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Installing new config file as you requested. Debugging options can be mixed using bitwise-or. Note that the meanings and values are subject to change. Use 'dpkg' to install and remove packages from your system, or 'apt' or 'aptitude' for user-friendly package management. Packages unpacked using 'dpkg-deb --extract' will be incorrectly installed ! WARNING - use of options marked [!] can seriously damage your installation. Forcing options marked [*] are enabled by default. Not modified since installation. Version in package is the same as at last installation. not a plain file %.255s What would you like to do about it ? Your options are: Y or I : install the package maintainer's version N or O : keep your currently-installed version D : show the differences between the versions Z : start a shell to examine the situation %.250s (version %.250s) is present and %s. %.250s (version %.250s) is to be installed. %.250s is %s. %.250s is installed, but is version %.250s. %.250s is not installed. %.250s is to be deconfigured. %.250s is to be installed, but is version %.250s. %.250s is to be removed. %.250s is unpacked, but has never been configured. %.250s is unpacked, but is version %.250s. %.250s latest configured version is %.250s. %.250s provides %.250s and is present and %s. %.250s provides %.250s and is to be installed. %.250s provides %.250s but is %s. %.250s provides %.250s but is to be deconfigured. %.250s provides %.250s but is to be removed. %s (%s) provides %s. -?, --help Show this help message. --version Show the version. Package %s awaits trigger processing. Package %s is not configured yet. Package %s is not installed. Package %s is to be removed. Package %s which provides %s awaits trigger processing. Package %s which provides %s is not configured yet. Package %s which provides %s is not installed. Package %s which provides %s is to be removed. Version of %s on system is %s. Version of %s on system, provided by %s, is %s. Version of %s to be configured is %s. link %s is %s link best version is %s link best version not available link currently absent link currently points to %s slave %s is %s slave %s: %s %7jd bytes, %5d lines %c %-20.127s %.127s %d in %s: %d package, from the following section: %d packages, from the following sections: %s (%jd bytes) %s (%s) breaks %s and is %s. %s (not a plain file) ==> Deleted (by you or by a script) since installation. ==> File on system created by you or by a script. ==> File also in package provided by package maintainer. ==> Keeping old config file as default. ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation. ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version. ==> Using current old file as you requested. ==> Using new config file as default. ==> Using new file as you requested. Package %s: part(s) The default action is to install the new version. The default action is to keep your current version. and depends on new Debian package, version %d.%d. size %jd bytes: control archive=%jd bytes. old Debian package, version %d.%d. size %jd bytes: control archive=%jd, main archive=%jd. %d expected program not found in PATH or not executable %s%d expected programs not found in PATH or not executable %s%d file or directory currently installed.) %d files and directories currently installed.) %d requested control component is missing%d requested control components are missing%s (subprocess): %s %s - priority %d%s breaks %s%s conflicts with %s%s corrupt: %s%s debugging option, --debug= or -D: Number Ref. in source Description %s depends on %s%s enhances %s%s forcing options - control behaviour when problems found: warn but continue: --force-,,... stop with error: --refuse-,,... | --no-force-,... Forcing things: %s is not a regular file%s is not properly installed; ignoring any dependencies on it%s pre-depends on %s%s recommends %s%s subprocess failed with wait status code %d%s subprocess returned error exit status %d%s subprocess was interrupted%s subprocess was killed by signal (%s)%s%s suggests %s%s%s%s: %s%s:%s %s %s: Part format version: %d.