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For lines that contain requirements, the only options that have an effect are from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ, and they are scoped to the requirement. Other options from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS may be present, but are ignored. For lines that do not contain requirements, the only options that have an effect are from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS. Options from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ may be present, but are ignored. These lines may contain multiple options (although our docs imply only one is supported), and all our parsed and affect the finder. :param constraint: If True, parsing a constraints file. :param options: OptionParser options that we may update Nutf8z%s %s (line %s)z-cz-rF)risolatedrrr)rr default_vcsr,rT)rrz--allow-external has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Due to changes in the repository protocol, it no longer has any effect.z--allow-all-external has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Due to changes in the repository protocol, it no longer has any effect.z--allow-unverified has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Due to changes in the repository protocol, it no longer has any effect.css|]}d|dfVqdS)*Nr )r hostr r r szprocess_line..)r(r)r*)8 build_parserZget_default_values index_urlZformat_controlbreak_args_optionssys version_infoencode parse_argsshlexsplitZ isolated_moder Zcheck_install_build_globalSUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ_DEST__dict__rZ from_lineZ editablesr-Z from_editable requirements constraints SCHEME_REsearch urllib_parseZurljoinospathjoindirnamer require_hashesallow_externalwarningswarnrallow_all_externalZallow_unverifiedZ index_urls use_wheelpipindexZfmt_ctl_no_use_wheelno_indexZextra_index_urlsextend find_linksabspathexistsappendpreZallow_all_prereleasesprocess_dependency_linksZ trusted_hostsZsecure_origins)rrrrrrrrrparserZdefaultsZargs_strZ options_strZoptsrZline_comes_fromr,Z req_optionsr r-Zreq_pathZnested_constraintr valueZreq_dirZrelative_to_reqs_filer r rrns                   rcCsh|jd}g}|dd}x8|D]0}|jds8|jdr.parser_exit)optparseZ OptionParserSUPPORTED_OPTIONSSUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQZ add_optionexit)rUZoption_factoriesZoption_factoryZoptionr`r r rr1s  r1ccsd}g}x|D]x\}}|jd s,tj|rntj|r>d|}|rb|j||dj|fVg}q||fVq|sv|}|j|jdqW|r|dj|fVdS)zJoins a line ending in '' with the previous line (except when following comments). The joined line takes on the index of the first line. N\rW)endswith COMMENT_REmatchrRrCstrip)rZprimary_line_numberZnew_linerrr r rr%"s    r%ccs8x2|D]*\}}tjd|}|j}|r||fVqWdS)z1 Strips comments and filter empty lines. rfN)rhsubrj)rrrr r rr&?s  r&cs2|r |jnd}|r.tj|tfdd|}|S)zs Skip lines that match '--skip-requirements-regex' pattern Note: the regex pattern is only built once Ncsj|dS)Nr!)r?)e)patternr rTszskip_regex..)Zskip_requirements_regexrecompiler)rrr'r )rmrr'Js  r')NNNNFN)NNNNNF)@__doc__Z __future__rrAror8r4rarGZpip._vendor.six.moves.urllibrr@Zpip._vendor.six.movesrrKZ pip.downloadrZpip.req.req_installrZpip.exceptionsrZpip.utils.deprecationrr __all__rpIr>rhr=Zeditabler<rMr2rOZextra_index_urlrFrIZno_allow_externalZ allow_unsafeZno_allow_unsaferJZ no_use_wheelZ always_unzipZ no_binaryZ only_binaryrSrTZ trusted_hostrErbZinstall_optionsZglobal_optionshashrcr:r rrr3r1r%r&r'r r r rsn