{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Modernizr http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/javascripts/libraries/Modernizr 1921654 http://www.modernizr.com 3.11.3 19 1 30-06-2020 4.1.7 Modernizr is a small JavaScript library that detects the availability of native implementations for next-generation web technologies, i.e. features that stem from the HTML5 and CSS3 specifications.

Many of these features are already implemented in at least one major browser (most of them in two or more), and what Modernizr does is, very simply, tell you whether the current browser has this feature natively implemented or not.

Modernizr is available under the MIT and BSD licenses.
Features detected by Modernizr

CSS features
Feature Modernizr JS object property / CSS classname
@font-face fontface
background-size border-image
border-radius borderradius
box-shadow boxshadow
Flexible Box Model flexbox

HTML5 features
Feature Modernizr JS object property / CSS classname
applicationCache applicationcache
Canvas canvas
Canvas Text canvastext
Drag and Drop draganddrop
hashchange Event hashchange
History Management history
HTML5 Audio audio
HTML5 Video video

Feature Modernizr JS object property / CSS classname
Geolocation API geolocation
Inline SVG inlinesvg
SMIL smil
SVG svg
SVG Clip paths svgclippaths
Touch Events touch
WebGL webgl