses require %d bytesCray pointer at %C must be an integerCray pointer declaration at %C requires -fcray-pointer flagCreating array temporary at %LDATA statement at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureDATA statement at %L has more values than variablesDATA statement at %L has more variables than valuesDIM argument at %L is out of boundsData element above array upper bound at %LData element below array lower bound at %LData transfer element at %L cannot be a full reference to an assumed-size arrayData transfer element at %L cannot have PRIVATE componentsDerived type at %C can only be PRIVATE in the specification part of a moduleDerived type at %C can only be PUBLIC in the specification part of a moduleDerived type at %C has not been previously defined and so cannot appear in a derived type definitionDerived type component %C is not a permitted EQUIVALENCE memberDerived type declaration with FINAL at %C must be in the specification part of a MODULEDifferent kind type parameters in pointer assignment at %LDifferent ranks in pointer assignment at %LDifferent shape for %s at %L on dimension %d (%d and %d)Different types in pointer assignment at %L; attempted assignment of %s to %sDivision by zero at %LDivision by zero converting %s to %s at %LDo not suppress C++ class debug information.Does nothing. Preserved for backward compatibility.Don't generate privileged-mode only code; implies -mno-inline-ic_invalidate if the inline code would not work in user mode.Driving:Dummy procedure at %C may not have BIND(C) attribute with NAMEDuplicate %s attribute at %LDuplicate %s attribute specified at %LDuplicate %s label specification at %CDuplicate %s specification at %CDuplicate BIND attribute specified at %LDuplicate ELSE statements at %L and %CDuplicate EXTENDS attribute specified at %LDuplicate IMPLICIT NONE statement at %CDuplicate NML specification at %CDuplicate NON_OVERRIDABLE at %CDuplicate PRIVATE statement at %CDuplicate PROTECTED attribute specified at %LDuplicate SAVE attribute specified at %LDuplicate SEQUENCE statement at %CDuplicate UNIT specification at %CDuplicate VALUE attribute specified at %LDuplicate VOLATILE attribute specified at %LDuplicate access-specifier at %CDuplicate array spec for Cray pointee at %CDuplicate format specification at %CDuplicate statement label %d at %L and %LE specifier not allowed with g0 descriptorE500 and FPRs not supportedELSE IF statement at %C cannot follow ELSE statement at %LELSEWHERE statement at %C follows previous unmasked ELSEWHEREELSEWHERE statement at %C not enclosed in WHERE blockEND tag at %C not allowed in output statementEND tag label %d at %L not definedENTRY result %s can't be a POINTER in FUNCTION %s at %LENTRY result %s can't be an array in FUNCTION %s at %LENTRY result %s can't be of type %s in FUNCTION %s at %LENTRY statement at %C cannot appear in a contained procedureENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a BLOCK DATAENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a DERIVED TYPE blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a DO blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a FORALL blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a MODULEENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a PROGRAMENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a SELECT blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a WHERE blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a contained subprogramENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within an IF-THEN blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within an INTERFACEENTRY_BLOCK has IL associated with itENUM declaration at %C has no ENUMERATORSENUM definition statement expected before %CENUMERATOR %L not initialized with integer expressionEOR tag label %d at %L not definedEQUIVALENCE at %C requires two or more objectsERR tag label %d at %L not definedEXIT statement at %C terminating !$OMP DO loopEXIT_BLOCK has IL associated with itEither all or none of the objects in the EQUIVALENCE set at %L shall have the PROTECTED attributeElement in %s array constructor at %L is %sEmpty FINAL at %CEmpty IMPLICIT statement at %CEmpty array constructor at %C is not allowedEmpty set of digits in BOZ constant at %CEnable CFI tables via GAS assembler directives.Enable copy propagation of scalar-evolution information.Enable strict 32-bit psABI struct return checking.End of nonblock DO statement at %C is interwoven with another DO loopEnd of nonblock DO statement at %C is within another blockEnd of search list. Entity with assumed character length at %L must be a dummy argument or a PARAMETEREnumerator exceeds the C integer type at %CError converting PARAMETER constant in complex constant at %CError converting integerError writing modules file: %sExit condition of DO WHILE loop at %L must be a scalar LOGICAL expressionExpected ")" at %CExpected "," at %CExpected :: in TYPE definition at %CExpected = sign in PARAMETER statement at %CExpected P edit descriptorExpected PARAMETER symbol in complex constant at %CExpected a CASE or END SELECT statement following SELECT CASE at %CExpected a nameless interface at %CExpected a right parenthesis in expression at %CExpected a step value in iterator at %CExpected access-specifier at %CExpected alternate return label at %CExpected an initialization expression at %CExpected another dimension in array declaration at %CExpected argument list at %CExpected array subscript at %CExpected array subscript stride at %CExpected attribute bit nameExpected binding attribute at %CExpected binding name at %CExpected comma in I/O list at %CExpected component reference at %CExpected exponent in expression at %CExpected expression at %C in PARAMETER statementExpected expression in %s statement at %CExpected expression in array specification at %CExpected expression typeExpected formal argument list in function definition at %CExpected initialization expression at %CExpected initialization expression in CASE at %CExpected integerExpected integer stringExpected left parenthesisExpected module procedure name at %CExpected nameExpected real stringExpected right parenthesisExpected scalar initialization expression at %CExpected specific binding name at %CExpected stringExpected structure component name at %CExpected terminating name at %CExpected variable in READ statement at %CExpected variable name at %CExpected variable name at %C in PARAMETER statementExpecting list of named entities at %CExpression at %L must be of INTEGER type, found %sExpression at %L must be scalarExpression in CASE statement at %L must be of kind %dExpression in CASE statement at %L must be of type %sExpression in CASE statement at %L must be scalarExtension: Conversion from %s to %s at %LExtension: Unary operator following arithmetic operator (use parentheses) at %CExtension: backslash character at %CExternal IO UNIT cannot be an array at %LFINAL declaration at %C