%d Part of package: %s ... version: %s ... architecture: %s ... MD5 checksum: %s ... length: %jd bytes ... split every: %jd bytes Part number: %d/%d Part length: %jd bytes Part offset: %jd bytes Part file size (used portion): %jd bytes %s: conffile '%.250s' is not a plain file or symlink (= '%s')%s: conffile '%.250s' resolves to degenerate filename ('%s' is a symlink to '%s')%s: config file '%s' is a circular link (= '%s')%s: dependency problems, but configuring anyway as you requested: %s%s: dependency problems, but processing triggers anyway as you requested: %s%s: dependency problems, but removing anyway as you requested: %s%s: error binding input to bzip2 stream%s: error binding input to gzip stream%s: error binding output to bzip2 stream%s: error binding output to gzip stream%s: failed to link '%.250s' to '%.250s': %s%s: failed to remove '%.250s' (before overwrite): %s%s: failed to remove '%.250s': %s%s: failed to remove old backup '%.250s': %s%s: failed to remove old distributed version '%.250s': %s%s: failed to rename '%.250s' to '%.250s': %s%s: internal bzip2 read error%s: internal bzip2 read error: '%s'%s: internal bzip2 write error%s: internal bzip2 write error: '%s'%s: internal gzip read error%s: internal gzip read error: '%s'%s: internal gzip write error%s: internal gzip write error: %s%s: internal gzip write error: '%s'%s: lzma close error%s: lzma error: %s%s: lzma read error%s: lzma write error%s: pass-through copy error: %s%s: unable to open %s for hash: %s%s: unable to readlink conffile '%s' (= '%s'): %s%s: unable to stat config file '%s' (= '%s'): %s'%.255s' contains no control component '%.255s''%.255s' is not a Debian format archive'%s' clashes with '%s''%s' contains user-defined Priority value '%s''%s' does not take a value'%s' field, invalid package name '%.255s': %s'%s' field, missing architecture name, or garbage where architecture name expected'%s' field, missing package name, or garbage where package name expected'%s' field, reference to '%.255s': '%c' is obsolete, use '%c=' or '%c%c' instead'%s' field, reference to '%.255s': bad version relationship %c%c'%s' field, reference to '%.255s': implicit exact match on version number, suggest using '=' instead'%s' field, reference to '%.255s': version value starts with non-alphanumeric, suggest adding a space'%s' field, reference to '%.255s': invalid architecture name '%.255s': %s'%s' field, reference to '%.255s': version unterminated'%s' field, syntax error after reference to package '%.255s''%s' needs a value'%s' not found in PATH or not executable(Noting disappearance of %s, which has been completely replaced.) (Reading database ... (no description available)(total %jd bytes) , core dumped-%c option does not take a value-%c option takes a value--%s --pending does not take any non-option arguments--%s --recursive needs at least one path argument--%s does not support (yet) reading the .deb from standard input--%s needs .deb filename and directory arguments--%s needs --%s needs --%s needs a .deb filename argument--%s needs a argument--%s needs a argument--%s needs a single argument--%s needs a target directory. Perhaps you should be using dpkg --install ?--%s needs a valid package name but '%.250s' is not: %s--%s needs at least one package archive file argument--%s needs at least one package name argument--%s needs four arguments--%s option does not take a value--%s option takes a value--%s requires a positive octal argument--%s requires one or more part file arguments--%s takes at most one Packages-file argument--%s takes at most two arguments--%s takes at most two arguments (.deb and directory)--%s takes exactly one argument--%s takes exactly two arguments--%s takes no arguments--%s takes one argument--%s takes one argument--%s takes one argument--%s takes one argument--%s takes one package name argument--%s takes only one argument (.deb filename)--%s used with obsolete relation operator '%s'--auto requires exactly one part file argument--auto requires the use of the --output option--compare-versions bad relation--compare-versions takes three arguments: --search needs at least one file name pattern argument--split needs a source filename argument--split takes at most a source filename and destination prefix--update given but %s does not exist--update is useless for --remove... it looks like that went OK.../%s; however: from tar -cf is the filename of a Debian format archive. is the name of an administrative file component. is the name of a field in the main 'control' file. and can't be the same is the symlink pointing to %s/. (e.g. /usr/bin/pager) is the master name for this link group. (e.g. pager) is the location of one of the alternative target files. (e.g. /usr/bin/less) is an integer; options with higher numbers have higher priority in automatic mode. Adding '%s' Allow installation of conflicting packagesAlternative %s unchanged because choice %s is not available.Always install missing config filesAlways use the new config files, don't promptAlways use the old config files, don't promptAnother process has locked the database for writing, and might currently be modifying it, some of the following problems might just be due to that. ArchitectureAuthenticating %s ... Authentication is required to run update-alternativesCommands: --add add a new entry into the database. --remove remove from the database. --list [] list current overrides in the database. Commands: --check-supported Check if the running dpkg supports triggers. Commands: --install [--slave ] ... add a