'defer']); $soft_ai = [ 'i18n' => [], 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('softaculous_ai_nonce'), 'ajax_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'ai_icon_url' => SOFTACULOUS_PRO_PLUGIN_URL .'/assets/images/softaculous-ai.svg', ]; $tokens = get_option('softaculous_ai_tokens', []); if(!empty($tokens)){ $soft_ai['tokens'] = $tokens; } wp_localize_script('softaculous_ai_base', 'soft_ai', $soft_ai); wp_enqueue_script( 'softaculous_ai_gb', SOFTACULOUS_PRO_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/ai/build/index.js', // Load from the build directory array('wp-blocks', 'wp-element', 'wp-editor', 'wp-components', 'react-jsx-runtime', 'softaculous_ai_base'), time(), ['strategy' => 'defer'] ); // The API provides better output as markdown compared to html, thats why we need this markdown library to convert the markdown to html. wp_enqueue_script( 'softaculous_ai_marked', SOFTACULOUS_PRO_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/marked.min.js', array('softaculous_ai_base'), time(), ['strategy' => 'defer'] ); } function softaculous_ai_generation(){ global $softaculous_pro, $softaculous_pro_settings; check_admin_referer('softaculous_ai_nonce', 'nonce'); if(!current_user_can('manage_options')){ wp_send_json_error(__('You do not have required privilege', 'softaculous-pro')); } $content = wp_kses_post(wp_unslash($_REQUEST['content'])); $prompt = wp_kses_post(wp_unslash($_REQUEST['prompt'])); $shortcut = sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_REQUEST['shortcut'])); $license = !empty($softaculous_pro['license']['license']) ? $softaculous_pro['license']['license'] : ''; // We need atleast a prompt or a shortcut if(empty($prompt) && empty($shortcut)){ wp_send_json_error(__('Please write a Prompt, for the AI to generate content', 'softaculous-pro')); } // Shortcut requires content, but a prompt does not, // shortcuts are meant to be used to process content, // where as a Prompt can be used to process as well as generate content. if(!empty($shortcut) && empty($content)){ wp_send_json_error(__('AI shortcut can not be applied without any content.', 'softaculous-pro')); } $res = wp_remote_post(SOFTACULOUS_PRO_AI_API, [ 'timeout' => 30, 'body' => [ 'prompt' => $prompt, 'shortcut' => $shortcut, 'content' => $content, 'license' => $license ] ]); if(empty($res)){ wp_send_json_error(__('Unable to complete this request', 'softaculous-pro')); } if(is_wp_error($res)){ $error_string = $res->get_error_message(); wp_send_json_error($error_string); } $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($res); if(empty($body)){ wp_send_json_error(__('The AI API responsed with empty response', 'softaculous-pro')); } $ai_content = json_decode($body, true); $res_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($res); if($res_code > 299){ wp_send_json_error($ai_content['error']); } // Bulding the history data if(!isset($ai_content['error']) && isset($softaculous_pro_settings['ai_history_duration']) && $softaculous_pro_settings['ai_history_duration'] > 0){ $history_data = []; if(!empty($content)){ $history['content'] = $content; $title = (strlen($content) > 100 ? substr($content, 100) : $content); } if(!empty($prompt)){ $history['prompt'] = $prompt; $title = (strlen($prompt) > 100 ? substr($prompt, 100) : $prompt); } if(empty($prompt) && !empty($shortcut)){ $history['shortcut'] = $shortcut; $title = spro_parse_shortcuts($shortcut); } if(!empty($ai_content['ai'])){ $history['assistant'] = wp_kses_post(wp_unslash($ai_content['ai'])); } // Saving the history wp_insert_post([ 'post_title' => $title, 'post_type' => 'spro_ai_history', 'post_content' => serialize($history), ]); } // Saving token data if(!empty($ai_content['used_tokens'])){ update_option('softaculous_ai_tokens', [ 'used_tokens' => sanitize_text_field($ai_content['used_tokens']), 'total_tokens' => sanitize_text_field($ai_content['total_tokens']) ], false); } wp_send_json_success($ai_content); } function softaculous_ai_history(){ check_admin_referer('softaculous_ai_nonce', 'nonce'); if(!current_user_can('manage_options')){ wp_send_json_error(__('You do not have required privilege', 'softaculous-pro')); } $history_id = sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_POST['history_id'])); $offset = (int) sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_POST['offset'])); $history = []; if(!empty($history_id)){ $query = new WP_Query([ 'post_type' => ['spro_ai_history'], 'page_id' => $history_id, ]); if($query->have_posts()){ while($query->have_posts()){ $query->the_post(); $history = unserialize(get_the_content()); } } // Restore to original post wp_reset_postdata(); wp_send_json_success($history); } else { $query = new WP_Query([ 'post_type' => ['spro_ai_history'], 'posts_per_page' => 20, 'offset' => $offset, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', ]); } if($query->have_posts()){ while($query->have_posts()){ $query->the_post(); $single['title'] = get_the_title(); $single['date'] = get_the_date(); $single['id'] = get_the_ID(); array_push($history, $single); } } // Restore to original post wp_reset_postdata(); $total_count = wp_count_posts('spro_ai_history')->draft; // Getting the total count wp_send_json_success(['history' => $history , 'total' => $total_count]); } function spro_parse_shortcuts($shortcut){ $supported_languages = ['arabic', 'chinese', 'czech', 'danish', 'dutch', 'english', 'finnish', 'french', 'german', 'greek', 'hindi', 'hebrew', 'hungarian', 'indonesian', 'italian', 'japanese', 'korean', 'marathi', 'punjabi', 'persian', 'polish', 'portuguese', 'russian', 'spanish', 'swedish', 'thai', 'turkish', 'vietnamese']; $supported_tones = ['casual', 'confidence', 'formal', 'friendly', 'inspirational', 'motivational', 'nostalgic', 'playful', 'professional', 'scientific', 'straightforward', 'witty']; $other_shortcuts = ['shorter' => 'Make it shorter', 'longer' => 'Make it longer', 'simplify' => 'Simplify the language', 'grammer' => 'Fix Spelling and Grammer']; if(in_array($shortcut, $supported_languages)){ return 'Translate to ' . ucfirst($shortcut); } if(in_array($shortcut, $supported_tones)){ return 'Change the tone of the content to ' . ucfirst($shortcut); } if(array_key_exists($shortcut, $other_shortcuts)){ return $other_shortcuts[$shortcut]; } return $shortcut; } function spro_delete_older_history($delete_all = false){ global $softaculous_pro_settings; $history_duration = (int) $softaculous_pro_settings['ai_history_duration']; if($history_duration < 1){ return; } $x_days_ago = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-'.$history_duration.' days')); $query = new WP_Query([ 'post_type' => 'spro_ai_history', 'date_query'=> [ [ 'column' => 'post_date', 'before' => $x_days_ago, ], ], 'posts_per_page' => -1, ]); if($query->have_posts()){ while($query->have_posts()){ $query->the_post(); wp_delete_post(get_the_ID(), true); } wp_reset_postdata(); } set_transient('spro_history_transient', time(), DAY_IN_SECONDS); }