must be inside CONTAINSFINAL declaration at %C must be inside a derived type CONTAINS sectionFINAL procedure at %L must have exactly one argumentFORALL end expression at %L must be a scalar INTEGERFORALL index-name at %L must be a scalar INTEGERFORALL start expression at %L must be a scalar INTEGERFORALL stride expression at %L cannot be zeroFORALL stride expression at %L must be a scalar %sFORMAT label %d at %L not definedFORMAT statement at %L does not have a statement labelFUNCTION result %s can't be a POINTER in FUNCTION %s at %LFUNCTION result %s can't be an array in FUNCTION %s at %LFUNCTION result %s can't be of type %s in FUNCTION %s at %LFirst argument of defined assignment at %L must be INTENT(OUT) or INTENT(INOUT)First argument of operator interface at %L cannot be optionalFirst argument of operator interface at %L must be INTENT(IN)For dummy procedure %s, no binding name is allowed in BIND(C) at %CFormat statement in module main block at %CFortran 95 requires default INTEGER in %s tag at %LFunction %s at %L has entries with mismatched array specificationsGCC cannot support operators with integer types and fixed-point types that have too many integral and fractional bits togetherGCC supports only %u nested scopesGCC vector passed by reference: non-standard ABI extension with no compatibility guaranteeGCC vector returned by reference: non-standard ABI extension with no compatibility guaranteeGCSE disabledGENERIC at %C must be inside a derived-type CONTAINSGenerate cld instruction in the function prologue.Generate code for SH4 500 series (FPU-less).Generate code for the M*Core M210Generate code for the M*Core M340Generate reciprocals instead of divss and sqrtss.Histogram value statement does not correspond to the statement it is associated withICE: emit_insn used where emit_jump_insn needed: IF clause at %L requires a scalar LOGICAL expressionIMPORT statement at %C only permitted in an INTERFACE bodyINQUIRE statement at %L cannot contain both FILE and UNIT specifiersINQUIRE statement at %L requires a PENDING= specifier with the ID= specifierINQUIRE statement at %L requires either FILE or UNIT specifierINQUIRE statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %CINTENT (%s) conflicts with INTENT(%s) at %LINTENT(%s) actual argument at %L might interfere with actual argument at %L.IOLENGTH tag invalid in INQUIRE statement at %CISO C does not allow extra %<;%> outside of a functionISO C does not support %<++%> and %<--%> on complex typesISO C does not support %<~%> for complex conjugationISO C does not support complex integer typesISO C does not support decimal floating pointISO C does not support fixed-point typesISO C does not support plain % meaning %ISO C does not support saturating typesISO C forbids %ISO C forbids % with expression, in function returning voidISO C forbids an empty translation unitISO C forbids assignment between function pointer and %ISO C forbids braced-groups within expressionsISO C forbids casting nonscalar to the same typeISO C forbids casts to union typeISO C forbids comparison of % with function pointerISO C forbids conditional expr between % and function pointerISO C forbids conditional expr with only one void sideISO C forbids const or volatile function typesISO C forbids conversion of function pointer to object pointer typeISO C forbids conversion of object pointer to function pointer typeISO C forbids empty initializer bracesISO C forbids forward parameter declarationsISO C forbids forward references to % typesISO C forbids initialization between function pointer and %ISO C forbids label declarationsISO C forbids member declarations with no membersISO C forbids nested functionsISO C forbids omitting the middle term of a ?: expressionISO C forbids ordered comparisons of pointers to functionsISO C forbids passing argument %d of %qE between function pointer and %ISO C forbids qualified function typesISO C forbids return between function pointer and %ISO C forbids specifying range of elements to initializeISO C forbids subscripting % arrayISO C prohibits argument conversion to union typeISO C requires a named argument before %<...%>ISO C restricts enumerator values to range of %ISO C++ 1998 does not support %ISO C++ 1998 forbids the use of % on explicit instantiationsISO C++ does not permit %<%T::%D%> to be defined as %<%T::%D%>ISO C++ forbids applying %<__alignof%> to an expression of function typeISO C++ forbids applying % to an expression of function typeISO C++ forbids braced-groups within expressionsISO C++ forbids calling %<::main%> from within programISO C++ forbids casting to an array type %qTISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integerISO C++ forbids compound-literalsISO C++ forbids computed gotosISO C++ forbids declaration of %qs with no typeISO C++ forbids decrementing a pointer of type %qTISO C++ forbids decrementing an enumISO C++ forbids in-class initialization of non-const static member %qDISO C++ forbids incrementing a pointer of type %qTISO C++ forbids incrementing an enumISO C++ forbids initialization of member constant %qD of non-integral type %qTISO C++ forbids nested type %qD with same name as enclosing classISO C++ forbids omitting the middle term of a ?: expressionISO C++ forbids taking address of function %<::main%>ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a bound member function to form a pointer to member function. Say %<&%T::%D%>ISO C++ forbids taking the address of an unqualified or parenthesized non-static member function to form a pointer to member function. Say %<&%T::%D%>ISO C++ forbids the use of %qE on explicit instantiationsISO C++ forbids using pointer of type % in subtractionISO C++ forbids using pointer to a function in subtractionISO C++ forbids using pointer to a method in subtractionISO C++ forbids variable length arrayISO C++ forbids variable length array %qDISO C++ forbids zero-size arrayISO C++ forbids zero-size array %qDISO C++ prohibits anonymous structsISO C++ prohibits overloading operator ?:ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second:ISO C90 does not support %<[*]%> array declaratorsISO C90 does not support %ISO C90 does not support % or type qualifiers in parameter array declaratorsISO C90 does not support complex typesISO C90 does not support flexible array membersISO C90 forbids array whose size can%'t be evaluatedISO C90 forbids compound literalsISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and codeISO C90 forbids specifying subobject to initializeISO C90 forbids subscripting non-lvalue arrayISO C90 forbids variable length arrayIf first argument of ATAN2 %L is zero, then the second argument must not be zeroIllegal character in BOZ constant at %CIllegal reference type at %L as EQUIVALENCE objectIllegal stride of zero at %LIn function %qsIn member function %qsIncompatible derived type in PARAMETER at %LIncompatible ranks %d and %d in assignment at %LIncompatible ranks in %s (%d and %d) at %LIncompatible