group of alternatives to the system. --remove remove from the group alternative. --remove-all remove group from the alternatives system. --auto switch the master link to automatic mode. --display display information about the group. --query machine parseable version of --display . --list display all targets of the group. --get-selections list master alternative names and their status. --set-selections read alternative status from standard input. --config show alternatives for the group and ask the user to select which one to use. --set set as alternative for . --all call --config on all alternatives. Commands: -s, --status [...] Display package status details. -p, --print-avail [...] Display available version details. -L, --listfiles ... List files 'owned' by package(s). -l, --list [...] List packages concisely. -W, --show [...] Show information on package(s). -S, --search ... Find package(s) owning file(s). --control-list Print the package control file list. --control-show Show the package control file. -c, --control-path [] Print path for package control file. Commands: -s|--split [] Split an archive. -j|--join ... Join parts together. -I|--info ... Display info about a part. -a|--auto -o Auto-accumulate parts. -l|--listq List unmatched pieces. -d|--discard [ ...] Discard unmatched pieces. Commands: [--add] add a diversion. --remove remove the diversion. --list [] show file diversions. --listpackage show what package diverts the file. --truename return the diverted file. Comparison operators for --compare-versions are: lt le eq ne ge gt (treat empty version as earlier than any version); lt-nl le-nl ge-nl gt-nl (treat empty version as later than any version); < << <= = >= >> > (only for compatibility with control file syntax). Configuration file '%s' Configuration file '%s' (actually '%s') Configure any package which may help this oneDe-configuring %s (%s) ... De-configuring %s (%s), to allow removal of %s (%s) ... Debian %s package management program query tool version %s. Debian %s package trigger utility version %s. Debian %s version %s. Debian '%s' package archive backend version %s. Debian '%s' package management program version %s. Debian '%s' package split/join tool; version %s. Deleted %s. Dependencies and conflictsDescriptionDesired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) Do not chroot into maintainer script environmentDo not perform safe I/O operations when unpackingErrors were encountered while processing: Exit status: 0 = ok 1 = with --auto, file is not a part 2 = trouble File '%.250s' is not part of a multipart archive. Format syntax: A format is a string that will be output for each package. The format can include the standard escape sequences \n (newline), \r (carriage return) or \\ (plain backslash). Package information can be included by inserting variable references to package fields using the ${var[;width]} syntax. Fields will be right-aligned unless the width is negative in which case left alignment will be used. Generally helpful progress informationIgnoring request to remove shared diversion '%s'. Ignoring request to rename file '%s' owned by diverting package '%s' Information about %d package was updated. Information about %d packages was updated. Insane amounts of drivelInstall a package even if it fails authenticity checkInstall even if it would break another packageInstalling new version of config file %s ... Invocation and status of maintainer scriptsJunk files left around in the depot directory: Leaving '%s' Lots of dependencies/conflicts outputLots of drivel about eg the dpkg/info directoryLots of output for each configuration fileLots of output for each file processedLots of output regarding triggersMSDOS end of file (^Z) in field name '%.*s'MSDOS end of file (^Z) in value of field '%.*s' (missing newline?)More than one copy of package %s has been unpacked in this run ! Only configuring it once. NameNo diversion '%s', none removed. Note: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbinNothing to configure.Offer to replace config files with no new versionsOptions: --admindir= Use instead of %s. --by-package= Override trigger awaiter (normally set by dpkg). --await Package needs to await the processing. --no-await No package needs to await the processing. --no-act Just test - don't actually change anything. Options: --depotdir Use instead of %s/%s. -S|--partsize In KiB, for -s (default is 450). -o|--output Filename, for -j (default is __.deb). -Q|--npquiet Be quiet when -a is not a part. --msdos Generate 8.3 filenames. Options: -v, --verbose Enable verbose output. -D, --debug Enable debugging output. --showformat= Use alternative format for --show. --deb-format= Select archive format. Allowed values: 0.939000, 2.0 (default). --nocheck Suppress control file check (build bad packages). --root-owner-group