{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/MODX http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/cms/MODX 57703694 http://modxcms.com/ 3.1.1-pl 83 18-02-2025 manager 2.8.0 4.5.4 MODX helps you take control of your online content. An Open Source PHP application framework, it frees you to build sites exactly how you want and make them 100% yours. Zero restrictions and fast to build. Super-simple templates in regular HTML/CSS/JS (any lib you want). Registered user systems and a killer community. Welcome to web-building nirvana.

MODX is released under the GNU/GPL license.
For Site Owners & Companies

Safe & Secure

Boardroom Friendly

Total Creative Freedom

Unparalleled Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Install Add-ons from Within the App

New Manager with Built-in Customization

Enterprise-class Security, User Model & Authentication

Fluent in i18n and l10n

For Site Admins & Geeks

Object-Oriented Core & API


Caching that Scales

Content Filtering

Content Parser with Partial Page Caching

Extend without Resorting to Hacks

Custom Everything

Override Everything

Native JSON & Message Queue

Core Logging

New password. Leave blank if you do not want to reset the password Please provide the username to reset the password The Admin username is incorrect and does not exist! Could not encrypt admin password because the domain is not pointing to the correct server