types in DATA statement at %L; attempted conversion of %s to %sInconsistent ranks for operator at %%L and %%LIncorrect function return valueIndex in dimension %d is out of bounds at %LInitialization at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureInitialization at %C isn't for a pointer variableInitialization of allocatable component at %C is not allowedInitialization of pointer at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureInitialization of variable at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureInitializing already initialized variable at %CInteger expression required at %CInteger kind %d at %C not availableInteger outside symmetric range implied by Standard Fortran at %LInteger outside symmetric range implied by Standard Fortran converting %s to %s at %LInteger too big for integer kind %i at %CInteger too big for its kind at %C. This check can be disabled with the option -fno-range-checkInteger too large at %CInteger value too large in expression at %CInternal compiler error: Error reporting routines re-entered. Internal unit with vector subscript at %LIntrinsic TRANSFER at %L has partly undefined result: source size %ld < result size %ldIntrinsic operator interface at %L must be a FUNCTIONInvalid Hollerith constant at %L contains a wide characterInvalid Hollerith constant: %L must contain at least one characterInvalid Hollerith constant: Integer kind at %L should be defaultInvalid KIND parameter of %s at %LInvalid character in name at %CInvalid context for NULL() pointer at %%LInvalid form of PROGRAM statement at %CInvalid form of WRITE statement at %L, UNIT requiredInvalid form of array reference at %CInvalid kind %d for CHARACTER constant at %CInvalid kind for %s at %LInvalid procedure pointer assignment at %LInvalid real kind %d at %CInvalid value for %s specification at %CIterator step at %L cannot be zeroJunk after CALL at %CJunk after GENERIC binding at %CKIND parameter of %s at %L must be an initialization expressionKind %d is not supported for CHARACTER at %CKind %d not supported for type %s at %CL%d cache latency unknown for %sLOGICAL operands are required in expression at %LLabel %d at %C already referenced as a format labelLabel %d at %C already referenced as branch targetLabel %d at %C previously used as a FORMAT labelLabel %d at %C previously used as branch targetLabel %d at %L defined but cannot be usedLabel %d at %L defined but not usedLabel %d referenced at %L is never definedLabel at %L is not in the same block as the GOTO statement at %LLetters must be in alphabetic order in IMPLICIT statement at %CLimit of %d continuations exceeded in statement at %CLines executed:%s of %d List all available debugging counters with their limits and counts.Logical SELECT CASE block at %L has more that two casesLogical range in CASE statement at %L is not allowedLogicals at %%L must be compared with %s instead of %sLoop variable at %C cannot be a sub-componentLower array reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld < %ld) in dimension %dLower array reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld > %ld) in dimension %dMIPS16 -mxgot codeMIPS16 PIC for ABIs other than o32 and o64MMIX Internal: %s is not a shiftable intMMIX Internal: Bad register: %dMMIX Internal: Bad value for 'm', not a CONST_INTMMIX Internal: Cannot decode this operandMMIX Internal: Expected a CONST_INT, not thisMMIX Internal: Expected a constant, not thisMMIX Internal: Expected a register, not thisMMIX Internal: Last named vararg would not fit in a registerMMIX Internal: Missing %qc case in mmix_print_operandMMIX Internal: This is not a constant:MMIX Internal: This is not a recognized addressMMIX Internal: Trying to output invalidly reversed condition:MMIX Internal: What is the CC of this?MMIX Internal: What's the CC of this?MMX vector argument without MMX enabled changes the ABIMMX vector return without MMX enabled changes the ABIMODULE PROCEDURE at %C must be in a generic module interfaceMULT case in cris_op_strMaximum subrecord length cannot exceed %dMaximum supported identifier length is %dMemory allocation failedMissing alternate return spec in subroutine call at %LMissing array specification at %L in DIMENSION statementMissing character range in IMPLICIT at %CMissing closing paren for binding label at %CMissing dimension specification at %CMissing entity or common block name for attribute specification statement at %CMissing exponent in real number at %CMissing format label at %CMissing generic specification in USE statement at %CMissing keyword name in actual argument list at %CMissing kind-parameter at %CMissing leading left parenthesisMissing required parentheses before BIND(C) at %CMissing right parenthesis at %CMissing right parenthesis or comma at %CModule nature in USE statement at %C shall be either INTRINSIC or NON_INTRINSICMore actual than formal arguments in procedure call at %LMultiple identifiers provided with single NAME= specifier at %CNAME not allowed on BIND(C) for ABSTRACT INTERFACE at %CNOTE_INSN_BASIC_BLOCK %d in middle of basic block %dNOTE_INSN_BASIC_BLOCK is missing for block %dNULL appears on right-hand side in assignment at %LNULL used in arithmeticNULL() initialization at %C is ambiguousName after !$omp critical and !$omp end critical does not match at %CName at %C is too longName too longNamed constant at %C in an EQUIVALENCENamelist %s cannot be renamed by USE association to %sNeed either entity or common block name for attribute specification statement at %CNo binding name is allowed in BIND(C) at %CNo branches No calls No executable lines Non-ELEMENTAL user-defined assignment in WHERE at %LNon-numeric character in statement label at %CNon-scalar FINAL procedure at %L should have assumed shape argumentNonconforming tab character at %CNonconforming tab character in column %d of line %dNonconstant array section at %L in DATA statementNonnegative width requiredNonstandard type declaration %s*%d at %CNumeric PARAMETER required in complex constant at %CNumeric operands are required in expression at %LNumeric or CHARACTER operands are required in expression at %LOPEN statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %CObjective-C declarations may only appear in global scopeOld-style type declaration %s*%d not supported at %COnly generate absolute relocations on word sized values.Only intrinsic operators can be used in expression at %LOperand of .not. operator at %%L is %sOperands of string concatenation operator at %%L are %s/%sOperator interface at %L conflicts with intrinsic interfaceOperator interface at %L has the wrong number of argumentsOperator interface at %L must have, at most, two argumentsOptions: Out of stack space. Overlapping unequal initializers in EQUIVALENCE at %LP descriptor requires leading scale factorPARAMETER at %L is missing an initializerPHI argument is missing for edge %d->%dPHI argument is not SSA_NAME, or invariantPIC code generation is not