import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { useCallback, useEffect } from '@wordpress/element'; import { useActivityStore } from '@shared/state/activity'; import { create } from 'zustand'; import { devtools, persist, createJSONStorage } from 'zustand/middleware'; import { routes as aiRoutes } from '@draft/pages/GenerateImage'; import { routes as generalRoutes } from '@draft/pages/Home'; import { routes as unsplashRoutes } from '@draft/pages/Unsplash'; const pages = [...generalRoutes, ...aiRoutes, ...unsplashRoutes]; const state = (set, get) => ({ history: [], viewedPages: [], current: null, goBack: () => { if (get().history.length < 2) return; const nextPage = get().history[1]; useActivityStore .getState() .incrementActivity(`draft-${nextPage.slug}-back`); set((state) => ({ history: state.history.slice(1), current: nextPage, })); }, setCurrent: (page) => { if (!page) return; // If history is the same, dont add (they pressed the same button) if (get().history[0]?.slug === page.slug) return; set((state) => { const lastViewedAt = new Date().toISOString(); const firstViewedAt = lastViewedAt; const visited = state.viewedPages.find((a) => a.slug === page.slug); return { history: [page, ...state.history].filter(Boolean), current: page, viewedPages: [ // Remove the page if it's already in the list ...state.viewedPages.filter((a) => a.slug !== page.slug), // Either add the page or update the count visited ? { ...visited, count: visited.count + 1, lastViewedAt } : { slug: page.slug, firstViewedAt, lastViewedAt, count: 1, }, ], }; }); }, }); const path = '/extendify/v1/draft/router-data'; const storage = { getItem: async () => await apiFetch({ path }), setItem: async (_name, state) => await apiFetch({ path, method: 'POST', data: { state } }), }; const useRouterState = create( persist(devtools(state, { name: 'Extendify Draft Router' }), { name: 'extendify-draft-router', storage: createJSONStorage(() => storage), skipHydration: true, partialize: ({ viewedPages }) => ({ viewedPages }), }), ); export const useRouter = () => { const { current, setCurrent, history, goBack } = useRouterState(); const Component = current?.component ?? (() => null); useEffect(() => { if (current) return; setCurrent(pages[0]); }, [current, setCurrent]); return { current, CurrentPage: useCallback( () => (