Forces the owner and groups to root. --[no-]uniform-compression Use the compression params on all members. -z# Set the compression level when building. -Z Set the compression type used when building. Allowed types: gzip, xz, none. -S Set the compression strategy when building. Allowed values: none; extreme (xz); filtered, huffman, rle, fixed (gzip). Output for each configuration fileOutput for each file processedOverwrite a diverted file with an undiverted versionOverwrite a file from one package with anotherOverwrite one package's directory with another's filePATH is missing important programs, problems likelyPATH is not setPackage %s is on hold, not touching it. Use --force-hold to override. Package %s listed more than once, only processing once. Package '%s' does not contain any files (!) Packages not yet reassembled: Part %d of package %s filed (still want PathPre-Depends fieldPreparing to unpack %s ... Press to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: PriorityProcess even packages with wrong or no architectureProcess even packages with wrong versionsProcessing triggers for %s (%s) ... Processing was halted because there were too many errors. Purging configuration files for %s (%s) ... Putting package %s together from %d part: Putting package %s together from %d parts: Recorded info about %s from %s. Remove an essential packageRemove packages which require installationRemoving %s (%s) ... Removing '%s' Replace a package with a lower versionReplaced by files in installed package %s (%s) ... Replacing available packages info, using %s. Replacing files in old package %s (%s) ... Run update-alternatives to modify system alternative selectionsSelecting previously unselected package %s. SelectionSet all force optionsSetting up %s (%s) ... Silly amounts of output regarding triggersSkip invalid line: %sSkip unknown alternative %s.Skipping unselected package %s. Splitting package %s into %d part: Splitting package %s into %d parts: StatusThe following packages are awaiting processing of triggers that they have activated in other packages. This processing can be requested using dselect or dpkg --configure --pending (or dpkg --triggers-only): The following packages are in a mess due to serious problems during installation. They must be reinstalled for them (and any packages that depend on them) to function properly: The following packages are missing the list control file in the database, they need to be reinstalled: The following packages are missing the md5sums control file in the database, they need to be reinstalled: The following packages are only half configured, probably due to problems configuring them the first time. The configuration should be retried using dpkg --configure or the configure menu option in dselect: The following packages are only half installed, due to problems during installation. The installation can probably be completed by retrying it; the packages can be removed using dselect or dpkg --remove: The following packages do not have an architecture: The following packages have an illegal architecture: The following packages have an unknown foreign architecture, which will cause dependency issues on front-ends. This can be fixed by registering the foreign architecture with dpkg --add-architecture: The following packages have been triggered, but the trigger processing has not yet been done. Trigger processing can be requested using dselect or dpkg --configure --pending (or dpkg --triggers-only): The following packages have been unpacked but not yet configured. They must be configured using dpkg --configure or the configure menu option in dselect for them to work: There is %d choice for the alternative %s (providing %s).There are %d choices for the alternative %s (providing %s).There is no program which provides %s.There is only one alternative in link group %s (providing %s): %sThis is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty. Trigger activation and processingTry to (de)install things even when not rootTurn all dependency problems into warningsTurn dependency version problems into warningsType 'exit' when you're done. Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*]; Use 'apt' or 'aptitude' for user-friendly package management; Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values; Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options; Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files; Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through 'less' or 'more' !Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files; Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages.Type dpkg-split --help for help.Type dpkg-trigger --help for help about this utility.Unpacking %s (%s) ... Unpacking %s (%s) over (%s) ... Updating available packages info, using %s. Usage: %s [