compatible with fast indirect callsPIC code generation is not supported in the portable runtime modelPIC is only supported for RTPsPIC is required but not supported with CONST16 instructionsPIC register isn't set upPRINT namelist at %C is an extensionPRINT statement at %C not allowed within PURE procedurePRINT_OPERAND null pointerPRINT_OPERAND: Unknown punctuation '%c'PRINT_OPERAND_ADDRESS, null pointerPRIVATE statement at %C is only allowed in the specification part of a modulePRIVATE statement at %C must precede procedure bindingsPRIVATE statement at %C must precede structure componentsPRIVATE statement in TYPE at %C must be inside a MODULEPROCEDURE at %C must be in a generic interfacePROTECTED at %C only allowed in specification part of a modulePUBLIC statement at %C is only allowed in the specification part of a modulePassed-object at %L must be scalarPassing internal procedure at %L by location not allowedPerform conversions of switch initializations.Pointer array component of structure at %C must have a deferred shapePointer assignment target has PROTECTED attribute at %LPointer assignment target is neither TARGET nor POINTER at %LPointer assignment target is not a POINTER at %LPointer assignment with vector subscript on rhs at %LPositive exponent width requiredPositive width requiredPositive width required with T descriptorPreprocess directives only.Pretend a branch-around-a-move is a conditional move.Print code coverage information. Procedure argument at %L is local to a PURE procedure and has the POINTER attributeRESULT variable at %C must be different than function nameRTL check: access of elt %d of '%s' with last elt %d in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: access of elt %d of vector with last elt %d in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: attempt to treat non-block symbol as a block symbol in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: expected code '%s' or '%s', have '%s' in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: expected code '%s', have '%s' in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: expected elt %d type '%c' or '%c', have '%c' (rtx %s) in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: expected elt %d type '%c', have '%c' (rtx %s) in %s, at %s:%dRTL flag check: %s used with unexpected rtx code '%s' in %s, at %s:%dRTP PIC is incompatible with -msingle-pic-baseRTP PIC is incompatible with ThumbRange specification at %L can never be matchedRank mismatch in array reference at %L (%d/%d)Reading specs from %s Real constant overflows its kind at %CReal constant underflows its kind at %CRecord gcc command line switches in the object file.Result of %s gives range error for its kind at %LResult of %s is NaN at %LResult of %s overflows its kind at %LResult of %s underflows its kind at %LResult of NEAREST is NaN at %LResult of SCALE overflows its kind at %LRightmost upper bound of assumed size array section not specified at %LRun predictive commoning optimization.Runtime name.SAVE attribute at %L cannot be specified in a PURE procedureSAVE statement at %C follows blanket SAVE statementSCHEDULE clause's chunk_size at %L requires a scalar INTEGER expressionSEQUENCE attribute at %C already specified in TYPE statementSEQUENCE statement at %C must precede CONTAINSSEQUENCE statement at %C must precede structure componentsSH2a does not support little-endianSSA corruptionSSA name in freelist but still referencedSSA_NAME created in two different blocks %i and %iSSA_NAME_DEF_STMT is wrongSSA_NAME_OCCURS_IN_ABNORMAL_PHI should be setSSE instruction set disabled, using 387 arithmeticsSSE register argument with SSE disabledSSE register return with SSE disabledSSE vector argument without SSE enabled changes the ABISSE vector return without SSE enabled changes the ABISame as -fassociative-math for expressions which include division.Scalar PARAMETER required in complex constant at %CSecond argument of MODULO at %L is zeroSecond argument of defined assignment at %L must be INTENT(IN)Second argument of operator interface at %L cannot be optionalSecond argument of operator interface at %L must be INTENT(IN)Segmentation FaultSegmentation Fault (code)Selection expression in computed GOTO statement at %L must be a scalar integer expressionSemicolon at %C needs to be preceded by statementSet default accessibility of module entities to PRIVATE.Setting spec %s to '%s' Shapes for operands at %L and %L are not conformableShare slots for saving different hard registers.Share stack slots for spilled pseudo-registers.Specify Xilinx FPU.Statement at %L is not a valid branch target statement for the branch statement at %LStatement function at %L is recursiveStatement label at %C is zeroStatement label in ENDDO at %C doesn't match DO labelStatement label list in GOTO at %C cannot be emptyStep expression in DO loop at %L cannot be zeroSubstring at %L has length zeroSubstring end index at %L exceeds the string lengthSubstring end index at %L must be of type INTEGERSubstring end index at %L must be scalarSubstring start index at %L is less than oneSubstring start index at %L must be of type INTEGERSubstring start index at %L must be scalarSum of second and third arguments of IBITS exceeds bit size at %LSupport code generation of Advanced Bit Manipulation (ABM) instructions.Support code generation of cmpxchg16b instruction.Support code generation of popcnt instruction.Support code generation of sahf instruction in 64bit x86-64 code.Symbol at %C is not appropriate for an expressionSymbol at %L is not a DUMMY variableSyntax error in !$OMP THREADPRIVATE list at %CSyntax error in %s statement at %CSyntax error in ABSTRACT INTERFACE statement at %CSyntax error in CHARACTER declaration at %CSyntax error in COMPLEX constant at %CSyntax error in ENUMERATOR definition at %CSyntax error in EQUIVALENCE statement at %LSyntax error in FORALL iterator at %CSyntax error in I/O iterator at %CSyntax error in IF-clause at %CSyntax error in IF-expression at %CSyntax error in IMPORT statement at %CSyntax error in NAME= specifier for binding label at %CSyntax error in OpenMP variable list at %CSyntax error in PROCEDURE statement at %CSyntax error in PROTECTED statement at %CSyntax error in SAVE statement at %CSyntax error in SUBSTRING specification at %CSyntax error in VALUE statement at %CSyntax error in VOLATILE statement at %CSyntax error in argument list at %CSyntax error in array constructor at %CSyntax error in character length specification at %CSyntax error in common block name at %CSyntax error in data declaration at %CSyntax error in expression at %CSyntax error in generic specification at %CSyntax error in iterator at %CSyntax error: Trailing garbage in END INTERFACE statement at %CSyntax error: Trailing garbage in INTERFACE statement at %CTaken at least once:%s of %d Target: %s The --param option recognizes the following as parametersThe DEFAULT CASE at %L cannot be followed by a second DEFAULT CASE at %LThe argument list functions %%VAL, %%LOC or %%REF are not allowed in this context at %LThe following options are language-independentThe following options are language-relatedThe following options are not documentedThe following options are specific to just the language The following options are supported by the language The following options are target specificThe following options control compiler warning messagesThe following options control optimizationsThe following options take joined argumentsThe following options take separate argumentsThe impure variable at %L is assigned to a derived type variable with a POINTER component in a PURE procedure (12.6)The minimal probability of speculation success (in percents), so that speculative insn will be scheduled.The number of elements in the array constructor at %L requires an increase of the allowed %d upper limit. See -fmax-array-constructor optionThis is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Thread model: %s Threadprivate at %L isn't SAVEdThreadprivate variable at %C is an element of a COMMON blockToo many arguments to %s at %LToo many digits in statement label at %CTry running '%s' in the shell to raise its limit. Two main PROGRAMs at %L and %CTwo or more part references with nonzero rank must not be specified at %LUNIT specification at %L must be an INTEGER expression or a CHARACTER variableUnclassifiable OpenMP directive at %CUnclassifiable statement at %CUnclassifiable statement in IF-clause at %CUnequal character lengths (%ld/%ld) in %s at %LUnexpected %s statement at %CUnexpected %s statement at %C in INTERFACE bodyUnexpected %s statement in BLOCK DATA at %CUnexpected %s statement in CONTAINS section at %CUnexpected %s statement in FORALL block at %CUnexpected %s statement in INTERFACE block at %CUnexpected %s statement in MODULE at %CUnexpected %s statement in WHERE block at %CUnexpected CASE statement at %CUnexpected END statement at %CUnexpected EOFUnexpected alternate return spec in subroutine call at %LUnexpected character in variable list at %CUnexpected characters in PARAMETER statement at %CUnexpected end of format stringUnexpected end of moduleUnexpected junk after ELSE IF statement at %CUnexpected junk after ELSE statement at %CUnexpected junk after function declaration at %CUnexpected junk in formal argument list at %CUnknown argument list function at %LUnknown intrinsic opUnsupported statement inside WHERE at %LUnterminated character constant beginning at %CUpper array reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld < %ld) in dimension %dUpper array reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld > %ld) in dimension %dUsage: %s [options] file... Use "-Wa,OPTION" to pass "OPTION" to the assembler. Use "-Wl,OPTION" to pass "OPTION" to the linker. Use of the NUMERIC_STORAGE_SIZE named constant from intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV at %C is incompatible with option %sUsing IBM extended precision long doubleUsing IEEE extended precision long doubleUsing built-in specs. VOIDmode on an outputVariable %s cannot be INTENT(IN) at %CVariable %s cannot be assigned in PURE procedure at %CVariable type is UNKNOWN in assignment at %LWAIT statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %CWHERE assignment target at %L has inconsistent shapeWHERE mask at %L has inconsistent shapeWHERE/ELSEWHERE clause at %L requires a LOGICAL arrayWarn whenever type qualifiers are ignored.While setting up signal handler: %mWhile setting up signal stack: %mWithout padding, there are not enough elements in the intrinsic RESHAPE source at %L to match the shapeXXX entering pop_everything () XXX leaving pop_everything () Zero is not a valid statement label at %CZero width in format descriptor[Leaving %s] [cannot find %s][disabled][enabled][super ...] must appear in a method context__BELOW100__ attribute not allowed with auto storage class__builtin_eh_return not supported on this target__builtin_saveregs not supported by this subtarget__builtin_saveregs not supported by this target__label__ declarations are only allowed in function scopes`a cast to a type other than an integral or enumeration type cannot appear in a constant-expressiona label can only be part of a statement and a declaration is not a statementa member of a structure or union cannot have a variably modified typea parameter list with an ellipsis can%'t match an empty parameter name list declarationa storage class can only be specified for objects and functionsa using-declaration cannot specify a template-id. Try %abnormal edges for no purpose in bb %iabort in %s, at %s:%dabstract declarator %qT used as declarationaccumulator is not a constant integeraccumulator number is out of boundsaddress area of %q+D conflicts with previous declarationaddress of explicit register variable %qD requestedaddress of global register variable %qD requestedaddress of register variable %qD requestedaddress offset not a constantaddress operand requires constraint for X, Y, or Z registeraddress requested for %qD, which is declared %address taken, but ADDRESSABLE bit not setaggregate %q#D has incomplete type and cannot be definedaggregate value used where a complex was expectedaggregate value used where a fixed-point was expectedaggregate value used where a float was expectedaggregate value used where an integer was expectedalias definitions not supported in Mach-O; ignoredalignment (%u) for %s exceeds maximum alignment for global common data. Using %ualignment for %q+D must be at least %dalignment for %q+D was previously specified as %d and may not be decreasedalignment may not be specified for %q+Dalignment must be a small power of two, not %dalignment of array elements is greater than element sizeall member functions in class %qT are privatealloc_size parameter outside rangeambiguous conversion for array subscriptambiguous default type conversion from %qTambiguous template specialization %qD for %q+Dan argument type that has a default promotion can%'t match an empty parameter name list declarationanachronism: anachronistic old-style base class initializeranonymous struct not inside named typeanonymous union with no membersapplying #pragma weak %q+D after first use results in unspecified behaviorargs to be formatted is not %<...%>argument %d of %qE might be a candidate for a format attributeargument %q+D might be clobbered by % or %argument %qD doesn%'t match built-in prototypeargument %qD doesn%'t match prototypeargument %qd is not a constantargument %qs to %<-Wnormalized%> not recognizedargument %qs to %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed%> not recognizedargument %qs to %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed%> unknownargument 1 must be a 5-bit signed literalargument 1 of __builtin_altivec_predicate is out of rangeargument 1 of __builtin_altivec_predicate must be a constantargument 1 of __builtin_paired_predicate is out of rangeargument 1 of __builtin_paired_predicate must be a constantargument 1 of __builtin_spe_predicate is out of rangeargument 1 of __builtin_spe_predicate must be a constantargument 2 must be a 5-bit unsigned literalargument 3 must be a 4-bit unsigned literalargument of %<__builtin_eh_return_regno%> must be constantargument of function call might be a candidate for a format attributeargument to %qs must be a 2-bit unsigned literalargument to decltype must be an expressionargument to dss must be a 2-bit unsigned literalarguments to destructor are not allowedarithmetic IFarithmetic on pointer to an incomplete typearray %q+D assumed to have one elementarray %qD initialized by parenthesized string literal %qEarray assignmentarray bound is not an integer constantarray index in initializer exceeds array boundsarray index in initializer not of integer typearray index in non-array initializerarray index range in initializer exceeds array boundsarray initialized from non-constant array expressionarray initialized from parenthesized string constantarray must be initialized with a brace-enclosed initializerarray of inappropriate type initialized from string constantarray size missing in %q+Darray size missing in %qDarray subscript has type %array subscript is not an integerarray used as initializerarrays of functions are not meaningfulasm clobber conflict with input operandasm clobber conflict with output operandasm declaration ignored due to conflict with previous renameasm operand %d probably doesn%'t match constraintsassertion missing after %qsassignmentassignment (not initialization) in declarationassignment from distinct Objective-C typeassignment left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attributeassignment of read-only location %qEassignment of read-only member %qDassignment of read-only variable %qDassignment suppressionassuming cast to type %qT from overloaded functionassuming pointer to member %qDassuming signed overflow does not occur when combining constants around a comparisonassuming signed overflow does not occur when reducing constant in comparisonassuming signed overflow does not occur when simplifying conditionalassuming signed overflow does not occur when simplifying conditional to constantassuming signed overflow does not occur when simplifying range testattempt to take address of bit-field structure member %qDattribute declarationattribute(target("%s")) is unknownattributes after parenthesized initializer ignoredattributes ignored on elaborated-type-specifier that is not a forward declarationattributes ignored on template instantiationattributes ignored on uninstantiated typeattributes in parameter array declarator ignoredautomatic variable %qE cannot be %aux field set for edge %s->%sbad addressbad address, not (reg+disp):bad address, not post_inc or pre_dec:bad amount of stack space removal: %dbad builtin codebad builtin fcodebad condition codebad expression type during walk (%d)bad insn for 'A'bad insn in frv_print_operand, 0 casebad insn in frv_print_operand, bad const_doublebad insn in frv_print_operand, z casebad insn to frv_print_operand, 'F' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'L' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'M/N' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'O' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'e' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'f' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'g' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, P modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand_address:bad insn to frv_print_operand_memory_reference:bad output_condmove_single operandbad output_move_double operandbad output_move_single operandbad registerbad register to frv_print_operand_memory_reference_reg:bad shift insn:bad testbad value %<%s%> for -mtls-size= switchbad value %qs for -mcpu switchbad value %qs for -mfp-rounding-mode switchbad value %qs for -mfp-trap-mode switchbad value %qs for -mmemory-latencybad value %qs for -mtls-size switchbad value %qs for -mtrap-precision switchbad value (%s) for -mcmodel= switchbad value for -mcall-%sbad value for -msdata=%sbadly nested C headers from preprocessorbase %qT will be initialized afterbase operand of %<->%> has non-pointer type %qTbase operand of %<->%> is not a pointerbase type %qT fails to be a struct or class typebasic block %d pred edge is corruptedbasic block %d should be marked irreduciblebasic block %d should not be marked irreduciblebasic block %i edge lists are corruptedbasic blocks not laid down consecutivelybb %d on wrong placebit-field %q+#D with non-integral typebit-field %q+D width not an integer constantbit-field %qD with non-integral typebit-field %qs has invalid typebit-field %qs width not an integer constantblock IFbogus DISPOSE construction: %dbogus JR construction: %dbogus PREPEARE construction: %dboolean registers required for the floating-point optionboth arguments to %<__builtin___clear_cache%> must be pointersbraced-group within expression allowed only inside a functionbraces around scalar initializerbraces around scalar initializer for type %qTbranch target register load optimization is not intended to be run twicebreak statement not within loop or switchbreak statement used with OpenMP for loopbuilt-in function %q+D declared as non-functioncall %2d never executed call %2d returned %s call is unlikely and code size would growcall of %<(%T) (%A)%> is ambiguouscall of overloaded %<%D(%A)%> is ambiguouscall of overloaded %<%s(%A)%> is ambiguouscall to function %qD which throws incomplete type %q#Tcall to function which throws incomplete type %q#Tcall to non-function %qDcall-clobbered register used for global register variablecalled from herecan not use -mtp=cp15 with 16-bit Thumbcan not use an object as parameter to a methodcan only use %qE attribute on file-scope definitions of objects of class typecan%'t create precompiled header %s: %mcan%'t mix operands of decimal float and complex typescan%'t mix operands of decimal float and other float typescan%'t mix operands of decimal float and vector typescan%'t open %s for writing: %mcan%'t open %s: %mcan%'t read %s: %mcan%'t write %s: %mcan%'t write to %s: %mcan't open %s: %mcan't open input file: %scandidate 1:candidate 2:candidates are:cannot allocate an object of abstract type %qTcannot apply % to destructor %<~%T%>cannot apply % to member function %qDcannot apply % to static data member %qDcannot apply % when % is overloadedcannot apply member pointer %qE to %qE, which is of non-class type %qTcannot bind bitfield %qE to %qTcannot bind packed field %qE to %qTcannot bind rvalue %qE to %qTcannot call member function %qD without objectcannot convert %qE from type %qT to type %qTcannot convert to a pointer typecannot create pointer to reference member %qDcannot create type information for type %qT because it involves types of variable sizecannot declare %<::main%> to be a templatecannot declare %<::main%> to be inlinecannot declare %<::main%> to be staticcannot declare %qD to be a bit-field typecannot declare bit-field %qD with function typecannot declare field %q+D to be of abstract type %qTcannot declare member %<%T::%s%> within %qTcannot declare member function %qD to have static linkagecannot declare parameter %q+D to be of abstract type %qTcannot declare pointer to %q#Tcannot declare pointer to %q#T membercannot declare reference to %q#Tcannot declare reference to %q#T, which is not a typedef or a template type argumentcannot declare static function inside another functioncannot declare variable %q+D to be of abstract type %qTcannot decompose addresscannot decrement a pointer to incomplete type %qTcannot delete a function. Only pointer-to-objects are valid arguments to %cannot disable built-in function %qscannot dynamic_cast %qE (of type %q#T) to type %q#T (%s)cannot explicitly declare member %q#D to have extern linkagecannot find '%s'cannot find 'ldd'cannot find 'nm'cannot handle inconsistent calls to %qscannot increment a pointer to incomplete type %qTcannot initialize aggregate of type %qT with a compound literalcannot inline function %cannot merge separate %s counters for function %ucannot open %scannot pass argument in vector register because altivec instructions are disabled, use -maltivec to enable themcannot pass rvalue to reference parametercannot put object with volatile field into registercannot reload integer constant operand in %cannot resolve overloaded function %qD based on conversion to type %qTcannot return from a handler of a function-try-block of a constructorcannot return value in vector register because altivec instructions are disabled, use -maltivec to enable themcannot set interrupt attribute: no current functioncannot set interrupt attribute: no such identifiercannot specify both -msep-data and -mid-shared-librarycannot take address of bit-field %qDcannot take the address of %, which is an rvalue expressioncannot use %<::%> in parameter declarationcannot use mode %qs for enumeral typescannot use mshared and static togethercannot use mthreads and mlegacy-threads togethercannot use small-data accesses for %qscannot use va_start in interrupt functioncase label does not reduce to an integer constantcase label not within a switch statementcase label value exceeds maximum value for typecase label value is less than minimum value for typecase labels not sorted: cast from function call of type %qT to non-matching type %qTcast from pointer to integer of different sizecast increases required alignment of target typecast specifies array typecast specifies function typecast to pointer from integer of different sizecast to union type from type not present in unioncasting %qT to %qT does not dereference pointerchar-array initialized from wide stringchoosing %qD over %qDcircular pointer delegation detectedclass %qT does not have any field named %qDclass %qT is implicitly friends with itselfcleanup argument not a functioncleanup argument not an identifierclosing dependency file %s: %mcode model %qs not supported in the %s bit modecode model %s does not support PIC modecollapse argument needs positive constant integer expressioncollapsed loops not perfectly nestedcollect: reading %s collect: recompiling %s collect: relinking collect: tweaking %s in %s comma at end of enumerator listcommand line option %qs is not supported by this configurationcommon symbol debug info is not structured as symbol+offsetcomparing floating point with == or != is unsafecomparison always false due to limited range of data typecomparison always true due to limited range of data typecomparison between %q#T and %q#Tcomparison between pointer and integercomparison between types %qT and %qTcomparison is always %dcomparison is always %d due to width of bit-fieldcomparison is always false due to limited range of data typecomparison is always true due to limited range of data typecomparison of complete and incomplete pointerscomparison of distinct Objective-C types lacks a castcomparison of distinct pointer types lacks a castcomparison of promoted ~unsigned with constantcomparison of promoted ~unsigned with unsignedcomparison of unsigned expression < 0 is always falsecomparison of unsigned expression >= 0 is always truecomparison with string literal results in unspecified behaviorcomparisons like % do not have their mathematical meaningcompilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors. compilation terminated. complex invalid for %qscompound literal has variable sizecompound literal of non-object type %qTconflicting access specifications for field %qE, ignoredconflicting access specifications for method %q+D, ignoredconflicting return type specified for %q+#Dconflicting specifiers in declaration of %qsconflicting type attributes specified for %q+#Dconflicting type qualifiers for %q+Dconflicting types for %q+Dconflicting types for built-in function %q+Dconst %qs cannot be declared %const_double_split got a bad insn:constant argument out of range for %qsconstant not recomputed when ADDR_EXPR changedconstructor for alien class %qT cannot be a memberconstructor priorities are not supportedconstructor priorities from 0 to %d are reserved for the implementationconstructor priorities must be integers from 0 to %d inclusiveconstructor syntax used, but no constructor declared for type %qTcontinue statement not within a loopcontrol flow in the middle of basic block %dcontrol reaches end of non-void functionconversion from %q#T to %q#Tconversion lacks type at end of formatconversion to %qT from %qT may change the sign of the resultconversion to %qT from boolean expressionconversion to incomplete typeconversion to non-scalar type requestedconverting % to pointer type for argument %P of %qDconverting NULL to non-pointer typeconverting overloaded function %qD to type %q#T is ambiguousconverting to %qT from initializer list would use explicit constructor %qDconverting to non-pointer type %qT from NULLcorrupted exits list of loop %dcorrupted head of the exits list of loop %dcorrupted profile info: edge from %i to %i exceeds maximal countcorrupted profile info: number of executions for edge %d-%d thought to be %icorrupted profile info: number of iterations for basic block %d thought to be %icorrupted profile info: profile data is not flow-consistentcorrupted profile info: sum_all is smaller than sum_maxcould not close response file %scould not close temporary response file %scould not find a spill registercould not find specs file %s could not open response file %scould not open temporary response file %scould not split insncould not write to response file %scould not write to temporary response file %screated and used with different ABIscreated and used with different architectures / ABIscreated and used with different endiannesscreated and used with different settings of -fpiccreated and used with different settings of -fpiecreated and used with differing settings of '%s'creating array of %qTcreating array of %qT, which is an abstract class typecreating pointer to member function of non-class type %qTcreating pointer to member of non-class type %qTcreating pointer to member of type voidcreating pointer to member reference type %qTdata area of %q+D conflicts with previous declarationdata declarationdata definition has no type or storage classdata member %qD cannot be a member templatedata member may not have variably modified type %qTdata type of %q+D isn%'t suitable for a registerdebug: declaration %qD does not declare anythingdeclaration does not declare anythingdeclaration of %q#Ddeclaration of %q#D has % and is initializeddeclaration of %q#D has no initializerdeclaration of %q#D outside of class is not definitiondeclaration of %q#D shadows a parameterdeclaration of %q+D shadows a built-in functiondeclaration of %q+D shadows previous non-variabledeclaration of %q+D with no linkage follows extern declarationdeclaration of %qD as member of %qTdeclaration of %qD as multidimensional array must have bounds for all dimensions except the firstdeclaration of %qD as non-functiondeclaration of %qD as non-memberdeclaration of %qD not in a namespace surrounding %qDdeclaration of %qD shadows a global declarationdeclaration of %qD shadows a previous localdeclarator-id missing; using reserved word %qDdecrement of read-only location %qEdecrement of read-only member %qDdecrement of read-only variable %qDdefault argument %qE uses local variable %qDdefault argument given for parameter %d of %q#Ddefault argument mismatch in overload resolutiondefault argument missing for parameter %P of %q+#Ddefault argument specified in explicit specializationdefault arguments are not allowed in declaration of friend template specialization %qDdefining explicit specialization %qD in friend declarationdefinition in block %i does not dominate use in block %idefinition in block %i follows the usedefinition of %q#D is marked %definition of %q#T inside template parameter listdefinition of %qD is not in namespace enclosing %qTdefinition of implicitly-declared %qDdefinition provided for explicit instantiationdeleting %qT is undefineddependent-name %qE is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a typedeprecated conversion from string constant to %qTdereferencing % pointerdereferencing type-punned pointer might break strict-aliasing rulesdereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rulesderived type declarationderived union %qT invaliddestructor %qD declared as member templatedestructor cannot be static member functiondestructor for alien class %qT cannot be a memberdestructor priorities are not supporteddestructor priorities from 0 to %d are reserved for the implementationdestructor priorities must be integers from 0 to %d inclusivedestructors may not be cv-qualifieddestructors may not have parametersdirect base %qT inaccessible in %qT due to ambiguitydistinct Objective-C type in returndivision by zerodoes not support multilibdominator of %d should be %d, not %ddominator of %d status unknowndue to different exception specificationsduplicate %duplicate %duplicate %duplicate %qEduplicate (or overlapping) case valueduplicate asm operand name %qsduplicate base type %qT invalidduplicate case valueduplicate explicit instantiation of %q#Dduplicate explicit instantiation of %q#Tduplicate initialization of %qDduplicate label %qDduplicate label declaration %qEduplicate member %q+Ddynamic dependency %s not founddynamic_cast of %q#D to %q#T can never succeededge %s->%s has no corresponding call_stmtedge from %d to %d should be marked irreducibleedge from %d to %d should not be marked irreducibleedge points to wrong declaration:elemental binary operationelemental function arguments at %C are not compliantelemental procedureelements of array %q#D have incomplete typeelements of array %q#T have incomplete typeembedded %<\0%> in formatemitting conditional microcode insn %s [%s] #%demitting microcode insn %s [%s] #%dempty declarationempty declaration with storage class specifier does not redeclare tagempty declaration with type qualifier does not redeclare tagempty index range in initializerempty left precision in %s formatempty precision in %s formatempty range specifiedempty scalar initializerenabling backtrace support is only meaningful when compiling for the Thumbenabling callee interworking support is only meaningful when compiling for the Thumbenclosing class templates are not explicitly specializedend insn %d for block %d not found in the insn streamenumeral and non-enumeral type in conditional expressionenumeral mismatch in conditional expression: %qT vs %qTenumeration values exceed range of largest integerenumerator value for %qD is not an integer constantenumerator value for %qE is not an integer constantenvironment variable DJGPP not definedenvironment variable DJGPP points to corrupt file '%s'environment variable DJGPP points to missing file '%s'error closing %s: %merror writing %qserror writing to %s: %merror: exception handling disabled, use -fexceptions to enableexception of type %<%T%> will be caughtexcess elements in array initializerexcess elements in char array initializerexcess elements in scalar initializerexcess elements in struct initializerexcess elements in union initializerexcess elements in vector initializerexpand_binop failed in movsi gotexpected %<#pragma omp section%> or %<}%>expected %<#pragma omp%> clauseexpected %<(%>expected %<(%> or end of lineexpected %<,%> or %<;%>expected %<,%> or %<}%>expected %<,%>, %<;%> or %<}%>expected %<:%> or %<...%>expected %<:%>, %<,%>, %<;%>, %<}%> or %<__attribute__%>expected %<;%>expected %<=%>expected %<=%>, %<,%>, %<;%>, % or %<__attribute__%>expected % or %expected %<{%>expected %<}%> before %expected %d levels of template parms for %q#D, got %dexpected %qT but argument is of type %qTexpected a string after %<#pragma message%>expected an SSA_NAME objectexpected class nameexpected declaration or statementexpected declaration specifiersexpected declaration specifiers or %<...%>expected expressionexpected identifierexpected identifier or %<(%>expected identifier or %<*%>expected integer expressionexpected iteration declaration or initializationexpected qualified name in friend declaration for constructor %qDexpected qualified name in friend declaration for destructor %qDexpected specifier-qualifier-listexpected statementexpected string literalexplicit goto at end of bb %dexplicit instantiation of %q#Dexplicit instantiation of %q#T before definition of templateexplicit instantiation of %qD but no definition availableexplicit instantiation of %qD in namespace %qD (which does not enclose namespace %qD)explicit instantiation of non-template %q#Dexplicit instantiation of non-template type %qTexplicit qualification in declaration of %qDexplicit specialization in non-namespace scope %qDexplicit specialization of %qD after first useexplicit specialization of %qD must be introduced by %